Wednesday , 9 October 2024
Home +OK News +OK Finally! The Pope Agrees With Muslims “Jesus Did Not Die At The Cross”

Finally! The Pope Agrees With Muslims “Jesus Did Not Die At The Cross”


See, when it comes to the bible, it is so consistent with the truth that there really is no room for confusion. Actually God is a God of order and one would expect to find nothing but consistency and order in His words.

The Pope in an address in New York said that “humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.“.

“I would like to express two sentiments for my Muslim brothers and sisters: Firstly, my greetings as they celebrate the feast of sacrifice. I would have wished my greeting to be warmer. My sentiments of closeness, my sentiments of closeness in the face of tragedy. The tragedy that they suffered in Mecca.”

Read Also – Shocking Revelation!!! Find Out How You Insult Jesus Christ and The Bible By Celebrating Eid-El-Kabir ”Sallah” As A Christian!!!

“The cross shows us a different way of measuring success. Ours is to plant the seeds. God sees to the fruits of our labors. And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.”

Let that sink in.

So first the Pope identifies himself with “my Muslim Brothers and Sisters”. Now, don’t get me wrong, but I love muslims. I have Muslim brothers and sisters and friends. But in faith are Muslims our brothers and sisters?

“The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray” (12:26). We should stay away from foolish people (13:20, 14:7), from people who lose their temper easily (22:24), and from the rebellious (24:21).

Although these close relationships are not recommended, it does not mean we turn our noses up and ignore unbelievers, either. Second Timothy 2:24-26 tells us that as servants of the Lord, we are to be kind to and not quarrel with anyone. We should gently teach those who oppose the truth, and be patient with difficult people. Matthew 5:16 tells us, “Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly father.” We should serve unbelievers so that they may see God through us and turn to Him in praise. James 5:16 says that there is great power in the prayer of a righteous person, so bring your concerns for unbelievers before God, and He will listen.

What does the Koran say about Non-Muslims?

(9:5) And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.

On unbelievers is the curse of Allah. – Sura 2:161

It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he has made slaughter in the land. – 8:67

Fight those who believe neither in God nor the Last Day, nor what has been forbidden by God and his messenger(Mohammed), nor acknowledge the religion of Truth(Islam), even if they are People of the Book (Christians), until they pay the tribute and have been humbled. – 9:29 (another source: ) The unbelievers are impure and their abode is hell. (another source: ) Humiliate the non-Muslims to such an extent that they surrender and pay tribute.

Are Christians infidels? YES TO MUSLIMS. Anyone that does not profess the Shahada is an idolater (worships another God that is nor Allah).

So from the scratch of it, Christianity and Islam are the stack opposites and both hold relationships with non-believers at ‘arms length’. For Christians, it is either to preach to the unbeliever or stay clear lest their influence compromises your faith. For the Muslims, well it says kill! (And the results, every 5 Minutes A Christian is Killed )

But how does the Pope then a man that professes Christianity call a Muslim his brother?

Well maybe because deep down, Islam and Catholicism are one? How?

Well for one, Muslims believe God cannot die.

Read Also – REVEALED! 5 Confirmed Reasons Why Islam Is The Biggest Idolatry Pagan Scam Of All Time? By Somto Monanu

“And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah’s messenger –they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain”. S. 4:157

The closest Muslims come to the cross is admitting someone else was crucified or ‘it appeared to the people present’ that they crucified someone.

Now the Pope in His statement has said that ‘humanly speaking” Jesus died.

The common denominator in Islam and Catholicism is that “someone HUMAN” called Jesus died, but God did not die. (According to Islam God cannot die and now according to the pope just the ‘human’ Jesus died, not the “Jesus-Jesus”).

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 1 John 2:22

So the Pope can justifiably call Muslims his Brothers and Sisters in faith. And which faith is that? Well the faith of the Devil.

Only Satan would choose to convince you to believe Jesus Christ did not die at the cross. Why? Because it is by the death of Christ at the cross that completes our salvation.

Source: Am Redeemed




  1. Okafor Stephen Omenka

    Why do people believe any post from junk journalist. A wise person questions the source of any news. The Vatican had repeatedly stated that the Pope never said this. The Vatican news is the only authentic source of Pope’s statement. This is posted to deceive gullible people.

  2. Willz Ifean Egbukonye

    Then where did he die…? In tha well?

  3. Akinyemi Rapheal Tunde

    This is rurbse it a joke it can’t happen where do u see ur pope saying this is laii

  4. nobody is talking about class here. God made Prophet Muhammed know Jesus was not killed in the cross but was raised body and soul to heaven and will come at the appointed time to complete his stay and correct the anomaly of the christains. once you believe he was not killed then dying for your sins will be a different ball game. there is nothing like christian religion.

    • U re an idiot 4 saying DAT, may God forgive u, I hope u repent b4 dyeing dis or else u going yo hell.

  5. use your brain….open your mind and read the bible very well. Jesus is not God and can never be God.

