Wednesday , 16 October 2024
Home +OK News +OK “Hσmσsexuality Is Not Evil” – Charly Boy

“Hσmσsexuality Is Not Evil” – Charly Boy

charly-denrele-1 (1)

Controversial media personality, Charly Boy airs his opinion on homosexuality.

According to him, times are changing and what is evil to him are the men in uniform who sold Nigeria and rendered most people hopeless, future less, obnoxiously poor in a land filled with plenty.

He wrote on his website,

“Judge Not.

Recently, there was this trending story of an American who married his Nigerian gay partner, David Shoen-Ukre, in New York on July 30, who accused Nigerian bloggers, of causing the couple harm by publishing their stories without permission.

The rain of curses/abuse, and the terrible judgemental comments that ensued after the story broke, was incredible. Many concluded that the couples were Evil. I have never seen hate and ignorance come so alive in words.

While I cannot speak louder than the stupidity of other people who will disagree with me on this, NO, being gay is not Evil!!

A man marrying a man maybe a hard pill for a lot of us to digest, but the world has changed even since I took a dump this morning.

Don’t judge others simply because they sin differently than you. Every aspect of humans are diverse. Skin color, tribal marks/culture, height/weight, religious beliefs/tastes, everyone thinks differently and are different. We see what we see from where we stand.

What is Evil to me, are the men in Agbada/Uniform who sold are country, our future and rendered most of us hopeless, future less, obnoxiously poor in a land filled with plenty. They are the VERY EVIL ONE’s, and we are feeling the effect of their EVIL.”

Just recently Denrele Edun cleared the air on why he kissed the musician on the lips.

He explained the photo, saying, “We were shooting a film of two different generations with similarities. Later that evening, we were posing for shots like father and son. Jokingly, he planted a kiss on my lips and that was it. Before, we knew what was happening, the picture was everywhere.”

Recall that five years ago, Denrele and Charly Boy were in the news for a picture which surfaced and went viral of him and fellow controversial musician Charly Boy kissing on the lips.




  1. Homosexuality is devilish and barbaric, In book of Leviticus chapter18:vs22 to 25,my Bible tells me that, thou shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind:it is abomination, Neither shall thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith:Neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto vs 24 defile not yourselves in any of these things,if you do for in all these nations are defile which I cast out before you. Same Leviticus 20:vs13 if a man also lie with his fellow man as he lied With a woman, both of them have committed an abomination:they shall surely be put to Death according to the Bible, their blood shall be upon them vs I5 if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be to DEATH, and ye shall slay the beast, in vs I6 same thing applicable to the woman and there blood shall be upon them, please repent now if you are one of them tomorrow will be to late for you. Charley boy is an old brat making fool of himself like a little boy of yesterday he should wake up from his slumbering.

  2. My brother u be landlord for hellfire

  3. Adeleke Oluwatoyin VickkyToria

    Crazy man.it’s all over you Man. Meet a psychiatrist

  4. He looks weird…

  5. best comment ever!

  6. Funmilola Abiola

    Stupid old fool

  7. He just express himself, everyone have his own right!

  8. Peter Ajayi forget about dem

  9. Na thunder go fire u…..devilish man

  10. This laugh ehh want kill me lol

  11. Nigerians please you guys should learn how to respect people’s opinions , gays people are humans like us they choose to live their lives like that just like some of us out there in our society that choose to be thieves, 419 and terrorist. I keep asking is bad to have a gay frd ?? I can’t imagine the insults you guys are given to this lady simply she said she has one.

  12. Charley boy is gay.

  13. Charlie please open the doorU0001f602U0001f602 nafwa

  14. U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602 Nsofwa ala nimfenta kuno

  15. Winnie Yule Mpole

    Na thunder strike u stupid

  16. It is actually evil

  17. Funniest comment I’ve ever read

  18. Already looking like a demon

  19. Look at the Demon talking… Lol

  20. Robert Craig Leo

    Julian you are foolish like them

  21. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    They can’t help themselves.. they have primitive minds

  22. Ugonna Chinedu JohnBosco

    The same Bible says: ” “No man who has been castrated or whose penis has been cut off may be included among the Lord ‘s people. “No one born out of wedlock or any descendant of such a person, even in the tenth generation, may be included among the Lord ‘s people.”
    (Deuteronomy 23:1-2), yet I am not sure that you have ever cared to read meaning out of those verses or to check your ancestors’ genealogical profiles to make sure that none of your ancestors in your lineage was born out of wedlock up till tenth generation….but yet you still go to Church undisturbed.

