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Photos: Legendary Nigerian Footballer Kanu Nwankwo Buries His Mum


Nigerian Football Legend, Kanu Nwankwo, yesterday December 3rd buried his late mum, Susan Nwannediya Kanu at his hometown – Amannagwu village- Arochukwu in Abia State.

His mum died on the 7th of September and she was aged 82. Her remains arrived Arochukwu on Friday Dec. 3, 2016 for service of songs at her residence Amannagwu -Arochukwu.

Funeral Service held 10am at the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria Amannagwu. May her soul rest in perfect peace.

See The Photos Below:

kanu-buries-mum-01 kanu-buries-mum-02 kanu-buries-mum-03 kanu-buries-mum-04 kanu-buries-mum-05 kanu-buries-mum-06 kanu-buries-mum-07


Nwankwo and wife stepping out for thanksgiving, after his mom’s burial




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