Tuesday , 4 March 2025

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Home +OK News +OK Worship God And Not Mary: A Message To Roman Catholic Faithfuls By Ann Okafor

Worship God And Not Mary: A Message To Roman Catholic Faithfuls By Ann Okafor

mother mary1

Worship God not Mary! Honour God but be careful how you honour Mary. She is a lucky woman to be chosen and prepared so every Christian call her a blessed woman but real Christians do not bow down/knee before her instead of God.

Real Christians follow the words of Christ that worship is for God almighty alone.

Real Christians follow the word of God not to make images of anything in heaven nor earth for worship be use that would amount to idolatry. God knows the temptation of men not to worship him but the object in front of them.

So Catholics stop getting your foundations wrong. Structure your way of practicing the doctrine. God is the ultimate and comes first. You even go as far as having the Joseph club worshippers. Only Hindus, Buddhist, Arabians, Satanists etc use beads for worship. The history of that demonic practice goes far back in the early days of the world.

Come out of storage doctrines and influences. Keep away from incantational chants, they only invite demonic presence into your life. God revealed something to me through the eyes of a huge plastic Mary status a mother placed be living to protect her sleeping child. I saw the demon and its intentions in it and it wasn’t a vision I was expecting. Believe me, it is good to honour Mary but do not replace God almighty with her.

Jesus Christ is the one and only way to God almighty, that’s why he alone was found Worthy amongst the sobs of God to pay the price of your salvation by becoming man through the womb of a chosen virgin to carry the pregnancy.

Imagine Christ came in this modern times, how will you still worship when he would have still said ‘Worship belongs to God Almighty only’. We worship Christ be use he is the sob of God, one and same with the father and he is the blood that connects and links you to God. He was there when God created the word because he is the word of God.

There is so much I want to say but don’t want to sound imposing. Christianity isn’t about condemnation but correction, and it is not too late to mend our ways and follow the true scripture of Christ, the son of God, light of the world, the word of God.

Never bow before an image and reverence it in worship form not trance because no one has yet seen the face of God nor deserves worship besides God. Worshiping and honouring are two different things, throw away every idol and worship the true God from your hearts.

The ways of the church has long been corrupted since the Roman era when the Sabbath was moved to Sunday against the word of God, but the new testament and the mercy of God is upon all Christians regardless of their domination as long as they worship God in truth and in spirit, with pure hearts and not bow down to worship any other object, thing, spirit, nor being besides God almighty. In the name of Jesus Christ every demonic spirit bow down to God.

Pray for the spirit of discernment so you don’t corrupt your faith in the spirit of over zealousness. Insults, abuses and loud shouting does not change the truth no matter what. Hold your bible close, study it, don’t let any priest nor pastor limit your study of the word of God to a couple of passages.

When you take out time to dedicatedly study the whole word in private without demonic nor brainwashing influences, and listen to the spirit of God inside of you with sincerity, you will break away from whatever wrong path you innocently set on in the name of traditions and man made laws.

God bless us all and bring us all back to the path of truth. True Christians do not bear insults nor mockery towards other Christians, they try to bring the lost back to the right path with love. Let the spirit of God take control and speak through us as we open our mouth to respond to religion matter. God’s opinion is infinite and divine, ours…dust so let us be cautious with our utterance else we grief the spirit of God.

Salvation is personal and until you slay your Goliath of doubt and lambs to the slaughter doctrines, you might never break free. But on the last day Christ will call out his genuine disciples from every domination.

So let us worship God with a pure heart and be like Christ. No amount of chants can save a sinner from hell if he does with his sin. This is the devil’s strategy to still lead into hell.

Stand firm and wary of the devices of the devil.

Oh brothers and sisters let us turn from our sin and worship God the right way.




  1. Cyprian Chuks Dubems

    Dearest Ann Okafor, we catholics don’t worship our dear n sweet mother Mary, we Honour her.