  23. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    People will always fear what they don’t understand..you people are quick to throw around the eord “Fool”.. but look how you conduct yourselves during a debate.. yall some real basic folk..

  24. Even gay they fare say ashwo don collect all the boys all night nah drygin

  25. Austin Kaycey Chibunwanne SaintMarks

    #Antonio so homosexual is allowed in ur church?

  26. You’re a fool

  27. Rightly asked Austin..


  29. No wonder @Jennifer St Aubyn you went to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry what else can one say?? All the same it is a sin it doesn’t matter weather you are a witch or a wizard just pray that your children will be straight

  30. Chidi Germo Obasi Philips

    Make una forget this guy… He knows what his doing

  31. Louraine Mapuranga

    Even a car u dont pour petrol thru the exaust pipe no

  32. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    Lol..newton.. that’s sooooooooo old.. going to hogwarts is better than no school at all. Which shows with your silly comments.. call me a witch.. I don’t mind.. because if I was.. I’d hex the lot of you.. you shouldn’t joke about that stuff.. you have no idea…I’d be careful with that..and I pray.. that with your mindset.. that you don’t have any children at all..

  33. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid Hey Jennifer, I am a Nigerian myself and I want to apologize on behalf of all these people throwing insults and curses at you. Read the comments and I just couldnt stop shaking my head at how these people cannot just respect the choice of others and move on with their lives.
    Myself, I do not support homosexuality however, I respect everyone’s choice of life as far as their behaviour do not harm me. Most of these people insulting you do commit various atrocities worst than what gays do – Instead of worrying themselves about other pressing issues of the country that is taking hundreds of innocent lives daily they instead worry about other people lives ( People that never harm them).
    I want you to know that not all Nigerians reason like them – wouldnt want you to generalize all Nigerians or Africans to be intolerant. Africa is made up of more than 50 countries with hundreds of tribes. Nigeria alone have got more than 20 tribes – Each tribe/People reason differently.
    Kindly accept my apology
    Edited: let me also add that Nigerian population as at today is over 180millon ( Most populated in Africa) The people attacking you in the comment section do not even represent 1% of the population. Kindly disregard their comments. Ask them how many gays have killed anyone in Nigeria – NONE – But Boko Haram have killed millions in just 7 years of existence. Tell them to bother about Boko Haram and not gays.
    Finally, to these people I will say if they are true believers of the gospel of God – They should know God never asked them to judge anyone or fight for him. What he wants of us is – Pray for these people. Pray/fight against the spirit of homosexuality in these people but not them. In all, fight the devil and not the innocent people used by the devil. For our battle is not against the flesh but the spirit.

  34. What is this thing in the picture……. whatever you say has no place in Africa…

  35. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid all blood are not the same for the fact that it’s been represented with Red doesn’t make them the same have you ever wondered why your blood isn’t used for synchronization or have you ever wonder why when the so call white men ( pink ) needs a blood they will never I mean NEVER give them the black man’s blood??

  36. Godpower Francis

    Jennifer that little white girl is my kid and my queen if I was gay I will not have hard her stop fooling ur self close this chapter free ur self from all this

  37. Oti yawerey olosi eleribu

  38. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    Debel Ajiboye.. lol.. I would not judge a nation because of the stupidity and ignorance on here today.. they are primitive and ignorant and can’t help themselves. I have a lot of Nigerian friends so I know that not all are as thick as this lot.. x

  39. Nsikak Nelly George

    Lmfao ooh lawd

  40. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    God power. . That’s hilarious..

  41. At the end of the day the question is should we continue in sin ???????????? My advice is that you people should ADVISE YOURSELF for what’s good and upright

  42. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    Newton.. we all have difrent types of blood..do if a black person and white person shared the same blood type there would be no problem transfusion. . They don’t have difrent segregate blood based on race..!!.. come on now!!!!!!!!

