Friday , 11 October 2024
Home +OK News +OK Finally! The Pope Agrees With Muslims “Jesus Did Not Die At The Cross”

Finally! The Pope Agrees With Muslims “Jesus Did Not Die At The Cross”


See, when it comes to the bible, it is so consistent with the truth that there really is no room for confusion. Actually God is a God of order and one would expect to find nothing but consistency and order in His words.

The Pope in an address in New York said that “humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.“.

“I would like to express two sentiments for my Muslim brothers and sisters: Firstly, my greetings as they celebrate the feast of sacrifice. I would have wished my greeting to be warmer. My sentiments of closeness, my sentiments of closeness in the face of tragedy. The tragedy that they suffered in Mecca.”

Read Also – Shocking Revelation!!! Find Out How You Insult Jesus Christ and The Bible By Celebrating Eid-El-Kabir ”Sallah” As A Christian!!!

“The cross shows us a different way of measuring success. Ours is to plant the seeds. God sees to the fruits of our labors. And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.”

Let that sink in.

So first the Pope identifies himself with “my Muslim Brothers and Sisters”. Now, don’t get me wrong, but I love muslims. I have Muslim brothers and sisters and friends. But in faith are Muslims our brothers and sisters?

“The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray” (12:26). We should stay away from foolish people (13:20, 14:7), from people who lose their temper easily (22:24), and from the rebellious (24:21).

Although these close relationships are not recommended, it does not mean we turn our noses up and ignore unbelievers, either. Second Timothy 2:24-26 tells us that as servants of the Lord, we are to be kind to and not quarrel with anyone. We should gently teach those who oppose the truth, and be patient with difficult people. Matthew 5:16 tells us, “Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly father.” We should serve unbelievers so that they may see God through us and turn to Him in praise. James 5:16 says that there is great power in the prayer of a righteous person, so bring your concerns for unbelievers before God, and He will listen.

What does the Koran say about Non-Muslims?

(9:5) And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.

On unbelievers is the curse of Allah. – Sura 2:161

It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he has made slaughter in the land. – 8:67

Fight those who believe neither in God nor the Last Day, nor what has been forbidden by God and his messenger(Mohammed), nor acknowledge the religion of Truth(Islam), even if they are People of the Book (Christians), until they pay the tribute and have been humbled. – 9:29 (another source: ) The unbelievers are impure and their abode is hell. (another source: ) Humiliate the non-Muslims to such an extent that they surrender and pay tribute.

Are Christians infidels? YES TO MUSLIMS. Anyone that does not profess the Shahada is an idolater (worships another God that is nor Allah).

So from the scratch of it, Christianity and Islam are the stack opposites and both hold relationships with non-believers at ‘arms length’. For Christians, it is either to preach to the unbeliever or stay clear lest their influence compromises your faith. For the Muslims, well it says kill! (And the results, every 5 Minutes A Christian is Killed )

But how does the Pope then a man that professes Christianity call a Muslim his brother?

Well maybe because deep down, Islam and Catholicism are one? How?

Well for one, Muslims believe God cannot die.

Read Also – REVEALED! 5 Confirmed Reasons Why Islam Is The Biggest Idolatry Pagan Scam Of All Time? By Somto Monanu

“And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah’s messenger –they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain”. S. 4:157

The closest Muslims come to the cross is admitting someone else was crucified or ‘it appeared to the people present’ that they crucified someone.

Now the Pope in His statement has said that ‘humanly speaking” Jesus died.

The common denominator in Islam and Catholicism is that “someone HUMAN” called Jesus died, but God did not die. (According to Islam God cannot die and now according to the pope just the ‘human’ Jesus died, not the “Jesus-Jesus”).

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 1 John 2:22

So the Pope can justifiably call Muslims his Brothers and Sisters in faith. And which faith is that? Well the faith of the Devil.

Only Satan would choose to convince you to believe Jesus Christ did not die at the cross. Why? Because it is by the death of Christ at the cross that completes our salvation.

