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Man Goes Up In Flames After His Phone E x p l o d e d Inside His Pocket (Video)

A video shared online shows a man in flames running around a mall and online reports claimed the fire was caused by a mobile phone which exploded in his pocket.

There are conflicting reports, however. Some say it happened in Dubai Mall on June 4, others say it took place in the city of Agadir in Morocco on June 3.

On its official Twitter account, the Dubai Civil Defence explained that the fire was caused due to a faulty mobile phone that exploded in the victim’s pocket. However, they stated that the incident did not take place anywhere in the UAE.

According to Moroccan news site Agadir24, the man who went up in flames is a 30-year-old criminal and the incident happened at the entrance of the Marjane supermarket in Morocco on June 3rd.

Agadir24 reports that the man who has a criminal record first entered the mall on Sunday morning to steal. This wouldn’t go down well with anyone, especially if he was to apply for jobs in the future. Companies don’t want to employ someone they may not be able to trust. This is why software such as the one found on sites like https://www.turningpointdata.com/ could be an important feature for any recruitment process.

He was caught in the act of shoplifting and was forced to pay for it or go to prison. If you have found yourself in this position then you may want to contact someone like these philadelphia criminal lawyers to get legal help. What this man does next though is unbelievable. Once the stolen object was paid for, he left the store, only to return later in the afternoon equipped with a flammable product with which he set himself on fire. Such acts are likely to leave him with that record, which means once he recovers he will struggle to travel. Other countries have similar laws, requiring such things as a Canadian Pardon to enter and work in their borders again.

He suffered second and third-degree burns and was taken to Hassan II Hospital in Agadir by law enforcement who arrived at the scene.

Watch the video below.





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