Friday , 11 October 2024
Home +OK News +OK Finally! The Pope Agrees With Muslims “Jesus Did Not Die At The Cross”

Finally! The Pope Agrees With Muslims “Jesus Did Not Die At The Cross”


See, when it comes to the bible, it is so consistent with the truth that there really is no room for confusion. Actually God is a God of order and one would expect to find nothing but consistency and order in His words.

The Pope in an address in New York said that “humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.“.

“I would like to express two sentiments for my Muslim brothers and sisters: Firstly, my greetings as they celebrate the feast of sacrifice. I would have wished my greeting to be warmer. My sentiments of closeness, my sentiments of closeness in the face of tragedy. The tragedy that they suffered in Mecca.”

Read Also – Shocking Revelation!!! Find Out How You Insult Jesus Christ and The Bible By Celebrating Eid-El-Kabir ”Sallah” As A Christian!!!

“The cross shows us a different way of measuring success. Ours is to plant the seeds. God sees to the fruits of our labors. And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.”

Let that sink in.

So first the Pope identifies himself with “my Muslim Brothers and Sisters”. Now, don’t get me wrong, but I love muslims. I have Muslim brothers and sisters and friends. But in faith are Muslims our brothers and sisters?

“The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray” (12:26). We should stay away from foolish people (13:20, 14:7), from people who lose their temper easily (22:24), and from the rebellious (24:21).

Although these close relationships are not recommended, it does not mean we turn our noses up and ignore unbelievers, either. Second Timothy 2:24-26 tells us that as servants of the Lord, we are to be kind to and not quarrel with anyone. We should gently teach those who oppose the truth, and be patient with difficult people. Matthew 5:16 tells us, “Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly father.” We should serve unbelievers so that they may see God through us and turn to Him in praise. James 5:16 says that there is great power in the prayer of a righteous person, so bring your concerns for unbelievers before God, and He will listen.

What does the Koran say about Non-Muslims?

(9:5) And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.

On unbelievers is the curse of Allah. – Sura 2:161

It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he has made slaughter in the land. – 8:67

Fight those who believe neither in God nor the Last Day, nor what has been forbidden by God and his messenger(Mohammed), nor acknowledge the religion of Truth(Islam), even if they are People of the Book (Christians), until they pay the tribute and have been humbled. – 9:29 (another source: ) The unbelievers are impure and their abode is hell. (another source: ) Humiliate the non-Muslims to such an extent that they surrender and pay tribute.

Are Christians infidels? YES TO MUSLIMS. Anyone that does not profess the Shahada is an idolater (worships another God that is nor Allah).

So from the scratch of it, Christianity and Islam are the stack opposites and both hold relationships with non-believers at ‘arms length’. For Christians, it is either to preach to the unbeliever or stay clear lest their influence compromises your faith. For the Muslims, well it says kill! (And the results, every 5 Minutes A Christian is Killed )

But how does the Pope then a man that professes Christianity call a Muslim his brother?

Well maybe because deep down, Islam and Catholicism are one? How?

Well for one, Muslims believe God cannot die.

Read Also – REVEALED! 5 Confirmed Reasons Why Islam Is The Biggest Idolatry Pagan Scam Of All Time? By Somto Monanu

“And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah’s messenger –they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain”. S. 4:157

The closest Muslims come to the cross is admitting someone else was crucified or ‘it appeared to the people present’ that they crucified someone.

Now the Pope in His statement has said that ‘humanly speaking” Jesus died.

The common denominator in Islam and Catholicism is that “someone HUMAN” called Jesus died, but God did not die. (According to Islam God cannot die and now according to the pope just the ‘human’ Jesus died, not the “Jesus-Jesus”).

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 1 John 2:22

So the Pope can justifiably call Muslims his Brothers and Sisters in faith. And which faith is that? Well the faith of the Devil.

Only Satan would choose to convince you to believe Jesus Christ did not die at the cross. Why? Because it is by the death of Christ at the cross that completes our salvation.

Source: Am Redeemed




  1. Do your research folks, the scriptures was very clear in recor

  2. At all bro

  3. Firstly, this could be publicity stunt by the writer/journalist. We got home hear it from the horse’s (pope) mouth. Finally, if that’s what the pope professes, that could his own opinion.