Source: Am Redeemed




  1. Say whatever you want to say ,the truth can never b hidden

  2. Why are we fighting one another about d words of the bible or the Quran instead of us to sit tight and pray d end of the world does not catch up on us like a thief

  3. Olusegun Armstrong Ojewande

    Also your quotes from the Qur’an is clearly pointing at you and your beliefs. Just for clarification sake, the part that said woe unto those that write the book with their own hands and claim it to be from Allah is referring to you people. Jesus never talked about the Bible let alone wrote or compiled it. He has no idea about that book. It was Paul who did. And the injil was the book of jesus but sadly none of you even have any idea what it looks like. Common Bro, we can do this all day you are shooting the arrow at yourself

  4. Hussein Mohamed Khalid

    Haha your ignorance officially starts from comparing prophets of Allah. Issa and mohamed

  5. And am sure you all fighting dint notice dat wat was written is dat Jesus died AT d cross well it is not true because he died ON d cross

  6. No one is deceiving no one cus u believe what u like but whether u like it or not My JESUS was crucified, died, buried and resurrected the 3rd day which means he’s still alive and he’s coming back again to take d saints

  7. Prince Bruno Maxwell

    Basted lies, who is putting this stupid write up God will punish you

  8. This is a divine message my bro may the Lord keep you under his wing God bless me as I read again Amen ( may God forgive us and grand us faith )

  9. Well I agree with olusegun d book u r crucify after you all be crucified Jesus was not written by him nor did he see it but d once who truly believed in Christ did all dat for d love dey be for him and d TRUTH

  10. Olusegun Armstrong Ojewande

    My God! People of the book is referring to Christians and that’s exactly what you as a Christian has failed to understand you have never followed the Gospel but that book compiled by Paul which he has done addition and subtraction to it.

  11. Adebayo Sodiq Ademola

    The most crazy and wired thing in this world is to believe cristianity is a a religion.Because every time a Christian try to explain the differences btw jesus And God it become more confusing and complicated to them simply because their belief lacks authentical proof from their book it self. Hw will u make reference to bible when 95% of Christian can’t even read a sentence from it in its original languages?

  12. My dear u r pointless was d bible written in Hebrew

  13. If it was we will learn and know it even d way its not if it is in Hebrew some Igbo will read it for you cos deir language is similar to hebrew

  14. Atugo Michael Peremoboere

    You people can fabricate stories

  15. Dere is no complications about d holy Trinity just d ignorants tink dere is

  16. No one is deceiving no one cus u believe what so ever u like but weather u like it or not My JESUS was crucified, died, buried and resurrected the 3rd day which means dat he’s still alive and he is coming back again to take d saints

  17. It is basically unity dat resides btw d father, the son and the holy spirit and dats d same unity we all ve failed to share now

  18. Olusegun Armstrong Ojewande

    In fact all I can do now is feel sorry for you. You tend to take judgement based on sentiment, no Muslim will ever deny the divinity of any prophet but you Christians never believed in the last prophet whom revelations about all other prophets was given and made it clear to him that they all including himself are from one God. If you are a true follower of jesus, you will believe in that last messenger who had no formal education but yet knew all that has happened and those that are yet to happen. You are followers of Paul and not jesus. You are also a victim of mind poisoning, it has been happening long before your generations started existing. I have so many Bible verses that are questionable and yet, nobody has given any answer. Like I said, you have no knowledge about Islam, if you do, you will either be a Muslim by now or be oath taken enemy who has sold his soul to the devil to fight against the truth. The irony is I even know your Bible better than you. Smh

  19. Sorry, am a she. God bless u too. May God help us all in Jesus’ name. Amen

  20. Oluwafunmilayo Precious

    God Bless U, The Wisdom, Knowlegde And Understanding Of God Will Never Depart 4m U

  21. Chima Stanislaus Amadi

    Did you read the content, pope never said such rather he said man’s mistake is death of cross. Yes it is true Pharisees thought killing him on cross is the end but it was a mistake and also he said human Jesus died which is true he died and resurrect. The humanity I Christ suffers death and later resurrect

  22. Eeee!!! ChijiokeeeeU0001f615U0001f635U0001f635U0001f635… abegg begin change topic, make una talk about ukwu or anything else because this one no go finish fineU0001f612U0001f612U0001f612

  23. Franca Akhuemokhan

    Na una house him die abi??

