Sunday , 22 September 2024
Home +OK News +OK Meet The Woman Whom Barrack Obama, Proposed To Twice And She Rejected Him Twice Before He Mmet Michelle

Meet The Woman Whom Barrack Obama, Proposed To Twice And She Rejected Him Twice Before He Mmet Michelle

Barack Obama proposed to a woman who rejected him not once but twice … before he met Michelle — this according to a new biography.
The woman is Sheila Miyoshi Jager. David Garrow, author of the new book, “Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama,” says Obama met Jager in the mid-’80s when he was doing community organizing in Chicago.

Jager, of Dutch and Japanese ancestry, told Garrow even back then, Obama had a strong belief he’d someday become President of the United States. She also told the author Obama had “a deep-seated need to be loved and admired.”

She says in 1986 Obama asked her to marry him, but her parents were opposed because they thought she was too young. She said no, but they continued dating.

Then, Garrow says, Obama’s presidential ambitions became a centerpiece of their relationship, causing a conflict because he worried a non-African-American spouse would do him political damage.

Garrow says he “felt trapped between the woman he loved and the destiny he knew was his.”

Obama went to Harvard Law School in 1988 and the relationship was on the ropes, but Jager says Obama again asked her to marry him before he left, but she was off on a research trip to Seoul and rejected his proposal.

Obama fell for Michelle after their first year in law school but, according to Garrow, he was still occasionally seeing Jager.

As for Jager, she’s a professor of East Asian Studies at Oberlin College. And there’s this fun fact: Her book, “Iraqi Security Forces and Lessons from Korea” was on Osama bin Laden‘s bookshelf in the compound where Seal Team Six killed him.




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  2. Don’t mind that racist idiot called her self Jäger, and her racist family ?

  3. BarakObama don’t joke with idiots all i know is he is strong and perfect very creative one of the best presidents of Al times Michelle was for you n you are for him. go high up guys don’t mind the dgos bark

  4. BarakObama don’t joke with idiots all i know is he is strong and perfect very creative one of the best presidents of Al times Michelle was for you n you are for him. go high up guys don’t mind the dgos bark

  5. Apparently garrow looking for attention. He may ask u twice but he end up with michelle. so yuh lose

  6. In her lifetime she should have be a first lady so who loose?

  7. So what now ? If you are educated enough then must you really announced to the public your reget that’s too obvious dude lol

  8. Too bad, she is now an unknown author who has a book read by Osama bin Laden. She wishes she had said YES to Obama, but it’s too late. What else can she say…? Oh, Obama had a NEED to be loved? Just like you and 7 billion other people walking the earth? What’s your point Mrs Looser?

  9. Stanley Godwin

    Thank God that the right woman came at the right time

  10. What is the point of this article?

  11. So you had to shoot ur mouth off about him cheating with you for what, Attention? Lol left u looking stupid.we dont care, he found his perfect match.

  12. God is so great who make it that way Obama would have been a looser if u accepted him, Michel come to defined his dream thank god fro Michel who make it that way Obama is d best, and an example of a good husband

  13. Innocent okwori

    If she had accepted his proposal his destiny will have Change Michelle was the right better wife.

  14. Old crust over and done with.

  15. I’m ashamed of the comments on this thread. This reflects the depth of decadence in Nigerian education system. This was never about a woman seeking attention. Obviously, she was interviewed by the author of Obama’s new biography. It’s normal for biographer to meet with the people connected to a particular story they are working on. Reading well, you see that it was the author quoting her from the interview he had with her. This is an accomplished professor. She might not have the fame like Obama, but she is not a looser. If this were to be a comprehensive passage, you guys commenting rubbish will have a resit.

  16. All this is worth a laugh. “And so what”?

  17. Everyone s biased. .. Its just how the news was reported,