A wife scalded her husband and sister with hot water after she caught them in bed. They were said to have been having an affair under her nose for a while. Incident Happened Zambia.
Both the man and the lady literally experienced hell confirming the saying that ‘hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned’.
The victims are undergoing treatment at a hospital in Zambia. See the graphic photos below
Source-National Helm
I Cnt believe u have just sayd tht look at the little girls age , she’s really young and didn’t know better, whts the use of having a big sister if she does this, l hope she doesn’t have kids
Monday Oguche , or whatever your name is.. It’s people like you that will kill their wife if she was found in that same position. And you are here blabbing rubbish out of that gutter you called mouth. Well, i no fit blame you sha, bird of the same feather flocks together.
Black man with Black hrt….. Alot of you derive joy when ur fellow human cry am not surprised but don’t forget to go eat them up cos there are done to be eating. Vampires…… May god forgive that woman that woman need to be divorce if not she can kill
Dat man needs to be divorce, if not he can as well impregnate his own daughters.
Better handle than hot water.
But why should a man still go after woman wen he is already married?that thing he is looking for is it better than his wife’s own?but how come there is hot water as at the time she caught them?
Mtcheeeeew men can acts like goats sha, but she could have handled it better than hot water though.
That is exactly what am taking ablt….. Exactly! Hot water on same flesh and blood is absurd and inhuman
I think in a lawful country that woman premeditated her act. To boil water to that point. If the younger sister was 13 she would have reported the husband to the police. I bet you she will regret her act. The man did wrong but two wrongs wouldn’t make it right. I feel the pain of the wife but as a human being I feel much pain for the man now than the woman.
Honestly speaking we all human and should treat our fellow human good OK seriously that woman need to be arrested for going that far…… Isn’t that wickedness?
Him still alive go wk another dayU0001f606. Him should give thanks for that. It could be worse
Women are not smiling! U0001f610
Tru talk my sister
serve them right,u should have use acid so they will not forget in their life.