A wife scalded her husband and sister with hot water after she caught them in bed. They were said to have been having an affair under her nose for a while. Incident Happened Zambia.
Both the man and the lady literally experienced hell confirming the saying that ‘hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned’.
The victims are undergoing treatment at a hospital in Zambia. See the graphic photos below
Source-National Helm
Thank God they are alive its a lesson to all of us both men and women pls let’s always control our temper and always leave judgement to God.it take the strong to resist devilish temptations. May God help us.
Some human are as dangerous as scorpion or snake….. Devilish act!
Any human that can do this I swear if given a chance or better chance she would have Mulder them! Boys Beware of satanic wife! And girls beware of satanic husband. Not all human are real human in person!
How come she burnd the sister’s private n not her husband’s
I wish was died this is good to them your husband is not good man beter kill them your sister is evil to me
Serves them right
I wrote my own opinion without mentioning any name, temptation can come to any body, but when dealing with it we should be careful not to cause more damage, always we pray to God for forgiveness,and in return we can’t forgive people who have done wrong to us, what’s her gain after the action? Next time make your comment without calling name@ Agnes Enow I know you want me to reply you with a harsh words but I won’t
Yes you right
This generation should Pls learn to forgive other no matter what…..
i have nothing to say…
Them dey still do dis kind of things?
Did they say he rape her or sleep with her?.(Concernt).forgiveness shld b paramount.
Is it While she should boil then
Sorry to say but that’s goody there’s cerrain lines u dont cross.
Some are busy talking cz they don’t know the pain one goes through
Thez nothing wrong wt what Shemima Kadiri said, if she knew that wht the man was doing to her wasn’t right then she ought to have told the big siz bt not mutting and enjoying then end up saying she’s under age, under age indeed, how do we know if it was the first time or she’s been doing it consecutively? I doubt if she’s even that 13 @ Noma Dhlamini
Shame on them…..they deserve all they got….hope her mental scares heal faster then their physical scares…Warda Yassin Xaaji Barre, Umm Ahmed Arshe
Chioma Obidinma abeg no use laugh kill me here, u 2 funny…. Na penis dey scratch d fool.
Too much of over react.
good fr d two of them.useless man
dats too harsh arbaa
Dat serves her right,of all de men in de world,why her sister’s hubby? I
haaaha let this man find a wife who is crazy like me … i will not burn him but i will go and rape his brother or father by force in his presence
Her husband but not her son, her sister and not her daughter that she can take law to her hand dis way….. I guess she should be charge to court for attempt of Murder case….this kind of people are not wanted in this our society
All who a cry out sympathy is just bcuz is not ur sis and ur husband u find in bed put urself in the situation dem lucky she never kill them
Correct sharp woman.
well done madam
Gud for them.
She’s only a child
The guy must have brainwashed her
Just learning women at 48yrs o…… Jesus Christ
If I’m your hubby a go dey fear you o
serves them right
Men hmmmm what is really there in the sex.
Good for dam,he goat n she cowU0001f621.
Omg my God I love this woman
Y’all need to calm down. The man is at fault here.. The woman acted out of anger and pain. Please don’t blame her until you’re sure you can fit into her shoes. I pray you never wear them. Matters of the heart. I still don’t understand how love can be so beautiful and dangerous at the same time… U0001f611
Monday Oguche keep quiet. People like you will kill your wife if you find her in such ungodly act.. Quick to judge some else’s action… You people just talk.it’s really not easy to deal with such. If this happens to me, I might have heart attack. The betrayal is beyond man’s imagination..sickening
Men I can hear your voices any more., this case na una case, make una come defined una self.
Love don’t hurt nor kill nor burn, love forgive .that wasn’t out of love but out of wickedness if any woman try that she should be jail .we can’t even marry Satan like that
Don’t love who can’t control her anger or emotiona. Marriage is not for girls but for woman most time thing like this happen becos the woman is not matured for marriage. Disgusting behavior!
Is what they deserve
Haha you go the Nyeri style In Kenya chop of his transformer aka (d*k). But for the little girl I would investigate first before taking an action
Wanjiru, Wanjiru, Wanjiru how many times did i call you? Pray it never happens to you coz many are in prison not because they intended to hurt but were pushed to. It doesn’t matter what the man’s relatives say, but what matters is God being in control. Divorce doesn’t heal the hurt, discipline and responsibility from each partner can.
maybe they will stop IT or change the venue LOL!!
maybe they will stop IT or change the venue LOL!!
