Wednesday , 16 October 2024
Home +OK News +OK “Hσmσsexuality Is Not Evil” – Charly Boy

“Hσmσsexuality Is Not Evil” – Charly Boy

charly-denrele-1 (1)

Controversial media personality, Charly Boy airs his opinion on homosexuality.

According to him, times are changing and what is evil to him are the men in uniform who sold Nigeria and rendered most people hopeless, future less, obnoxiously poor in a land filled with plenty.

He wrote on his website,

“Judge Not.

Recently, there was this trending story of an American who married his Nigerian gay partner, David Shoen-Ukre, in New York on July 30, who accused Nigerian bloggers, of causing the couple harm by publishing their stories without permission.

The rain of curses/abuse, and the terrible judgemental comments that ensued after the story broke, was incredible. Many concluded that the couples were Evil. I have never seen hate and ignorance come so alive in words.

While I cannot speak louder than the stupidity of other people who will disagree with me on this, NO, being gay is not Evil!!

A man marrying a man maybe a hard pill for a lot of us to digest, but the world has changed even since I took a dump this morning.

Don’t judge others simply because they sin differently than you. Every aspect of humans are diverse. Skin color, tribal marks/culture, height/weight, religious beliefs/tastes, everyone thinks differently and are different. We see what we see from where we stand.

What is Evil to me, are the men in Agbada/Uniform who sold are country, our future and rendered most of us hopeless, future less, obnoxiously poor in a land filled with plenty. They are the VERY EVIL ONE’s, and we are feeling the effect of their EVIL.”

Just recently Denrele Edun cleared the air on why he kissed the musician on the lips.

He explained the photo, saying, “We were shooting a film of two different generations with similarities. Later that evening, we were posing for shots like father and son. Jokingly, he planted a kiss on my lips and that was it. Before, we knew what was happening, the picture was everywhere.”

Recall that five years ago, Denrele and Charly Boy were in the news for a picture which surfaced and went viral of him and fellow controversial musician Charly Boy kissing on the lips.




  1. Some people need to go back to elementary school, they can just read but cannot comprehend. So bad

  2. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    Listen guys.. we all need to agree to disagree..

  3. Ak Ferari Morakinyo

    God will punish you stupid idiot

  4. Kikikikiki….. With no regrets this man na goat

  5. Tom Chronixx Njie


  6. Tom Chronixx Njie


  7. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid stop exchanging words with morons , they ignored issues they should be bothered about to focus on anothers man’s way of life…even the poorest of them turns to a radio when they hear one is gay..
    live your lives and let others live

  8. Fidelis Emakoji Agboni

    Brought up well, and living stupid. See my wife and I, that is how it meant to be.

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  10. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    Lol yes Tony Cag
    . You are right..U0001f60a

  11. Faith Oluomachi Chike

    can’t stop laughing

  12. But being homosexual is not evilU0001f615U0001f615 so tf is yalls point

  13. Ang Ferešte Malaika

    Tom Chronixx Njie Im great are you? The bible doesn’t grade sin…and clearly states ALL have sinned. Unfortunately people seem to think some sins are worse than others. If you believe in the bible, a person who is gay and a person who lies, steals, cheat etc will all go to hell.

  14. And you people are scientists who have conducted research into human sexuality or what..? What exactly is your basis for declaring that it is not a natural occurrence? #dangerouslyignorantNigerians

  15. Taaa ,shut up your mouth there. Onye ara.

  16. Danlami Yandiski

    To uwarkace shege Dan iska.

  17. Odigie Eric Edoze Balogun

    Dis CHARLIE BOY is a BIG fool

  18. Tom Chronixx Njie


  19. Gabrielle Chienjo

    Abhulimen Oluwamuyiwa Jude… Come see your persons o

  20. Foolish man wid useless thoughts

  21. He needs the prayer of Ugonna Chinedu, who is standing to conceal the Evil minded deeds of Charley boy, who knows if he is his cohorts battling to overthrow a clear a concept.what God hates can not be compromise irrespective of who stands victims, am happy I don’t have such unpleasant devilish entertainment for my people ok

