Saturday , 12 October 2024
Home +OK News +OK Finally! The Pope Agrees With Muslims “Jesus Did Not Die At The Cross”

Finally! The Pope Agrees With Muslims “Jesus Did Not Die At The Cross”


See, when it comes to the bible, it is so consistent with the truth that there really is no room for confusion. Actually God is a God of order and one would expect to find nothing but consistency and order in His words.

The Pope in an address in New York said that “humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.“.

“I would like to express two sentiments for my Muslim brothers and sisters: Firstly, my greetings as they celebrate the feast of sacrifice. I would have wished my greeting to be warmer. My sentiments of closeness, my sentiments of closeness in the face of tragedy. The tragedy that they suffered in Mecca.”

Read Also – Shocking Revelation!!! Find Out How You Insult Jesus Christ and The Bible By Celebrating Eid-El-Kabir ”Sallah” As A Christian!!!

“The cross shows us a different way of measuring success. Ours is to plant the seeds. God sees to the fruits of our labors. And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.”

Let that sink in.

So first the Pope identifies himself with “my Muslim Brothers and Sisters”. Now, don’t get me wrong, but I love muslims. I have Muslim brothers and sisters and friends. But in faith are Muslims our brothers and sisters?

“The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray” (12:26). We should stay away from foolish people (13:20, 14:7), from people who lose their temper easily (22:24), and from the rebellious (24:21).

Although these close relationships are not recommended, it does not mean we turn our noses up and ignore unbelievers, either. Second Timothy 2:24-26 tells us that as servants of the Lord, we are to be kind to and not quarrel with anyone. We should gently teach those who oppose the truth, and be patient with difficult people. Matthew 5:16 tells us, “Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly father.” We should serve unbelievers so that they may see God through us and turn to Him in praise. James 5:16 says that there is great power in the prayer of a righteous person, so bring your concerns for unbelievers before God, and He will listen.

What does the Koran say about Non-Muslims?

(9:5) And when the forbidden months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, then leave their way free. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.

On unbelievers is the curse of Allah. – Sura 2:161

It is not for any Prophet to have captives until he has made slaughter in the land. – 8:67

Fight those who believe neither in God nor the Last Day, nor what has been forbidden by God and his messenger(Mohammed), nor acknowledge the religion of Truth(Islam), even if they are People of the Book (Christians), until they pay the tribute and have been humbled. – 9:29 (another source: ) The unbelievers are impure and their abode is hell. (another source: ) Humiliate the non-Muslims to such an extent that they surrender and pay tribute.

Are Christians infidels? YES TO MUSLIMS. Anyone that does not profess the Shahada is an idolater (worships another God that is nor Allah).

So from the scratch of it, Christianity and Islam are the stack opposites and both hold relationships with non-believers at ‘arms length’. For Christians, it is either to preach to the unbeliever or stay clear lest their influence compromises your faith. For the Muslims, well it says kill! (And the results, every 5 Minutes A Christian is Killed )

But how does the Pope then a man that professes Christianity call a Muslim his brother?

Well maybe because deep down, Islam and Catholicism are one? How?

Well for one, Muslims believe God cannot die.

Read Also – REVEALED! 5 Confirmed Reasons Why Islam Is The Biggest Idolatry Pagan Scam Of All Time? By Somto Monanu

“And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah’s messenger –they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain”. S. 4:157

The closest Muslims come to the cross is admitting someone else was crucified or ‘it appeared to the people present’ that they crucified someone.

Now the Pope in His statement has said that ‘humanly speaking” Jesus died.

The common denominator in Islam and Catholicism is that “someone HUMAN” called Jesus died, but God did not die. (According to Islam God cannot die and now according to the pope just the ‘human’ Jesus died, not the “Jesus-Jesus”).

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 1 John 2:22

So the Pope can justifiably call Muslims his Brothers and Sisters in faith. And which faith is that? Well the faith of the Devil.

Only Satan would choose to convince you to believe Jesus Christ did not die at the cross. Why? Because it is by the death of Christ at the cross that completes our salvation.

Source: Am Redeemed




  1. The pope doesn’t know what he’s saying. This man is confused and seeking more recognition.. Anyway, I advise Christians to believe God for themselves, you have the book, common your cleric is human just as you are. Don’t be deceived.

    • Lack of understanding please try to understand the pope statement before you talk

    • I absolutely concur with you… We must begin as Christians to stand for the truth. We must begin to act like the Berean Christians talked about in the book of Acts. 17:11. Search the scriptures and know GOD for yourself.