  43. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    And my advice is if it dosent affect you..then get on with your life..stop being judge jury and executioner. You are not God’s. . But mere humans.. what’s God and right for me is not sticking my nose in other people’s lives..

  44. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid this is my field please don’t go there this PLEASE

  45. It is evil. Its against God’s creation plans. Your face shows evil…

  46. Stupid idiot.. And useless man sorry for your family where you came from…

  47. Obinna Jack Okpara

    Your very funny you know

  48. Havefaith Oseahumen Ogbah

    Please when flogging the idiot concentrate on his ugly ass

  49. If it is nt evil why God destroy sodomme & gomorah

  50. A man called by devil

  51. Yeenusah Faleelaciousbweety

    Charlie boy is going nut

  52. Abdullahi Dalhat

    He himself is d father of evils

  53. Abdullahi Dalhat

    Imagine ths man who looked like bush pig!

  54. he need mercy of God

  55. You are going to hell … if u didn’t repent charle boy

  56. WHAHA kijk naar ze gezicht noem je dit niet evil Edna AK

  57. Fellas why cant you live yur life…and let the dude live his

  58. Wilbert Amsterdam

    was Jesus gay,I ain’t christian but have reads the bible a few time for moments like these Jesus said he didn’t come to condemn but to fulfill and until heaven and earth shall pass away not one jot or one tittle of the law shall be removed , wonder what law he was talking about.yes it’s in your bible

  59. I sure will U0001f44dU0001f44d

  60. People arround me are gay , I work with them have lunch with them every day at work does that make me a gay ? I don’t see no crime Jennifer St Aubyn Reid has committed here . Pls if you don’t like gay let them be. God has the right to judge not we humans.

  61. Newton Bill what field are you talking about ?

  62. Uche Nwosu Emmanuelson

    I don’t agree with homosexuality as christain but instigating murder is bad mr Williams. If everyone one is killed because of their crimes nobody will be left living. We can condemn evil acts but never judge people or commit sin in to teach a sinner lessons. He without sin should cast a stone.

  63. It amaze me how disastrous people do vomit rubbish.. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid how could u shamelessly announce keeping friendship with gay’s…a mother at that…how n what will you preach your Children Madam’ .. Debel Ajiboye why r you painting the truth…call a spade a spade..n not a fair instrument of husbandry..Gay is bad..Say it out n save soul..not minding your business….Madam Jennifer..You deserve death by fire squad….cos you are a threat to the life of those little kids of yours…Newton Bill keep the truth alive..i gatch your back..

  64. Repent before it is too late, because if you die like this you won’t find it funny on your way to hell fire

  65. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    Lol.. none of you people know me or anything about my life.. as I said before.. . Careful with the death threats.. you so backwards you would wish death on someone for a difrent of opinion.. careful what you wish for others..it often has a way of coming back to you. U0001f60a

  66. Lol Tosin you’re so funny

  67. Emele Maryjane Chisom

    Hell awaits a man like this BT there is time to repent so DAT u can make heaven

  68. Momoh Lukman Luquacious Batashi

    Charlie damn ur dirty ass….u r such an irritating fool…

  69. Unique M. Chinasa

    So funny you. Lol

  70. Charlie old open door someone wants to u see lol!

  71. Charles boy u are a disgrace to ur father a great orator in the field of law.

  72. Read post very well and understand b4 saying agot…the topic is that Charley Boy is approving gay marriage….comment against that so that we abolish it in Nigeria..and stop reasoning out of point..as if you are encouraging them…how can you compare lieing n fighting to gay marriage..are you senseless..?if u really wana preach the bible…condemn gay here which z d matter of discussion…den when d issue of fornication n lieing z brought up you condemn it too…hey! I hate your post..

  73. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    Amaka ..tell me.. how many kids do I have?.. do I have kids at all?.. did I mention having kids?.. before you start running your mouth jumping to the defence of these other cretins.. scroll back up and read what information I have even given about myself.. how or where you got your information from Lord knows.. just goes to show how informed you are..jumping on the bandwagon to the defence of other that neither know you..like you..?.. you amuse me.. I think that’s the saddest thing I’ve read so far today..that you would take my life based on the smallest thing you know about me..YOU should be ashamed of yourself..life is precious but you would be glad to take mine based on a some paragraphs written on a social media site.. people like you sicken me.. you are everything that’s wrong with the world.. and everything you wish for me..I wish for you AND your family ten fold.. you are clearly of school age and if you are you need to get your head in your books and educate your mind.. and if you are of work age good luck keeping your job with a mind like that!.. you are rotten. .inside and out!