  22. Tom Chronixx Njie


  23. Joyce Hiikyaa Terhemba

    Not surprise cos you are mentally derail

  24. Mad man useless

  25. Dis guy gerrut abegy!

  26. This 1 ain’t fit for airplay!!!

  27. The Devil is a LIE!!!

  28. John, am ignorant cos i dnt agree with u, if its ignorant to agree wit u am cool wit it, bt i based on my beliv of christainity and sanity its wrong, God made it clear in his word, n God was here b4 science so am sure hez nt rong. Iluminated John of the Johnson clan, LOL. #nobody is born gay o John take it o leave it, as d ignorant Nigerian home dat i am i hv learnt “a word is enof for d wise”.
    P.s for an ignorant person hmm am tryin u knw. Lol

  29. Hell is real, repent before it will be too late

  30. Hell is real, repent before it will be too late

  31. Get your ass whipped in Africa

  32. Get your ass whipped in Africa

  33. I was scrolling until I found a Leviticus response!!! Thank you!

  34. I was scrolling until I found a Leviticus response!!! Thank you!

  35. Chris Lion Wanye

    Make dem carry dis guy go mission road go cure now

  36. Chris Lion Wanye

    Make dem carry dis guy go mission road go cure now

  37. true jesus is on his way

  38. Then your the Devil


  40. Ode charly boy

  41. Human copying from animal is also an animal.

  42. Jim Obinna Jimmy

    Go n DIE

  43. Jim Obinna Jimmy

    U r ok ????

  44. Meh. This is a boring article. He’s gay. He’s also a personality so he is over the top. I dont see the issue. As long as he is not hurting anyone, non of my damn business.

  45. Nkosinathi Madonsela

    I don’t even know these Charlie dude. But i read the piece and tuned in for the incredibly dumbfounding commentary. Africa has a long way to go. 🙁

  46. Homosexuality could be a hormonal imbalance and if physicians could work its resolution, then they can become normal males and females.

  47. Eunice Schoenfelder

    It’s a demon spirit you need derivalance in Jesus name

  48. Jim Obinna Jimmy

    GOD punish you all saying gay is not EVIL

  49. Is that charly boy God for him to say homosexsual is not evil i think his father devil gave wisdom to say that

  50. Ur mother !!……stating from today till u die……

  51. Brooke Ebenezer Bombshellgyal

    Omg stop the drama he is gay and it’s not evil

  52. U only read wat science say, pls theories are nt fact, lyk “the world was once tot flat bt its a sphere nw”
    We are organism of evolution, how many apes hw evolved over d years.
    Ignorance to me is wen am mindin my biznes i see a post comment den sumbody feels d need to insult me to make a point.

  53. @Jennifer, if u have a frnd who is gay n u refuse to tell him to change n repent from his evil way, he will die but his blood will be on ur head. but if u tell him n he refuse to listen, he will die in his wicked way but u will be free of guilt. let us preach dis gospel to everyone. Gay practice is evil

  54. Brooke Ebenezer Bombshellgyal

    Why is it evil U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602 ?

  55. Brooke Ebenezer Bombshellgyal

    Why is it evil wtf U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602 ?

  56. Brooke Ebenezer Bombshellgyal

    It is not evil please worry about the things which are really evil

  57. Thank you so much for that! Everyone commenting here did at least one of those things quoted but everybody is just talking about how homosexuality is evil.
    They are a joke!

  58. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    Who am I or you to tell someone who to be and how to live..nakisitu.. girl.. your comment dosent even make sense.. sooooooooo U0001f60a

  59. Brooke Ebenezer Bombshellgyal

    Janet Phoenix Liseth De La Cruz braaaaa the comments are sooooo stupid

  60. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    Get on with your lives..that all we need to do..

  61. Brooke Ebenezer Bombshellgyal

    It is not a choice please !!

  62. Yea gay is evil quite alright but first work on your self before looking for someone else to condemn cos you no holy pass.. Just the way the Bible condemned homosexuality and lesbianism it also condemned fornication, adultery and idolatry, stealing …. How many people can proudly be innocent of the above mentioned. If you fornicate or are guilty of the above mentioned you are no better than a gay man… I totally don’t support the act but take the log out of your own eyes before looking for any in someone’s eyes… You no holy pass jare.