  2. Cyprian Chuks Dubems

    There are countless reasons to honor the Mother of our Lord and our blessed Mother. For example: The Archangel Gabriel honored Mary. St. Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, honored Mary. Of all the people ever created, God choose Mary to bear His Son. Thanks to Mary’s fiat, the gates of Heaven were opened for us. Jesus gave us Mary as our spiritual mother. The fourth commandment requires that we honor our mother. Mary loves Jesus perfectly and also loves each of us perfectly. No Mary, no Jesus. (Although Jesus, as God, always existed) By honoring Mary, we are imitating Jesus – who will honor his mother for all eternity. From Mary came the Eucharistic Body and Blood. God chose Mary as His way to come to us. Mary helps defeat Satan. The early Church Fathers offered high praise for Mary. Mary was a part of the most significant events in Jesus’ life. God entrusted His own Son to Mary. God has honored Mary above all creatures. Mary’s consent was required to bring Jesus into the world – Her permission was essential to our redemption. Mary worked and suffered for our salvation and it would therefore be ungrateful not to honor and reverence her. Mary’s consent made reparation to God for the disobedience of our first parents. Mary is a perfect example of obedience. Mary is sinless. Mary is full of grace. Mary is blessed among women. Mary is the mother of our Lord. Mary has found favor with God. Mary said all would call her blessed. Mary is the greatest of all saints. Mary is the Queen of heaven. Mary underwent intense sufferings on our behalf. Mary is our Mother by the Will of Christ. Mary is the greatest example of virtue in a creature. Surely someone worthy of being the mother of the Jesus – that is, God! – is worthy of our honor. Jesus’ humanity was drawn from Mary – without her, we could not be Jesus’ brothers and sisters. If the Ark in the Old Testament which held the written words of God was to be so revered, how much more should the Ark which contained the living Word be revered? If one would “carefully handle a plant that brought forth the choicest of flowers”, how much more ought one to show devotion to Mary, who brought forth Christ? Mary is our best guide to Christ. Without Mary there would be no: Christmas, Easter, Salvation, Eucharist, New Testament… Without devotion to Mary, one loses out on knowing their Mother! It’s a privilege to have Mary pray for us, and those who honor her may ask for this privilege. After healing the lepers, Scripture tells us that Christ inquired about the nine who had not returned to give thanks (see Lk. 17:17). Considering that it is due to Mary’s fiat that we were able to be redeemed, should we follow the nine unfaithful lepers who did not return thanks or the one faithful leper who did return to give thanks? Would a wise person show great honor to an earthly king, yet snub his mother? When one loves God, one should also love those whom God loves. “For it is the nature of love, to love when it feels itself loved, and to love all things loved of its beloved. So when the soul has by degrees known the love of its Creator toward it, it loves Him, and loving Him, loves all things whatsoever that God loves.” (St. Catherine of Siena) If someone you knew gave up their own child so that you and your loved ones could live, would you not honor that person? Wouldn’t it show much ingratitude to not honor such a person? Well, Mary did give up her Son so that you and your loved ones might live! If you want Mary to be there for you at your death, as she was for Jesus, you should be devoted to Mary during your life. Jesus’ body – without which we could not be redeemed – was taken from, nourished by, and cared for by Mary. Jesus’ plan for our redemption was totally dependent upon the Blessed Virgin’s participation – Any chance we have of salvation was totally dependent upon the Blessed Virgin’s participation. Etc. And, since Scripture commands us to honor our mother and father, how could we fulfill this commandment if we don’t honor Mary, our spiritual Mother? As Scripture says… “A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give birth…. She gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod. Her child was caught up to God and his throne… Then the dragon became angry with the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring, those who keep God’s commandments and bear witness to Jesus.” (Rv. 12:1-2,5,17, emphasis added)