  4. Don’t blame the author, it’s a gossip may God have mercy on the writer.

  5. Odinakachi T. Nnamocha


  6. Malachy Lawrence

    Pls post wat u knw about nonsense

  7. Brandon Lalas Baipaakanyi

    Dnt 4gt gre re mo facebook nd 4gt abt th pope ditsala ba tsamaisa nako fela mme go mpieno thy hv choosen a wrong topic dnt wrry thy wil chnge it

  8. Lwkmd….which truth…
    One thing u dnt knw is that we all serve one God.

  9. Nedu Biafra Awaken

    Religion is slavery religion is what they use to keep black people down all over the world that’s why 85% of black people all over the world hate themselves inability to reason we don’t care about our own hustle we are waiting for white people that came from no where to tell our own story shame on black people and if y’all black people in Africa don’t wake up and see the things been done to y’all by the white men your names are history as well do some research read then you will understand that religion is the root of all evil this is how they started with us black people in Africa think think wake up now or never

  10. Malachy Lawrence

    Today and tomorrow pope till de leader no matter wat de post about him

  11. Nedu Biafra Awaken

    Who wrote the bible everything is fraud by the white evil Roman people to keep y’all down forever

  12. Yes I’m sure he is

  13. Point of corrections “on the cross not at the cross”

  14. Was their business they should just face their Mohammed & leave our JESUS alone

  15. Mmaduabuchi Odionyeuwakaaranma

    Acts 5vs 30, Acts 10vs 39 , Galatians 3vs13, 1st peter 2vs24, Acts 13vs29, all these Bible verses said he was hung on a tree and not crucified on the cross, whose report shall we believe, the Vatican created Christianity and Islam, so they are the one confusing the masses, is high time we stopped believing in all these nonsense

  16. How does this image proves your arguement/point? This image show white men point gun towards unarmed black people.
    They weren’t handed a bible, a cross or anything to forcefully make them accept the white religion

  17. Odinakachi T. Nnamocha


  18. Hey @Akindoyin….Ill like to tell you dat m a catholic and one thing ill never accwot is for u to insult the mother of the saviour of the world…blessed mary..our lady ever virgin….and pls honour her the way u honour your own mother..

  19. accept from you*

  20. Akindoyin Tunde Immanuel

    Reposted Again………. WHO DO YOU THINK IS RIGHTEOUS IN THE EYES OF GOD ? ►Muslims say they love Jesus, yet non of them are ready to even give a thought to what Jesus taught OR what Jesus expects from them. And very clearly ! The teachings and life of both Jesus and mohammad cannot be followed. Its impossible. If you follow Jesus , you will automatically abhor the life and teachings of mohammad. ►On the other hand though Christians do not for a moment believe mohammad is a prophet or his book ‘The Quran’ is from the Holy Almighty God, yet if you check, Christians follow the quran many times more strictly than muslims. LETS SEE WHAT ALL IS IN THE QURAN and HOW MUCH IS PRACTICED BY WHO ??????? ………………………………………………[ 1 ]………….. ……………………………. Surah 4. An-Nisaa, Ayah 171 O people of the Book! Christ Jesus the son of Mary was an Apostle of Allah and His Word which He bestowed on Mary and a Spirit proceeding from Him Surah 3. Al-i’Imran, Ayah 45 Behold! the angels said “O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus. Surah 3. Al-i’Imran, Ayah 39 “Allah doth give thee glad tidings of Yahya witnessing the truth of a Word from Allah. A MUSLIM – will always try to play it down. He will ascribe this status to every prophet. Calling everry prophet the Word of God. He will even go to the extent of calling the ‘WROD’ of God a creation. As if God was mute in eternity. A CHRISTIAN – never questions this. He never takes lightly the seriousness of the status of the ‘WORD’ of Good. He immediately recognizes its significance. …………………………………………[ 2 ]……………………….. ……………………. Surah 19. Maryam, Ayah 19 “Nay I am only a messenger from thy Lord (to announce) to thee the gift of a holy son.” A MUSLIM – will call Allah holy, but he will not hesitate to call many other objects and structures holy also. To them even angels are Holy. Though no scripture says so. A CHRISTIAN – will immediately take it as it is written word to word, holding it dear to his heart. He will never call anyone or even angels Holy, except God. Exactly according to what is written in every book. ……………………………………….[ 3 ]……………………….. ……………………. Surah 2. Al-Baqara, Ayah 136 Say ye: “We believe in Allah and the revelation given to us and to Abraham Isma`il Isaac Jacob and the Tribes and that given to Moses and Jesus and that given to (all) Prophets from their Lord we make no difference between one and another of them A MUSLIM – will immediately start looking for ways and means to avoid these books. He will put forward every possible argument, so that he can avoid this command. He will blame the Jew, he will blame the Christians, he won’t even hesitate to call allah irresponsible, for asking him to believe in books he hasn’t provided. These books do not exist no more he will say without a hitch. A CHRISTIAN – will never question what is before him from the prophets. He will trust God’s power and ability and thank him for providing his word. He will hold on to all the books mentioned above tightly. Never once will he accuse God directly or indirectly for failing to keep his message alive for him. ………………………………………..[ 4 ]……………………….. …………………….. Surah 5. Al-Maida, Ayah 68 “Say: “O People of the Book! ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Law the Gospel and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord.” A MUSLIM – will keep tormenting Christians, like Satan, for judging and going by these books. He will try his best to remove these books from before a Christian. On the other hand he will try to mis-interpret these books, he will try to force things and names into these books. He will try to distort what’s written in these books. He will never make a serious attempt to understand these books. A CHRISTIAN – come what may will stand stead fast with what’s written in this verse. Come what may, he will never accept anything without first checking what’s written in these books. He will never ever accept a false interpretation or analysis lest his judgement is plagued. ……………………………………..[ 5 ]……………………….. ……………………. Surah 2. Al-Baqara, Ayah 79 “Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say: “This is from Allah” to traffic with it for a miserable price! Woe to them for what their hands do write and for the gain they make thereby.” A MUSLIM – will make a bee line for any remote Hadith or the book of any scholar that can provide him with what he wants to hear and pleasing to him. At the same time he will even reject hadiths of Bukhari and Muslim if what’s written in their doesn’t please him. A CHRISTIAN – will not take anything from even the Pope, leave alone the Hadiths

