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Photos: 13Years After Dropping Out From School To Follow His Dreams Mark Zuckerberg Finally Graduates from Harvard

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who created the social network in his dorm room at Harvard University, has finally graduated from the institution today, May 25th.

The 32-year-old quit Harvard in 2004 to become an entrepreneur. With the receipt of a degree 13 years later, Zuckerberg has updated his study period at the university on his Facebook profile.

He shared the above photo with his parents and wrote;

“Mom, I always told you I’d come back and get my degree.”




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  1. If he never graduated he has no moral right to tell his children to graduate from the university.

  2. Congratulations may God be with you

  3. to people that says education is nt d only way to survive, they ar right bt without education u wil b sidelined one day in one way or d other

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