Got married to my husband three years ago and some months, but my three years of marital bliss is nothing but confusion.
I met him on Facebook in 2008 and we met in person late 2011 and we got married in February 2013, but the person I thought I knew was a total stranger.. After our marriage I got to know my hubby do bed wet, but I take it with a good fate and started praying along with him.
I gave birth to my son August 2013, after the birth of my son, my loving husband started his fornication in 3d without control, I pray I begged, and even fought with him to tell me what am doing wrong but all these led to him beating the hell out of me, leaving me with bruises…
In Dec 2014, I caught him with a secret phone with over 50 contact which is only female contact from Eskimi dating site and some other place…I was very hurt so will had a big fight over it, but later settled… but after everything there is this particular lady that my hubby refused to let go, for the reason known to them, he flaunts their relationship in a coded way but I do find out…the problem now is any time I confront my hubby with this girl’s issue, he will deny it and even curse myself if he has anything to do with her..anytime we had any disagreement now first thing he says is I should leave him and go..
I’m really confused, is it man ego or there is no love left in my marriage?. This is the man I accepted in his darkest moment and I still keep my mouth shut about his bed wetting thingz..
Please note: we are still struggling to move forward, so money is not involved o…my son spent last term at home coz of money..
Oh god lol
he bed wet? please take him go see a physician. if you love him, you will help him sail through this embarrassment
pray n God will deliver him
Not only bed wet he beat her too when she find out about his second phone with around 50 women contacts from dating sites he need more than a dr
Love him pray with him seek solutions it shall be well
Oh.. That is bad then
Love conquers all, if u love him, u would stay with him
Run away ooo before he floods ur room koraa…Nana Akwasi Kyere
love him…do you remember saying yes to ” ln sickness and health” before marrying him
Hmm!! Sad..Ppl may laugh at this..But in life there are all types of toxins in a relationship..Sister pray for God.s will to be done over ur family life..Not your will..He will fix it
Bed wetting is the least of her problem if you read the article you will see why
I am sorry for happened!!!
Go back to Facebook and meet another one.
It dnt Matter where u meant him u should have gotten to know him better… Bed wet paah
What can u do? What a woman…… Start looking for solution for his health pb….
Is only God
Why complaining? isn’t marriage what ladies are after nowadays? you’ve got to deal with it.
You are a stupid girl is this a problem in any way , go to hell if you can’t fix it I thought you here to say he have a secret family
Love him, Cos his your husband and by praying for him with Faith he will stop.
Just let him go wet the bed on the other side
Buy adult pampers
Deal with it. You have your own faults too and yours may be worse than bed- wet.
Well to my simple solution, buy him adult Pampers OK.. Problem solve.. Kalas
Divorce him on Twitter lol
If you are not happy in the relationship, leave his ass.
You are very lucky your facebook husband married you, so many girls have lust their lives through facebook relationship. My advice to you is that marriage is for better for worst, hold strong on the Lord Jesus Christ, for with God all things are possible, take him to a Living Church for healing and deliverance you will see that he will be healed and you will testify. There are other serious cases God have healled, so love your husband and stop crying, it is well with you.
My sister the truth is that the man doesn’t love u anymore that’s why anytime u complain when u find out he is cheating, he tells u to leave him and go.The botter truth trust me no love left
Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred . God bless.
Hang yourself sia
I hate social media relationship. it’s evil.
bae do something before something do u……….its neva too late to make amends
Gossip Mill Naija and their lies.
Pple saying its because of Facebook are wrong
Yu can meet yur husband anywhere,God will heal him
Unfriend him on facebook! Lol! Fake story!
Many people did not bother to even read the complete story before advising the lady.. Sister marriage is not a do or die affair.. My own advise is once domestic violence is involved walk girl.
This animals are again lying. Carry your cross
I read the article waaaaaa ni kunoma…. my sister just pray and ask God for help….. or walk away start your new life….
When u guys met on fb did u tell us? Why seek for advice when we don’t know the bases.
His Mom is Responsible.
Wrong meat,well Go and see prophet TB Joshua or better still,the best option is to hug urslf bcuz U r greedy and selfish in ur area or country
Run for your life bitch
Am happy with my d best God will help u my sister is not easy marriage is coming together for better or for worse
my sista,go to Shiloh dis yr,nd God wl settle it forever
Just PUSH….. Pray Until Something Happen.
So…..u beta get yourself together,u wan kill urself on top a man,as for d bedwet issue get him adults diaper
B4 getting marry did u seek for our advise?
I don’t get,so u married him 2days after u met him or wat, so u married som 1 u knw nofin about,cos if u do knw about him,u wuld knw he bedwets.