  74. #Tosin Lawrence I love you OK?….. Wow! What a comment… Actually I didn’t know what to say to that charley boy….. I reserve my comment anyway.


  76. Lol… Mma Sally don’t mind him he’s a cow I’m sure the psychiatric home he ran away from is still yet to know he has escaped U0001f602

  77. Its the ugliest thing she on u admin by posting something like that

  78. Commrade Skimma Abasiano

    Jennifer St Aubyn Reid must u insult to make ur point that is too hash babe?

  79. Sign of end time

  80. Nwaokoma Nwakanma

    What’s the name of disease ?

  81. Rose Sheba Smith

    Not even satan was gay n he was many things….

  82. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    Commrade Skimma Abasiano.. you need to scroll up and traditional the entire conversation..so.. it’s OK for a random stranger to say I need to be shot by firing squad for having Gay friends.. you can’t be serious. That’s Cossing the line..and for that I will take it to the next level..I suggest you read from the start..from the top of the page.. and see the terrible things said to me today based on opinions that differ.. or is that OK by you too?..

  83. Commrade Skimma Abasiano

    Amaka Helen u have just spoken my mind some can only read the head line but not reading the post too bad

  84. Darlington Nyabonde

    Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because of homosexuality

  85. In essence what are you up to? are you trying to support Homosexuality? that is right before the society and God? please come out plain,let me tell you because you don’t know me the last time I checked my ancestors are not victims of wedlock or illegitimate descendant or inferior of dubious origin OK. So please do me well by trying to check yours may be your genealogical profile might be a victim of circumstances.

  86. Wilbert Amsterdam Jesus came to fufill the law that he would die for the sins of the world, also that the reproach of you and I will be upon him. Reading through the old testament, u’d see that homosexualism was never encouraged. So if Christ came to fufil the law, homosexualism was never inclusive.

  87. It’s a sin ,Evil and a curse

  88. Okanimba Pascal Agwa

    And they say “show me your friends and I tell who you are”

  89. What is it??

  90. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    And as I said.. my friends are good people with good hearts. That’s all that matters really. They are not crack heads..or thieves..or murderers so..I’d show my friends gladly.. it’s what’s in the heart that matters. It’s God’s job to judge.. not man’s.

  91. How do you feel when you look at yourself in the Mirror ? Ahh disgusting…GOD will burn you

  92. Ehichioya Efe Odion

    @ jennifer, i share ur view, but one thing must stand out, it is not of GOD. Satan has his means of perverse…

  93. Ure a PIG whatever that name of yours is!

  94. I will not insult u sister Jennifer but I have something for u if u are aware that ur friends are gay good dnt hate them but try by all means to change dere life’s bcox gay is a very bad thing I bet u if u keep on praising them one of ur child might end up being a gay too thanks #sayNoToGay

  95. Assumpta Akpelu Iwuoha

    Idiotic man. Fool, ewu, malue

  96. Ch'Kwu Eb'Ka Favour

    I think say vis guy don cure
    its not his fault sha

  97. Kayode Bankole Fayiga

    You r m..d

  98. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    Udeogu Godgift..I’d am happy for people to be who they are..and as for Gay children.. I’d rather that than a child growing up to be a rapist..or a murderer. .or a terrorist..there are worse things in the world I’m sure. Growing up in a world of ignorance can be avoided.

  99. Zionbabe Eniola Bamidele

    Is this real or a kind of pic? Hiss

  100. Jennifer St Aubyn Reid

    Ehichioya Efe Odion..I would never bully someone into changing anything about themselves that didn’t directly affect me.. live and let live.. too many people want God’s job.. to judge and condemn and punish.. people may rock up to church on Sunday. . But come Monday and the other 6 days of the week they drink soke curse fight judge condemn. I’m not sin free so I don’t judge. No one here is so free.