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“US And North Korea Tension Could Lead To Conflict That Wipes Out Large Part Of Humanity” – Pope Francis

Pope Francis who is currently on a visit to Egypt has said he worries that the rising tensions between the United States and North Korea could lead to a wide military conflict that would wipe out a “large part of humanity.”
He called for renewed diplomacy using third-party intermediaries and for the United Nations to take a lead role in de-escalating tensions.

He said,

 ‘the situation has heated up too much. I always appeal for a solution through diplomatic means. It’s piecemeal but the pieces are getting larger, and are concentrated in places which were already hot. Today a wider war would destroy, I won’t say half of humanity, but a large part of humanity and culture. It would be terrible. I don’t think humanity today could bear it.Diplomacy is the best response in these times’.




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