  24. christains should Read Dis Verse They said, “We killed the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of God.” They did not kill him, nor did they had him, but the likeness of him was put on another man(and they killed that man).. . (Quran,.4:157). Dis is not Funny

  25. The statue is the original story of the bible with proofs all over,then Whiteman whitewashed African stories and put theirs.Seek not unto your own knowledge but trust in the Lord with all your heart .The worst advice you can give to someone

  26. My lord is still my lord who died on the cross for my sins

  27. Hmmm….let me tell you something… google wah apnd at fatima and wah our Lady did there….besides being a true catholic… my apostles creed made me understand without doubt that christ was conceived by the holy spirit born of the virgin mary… also…mary was given birth to by Ss.Joachim and Anne

  28. Don Malcom Chinaemerem

    Even if its proven to be true. . The dumb brainwashed Africans won’t believe it.

  29. The miraculous way our Lady has been answering prayers in different forms is a mystery which is unexplainable… It has been working and is still working…so its not about defrnce mechanism or wahever its about reality…

  30. Dis is end time

  31. Abiamuwe Lawrence

    Their agreement or disagreement about that cannot invalidate the word of God.

  32. I think you pipo are so stupid,,who is the pope?..he believes what I beleives,he understands what I understand.In that matter he can say whatever he want to because,as long as he do not kill or support the Islamic state

  33. Manymen Oluwaseun

    I pray that all you muslims will not get to heaven before you know the truth because it will have been too late for you

  34. Enock Nana Nyame Koomson

    He is not a pope, he jst get de name pope bt not de wrk

  35. Chibuenyi Okeiyi Batista

    Is not small sense is no time to read senseless post Melvin rid on joooor

  36. Rosemary Folefa Fonya


  37. Kayode Oluwasami

    Sure he is.

  38. James Umeayo Kelechi

    And where did the Pope told you that Jesus died? You people cannot face your religion, you will be busy looking for what to say. Nobody want you to believe anything if you like you can also say that Jesus never existed. But I warn you to continue on what you believe, the sin against the Holy Spirit can never be forgiven. So be careful on what you write just to satisfy yourself in trying to castigate a religion you don’t believe in. In as much as you believe in your own religion be satisfy with it, but leave others in whatever they believe in. Thanks

  39. Sorry my sister for commenting using a different gender due to name .thks

  40. I blieved the bible. Say wht ever..

  41. The Bible which ordinary means the “Book” was never mentioned in the Bible…the word Christianity was also never mention in the Bible the name “Jesus” was also never mention in the Bible and no one can ever prove me wrong

  42. Ladyluv Bklyn Balines

    How they know neither one was there

  43. Chimezie Esther Onyinye

    DeGovernor, the Israelites Jesus specified are the genuine children of God not the country itself. Just like how the Muslims are called the ARABIAN, the Christians are called the ISRAELITES.

  44. Correct, person wey understand me don show

  45. Ebiloma Danny'el

    What even makes the pope different from any other unbeliever out there.. #Anti-bible

  46. Chimezie Esther Onyinye

    Its just few seconds away for JESUS’ coming. Heaven and hell is not far. The Antichrist are in deceptive appearances luring millions into falsehood and this pope may be one for him 2 have agreed with such blasphemy. Be prepared for his coming is like a Lion with sword in his hands, not a lamb in a baby form.

  47. Chimezie Esther Onyinye

    Its just few seconds away for JESUS’ coming. Heaven and hell is not far. The Antichrist are in deceptive appearances luring millions into falsehood and this pope may be one for him 2 have agreed with such blasphemy. Be prepared for his coming is like a Lion with sword in his hands, not a lamb in a baby form.