  63. @ Godpower Francis, exactly what I’ve been saying here, that God is the only Judge when sodom and Gomorrah time was up he condemned and pronounced judgment. He did the judging not Lot or Abraham!! Take note of that.

  64. U lyk it or not John nobody, nobody was born gay, take it leave it, am cool wit it eida ways.
    If d so called scientist hv said #nobody is born gay (white scientist of cos) it would hv been ok with John bt since its poor IGNORANT NIGERIAN WOMAN its nt fact? Beliv wat u want i bliv wat i want, God gave us choices dats y you cn tell me rubbish n feel enlighten.

  65. Aids is not a sickness that only gay people have, old lady! If you think so go and educate yourself before you die with this very very low knowledge!

  66. In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 2cor 4:4

  67. U are one of them bro… Take note too. U are just messed up

  68. Madness in d highest order, what a shame anyway i don’t blame u because u see food eat… Dat is y u still open dat ur dirty mouth to vomit rubbish, better keep quite before thunder go fire ur mouth!

  69. Brooke Ebenezer Bombshellgyal

    You guys are evil

  70. Abiodun Adeshola

    Now you say gay is good I think may be u are among of them stupid thing

  71. You are a dead man among the living.

  72. Religious-wise’, God can be responsible for homosexuality.
    Read Romans 1:21-27
    “26For this reason God gave them over to degrading and vile passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural [a function contrary to nature], 27 and in the same way also the men turned away from the natural function of the woman and were consumed with their desire toward one another, men with men committing shameful acts and in return receiving in their own bodies the inevitable and appropriate penalty for their wrongdoing.

  73. John Johnson is a gay… Same sex sexual relationship s not allowed in Africa

  74. Amen! Thank you sooo mich for those words! This is all so true! Thanks! 🙂

  75. For chritian that is wrong

  76. lolzzzz laughing in hebrew. abeg show well well oooo. he deserve am

  77. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    Closed minded ignorance is far worse Abiodun Adeshola..I pray you never need a blood transfusion.. as far as I’m aware all blood looks the same..x

  78. U might be a lesbian

  79. Ommi Chukwujieze

    Ur a dead man

  80. To have said that

  81. I don’t think this man is normal,he has an evil spirit.A grandfather for that matter.shame on him.

  82. Abiodun Adeshola

    Mad man where did you read it dat there is gay God that create Adam and give him eve is not stupid that create them together to be something together

  83. Chika Ethel Ezeh

    Best comment amongst all

  84. Antonio Samir Raith

    this is the old testament, we are NOT under the law anymore, cause Jesus came fullfilled the law and died for us and all our sins!!

  85. Webster Mandimika

    He is a fool

  86. Chika Ethel Ezeh

    Peter ajayi . . u’ve said it all

  87. Ejikemeuwa Chukwuogor

    U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602 Chukwuemeka Chukwuogo read Watin this guy reply give charley boy

  88. Just say u are gay!U0001f60b make sure use condom so many n order not to infect normal pplU0001f605

  89. Arji Chukwuemeka C

    this man is really mad and needs to be isolated from planet earth or kept in the ZOO

  90. Chukwuekezie Opara

    Evil is when you live your life and try to dictate for others how to live theirs.. get a life and learn to mind business..

  91. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    Lol Webster. . As I said earlier..you are no one to me.. just words on a screen U0001f606

  92. Am just passing o.

  93. God has given such group of people reprobate mind, so they don’t see anything wrong with homosexuality and lesbiansm.

  94. Actually, u are 100% dedicated to the devil. Only God can help u charly boy.

  95. Charlie boy abi nah charlie man you must be very sick, at your age of over 50yrs you do not know what is right or wrong! Your dad just wasted the sp..m! Useless father and grand father!

  96. LMAO best comment ever !

  97. Erikah Afriyie Marfo

    U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602this guy is mean !!

  98. Erikah Afriyie Marfo

    Hahahahahahah can’t stop laughing…I laugh enter naijas economy…damn this guy is meanU0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602

  99. This man a devils incarnat

  100. No argument… Shame on you