    • And did you listen to the so called speach. Woe unto you. Touch not my anoited and do my prophet no hard. Take this advice or leave

      • The pope is not God’s anointed. GOD didn’t anoint the pope. The Pope is not a Christian but a worshipper of a certain ” virgin Mary ” Not the Mary who was the physical mother of JESUS who conceived of the HOLY GHOST.

    • The Pope is a scholar, Christ didn’t died on the cross, it was his human physical body, Christ is alive, now and always. the cross is not dead bed. rather a transition to glory.

      if I may ask, in all the books in the bible, have you completely studied anyone of them and understand it for at least for one year, if not please try it.

      If I was the Pope I will even eat with them and also invite them for Christmas as well. God is always inspired each time we share his love with others.

      • Are yu really a christian or a religious man? If its jesus human that died then which of the Jesus went to hell and collected dominion from satan, am not suprised cus bible said a day like this will come

      • DAvid..if JESUS no die..does it mean “john 3vs16” is a lie….nd if JESUS did nt die,.hw kum u.yes u..hw kum u celebrate easter..?..did u ever see “human JESUS” in the bible..?..na human JESUS go collect the key 4rm da grave?…abeg try answer these questions o

      • If we all will go back to our roots Adam and Eve which we all agree then we are Brothers like the pope rightly said.

    • Dezoxy do you know more than the pope???

  2. The writer is confuse if you truely read bible an understand it remember the story of ismeil and isaac are they not brothers christians are desendant of who and muslim are desendant of who? In that case of pope comment he mearn deu to human thinking he didn’t mention cross nor jesus didn’t die on the cross among christians churchs which respect the cross most I rest my case.


    • Jude for u to insult pope is not good, Muslims and Christian are brothers and sisters humanly, bible told us not to despise any one, and not to make enemy’s, try to understand the scriptures and ask God for more wisdom and understanding ok

      • Wise saying Mr James??

      • Dear Jude

        The Pope is a Scripture scholar, Christ didn’t died on the cross, it was his human physical body, Christ is alive, now and always. the cross is not a dead bed rather is a transition to glory. if you to be my felllower pick up your cross and follow me says the lord.

        if I may ask, in all the books in the bible, have you completely studied anyone of them and understand it for at least for one year, if not please try it.

        If I was the Pope I will even eat with them and also invite them for Christmas as well. God is always inspired each time we share his love with others.

    • Jude calling the Pope ‘Stupid’?. I just imagine how you address your father. That is if you ever had one. I am highly disappointed.

    • Jude, nah waah for you oooooh, you lack knowledge and understanding, what will you even gain from war and disharmony, you know the new renovation of Heaven and the new appointee of judges in Heaven. God ways are not our ways, rather thoughts are our thoughts.

      The Pope is a scholar, Christ didn’t died on the cross, it was his human physical body, Christ is alive, now and always. the cross is not dead bed. rather a transition to glory.

      if I may ask, in all the books in the bible, have you completely studied anyone of them and understand it for at least for one year, if not please try it.

      If I was the Pope I will even eat with them and also invite them for Christmas as well. God is always inspired each time we share his love with others.

    • Who are you to speak against God’s annointed………….

    • May God av mercy on ur soul

  4. Not sure the Pope is really sure about what he is say. But in the end we will be judged

  5. The writer can not do critical analysis. ….he is the one very confused…Muslims and Christians are brothers and sisters…

    • who told u christians and muslims ard siblings…dats a big lie

      • From the physical point of view they are, judging from the fact that lsmael the child of the bond woman is the father of Islam. Christians are the descendants of the authentic Child of the promise Isaac the actual son Abraham according to God’s will.

        • What does ur Bible then tell you after that?
          Cast out the bond woman and her son!
          Ishmael is not a child of promise and was born out of wedlock. The Bible never referred to him as Isaac’s brother. He has to be cast out so that he will not coinherit with a child of promise.
          If a Muslim is seen as your brother, then it is either biological or physically. It has no spiritual agreement. Light and darkness cannot coinhabit

          • This is what you are saying not of God. Listen oh you my friend. God was the mediator between the two women, he was God who knew the movement. Remember when hagar left Abraham with his wife and tried to escape from the face of Sarah, The angel of the Lord advised her to go back and promised to bless her son.

            Only jealous was the problem with Sarah that also has spread upon you the Christians. None of you likes whatever GOD did on Abraham. Genesis 15:4 this verse is almost to be deleted from the original in order to get your favourite.

            Isaac was the son of Abraham but was the second child and he knew very well as he was the messenger of God that Ishmael was the first and successful child to Abraham’s life and that he deserved to be the inheritance of his father.
            Let me treat her unkindly so that she may leave this place, coz if the the son of this woman stays then there’s no chance for my son. This was the way Sarah used to win for her son Isaac.