  6. My bros tell dem.are the catholic in nigeria seeing dis

  7. Am a she @ sister Ihuoma Mpamugo

  8. Revd Johnson Afolabi

    Thank u Awah Usman, u’ve said it all. I’m impressed wit those scriptural quotations.

  9. The lesson of the Fig Tree
    (Mark 13:28-31; Luke 21:29-33)
    32Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: 33So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 34Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. 35Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

  10. The Truth is that I believe JESUS came, died and Resurrected for the sins of Mankind, as a bonafide Sacrifice for atonement of human sins; which was from Adam. Whatever anyone says, feels or does, doesn’t CHANGE God’s purpose for sending JESUS down to die for our SINS. I am 100% certain and truly believe in Him. Time shall tell, if YOU like accept Him, if you like don’t; it’s a matter of time brethren.  GOD of mercy, reveal yourself the more to those whom the enemy has blinded their eyes, this I ask in JESUS’ Precious Name, Amen.

  11. Akinremi Tajudeen

    …doctrine of trinity & five irrefutable fact!
    I):… If the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are one…
    What then happened to the Father and the Holy Ghost when the Son died for three days?
    Did the Father and the Holy Ghost also died with the Son?
    If not, then they are not one but three different entities.
    II):… What then was the fate of the Holy Ghost when the Son openly declared that he knew not when the world will end?
    If the Father knows what the Son and the Holy Ghost do not know as we read in Mark 13:32,
    Then they are not one but three different persons.
    III):… When the Father and the Holy Ghost were in the heaven and the Son was on the earth eating, drinking, walking, sleeping, weeping and praying…
    Was he still one with the Father and the Holy Ghost! and how?
    IV):… Since the Son was not a human being before his coming on earth,
    Why must he took the same human body to heaven after accomplishing his assignment on earth?
    If Jesus is still living with the humanitarian body of flesh and bones in heaven,
    How then can he be God? Or is the Father living in the same form?
    V):… If Jesus and God are one in trinity,
    Why must their ranks so different?
    Why should the Father not be as Son and the Son as Father?
    These are some of the questions that are giving the Trinitarian much headed.
    Whenever these kind of questions are thrown to them, one will see them shivering, sweating profusely and helplessly.
    They cannot defend their faith because it was built on false and wrong foundations.
    The only answer they normally give when corner is:
    How can one be so foolish and senseless to convince us that three equal Gods exist in heaven?
    To propagate this mentality among the people is the greatest deception (419) against humanity.
    Take note:
    Islam still remain the only way to salvation.

    • That’s why it is called mystery because it’s more than human thoughts….don’t use ur normal sense of judgement to explain this,its impossible…..May God help u

  12. No wonder u are naija gossip. Lie lie page

  13. I am disappointed the an unbeliever can start a misunderstanding between believers….calling Muslims brothers and sisters is not bad…the bible said love ur neighbors as ur self and what exactly do u want a man of God to say in public,Christians don’t do dose tinz u expect him to do…if he was a Muslim,he will publicly condemn Christianity but since our religion preaches love then it’s normal for something like that to happen…and if u doubt the pope then pick up the cathoir missal he uses to celebrate the holy mass and c if it is not written in it that our Lord JESUS died on the cross of Calvary at golgota…Tanx friends

  14. I believe in christianity and its the way of truth, i will not talk on behalf of other religions because i dont know what they consider true, but from the quotations of the Koran i have seen above, my conscious remains clear to stick to the truth because if the holybook can consider murder not sin then may God have mercy, indeed the pope was right to call them brothers and sisters because christianity teaches about love regardless but not to segregate people because of religion, that work is left for God.

  15. Rubbish Muslims trying to convince u ppl , the are going to Hell all of them unbeliever’s

  16. Logic cannot explain the word of God..The first faith I hold on to is all the miracles Jesus performed regardless of whether some believe or not that He’s God in human form were all recorded and captured in all existing history documents.No other human fills into His footstep adequately.Secondly, if you vividly pray in faith for Lord Jesus to reveal Himself to you, this am 100% sure He will

  17. Jesus died and a rose from death.he lifes and his words will never die also.those who believes in his words will also live after death.


    it’s written dad d wll speaks many things agains me but that shall not be the end let them say thier wish we know where we are heading to tak it easy!

  19. Without the deat of Jesus on the cross there is no Christianity. Any idea less than that truth is devilish n misleading.

  20. Mavis orikiriza u are right that quotation was taken from d Koran ( sura 2:161) dat it is normal for them to kill who so ever dat is not Muslim and d only people dey are talking about is Christian, what a religion

    For d holy Trinity if u are not a Catholic u will never understand and if u wish to, look for any priest around to inlighten u more on it, I can not blame u for saying wat u said becos some Catholics cannot even defend their fath

  21. For me by saying that Jesus did not die is to refuse to agree with what Jesus Himself said in the Bible that He will be killed by wicked men but will be brought back to life on the third day. So the pope and muslims are both wrong scripturally. If Jesus did not die then it means there is no salvation for anyone because
    it is only through Christ death that brings us salvation through faith.

  22. He is a fool if he really said this and not a man of God but the devil