Anyone with that problem should contact me on 0202921513. It will be the thing of the past. Insha Allah
And so many girls have also lost their lives to the men their family introduced them to. What is your point?
did u ask before you married the “husband” u met on facebook, sister please……………….. don’t make me laugh
Pray for him
ask google or ask.com since u met on fb.
Hahaha guy you dey mean oooo
Do not leave him keep praying for him a day will come he will realized and stop.
I buy ur contribution,
God is able
Sis call me….hahaha…i come and get u….later
Try another on Instagram…
Hell no!! I will him tell get the hell out and get your ass some diapers. Kick that peeing ass out the door!
Take him to real pastor 4 deliverance ok.
As for me, what happens in Facebook end in Facebook,
My dear your problem is very small for God to handle, all you need now is to spend your last card and take him to a real man of God, we normally ask God to say only a word and we shell be held. if you believe in God ask him to say a word and your darling will be free
U bear it like that ooo
My dear that husband of yours is demon possessed. The spirit of lust in him has reached its pick. Bedwetting is also a spirit. Meanwhile he knew about all those problems in him that’s why it was difficult for him to find a woman close to where he comes from. But he new there are a lot of desperate ladies who wouldn’t say no to a marriage proposal if given an opportunity. So out of the many 50+lovers he has/had he chose you for a wife. This means that he loves you. My advice is don’t leave him, stop crying, wipe your tears and get down on your knees and start firing prayers. Serious prayers not casual prayers. Fast and pray without ceasing my dear. Your husband needs you. God put you in that marriage for a reason. You are not going anywhere. And social media is not the best place for you to run to. Right now you need to run and look for anointed Men/Women of God so that help you with prayers. Be strong my dear and use your knees and starve yourself and cry to God. He is the pillar and shield. The horn of your salvation. He Wil never leave you no forsake you. He is your rock and your fortress. Read Palms 18:1-50, he will always be there for you.
For better for worse..kikikikikikikikiki
Adult pampers is in the market. Wear him pampers.
Both you and your husband need deliverance. Be prayerful and everything Wil work out in your favour
Try another one on instagram
Na really wa for you U0001f602
Ok i wil tell u what to do keep waiting
Ok i wil tell u what to do keep waiting
Hmmmm dey will c u through all is well
And is social ntwk d best place to seek advice? My frnd if dis is 2ru go wit him to a living church…..
report it to facebook.. please next story..
Pray just surrender all to God
Be it if it’s true, be it if its a lie, some people are going through this tough time.
The first question is. Did you ever pray about the relationship, before concluding on marriage?
After you agreed on marriage ideas did you ever go on your knees to tell God to take control?
It all started from the foundation.
It is very clear you never involved God Almighty before taking that step of yours, now you are seeking for advise.
My dear, have you yourself giving your life to Christ? Surrender all and tell him your problems, invite him into your life, your soul, your family, your marriage, and tell him to touch that mans heart, tell God to take perfect control.
When you surrender all then see what happens.
Where ever there is light darkness will flee.
You can give yourself a break, take ur child to your parent to avoid distraction, go into marathon 3days of fasting and praying, I believe things will turn around.
Tell God to restore peace in ur home
Enjoy ur face book marriage pls!!!!!
My advice to you, is that you should tell your problems to the Lord Jesus Christ. And stop face-booking or displaying your problems on any social media.
You also bed wet
So you hear all de advice your good friends is giving you.
Keep faith God dey.
Did you read it at all… Did she say cheat or bed wet
That’s the price for getting desperate for marriage without a second thought…sorry thoughU0001f602U0001f602U0001f602
Result of online dating
Buy pampers for him & seize the phone.
Just pray sister
Oga sir, do u do bed wet too? I don’t know ur problem. If u can advice her then kept shut not to abuse her. Abba
My dear pray and God will see to ur marriage. Amen
Go and hang ur self bitch
Do what ur heart tells u is write
God bless you, you have a good heart. I love ur comment. Thanks.
My friend take your lazy ass to bed. I read the whole story not only does he bed wet but he also cheats on her
u don enter one chance bi dat na… did u ask us for advice before marrying him…? let me help you answer it ‘NO’ u did not… so why now asking for advice…? well if i am to help, you will need to pay consultancy fee of 10,000.00 naira and also book appointment n wait until i am ready to respond to you…
It doesn’t matter were u met ur husband. Now dat u guys ‘re married. Look for solution to his problem. Dnt foresake him becos of dat. U can also be in such situation. Do alot of prayers.
Tell him to piss off
Buy him a diaper and take to get tested for HIV
Make sure he goes to the toilet before going to bed n wake him up at 2 am again. Also try diapers they are good.
Return him to facebook
You dexterity with words r perfect. U r wise. Peace
After he wetting the bed he running woman ,bearting you when you talk …there is no love there any more .send him and pee some wher else …you are worth more than his abuse .