            Matthew 2:13… God told Joseph to take a baby and his mother escape to Egypt. Why? He wanted to free free the baby jesus from king herod’s jealous.

            Abraham take the child with his mother and cast them away from sarah’s face. .. why? And who said this? God or Sarah? If Your answers is God then why did he promised to what will never happen? “Go back and show respect to her because what is in your womb I will bless it” … was Sarah happy with her? Would she said yes if she were listening to what GOD was talking to hagar?
            It’s a big no. Why? Because jealous were still increasing in her life

          • Bible is a word of God likewise Qur’an Ishmael is not a bastard he was in the custody of Abraham,you don’t even know that apart from Isaac and Ishmael Abraham had another six children

        • Can you please tell me the manifestation of God promise to Ismael as mentioned in Genesis?

      • Who created Muslims and Christians

    • Jesus is God,the giver of life an Christianity the true an only religion.

      • So did jesus create all the prophets before him and even his own mother?

        • Yes, JESUS did because JESUS was there right from the beginning of creation. JESUS is the WORD. See the book of Genesis from Chapter 1

          • Abbey. U are right JESUS has been in exitence as d word b4 his mother Mary,how do I no this Bible says JESUS is d Word so we are nt brothers non Sisters with d Muslim Bcos Bible says Whosoever that didn’t believe that JESUS CHRIST is d of GOD that person is nt of GOD so we are nt brothers with d muslim pls study ur Bible with Understanding God Bless U all

      • You are not serious. Can you tell where in the bible Jesus call himself God?

    • Muslims and christians are not brothrs mind yu

  6. Anybody who deny Jesus deny the father himself

  7. I don’t see nothing wrong with what the pope said. Am a sierraleonean and in sierraleone Muslims and Christians live in peace and they regard them selves are brothers and sister. We all have father Abraham.

  8. This is how religious wars begin, guard ur tongue.

  9. Are you truly a man of God? pope’s statement is contradictory;you put on the cross of Jesus yet u said Jesus did not die on the cross. what’s the stand of your faith? you are a bad representative of Christian leader. may God open your eyes before it is too late. what do you preach on the pulpit? is it because of the goodies or temporary benefits you enjoy that is making you want to sell your birthright? remember Esau in the Bible.

  10. gush whoever wrote this write-up is a complete moron. can’t you read and understand or does your Bigotic brain lack the power of feeling for the loss of fellow humans (the mecca tragedy). we are all children of God, muslims, Christians, atheists, pagans etc. because u managed to cite some Bible verses does not make u a judge over anyone . park well and keep hating the Pope even lying against him, because that title is a clear lie. u think u will ask for forgiveness from God in the comfort of ur room and all this ur atrocities will be forgiven? delete this post and repent while there is still time

    • u are right dear bt d allegations on d pope are right,pope z nt a right man of God..but pple lack knowledge for dey Neva want to know…. he z anti christ

  11. i think the pope is right go and read story of ibrahim

    • If u re a Christian and not a religious person then u shld know that the life of a christian is the life of love ,we re all made by one God we re one nd we shld always love each other.. What gave u the right to judge d church and the pope any one annionted by God is answerable to God do u know his path wit God where u there when he was called? Brothers, sister, do not condem anyone that God has not condem but rather make prayers for their souls

    • Idris u re a dog tress the history of islam

    • Mumu is it not writen on ur quaran dat Jesus is coming back again? U fool dat don’t even know anything in islam u open ur block head n talk

  12. We’re all children of God,therefore we all re brothers & sisters, come 2 think of it,is it not d same God dat created d muslims dat also created d christains? Just bcus d qura’n says day shuld kill d unbelievers,it doesn’t mean dat they’re evil,they’re jst misled. Stop criticing d pope cus am sure u guys wouldn’t lyk it if ur pastors were criticised or insulted,let God be d judge!.

  13. Bilyaminu Jibril Yelwa

    The writer is very much confused and lack honesty in his analysis.
    Try understanding before drawing conclusions and stop taking verses out of context because all the Qur’anic verses quoted above are out of context.

  14. Muslims can Neva b our brothers coz d bible prove it…dey ar anti-christian for whosoever do not believe in Christ z against christ

    • Pls Sammie tell me where in the Bible which says,those who did not believed your scriptures is your enemy. Some of you are being misinterpreting the Bible and mislead people.