  3. Cyprian Chuks Dubems

    Catholics honour Mary because God himself honoured her. He honoured her above all other creatures by making her his mother. We talk about accepting Jesus as our personal Saviour but we can’t accept Jesus and at the same time reject his mother. The Jesus of the Bible is not a Jesus dropped directly down from Heaven, but Jesus, “born of the Virgin Mary”; a Jesus who at the marriage feast of Cana worked his first miracle at Mary’s request, a Jesus who as he was dying on the cross made her the mother of the whole human race, when he said to John who represented the whole of humanity: ‘”Son behold thy mother”. When we praise a picture that has been painted, it is really the artist we are praising. When we praise and honour Mary it is really God we are praising and honouring because her holiness was the work of God in her

  4. Obiyo Onyekachi Tony

    Hypocrites! Celebrate Jesus birthday and not ur pastors birthday, call ur biological father daddy and not ur pastor, help d needy around u and not ur wealthy pastor. Tell ur pastors 2 preach salvation and not prosperities Respect others doctrine and mind ur church business. If worshiping Jesus and honouring His mother will tak me 2 hell fire so be it.

  5. Valentine Uzodimma Udokwu

    we are honouring mary not worshiping people(Ann okafor) say worshiping not @ all,everybody(Ann okafor) follow us to honour her.

  6. Amobeda Shedrach

    We dnt worship mary we only hounor her so take note of dat

  7. Cyprian Chuks Dubems

    my brother our Mother Mary will defend u as you’ve defended her. wonder why they can’t respect our doctrines. wonder why they so interested in us.

  8. But you can hang your pastor and his wife on your altar and that is not idolatry

  9. Chiemeziwo John Kennedy

    God will NOT share His glory with another (Isaiah 42:8). In Exodus 20:3-5 we read that God is a jealous God, so jealous that we are commanded NOT to even BOW to a statue or image.

  10. Chiemeziwo John Kennedy

    Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God” -Exodus 20:3

  11. Chiemeziwo John Kennedy

    God is more jealous than any husband or wife could ever be. It is a dangerous thing to commit idolatry. It is a sin to bow to any saint. It is a sin to pray to anyone or anything in an attempt to influence God. There is ONLY One Mediator between God and men–The Lord Jesus Christ.!!!

  12. Chiemeziwo John Kennedy

    The ONLY Way to God the Father is through God the Son. John 14:6 declares…

  13. Chiemeziwo John Kennedy

    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

  14. Chiemeziwo John Kennedy

    It is wicked to teach that Mary was anything more than a godly woman.

  15. Cyprian Chuks Dubems

    Even our muslim brothers honour Mary bt these protesters have other ideas. The Holy Virgin is the only woman mentioned by name in the Quran, and the entire 19th Chapter of the Quran is named specifically after her. No devout Muslim would ever fathom attacking the character of the Virgin Mary bu our protestant brothers will smh.

  16. Hmmm! My brother take it easy. I would rather you pray 4 God’s direction. I was once a Catholic.

  17. Why not stop worshipping jesus and worship de creator himself . Who is more superior? De mother or the son ?

  18. Alexandre Tikum Teboh

    Then why most you build an image of her ? Hounor her as , you hounor God . worshiping her status is forbidden from God

  19. By bowing down…. Idolatry.

  20. Alexandre Tikum Teboh

    Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he is not dead or Rip like other humans . He is the way . He give life , he heal sick people . We worship God and his Son Jesus Christ . Why do Muslim follow the message of Mohammed ? How many people write the Quran and who are the people that write the Quran ? Jesus Christ name is written how
    Many time inside Quran ?

  21. By bowing before a statue. It’s called idolatry.

  22. Cyprian Chuks Dubems

    lol one of those I was once a catholic people.