  21. He is the mark of the beast…

  22. M-jnr Banton RudePeople

    Don change wht was Already written cox nothing will change…. Don’t vacs people

  23. And who wrote the hell and the heaven you claim to be? .everything about jesus or muhammad ,even the religion are all trap

  24. Akindoyin Tunde Immanuel

    Cynthia, i respect her so much but idolising her is what i can’t. Do you know why the former pope step down? i know you don’t. This present one is an anti Christian and anti Christ. Believe me

  25. Sampson Self Made Dogbe

    Thus he know wat he is doing this man is confuse never mind him

  26. Olasoji Olawale Samson

    Hahahahaha Am stil laffin at ds
    When its galrin in d bible
    Why wont d pope support such a statement wen he supported gay marriage and homosexuality.
    Peace to d previous pope Benedict 16 wherever he is

  27. And who is the unholy? Truth is bitter and no cares about it, all because of ignorant

  28. See the way you dey dig your own grave idiot

  29. Samuel Ola Bakare

    The pope is not a christian na……

  30. Lol. Its funny how people twist a simple speech. He used the word “human perspective”. Bt everyone will jump into conclusion cos that wat d world does dis days. People speak without comfirming d truth and only a few dig deep. Its scientifically proven dat 80% of the world dnt even tink bt dey tink dey r. So u should knw why load of people can even find common sense in simple stmts bt still refer to what d writer is saying. Lol

  31. Akindoyin Tunde Immanuel

    se na idolized mary go kill me, abi na pop or na u?

  32. No one has explained this as well as you have. I’ve noticed when you share facts no one comes to argue or comment. Smh

  33. Fake news

  34. No Christian says they killed Jesus. Get your facts straight before commenting. Jesus was killed by the Jews his own people and the Romans who were pagans then.

  35. If I may ask, who wrote the scripture? Religion is the biggest lie ever told.

  36. Nedu Biafra Awaken

    Andrew Kingg the image is Africa remember that oh religion is fraud you may not like it but that is the truth 100% who wrote the bible if I may ask you and what was your ancestors worshiping before that they were living in peace before the white men came from nowhere ?

  37. It’s true Jesus did not die on the cross. He is a living God my Jesus is not dead

  38. Agaba Pixie Pius

    I hate religious fanatics. ……

  39. Olasoji Olawale Samson

    To me, i feel d tree is also referin to d cross, made from d tree, besides, we cant compare the spoken english then wt d modern day spoken english now wt somany slangs and terminologies added to it.
    One has to read d full chapter for a beta understanding not only d verse whr tree is mentioned alone…..cheers

  40. Sorry but i read the bible till exudos..when i read tht dad having sex with daughters to hv many ancestors i stopped…no i dnt believe in bible..specially tht verse..i had a goosebumps!