Good for them
Dis is too much, I know it hurt but n one dat can do dis can actually kill, d deed has been done already d best action was to walk away..well thank God dey still alive at least serve as a warning to others.
What a foolish woman. Just water? Damn. That isn’t his judgement. Death…That’s all.
That makes it hotter and sweeter. Stupid husband and stupid sister
Good one Dear.
Jail? Did I hear you say jail? Omg! That place is meant for the wise ooo. Have you been there before?.She should have killed him instead. C’mon man, can you do that to your sister in law?
Nice one very good next time u both will not try it again.
Serves them right
U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602 ur right
Punished as in let go of the cheater U0001f600
you expected her sis to laugh, congratulate n hug her for her wrong deeds? how abt that guy cathcing his wife wz his brother?
Nice one, servers u right
Acuudu billaah they deserve it
I wonder ooooo
Women are always selfish
Who knows she might even have his pregnant, just like ese case. It’s really sympathetic cos happiness have cease in that home
Good way to go siz..infidelity is ruining our society..They asked 4 it.
you right, it serves them right, she should have added pepper.
Good for them oooo
Pray u don’t find urself in those shoes.. If u do.. I hope u sue them!!! Bullocks!!!
Thank you dear
Go gal, go gal, good job, some one shout,Amen, best lesson ever
Thank u sir
Thank u sir
@ Angel my comment isn’t made for people like u, it’s made for people dat know how to read and understand simple english. but incase u find ur self in such a situation, just inbox me and I will tell u how to go about it
No b small ti
Good at the same time bad
Monday Oguche what you are saying doesn’t even make sense set… So love cheats abi? What the man did should be overlooked abi .. Like I earlier said.. keep Quiet!!!
That what happen is very bad and, hart broken ,if i was that woman I’m going walk away wait for my true love
Hot water is gud very gud
No need to harm them what will you gain from it …just find your way out rather doing this bad thing
Why dont you divorce him?this lady went too far.
Candid advice, now dat u have calm ur nerves,just focus on ur children if any n damn n put dat man in d gutter and struggle as if u are a single mother.It will help u n ur children if any because it is an inbuilt xter in him except God intervene in his life else ur hot water will not change him.Be wise woman n do d right thing.
God Bless U Nd Strengthening U Always Ijnip Amen
God Bless Nd Strengething U Alwals Ijnip Amen
Good for them
Women and hot temper
Umm …..if you don’t receive any infection from this incident, then I’m sure you’ll never make that mistake again. #JS U0001f62e
Chioma Obidinma hahaha d man 2 foolish infact na e-goat in b.
Na so una dey do
Chioma Obidinma haha, me I no fit try that kind rubbish I dey craze, that tin way d man do na child abuse na a girl of 13 aba.
Men like cheating pass food
Well am not surprise by some of ur comment even God regret creating human being and call human hrt as the hrt of Man is so wicked and so deceitful
For crying out loud any human that agree to this woman did is not far from doing same thing how will you feel ur flesh and blood burn like this and u did it Kai devil leaves in human arest my case
It serves dem right
Monday Oguche u first craze? Aha why re u talking like someone who forgot his senses under his feet ? So u re saying what d useless man nd the stupid girl did is alright as long as is not d son and daughter wait what am I saying self …u need a reset settings slap so that ur sences will bounce back to order pls dnt write rubbish here again just keep quiet if u dnt know what to say …d woman is a devil she is this she is that now what is the man d devil godfather?
Chioma Obidinma my dear u can try me am not like dat.
Aaah what should I say?
Serve them right kmt
@Amenze Aimiehinor Kazeem , thanks a lot dear you have said it all. the reason is because he is a man like him just think if this same issue happened to be a women the will not allow us to say even a word. Now look at him trying to be nice and God fearing , let me tell you all this men that is commenting as if they were good .just in case they saw their wiffy having sex with there younger brother and with that they will not marry the woman again even after putting her in that same position. So what are we saying Mr right.
The men are commenting like hell, because he is a man like you people right ? just think if this same issue happened to be a women the will not allow us to say even a word. Now look at them trying to be nice and God fearing , let me tell you people all this men that is commenting as if they were good .just in case they saw their wiffy having sex with there younger brother and with that they will not marry the woman again even after putting her in that same position. So what are we saying Mr Right.
God bless you my brother.
She serves them right, SISTER. ….were ni awon elomi saa ..
I don’t believe in this story but if it is truth they deserves more than this