  23. Mhyz Gloria Edozie

    we honour our Mother Mary
    take it or leave it

  24. Mhyz Gloria Edozie

    we honour our Mother Mary
    take it or leave it

  25. Mary mother of Christ is not part of the TRINITY. I have no problem with honoring her. She is the mother of our Lord Jesus. But bowing before that statue, that’s not honoring, but pure idolatry whether you like or not. And that’s where the problem is. Exodus 20:4-5

  26. Musilms honor Mary, but do not make a statue and bow before it.

  27. Dude hahhahahahahah u making me laf . Jesus christ said in ur own bible that worship God alone. “Hear o Israel , worship ur Lord God with ur whole heart and ur Lord God is one .
    U asked abt the quran , quran is the only scripture without mistake or contradictions or discrepancies. Quran is the only unchanged scripture in the world , which still have the original text . Do u have original bible ? No ! Did jesus write the bible or author it ? No cuz he died before the bible came . The name jesus is not even his name . As for quran mohammed peace be upon him authored it .check in ur bible , u will see jesus called himself “the son of man” but u are here calling him “son of god ” . The term son of God is explained in ur bible saying all those called sons of god are those who righteous and are led by the spirit . Example , David was called the son of god also. Jesus and his mother is in the quran as righteous human beings not as gods or sons of god . Cuz God does not beget nor is he begotten . We follow the message of mohammed cuz it confirms the message of all the prophets (peace be upon dem all ) . Go to the original Hebrew text of the bible and u will find de name of prophet mohammed there . And u will see names like , jesus, Joseph , Benjamin etc are all fake names , they never did exist . All fabrication and westernised names. Do u know why ? Cuz there is no letter ‘J’ in Hebrew which is supposed to be the mother tongue of jesus . Ur own christian scholars agrees that there is no original bible . Jesus never said he heal sick himself or raised the dead himself. U are liar lieing against ur prophet . There is no where in bible which jesus says worship God and his son . But he said worship God alone . In fact he said ” on that day , many shall come unto me saying , Lord Lord , did we not prophesy in thy name ? Heal and cast out demons in thy name ? But I will say unto them , go away from u evil . I never knew u! That’s from ur master to u . Who calls jesus Lord ? Judge that ursef . Who claims he can cure and prophesy and cast out demons in jesus’ name ? U judge that ursef if u are truthful . My brother read ur bible with open minded and stop the hypocrisy way of reading the bible.

  28. Obiyo Onyekachi Tony

    Cyprial, u are highly blessed and favord. Dnt mind dem. but in yoruba land they bowdown to greet their kabiyesi or elderly ones among dem and call it respect. But fail to respect somethin dat reminds dem of God and biblical teachings all in d name of over sabi. .

  29. Chimuanya Perpetual Egbuhuzo

    Lol really I was once a catholic so my dear tell us more u that have gone out n seen d light. Catholic n proud oooo

  30. Chimuanya Perpetual Egbuhuzo

    Hmmmm u never told us that he’s jealous d way u tie n hang ur pastors around ur body. Catholic n Proud

  31. Abdulazeez Terry Ibrahim Kolawole

    Ali (my Indian friend) singing “Baddest Boy” by Wizkid

  32. There’s a difference between worshipping and honoring. We catholics do not worship blessed Virgin Mary no matter how you haters try to put it

  33. Peter Chenda, how many Catholics have you ever seen bowing down at the statue of blessed Virgin Mary?

  34. Cyprian Chuks Dubems

    my bro Ikenna, u don’t even need to argue wt him. that’s what he seeks.

  35. Cyprian Chuks Dubems

    hahaha Chimuanya no be small thing o. he was once a catholic bt I guess now he has see d light lol. Catholic n proud too

  36. Cyprian Chuks Dubems

    Tony no mind them jare. d matter just tire me

  37. Igwe Wodo Kingsley

    It’s unfuturnate dat we the catholic do kneel and bow to honour her… is dat a crime…? Very soon yu wil tel piple nt to kneel and bow bfo their kings and traditional rulers cus it’s diabolic…

  38. I dont just know why some people will not mind their business and leave Catholics alone…. Mary we love u

  39. At the name of JESUS every knee shall bow….not at the name of Mary….

  40. So honour JUDAS too! If Judas hadn’t betrayed JESUS,none of us could ever dream of having salvation….

  41. All those saying “We honour Mary” Why not honour Judas too? After all, if he hasn’t betrayed JESUS, I doubt it very much if any of us would be here today….

    Bros abeg repent kia-kia! That is about the most blasphemous heresy I’ve ever heard….even worse than Muslims calling Jesus a prophet!!!!