    • I wish to inform u that Muslims believe in Christ jesus the son of mary more than Christians do, e.g Jesus prayed to God by bowing, prostrating face down on the ground like the Muslims do.
      – Jesus used to greet his disciples ” may the peace of the lord be with you” just like the Muslims do “as salaam aleikum warahmatullah”
      – Muslims believe Jesus did not finish his course that is why he never died, he was lifted to the heavens and truly he would come back to judge all those who led the flock astray.
      And that is just but a few, the list is too long

  15. Please Muslims and Christians shouldn’t get it wrong; the name “Allah” is an arabic word/language means God, it does not mean anyother god except the Almighty God. In my own tribal word, we call Him “Olohun”.

    God is God, and is one, whatever areas you mighty classified Him to be, is still only one God.

    • Then you got it wrong, cos Allah means he alone. But there is God, Gods, Goddies and every idol can b called God, eg SUN, MOON, water, trees, Animals, even JESUS sometimes is refers to as God, with this u now knw d diffs.

      • U fail to understand this, which is a simple english…He is God and no other gods….meaning , ,,all other God’s are man made, that’s why they start their spelling always with small letter g….God is One…simple and jesus christ (pbuh) is His prophet and messanger…we need argue on that, cos he himself never called himself God, but do deliver his message then that I was sent to u people by ur Lord and my Lord….

  16. Allah is the true
    Lord not human being

  17. The writer is indeed confused. He said for every 5 minutes a Christain is kill. I guess he mean by muslim . Who carry out the research that states that. Before u can sound reasonble u should back up every statement u made with evidence and facts not your personal view. Well, as for christain and Muslim being brothers and Sisters, the pope is right. Both religion preach love and peace whoever do anything contrary to that justifying his/her action using only a verse from the book instead reading the whole verses is on his/her own. After all God is aware of all these, we don’t have to argue for God. Let our conscience also guide us in our religion.

  18. Jewish
    Christanity, and
    Islam, are all traced from Abraham. That is why there are called Abrahamic religion.

  19. bt neva b mistaken we ave only one God truly bt JESUS z d only way to Him

  20. Pls stop this arqument nd dont create another religeous chaoos in this nation lets love one another because God is love no matter who you are we served one God almighty

  21. Pls audience i want ask a question is jesus christ a God

    • Fatai he is not a god but he is GOD. Open your Bible to John 1 and read verse 1 to 14 you will get answer. But if ur not clear hear is my Mail. [email protected] Mail me to give u more clearity

    • The pope is not God’s anointed. GOD didn’t anoint the pope. The Pope is not a Christian but a worshipper of a certain ” virgin Mary ” Not the Mary who was the physical mother of JESUS who conceived of the HOLY GHOST.

    • Yes Jesus Christ is God because he said he who ve seen him has seen the father

      • Jesus is not God Jesus did not call himself God by saying ounce you ve seen me you ve does not mean he is God.

  22. The writer should research properly before he publish, if he is confuse he should seek clearance

  23. The writer should remove sentiments and say what the pope said bible help us to understand the jesus came into the world in form of human being so that human being can see him hear him and understand him that is why bible said angels know jesus as King so

    let the writer stop deceiving his people and those that does not read their bible who have seen God? nobody so jesus is God the son and for our seek he came down in form of human being through virgin mary so that people can see him understand and beleive him

  24. Why did the pop putting on cross if Jesus Christ did not die on the cross?

  25. juses is not GOD.dont be fools.read the bible.

  26. JESUS CHRIST said he came for the sinners and not the righteous. The Bible says that on the judgement day many christians will be dissappointed. So you guys can go ahead and condemn a christian or a muslim. What are you doing to make heaven? Please read your Bible n pray every day, the song goes. Stop condemning n claiming christian cos all have sin and fallen short of the glory of GOD. So who are you to condemn the Pope or Muslims. May GOD have mercy on us all

  27. Peter deny Jesus thrice but he came head ad saint Peter. But was right because Quran say so and had search the truth and the truth as set him free.

  28. The writer is an Antichrist.Jesus died and resurrected. But Mohammed died and did not.Jesus and Mohammad cannot live under one roof,unless Mohammed followers repents and accept Jesus into their lives as their lord and personal saviour.if not no matter their population they are all headed for one place ,hellfire.Jesus is the way,truth x life.anyone dat does not bel this is already damned.

    • Stop worrying yourself Jesus is not God he is ambassador of God on the earth,,day is coming you will understand

  29. The writer, you have to be very careful about Translations of Qur’anic verses. What you said here is wrong and may lead to religious war

  30. I guess d writer is drunk and Henc cant hear d pope well

  31. Jesus Christ is a son of God

  32. I wished to tell u the truth …. if Jesus had a couple of best friends I bet, they know the truth…

  33. The writer is not well, he/she needs medical/spiritual attention. Be a good listener, I mean the so called writer.

  34. Don’t be foolish about the terminology, pope known the truth upon jesus prophecy in respect of islam

  35. You foolish writer, if you think Islam is doing injustice to others, go and read detheronomy 25:11-12

  36. The people of the book are really confused. You guy even disagree with your leader… Then ask yourself what kindof followers does that? There’s only one GOD ALLAH!!! Let it sink in

  37. Ebenezer Ross Tweneboah

    I guess the writer should go back and analyse the Pope’s speech well and make corrections to the work done. Jesus died on the cross and I don’t see why the writer is saying why should the Pope call Muslims his brothers. Remember we should love our neighbours as ourselves and live like brothers and sisters. We are all one in the sight of God. Writer please rewrite your work and understand the Pope well.

  38. It is clear to me that whoever wrote this write up is an unbeliever or someone who just want to destroy the name of The Pope. It a Godly thing for the pope to sympathize with the Muslims due to the mecca stampede that lead to the dead of 717 people. What did you expect the Pope to call the Muslim when he was giving his condolence publicly? The word brothers and sisters used by the Pope was an “expression of love” to sympathize with them. And to be candid both Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters, we worship the same God, it is just our mode of worshipping that’s different.

  39. Who ever believed the death of jesus on the cross is a salvation for him then you are been deceived and brainwashed check the book of Ezekiel what GOD said about the punishment of fake prophet that is to be hang on the cross and jesus is aware of that that is why he prayed for GOD to save him from that kind of death and the same bible said the prayer of man of GOD is always accepted so jesus prayed to GOD for not die on the cross in the same bible when his desiples saw him and talk to them asking them to give him food and water he ate and drank thereof some people ask Jesus to perform a miracle for them he told them even an adultry generation of your is seeking for a miracle he now said the only miracle to performed for you is the side of Jonah the christians what is the miracle of Jonah

  40. Most times we christians lowers our standards and priciples of faith to accommodate everybody as our brethren hence exposing ourselves to deception but non christians never do that,be wise.

  41. It’s very disgusting that someone will write this nonsense about religion, God can nevet make mistàkes , hence he created all religions for men to choose which ever they prefer, let me also remind the indolent writer that God created Jesus, Muhammed and all other prophets as guide for man.
    Please let be mindful of what we write so as not to create unnecessary enemies amongst people of different religious background.

  42. Check 19 verses of killing in the bible. Non-believers, fornicators, disobedient child etc.
    The explanations of quranic quotations were out of context. Those verses were doing the war waged at Muslims after leaving Mecca to Medina.

  43. True: all humans on earth traces their origin to the same parents, and by virtue of this fact, we are all brothers and sisters irrespective of your religion, race or tribe.
    True: there will always be conflict of interest especially when it comes to religious doctrines. e.g the christian faith has it that you must love your neighbour as yourself whereas it says almost the same thing in the Quran, some religious bigots within the two religion had taken the hate message ten step further to cause untold hardship on vulnerable worshippers.
    False: that it is impossible for people of different religion to live in peace. let all try to imbibe tolerance and love.

  44. Adenusi Daniel Tosin.

    The pope is not a symbol of Christianity, Christ is the absolute and only symbol, I am not thrilled about what the Pope said or what he didnt say, but tye last time I checked “MUSLIMS” are not our brother or sisters , by saying that it implies we have doubled the high bridge to heaven even though one does not believe in Christ, ISLAM is not substitute visa to heaven but Sincerly being A Spirit-filled Christian is….. Read Ephesians 4:13

  45. The writer has a problem with English language. He simply does not understand what the pope said

  46. I am so disappointed in this piece. I don’t expect you as a Christian either, to deceive and exited the masses over the Pope’s speech. Your education has rather made you mad, because the Pope Clearly did not say 1) He agrees with the Moslems that Jesus did not die at the cross 2) He said, “. . .humanly speaking. . . the failure of the Cross”. So, don’t put words into the Pope’s mouth, don’t presume what he said and don’t read him in between the lines. just quote him as raw as you see it. You freak!

  47. gossipers,laziness,no work is too bad. writer look for a better job.

  48. For the whole Christians,this is my question. Jesus died for the salvation of mankind right?, so those that crucified Jesus will they be rewarded by God for killing his only son or they will be forgiven.pls I need a sensible response

    • Unless you have a problem with forgiveness which will obviously be your business, everyone will be forgiven when he or she sincerely asked to be forgiven

    • No they would not be forgiven coz the Bible has coursed such dat the son of God will be crusified tru is hand

    • No they are just human beings like us, they didn’t know what they were doing, physically they thought they were killing a self proclaimed king of the Jews, Buh rather, they were helping him fulfill the prophecy.

    • They will be forgiven if they repen…. Even Jesus in the cross forgave them…. He said Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing

  49. this not a true translation of qur an. the writer did not know anything about islam. even the pop him self knows the teaching of islam that is why he identifies them as brothers. we muslims, we believed in Jesus and his teaching. really Jesus did not die, imagine the a God who created everything on heaven and earth including the dead itself a dead man, what an insane this is illogical, you don’t say anything about islam because you don’t know it.

    • That’s the irony, everything is written clear,but hey,we never understand only you do,why will it not be translated a different way,moreover a lot of Christians still believe that Jesus is not God, as there is only one God, why even in the hell do both some Christians and Muslim believe that we worship the same God?

  50. masonwo abdulfattah

    I want one to provide answer to this question please, where was it writing in the bible that: Prophet Yisa (asw) Jesus is the Lord and your savior???.

  51. at no given time a muslim and a christian wl b brothers and sisters unless we preach to muslims and become christ followers thats the only time they become our brothers. for the pope to call them our brothers and sisters shoud leave us questioning his faith.

  52. Are u better understanding than the pop?
    U quoted 3 verses from Quran but what about the 14 verses in the bible that says kill and murder, Jesus never died for cross, if he dies u telling me God died? God must be present and never die one but u were just told Jesus died but read the bible first before u go other books otherwise u end up with shameful way. Good luck bro.

  53. hmmmmmm….Jesus was crucified,He died and He was buried..but because He is God,He rose again.let’s understand before we criticize… yes..humanly speaking Jesus died.spiritually speaking,he didn’t die….the writer is really confused or he probably wants …..before misleading people with ur post,i think u should understand what u re doing….we’re one…all of us are one..forget religion…

  54. Humanly speaking we are brethren but spiritually speaking we are not.unless a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.

  55. why are we arguing about what the Pope, the scripture made us to understand that we should not judge who are we to judge the Pope. but I make something clear, when you study your bible what does it say about killing fellow human. let me put it in this way today u went to your family house and kill your love ones not just one what name will called me. I don’t have problem Pope calling Muslims and Christians are brothers and sisters but for saying that they are misled.

  56. The pope quoted verses out of context in the Qur’aan to prove Islam is a violent religion…I wonder what he wud hav to say abt the ample violent verses in his Old testament bible in chapters like DEUTERONOMY,SAMUEL etc
    ..u christians can check it out…Also read what Jesus had to say abt his enemies in LUKE19:27 where he asked his own enemies to be brought and SLAYED!!!

  57. Fuck you forecs

  58. Muslims married christians in my country.This is to show that we are one of the same species.Don’t matter what happened we should always embraced each other as brothers and sisters.

  59. The origin of Christianity and Islam is from who?
    God created human being and send them many prophets. are all the prophets Christians?
    pls don’t be deceiving yourselves. we need peace in this global

  60. “humanly speaking” carnally coz there is no greater denial than that Christ did not die but a similitude made of him. if any man or angel preaches anoda gospel, let him be accursed whether pope or Muhammed or their adherents.

  61. bible say my people are perish Cos they lack of knowledge continous to bladefame,you anti Christ.

  62. It is very clear now that the pope is the #Antichrist…

  63. I think The Writer is right. Human beings should come alive and live with the truth. “Because almost 98% of the respondents on this Wall are cussing, cursing and even warning him to be careful about his Post lest he cause a Religious crises or religious war” Why the fear of Muslims if they are sincerely peaceful? Why are the Airwaves filled with fear of death and violence, and mayhem? Have you heard of any Christian Sect going about maiming and killing other Religious Sects over any contending Issues? What are we still talking about here??? I do not have plenty energy for plenty talks. THE QUESTION IS THIS: WHICH RELIGIOUS SECT BETWEEN CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM WOULD LIKELY REACT TO RELIGIOUS DISAGREEMENT VIOLENTLY MAIM OR EVEN KILL IF GIVEN THE CHANCE. Truth is very bitter but very curative to the point of a wholesome health. Thanks, @all.

  64. The pope is right ,let says the truth

    • They might have misquoted the pope. But if not, I conclude that he is only doing his father’s work.

    • The pope is not God’s anointed. GOD didn’t anoint the pope. The Pope is not a Christian but a worshipper of a certain ” virgin Mary ” Not the Mary who was the physical mother of JESUS who conceived of the HOLY GHOST.

  65. If i may ask,why do you go to church to pray for forgiveness?when you believed he (Jesus) died for your sins.

    • Man is mortal, and become imperfect after the fall of man at the garden of Eden. In the old testament people need to go and make sacrifice and it is only the Priest that goes into the inner chamber called the Holy of holies . But after JESUS died he made a perfect sacrifice with HIS Life once and for all. This qualifies whosoever believes in Him to go to GOD directly through JESUS (the Perfect High Priest) irrespective of where you are whether Church or where soever. We go to Church because the Bible urge us to do so and to fellowship and encourage one another. And not necessarily for confession of sins

      • There is no verse or chapter in a complete bibble be it old or new testerment where it is writen that Christians should go to churh on Sundays, dt shows christianity is a religion formulated by human being nd nt Almighty God which is Allah

  66. Hm! Christian’s wahala, you want to be the first and the last at the same time,

  67. This is totally rubbish ,am expecting to see another thing entirely

  68. Watch ya mouth and mind what u post for I dnt tink u knw more dan d pope nd pls stop postin hatred bringin church against each other all we want is peace among us…and u owe heaven an apology on diz post for u accusin d anointed one of bein an anti christ and a lie! God only is to judge

  69. To pretend that what had already taken place did not happen will not change the original fact, irrespective of whosoever is pretending or saying it. JESUS is the truth and only way to reach GOD the Father. No controversy, JESUS is Lord. .

  70. Gospel Don +2348160087316

    Well, the pope calling the muslims during his address to them as brothers and sisters is not Sinful we all are heirs of the same potter and all the product of God on the sixth day. From the statement being read of him above he has never conformed with the muslims rather exploring his duty as one of the world christian leaders representative to bring peace and cause unity. Jesus Christ truely came in flesh and died just humanly but we as christians believe in his eternal glory and resurrection. To a muslim brother who never knew christ it may not be necessary to go into details in his address. Let the muslims judge by sword leave them to their filty minds and let us keep on in faith. I think we should have used this medium to strategize other means of reaching out to the unsaved, unchurched. Not a time for us to condemn a christian leader. Remember that He carries the Annointing.

  71. Somto!! make u dey understand before u post some kind tins, had I known i for no come read your nonesense… I dey read your blog from day one… but ever since u buy car.. your posts have been dumb

  72. The statement is clear……pope is try to affirm it dt Jesus died on cross…..

  73. why are u trying to remove the dust from the pope eyes while urs is double u are not the owner of heaven where we all are hoping for leave the case the the nononses judge because u are not there to hear from pope mouth also if ur a good bible student u will know that we are brothers nd sisters God created one man nd woman then i ask u if adam nd eve is christain father nd mother who then is Muslim father nd mother

  74. Human beings begets human. Animal gives birth to animal. GOD begets God, if the most high GOD had said JESUS is His Son. Then JESUS is GOD . The pope is a religious man, if actually he said what they claimed in this post, I will conclude that he is only doing his father ‘s work by playing religion. However, Christianity is not a religion but JESUS Christ kind of life , that is living like JESUS did when HE was physically on this earth. He left us an example to follow. He died on the cross of Calvary for the sins of mankind and HE rose again. No controversy about it. He is LORD and GOD.


  76. My landlord is a christain, he like me and my family so much bcos of our understanding, bt him and his wife are enemy 2 each other bcos they both attend diffrent churches. Am nt God or prophet nd will never be till i will die, so i cant jugde anything bcos i cant even jugde myself. Am a muslim and my wife was christain, we re ve very peaceful and we in our own language nt in Arabic or English. Please dont let our children to read all dis post about religion critism, let protect the future of our children, two wrong cant make any right and sometime two right may lead to wrong. Bt we can say no to agree and we agree to disagree. Peace to all of us.

  77. I guess some is trying to draw attention to his /her blog and hence, the cheap blackmail. you don’t really know the repercussions of what you have just misinterpreted until you invite curse in your family.

  78. while the Jews in Jerusalem and the Roman soldiers did not know Jesus in person (mark 14:44), because he is a stranger in Jerusalem and his people who were present at the place of crucifixion could not recognized the crucified person, because they were far away from the cross (Matt 27:55), and his face had been swollen and marred by stroke of lashes (Matt 27:27-30) pope know bible more than you idiot

  79. Muslims nd christains r all humanbeings,no one is perfect,we r weak by nature.let’s respct each athas,faith defers,stp judgntng,miscountng de buks.bishar frm naivasha,tnx


  81. pope is very right,can any christian tell me the exact hour that jesus was crucified。for me i read in the bible that jesus was crucified @ the 3rd hour,in another chapter it was 6th hour and another chapter in mattew says he was crucified @ the 9th hour。

  82. there are so many religious leaders today why do you people think the pope is the unrighteous one… He is bcos the bible is clear about him and his work. Sometimes I wonder why people are still arguing about the fact that he is an anti Christ whilst the bible clearly states his mark”666″ in revelation 13. VICARIUS FILII DEI

  83. you n other peddlers will soo wait for pope Francis to transform or become anti chirst till u grow grey n old … listen to every speech n translate to your liking…follow him around the world n try to twist his words….write about him n seek so desperately to confuse people….you hv basically become wat we call….A FAN… kudos..

  84. What the said is not wrong, Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters both derived their origin from Abraham (the father of faith). And in the Quran content the Christians are called “the people of the book” and not as non believers. The issue of non believers is addressed in the Bible also for example ” They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the
    God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and
    everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel,
    was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether
    man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

  85. Jesus is the second to the last prophet / he said someone is coming after me listen to him . So jesus was NOT CRUCIFIED ok

  86. God took the form of man in Jesus Christ to teach us how to live with one another, Chrîstians and non-christians alike.

  87. Jesus is not God, but the son of God, the God will are talking about have it own name not only God. Do u want to know is name ( IN psalm 83:18) that Bible verse Tell us the name of our Creator. is name is Jehovah. so Jesus is not God but it son. and Jesus Christ did not die on cross no too no more about this my number is this 08106708857 that my what app number. or visit JW. ORG then u are ready to know the truths.

  88. U’re confused man.Dat ur brother(biologically) takes to evil, does it make him any less ur brother? U may deny him, but he remains your family.St.Paul even wished he could die so as to bring the Jewish people to faith in Christ Jesus…dat de Pope referred to Muslims as brethren doesn’t translate into him being a Muslim…

  89. when u have been show the u still go into darkness

  90. I just need a pastor or any of u that disagree with pop should come and debate with me on Television show. What did scripture say about coming back of Jesus in Bible? Where in Bible written to have Sunday congration prayers? Where in Bible Jesus called himself a God? Is Jesus a God of other prophets before him including Adam, eve, and his mother? Pope Benedict has said it all. He is a true man of God.

  91. Pls let us respect each other’s religious JESUS(pbuh)& prophet MUHAMMAD(pbuh) are all messenger of GOD and all Muslims believe in JESUS Christ.

  92. In my own view most of xtian does not shearch for truth nowadays but always shearch for miracle, that is why most of them dont know much about bible which lead to their procedural error, if xtian can throughly shearch for truth and study their bible and Quran very well most of them will accept islam as only way to paradise. Most of their leaders know the truth but because of what they will eat they will not say it. for those that agued that pope does not know what he is saying you are all ignorant, if you want save your self from this state ignorant just study Quran and bible. Note that some pastor may tell you that you should not read particular verses in the bible or Quran , they say all this because they dont want you to know the truth, and bible says you shall know the truth and truth shall set you free.

  93. In my own view most of xtian does not shearch for truth nowadays but always shearch for miracle, that is why most of them dont know much about bible which lead to their procedural error, if xtian can throughly shearch for truth and study their bible and Quran very well most of them will accept islam as only way to paradise. Most of their leaders know the truth but because of what they will eat they will not say it. for those that agued that pope does not know what he is saying you are all ignorant, if you want to save your self from this state of ignorant just study Quran and bible. Note that some pastor may tell you that you should not read particular verses in the bible or Quran , they say all this because they dont want you to know the truth, and bible says you shall know the truth and truth shall set you free.

  94. U rgt cz that man doesn’t knw wt is tlking abt ,I dnt thnk he knwz hiz bible

  95. My Jesus is King!!!!

  96. Jesus (or Isa in Islam) is not god and will never be, he is a prophet of Allah and second to the last of the prophets of Islam that is the stand of muslims and respect him and believing in him as prophet of Allah is obligatory to every muslims and then if he is god then who created Mary that born Him and why the Holy ghost? As for the writer of this statement you are very wrong in your translations of the verses of the Holy Quran that you have quoted you need to find the real commentary of the verses before using them. In the case of Pope’s comment from calling muslims brothers to christians of course we not brothers in faith but from the genesis we are all created from Adam and Eve so we from the same roots but in different ways.

  97. Hahahaha…. U all are jst jealous of islam. Infact what our quran does not say or talk about i can see how some ppl are giving thier own analysis base on their little sence hmmmm…. All is well. U guys should continue d combat within ur selves. Bt blive me none of u guys knows anyfin about islam. Bt islam would keep on keeping on an remain silent jst for good an i know ALLAH would fight for us.

  98. I begt everybody here to please Google who is d best man in d world, who is d most intelligent, who is d best scientists an so on like that pls ma ppl jst go an search for this then u Muslims shall see the reason why some Christians not all o are angry with islam an that’s why they do talk wat our quran does not say jst to cause wahala. Bt as i said, islam is peace. So peace b upon u all.

  99. Am Speechless Read What Pope Quoted… Pls Can We Read Mathew 24…. ?