  41. Chris Unitee Alpha

    Nedu Biafra Awaken U See Why This Biafra Of A Thing Is Driving Y’all Crazy?
    All U Believe Now Is Anything That Is Said By Nnamdi KANU..
    Mental Slavery!!! Even Ur Name Is Now BiafraU0001f600U0001f600U0001f600

  42. They didn’t kill Jesus ( The messenger of Allah ). you are in doubt.

  43. Dont invite the wrath of God to urslf by posting this rubbish

  44. Everything about the slave book, is brain washing machine. They use it to condemned our ancestors and steal all that belongs to us.

  45. Uzochukwu Ebere Emmanuel

    Idiot even Jesus welcomed everybody .

  46. Olasoji Olawale Samson

    Yea u r rite Akin, d former pope declined to d support of gay marriage and homosexuality was d main reason he was asked to step down but surprisingly ds present one did signed it, so if he misbehaves i gues it shouldn’t be new to me or anyone who already see d signs comin, cheers

  47. Daud Manucho Abdullah

    Lol … How dis Jesus pray ? How did Jesus thought you to worship ? Who is Jesus? Did he thought you how to dress in the bible ??? Well what’s Christianity ? If it’s the followers of Jesus Christ, then Jesus was what??? The biggest occasion in the world is Christmas. Well is 25th the actual date that Mary gave birth to Jesus? ?? Don’t follow blindly. Read the Bible and you will know that you are lost !

  48. Daniel A Abikoye

    Pope is a ordinary human being so he didn’t know about the mystery of God. he has right to say anything whether true or false

  49. Surah An-Nisa, Verse 157:
    وَقَوْلِهِمْ إِنَّا قَتَلْنَا الْمَسِيحَ عِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ وَلَٰكِن شُبِّهَ لَهُمْ وَإِنَّ الَّذِينَ اخْتَلَفُوا فِيهِ لَفِي شَكٍّ مِّنْهُ مَا لَهُم بِهِ مِنْ عِلْمٍ إِلَّا اتِّبَاعَ الظَّنِّ وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ يَقِينًا
    And because of their saying (in boast), “We killed Messiah ‘Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), the Messenger of Allah,” – but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of ‘Iesa (Jesus) was put over another man (and they killed that man), and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not [i.e. ‘Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)]:

  50. To me, i think everyone on this plaform has really made points. I am a devout muslim. My belief is that, there’s only one religion in the universe. From Adam, noah, Abraham, moses, jesus and Muhammad (pbuh), all practised the same religion which is “oneness of God”. All these arguments come because some people want to be superior to other. Muslims call unto God while Christians call unto God. We are brothers. Thanks

  51. Chigreat Stanley Meke-Eze

    He never said it all this a fake stories

  52. Wait Nedu Biafra Awaken.. are u in any religion or u r a heathen?

  53. Jesus himself confirmed that he is not dead yet wen he stood in the midst of his disciples & told them not to be terrified for he is not a spirit. He proof that by showing them his hands and feet, then he ate broiled fish & honeycomb before them. See LUKE 24:36-43.

  54. Daud Manucho Abdullah

    Lol … How did Jesus pray ? How did Jesus thought you to worship ? Who is Jesus? Did he thought you how to dress in the bible ??? Well what’s Christianity ? If it’s the followers of Jesus Christ, then Jesus was what??? The biggest occasion in the world is Christmas. Well is 25th the actual date that Mary gave birth to Jesus? ?? Don’t follow blindly. Read the Bible and you will know that you are lost !

  55. Is the real truths Jesus did not die her is alive

  56. Nedu Biafra Awaken

    Mai William I have the same religion with tree

  57. Samuel Ola Bakare

    Your questions are rubbish……..

  58. truelly speaking as Christians we believe he was crucified on the cross and all so the bible states that we must not bow down to any idol be at a simple of n thing from marine land or in haven pesonaly i do see it wrong as achristion to bow before an idol of another creature mmmmm

  59. If Jesus is Son or God, Prophet Adam also will be Son or God. Allah created Prophet Adam without parents. But Prophet Jesus only without father.

  60. Blessing B Benjamin

    Where you there, when the pope said this? Stop spreading false news.

  61. Jesus is messenger of Allah.

  62. Ahmad Muhammad Rufa'i

    They’re not practicing christianity but western religion.

  63. Really Gossip mill Really…….how much fun is it for you trying to divide people based on a lie……..We should be uniting n not dividing…….