  48. Blind arguments!!!!!! So dear why did you only read Revelation 22:9, read it down more or perhaps you can skip and go to Revelation 22:12,13,&20. Bye all

  49. Richard Opoku Junior

    Wats wrng wif e pop smh

  50. Even Jesus Christ eat with and went on many accounts to the house of sinners, and he also thought Peter not to discriminate, I just have to comment bcos I don’t like blind arguments. Also won’t comment on Mary issue cos you will always belive what your pastor tells you. Salvation is a self race so run your and be focused dear

  51. So the admi of the page is trying to convert people to is antichrist religion !!!!UNFOLLOWING !!!!!!!!

  52. Dhatblizqueen Call'd Victory

    Thanks Ochomgba Uzoh Bigllo

  53. Will he agree they stole the basis of religion off the walls of KEMET

  54. Lots of HATE in this post. Words twisted – sad.

  55. Benjamin P. Kolog

    Come again cos the pope is very clear. It is you trying to confuse the world. Even when Jesus was in the world in human form, He never despise or hate anyone because of their believe but prayed for them to turn to God or do good. The bible says what different are you from the pagans(whether muslims or idol worshipers) if you love only those who love you. What good is there? Do the pagans not do the same? So Pls Come again cos the pope is following christ examples.

  56. these has been wrote by Islamic worshipers pls don’t confess your self.

  57. I did not expecting any thing from him . he is after all illuminate

  58. Adesoye Azeez Olawale Gcfr

    Hornabanjo Harderonke so? Mind you Quran didn’t said we should consult bible on any thing! Yea he said he was born like that and all are by the graces of our God, yes he will come again and defeat dajjal the antichrist so? Does that make him God? God [Allah] is the one that will resurrect him, yes his name is mentioned more than Muhammad, let’s see..if you are writhing about some one to another person whose name will be on the write up? The person u r talking about or the person u r telling, solve the maths…yes his miracles were told not it’s own only, there are some other prophets did that he didn’t either? So what’s exactly your point….Jesus is our prophet…any Muslim that doesn’t believe in Jesus (issa) as a prophet like he did to muhammed is not a Muslim

  59. Adesoye Azeez Olawale Gcfr

    John Ogodo Gozie common sense is not common, you are a living proof…I don’t know you are among those that wanna crucify him that God turn there eyes…

  60. Christian leaders know the truth but there followers are blind folded.

  61. Jarafu Solomon Ishidi

    The time is at hand be careful @ prepared to expect son of God coming in his own glory

  62. You don’t know 1% fact about christianity but pope and ur leaders know alot but they cover ur face from the truth.

  63. u av to watch ur stinky mouth @ John Ogod or whatever ur names are.

  64. seeking the truth is responsibility of all human kind o

  65. Just passing by

  66. like a Lion with sword in his hands to kill u all  (Christians) baa

  67. Yes. Little by little…. we will even know the exact drug that prophet mohamed is doing. Cuz his teachings and his followers behaviour is nothing to write home about.

  68. you’re falling to prove simple things like God is begotten. don’t you ashamed of when you think your god as aperson .what shall we do some times believing has deep connection with blindness

  69. what a peaty i pray that you will not get to heaven before you know the truth becourse the truth is clears Bible is fake is not the word of GOD get that to your head

  70. Tell them my brother

  71. and u cant stop the sins. my friend he never died for no body as your pastor (TBJ) he know the truth.

  72. so your GoD was crucified, died, buried and resurrected really!!!

  73. im protestant I dont blv in a pope,I blv in Jesus my lord.


  75. Ajibola J Dhelmark

    Believe or leave it. The Truth cant b cant b changed. He is d life the truth and light of the world. Greater percentage of ppl in this world dont tink and as well dont like to hear d truth and do d right tin. No body can change what God has done.

  76. Ajibola J Dhelmark

    Please who is Allah ? Does he promise eternity ?