  43. So honour Judas too! He betrayed Jesus, without him,we wouldn’t be here!

  44. Halima Ibrahim, are you done? Take a c4 bomb, 70 male virgins are waiting for you. Hurry up

  45. Precious Donatus

    But you hang your pastors image

  46. Halima Ibrahim if u read d BIBLE very well u will see where Jesus said it better for the person who will betrayed him were not born. But GOD said Through Angel Gabriel hail u MARY FULL OF GRACE. Plz l respect ur opinion but accept to honour her. she deserve it 101%.

  47. David Adeniyi OlaOluwa

    Very Good!! May God let them hear and change, in Jesus name.

  48. My dear tell them the way they worship this Mary they don’t even worship the most high God or Jesus Christ that way…if you talk nah…they will say they are honoring Mary mean why they are worshiping her….

  49. No body is against you guys honoring Mary…but this like bowing down to an image….

  50. Then if its so why not mould Jesus and honor him after all he is the son of Mary…

  51. Please let’s leave judgement for God , HE alone knows the people that worship Him in truth and in spirit and the bible says that we should not judge so that we will not be judged and you judges remember what the bible says about those who have logs of woods in their eyes but would prefer the remove the specks in other people’s eyes.

  52. Alexandre Tikum Teboh

    Mustaf Yahaya I don’t even see any of your reason . Worship your god okay me also I worship my God . Don’t false people to worship your god or punish people that does not worship your god . Let the almighty God judge does who does not worship him not you to judge and condemn people who does not worship your god . I am a follower of Jesus Christ like it or not . I will prefer God tell me that I was wrong to follow Jesus Christ not you or any other human . So everybody on is own then God for all of us Amen

  53. Alexandre Tikum Teboh

    Mustaf Yahaya I don’t even see any of your reason . Worship your god okay me also I worship my God . Don’t false people to worship your god or punish people that does not worship your god . Let the almighty God judge does who does not worship him not you to judge and condemn people who does not worship your god . I am a follower of Jesus Christ like it or not . I will prefer God tell me that I was wrong to follow Jesus Christ not you or any other human . So everybody on is own then God for all of us Amen

  54. Hahaha , u see I expected u to quote bible to defend ur actions. My friend what are u saying ? Am I forcing u into any religion ? In fact it’s written in quran that there is no compulsion in religion. Did I invite u to reply on my comment ? Were u not de first to reply on my comment ? So why talking as if am abusing or forcing u? Oh oh u thought u could say those lies and go free right? My friend follow ur bible and stop deceiving ursef . Follower of jesus christ sha.. yet , u pray different than how he prayed , yet u blv different than wat him, yet u eat pork , yet worship him whilst he did not tell u to. So wat kinda a Follower are u? Or u say with ur mouth ? The truth is in ur bible so why are u so deluded ? Am not forcing u and I will or can never force u. Am replying to ur questions .the truth is too heavy for u abi?

  55. Sunday Owi Ogwuche

    Remove the log in your eyes, what right do you have to judge? Are you GOD? Hypocrites!!!


  57. The Mary thing is one big distraction for Catholics it was about Jesus from the beginning never about the woman that was privileged to bear the seed..Mary was just a vessel and Nothing more…she was there on the day of Pentecost and received the baptism of the holy ghost just like the other disciples and newly converted.. Stop worshipping the implanted distraction Satan is using. Remember from the book of revelation, the sacrifice (the Lamb) was slain before the foundation of the earth was laid. Mary is just a favoured vessel used to bring the seed Jesus to physically and specially save us. Leave Mary alone. She has ran her race, run yours.. she can here ur prayers pray to Jesus directly he will answer u.

  58. It’s not judgement oga

  59. Paulson Ify GOD did not say hail Mary through The Angel Gabriel, those were Gabriel’s utterances as he explained her calling, and his mission to her! Mary played her role,and has been rewarded for it, if you now therefore want to honour her more than JESUS, that is heresy! If you’re going to honour her, honour EVERYBODY ,including Judas,Herod, Pontius Pilate, Barabbas, the donkey that Jesus rode into Jerusalem,John the Baptist even the Soldiers who nailed Jesus to the cross…
    they ALL fulfilled prophesy, so why not honour them too???