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  65. Theophilus Theodore Dossou

    Oooh ??????…. My God ¿????? Fake news

  66. Theophilus Theodore Dossou

    Oooh ??????…. My God ¿????? Fake news

  67. Chigreat Stanley Meke-Eze Thank you people are very fast to judge because they have so much hate in their hearts

  68. Chigreat Stanley Meke-Eze Thank you people are very fast to judge because they have so much hate in their hearts

  69. Ahahahahah u guys re commenting to fake write up

  70. Ahahahahah u guys re commenting to fake write up

  71. Sunday Adoyi Adegbe

    Dont mind them odion let them kill each other over whose fairy tale is true.

  72. Morenikeji S. Dammy

    Well what I know is no one brought religion from heaven we all came to this life and we were taught. If anyone likes they should call the holy prophet a rapist or serial killer or whatever and if anyone else likes they should say Christians are this they are that…. it’s boldly written in the holy Quran that ‘ you do yours while we do ours thou shall not jude’ God bless Islam, God bless Christianity, God bless the traditional holders most importantly God bless federal Republic of great Nigeria…..

  73. You are right

  74. Steven-rudy Akue

    Yo guys you can think whatever you want but, it’s better to think the right

  75. Who is Pope in Christianity. Anyone who denies the crucifixion and the power of His resurrection is an Antichrist.

  76. Eu gosto do deus

  77. Akindoyin Tunde Immanuel

    why don’t you argue on this write up my brother?

  78. Wait for it.

  79. Akindoyin Tunde Immanuel we all idolise…directly or indirectly…….the bible that people kneel before is a man made object…is it not…….the so called face of jesus I have never seen Jesus I do not know how he looks like n in his days nobody took his picture so who really knows how he looks like.

  80. Anything coming from gossip mill Nigeria is gossip

  81. @Williams,u only read the bible but i am very sure that u didnt understand it! What happened to the man that slept with his daughters prior to the sexual activities? If u dont have a genuine reason to believe the word of God,then u are free to make other available choices….but i tell u,tommorrow may be too late!!!

  82. Just mind ur religion while I mind mine

  83. True it was I.N.R.I isa nazareth rexas israel.in english isa of nazareth king of israel as it was written on the cross

  84. Jay Jacky whats your truth???

  85. Nedu Biafra Awaken

    Don Davis truth hurt Africa people must wake up and learn how to deal with truth that is the only way forward for black race white people never loved us so nothing they gave us that is useful.

  86. Dhen get ready to complain agains the people who misled.

  87. Dorothy Mercy Musumba

    the pope is pretending he knoz the trueth

  88. Jesus was a name given to the leader of these mushrooming religions

  89. Oyinloye Oluwaseun

    Religion is made by human God have no religion. I love tradition and natural things

  90. D last day will tell

  91. Akindoyin Tunde Immanuel

    dear, i don’t idolize the Bible or Jesus Christ cause that image of Jesus we see everywhere today is a picture of a son of a roman pope very long time ago who was an homosexual, thief, murderer…. Rosana Philda

  92. It is surprising that the one person trying to unite all the religions is termed as the devil while the one who will stand in front of people an preach division is seen as the one sent from God……People need to open their eyes if you serve a God who is full of hate my dear you are not in the right place……Coz am catholic an am very proud that our head is showing us how we can unite instead of hating other people because of their religion……Call us idol worshippers if you want to…..it the same way you kneel in front of that Bible you hold that is also man made or even that cross symbol that represents christianity…….We catholics are for peace….if you have so much hate…..the devil is waiting for your soul.

  93. They are both troubled!!!!!

  94. I even regret reading these nonsense, I thought to learn something serious from it but all in vain

  95. Akindoyin Tunde Immanuel

    i guess you are a Catholic… i can’t judge cause am a good sinner. Am not in position to judge anyone but the fact is out there for who are willing to know. The former pope step down cause the Vatican is getting corrupt… Rosana Philda

  96. Akindoyin Tunde Immanuel Nope that pic is of various 14 actors thru the years…..and the first one was not a son of the pope which pope are you talking about????

  97. Akindoyin Tunde Immanuel other Christians believe we idolise Mary but we do not….To us Mary is not a ‘god’…..and for one to idol worship he or she needs to consider the idol as God we respect her as the mother of jesus….period.

  98. Osariemen Safe Kingsley

    Useless information you guys are sharing here. Islamic news forums

  99. Akindoyin Tunde Immanuel

    here Rosy Rosana Philda

  100. Precious Donatus

    Gossip mill were you there when he agreed on that?