  77. Pope Can neva say that…cheap post!!!

  78. No wonder. Christians are not surprise hearing all this Propaganda…. The Truth will surely Prevail.

  79. Please read before comments, the truth is always naked, he twisted every thing even he himself did not understand what he was saying

  80. Holla-back Negger Yusif

    Agutumma be careful what you write.

  81. Ajibola J Dhelmark

    The word of truth came to this world but the world knw him not. The Bible and Quran are two different books partly pointing the same way and are very different cos the formal is written by inspiration while the latter was claimed to have been sent down . we should stop comparing the two books cos they both point to different God or gods. If u are serving the living God and u are heaven bound u will not fight the son of the living God whom the former book in chapter 3 vs 45-55 has some points abt Jesus kalimatu lla ‘ the word of God ‘ in fact from that passage the Quran has spoken of Jesus. Jesus is Lord

  82. Alhassan Alhassan Mouhamed

    Ochomgba Uzoh Bigllo what you are saying is nothing new to me; meaning i know that.

  83. Ainebyoona Apline

    Ididnt see any massage here please who is Allah? Read Bible Revelation 21:6 u will knw who is Jesus to u. God bless u

  84. Alhassan Alhassan Mouhamed

    Agutumma Jerry! Stay polite;i didn’t insult jesus because i do believe in him as a prophet but i just Said what you do not know(he did not die as they taught you in the bible)

  85. Put ur hands 2geda for d man who posted dis nonsense, but its quite sad dat he is just some few minutes close to his grave

  86. Bamidele Osuolale

    Thank God pope was not the man who wrote the bible but was made to believe it as well and if he doesn’t believe now or compromise his faith bcos of Muslim pressure, that is his own wahaala

  87. He don’t know what his saying

  88. Kenneth Somadina

    Who posted this rubbish?

  89. Pop if yo are anti Christ then better be covered by shame and may God expose what you are hiding to confuse Souls of Catholics.

  90. The bible says any one who does not believe that Jesus lived in flesh and died on the cross is called Anti Christ, but Pop is the one to challenge those who doubt again news says He is accepting with Muslims that JESUS never died on the cross, then May God forgive Him

  91. Who ever that is writing /posting this must face the punishment/consequences

  92. LORD JESUS CHRIST PLEASE forgive. Aakinremi tajudeen because he knows not what he is doing and saying have mercy on him amen

  93. Rubbish. Bia gossip mill re u sure u re the rightful gossip mill?

  94. That be Your own. As for Me, I believe He did die on the cross to save Me& You from bondage of slavery& sins.. Not even Pope will change My belief

  95. Rhema Eastwood Joseph Attakorah

    God bless you sis Awah

  96. Rhema Eastwood Joseph Attakorah

    Christianity is the only true religion. no one goes to father except through Christ

  97. Emmanuel Ibeachu

    Mr Alhassan, don’t ague wat you don’t know, so don’t say crab about things you don’t know or believe.

  98. Emmanuel Ibeachu

    Mr poster wat are you trying to achieve with all dis fake post? Do your religion teach you to change people’s comment to your favour or is it dat you don’t read well be writing this rubbish.

  99. Who is the son then? Jesus even in his life never heard the word Jesus. It’s an insult to God to say Jesus is His son so it’s better you stop saying such an ill word. Every believer who believes in God is a son of God mean God loves him or her for believing in Him and not like your ill interpretation that He (God )gave birth to him (Jesus) if that’s so then Mary mother of Jesus is the wife of God… God forbid!!!! People it’s time you reason for man can never be God

  100. Dwomoh Kwame Eric Walmsely

    Mr. Maikudi, see Revelations 22:16 please…. again the quaran wrote and agreed that Jesus was born out of a Virgin Mary and without normal males help… So i ask, if God wanted a prophet as Islam really teaches, why did the conception of Jesus take a normal course as God’s other prophets?? think about this…JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD (MYSTERY), HE IS GOD MANISFESTED IN FLESH TO TAKE AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD