Sunday , 22 September 2024
Home +OK News +OK Mum Of Nine Sons Is Pregnant Again And She’s Having Yet Another Boy

Mum Of Nine Sons Is Pregnant Again And She’s Having Yet Another Boy

Nine pairs of muddy, smelly trainers are lined up in the hall like Russian dolls running from largest to smallest. Above them hang nine coats and nine sets of clothes for the day, most of them school uniforms.

In the kitchen, the table is filled with enough bowls of cereal and slices of toast to feed an army. This is how every day starts for miracle mum Alexis Brett, the only female in a five-bedroom house full of testosterone.

Amazing Alexis has given birth to a record nine sons in a row and she is eight months pregnant again, with yet another boy. Alexis, 37, and her husband David, 42, are thought to be the first couple in the UK to have conceived 10 sons in a row.

The former nurse is now just one boy short of a football team, but insists she won’t complete the set, as she will be sterilised as soon as she gives birth later this month.

Alexis, from Inverness, in the Scottish Highlands, says: “At every 20-week scan, we found out the sex, but I’ve no idea why we bothered as, deep down, we already knew.

“It’s amazing I’ve had so many boys. It’s thought I’m the first in the UK. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. People always ask if have I been trying for a girl.

But I can honestly answer ‘no’. I’m happy with my boys. I wouldn’t have a clue what to do with a girl now.”




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