  60. Pls cleanse yourself of your dirt b4 calling the name virgin Mary…Catholics will never cease from honouring mother Mary…

  61. We worship God and honor her, if we believe jesus is God den what’s d big deal in honoring d mother of God

  62. true talk even man bow before fellow man.. good point. “Honor” is not ” worship”. English language has caused serious problems in our society today.

  63. Emeka Umeh James

    This is pure idol worshipping in a religious form

  64. So this means u should not obey d 2nd comandment of God? And u think u are cristians

  65. Do u guys read the second comandment? Or it is removed from your bibles ?

  66. So the second comandment of God is not clear enough? U guys need video 3d version?

  67. So the 2nd comandment is not clear enough ? U need it in video 3d version

  68. This parts in their bible has been removed , or they need it in 3rd versions to be able to understand

  69. So this means the 2nd comandment in 10 is not clear enough ? U guys needs it in 3rd video version?

  70. And u alima are u muslim? Ok if yes please tell us about slavery in islam and how d koran permited it and u use desame koran today

  71. Tell them,
    I don’t know if it’s same bible they read a well with Christians.
    Do not worship any other God except me

  72. Igwe Wodo Kingsley

    So many tins in the bible ar contradicting … give to caesar dat is of caesar to God which is of God…

  73. This is demonic, i mean pure demonic! God is spirit , worship H8m alone

  74. Even when an apostle told Jesus that his mother and siblings are looking for him…. What was Jesus reply? Abeg catholic should try and read their Bible very well…..

  75. We have only three trinity…the almighty God…. Jesus Christ his son and the holy spirit ….and no Mary…..

  76. Go 2hell and born yourself to arshes, u wil only say nd say nd say till u bcome tired. What u ar argueing about started b4 ur existence nd u wil shurely die peacefully without changing or doing anytin about it…. Those who knows wat it really means will never b confused by diverse christains of 2day, It iz not mandatory 4anyone 2worship or honour Blessed V. mary neither iz it compulsory, so i dont knw wat u pottestantics ar debating about. As 4 me, let d world say thier view about it, if they ar not tired of quoting let them quote frm Genesis 2 Revelation….. Me and my awesome Blessed Virgin mary 4rever…. Till death… Nd even in d next world i will continue to honour her in any way it pleases my spirit….

  77. By then,mary was holy.After giving birth to Jesus she became a sinner.Why did u people still called her holy and virgin? when u know after Jesus mary still children dat she did not conceive through holy spirit.Even if God gave her dat grace,it doesn’t mean dat she is still virgin dat u people have to creat an image to worship in place of mary.When u see in de bible dat,u should not bow down or worship any graven image.So if u r de perdon dat bow down to de graven image inform of mary think of urself my brothers and my sisters

  78. Ignorant is one of the greatest & deadliest poverty on earth, yet many people are still dying for it. Me & my household will serve the true living God till I die.

  79. Nancy Ibok you made a good point after having Jesus ….she still had other kids for Joseph….Catholic read your bible and stop deceiving yourself….

  80. Timothy Ezechukwu

    I no blame Una. pple de hungry u de talk Abt catholic, leave them alone no b ur kneel

  81. Timothy Ezechukwu

    pastor p, hope wetin u talk now Belle full u

  82. Mother Mary, we honour u, we love you, I dunt want to hear anytin they say about you, Mother Mary, notin can stop me from honouring you, you are a great Mother

  83. Since God honours Mary, and Jesus obeys her unsolicited directive, you can be sure that this message (attack) does not issue from the kingdom of God since no spirit of God can say anything against Mary. It is just a demonic subtle attack on Mary out of frustration. Okafor, just know that Mary and Her armies will always defeat your kingdom. It is just natural!


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