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Malawian Mother Marries Her Own Son, Says She Spent A Lot Of Money On His Education

According to Tunde Ednut and other online sources a 47 Year old malawian woman has married her biological son who is aged 30 all because she spent alot of money on his education.

checkout some reactions below;

Memory Njemani says another woman can not come in to be married to her son after her hard work in educating the son.

She says it is high time she enjoys herself with her son because they both worked hard.

“I invested alot of money in the education of my son. Why should another woman be married to him and enjoy my hard work I invested in him? That will not happen. I’m marrying my son so that we don’t empower other women who have been aborting ” she lamented.

Meanwhile society is rebuking the move charging that the woman is a witch and must be burnt to ashes.

The public says she bewitched her son to marry her not the claims she is making.

The two have since married and are staying together.

Spurce: Malawian News.




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  1. God free Enemartha

    That’s serious ..

  2. It’s madness.The two should be taken to the mental hospital.

  3. Why are you advocating murder? She is disgusting and you are evil.

  4. I’d like to know how much she spend in his education? I have the money to pay for her to set her son free from abominations and witchcraft

  5. She is useless

  6. That woman is evil this is a sign of end time

  7. Nawa ooohhh!!!

  8. The woman is enjoying the fruit of her labour…… “What a life”



  10. This woman is a witch! She obviously doesn’t want her son to be happy. God will punish her!

  11. She is v. Stupid. Married own son. God will punish her.

  12. Is There Law In Malawi??
    What Does The President Say?
    Shame On [Us] We Africans!!

  13. It’s against the culture but then again we’re living in a new world with free choices, when you choose to do something no matter how wrong it seem to be but you don’t affect anyone around you then that’s your own burden. Then why should you care about someone’s burden that has no harm on you.

  14. shocking,ive run out of words



  16. May God have mercy

  17. It’s wrong and misleading,to our people

  18. evile indeed

  19. Does she look like 47yrs old? No i dont think so..this is a FAKE NEWS.

  20. She must be an idiot, how much is it that she spent that she won’t set her son free for other women to enjoy?

  21. Interesting!!! Where is this world heading to self?

  22. its not madness my dear,dis are tins dat happened 400BC so its frm d beginning.

  23. #100

    http:// frontpageng. com/n100-one-hundred-naira/

  24. That’s a big taboo.

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  25. People that sleep with they child and the one that marry to his child are same thing, not a new thing again till the last day, God’s watching Us

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