Thursday , 6 March 2025

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Home +OK News +OK Warri Gay Man, David Ukre’s Husband Opens Up on Their Wedding

Warri Gay Man, David Ukre’s Husband Opens Up on Their Wedding

gay warri

Nigerian man David Ukre became talk of town when himself and his partner Eric T. Shoen took their love life to another level by getting married in New York July 30th.

Much hasn’t been heared from them since that time.

The husband has since opened up to Huffington Post on their wedding. What he revealed below:

We tried very carefully to make sure this wouldn’t happen. Guests were instructed not to take photos during the ceremony. We were very particular about who was invited. It was a sad added bonus that most of the guests from Nigeria cancelled just 24 hours before the ceremony.

On July 30, I married a Nigerian man. Although he is very special to me, he is not famous. He has never done anything to warrant so much media coverage. We had a small ceremony under the leaves of some great old trees on the lawn of an adorable little restaurant. My family and our closest friends joined us. Our vow exchange was only 30 minutes long.

What followed was a day of love, laughter, joy, eating, sore feet, kids running circles around the yard, and family and friends celebrating our day together. We posted only a few photos to our Facebook pages and asked guests to not post photos or mention our marriage.

That night, we went out dancing to a club with friends who stayed over. The next morning, we decided to take some friends with us on the first day of our honeymoon to see Niagara Falls. We were still enjoying every moment of calling each other husband, taking photos kissing in front of the falls, getting sprayed at the Cave of the Winds, and accepting well wishing texts from family and friends.

Monday morning, I woke up early to return the rental car that we had used for the weekend. When I returned, my husband was pacing and crying, distraught, pointing to his phone. Somehow, someone had either sold or given photos from our wedding and first dance to one of Nigeria’s notorious gossip bloggers, Linda Ikeji who chose to publish them on her blog. Whether to out David and make a mockery or to somehow use it as advocacy, no one knows. What we do know is that she had no permission from either of us to use our photos or story.

My husband calls me “the fixer” for a reason. I felt like I might be able to fix this before it got out of control. I called my sister who is an attorney for advice. Given that the information was posted on an international site, there was little we could do. My friends at Google and Blog-spot, and attorneys who are friends of mine gave me the same unfortunate news. Mind you, this is all happening at 6:30 a.m. on a Monday morning. Friends from all over the USA messaged me as soon as I posted on my Facebook for some assistance.

I did contact the blogger directly via email and asked that the photos of our wedding, of our trip with my family, photos of our groomsmen, and direct quotes from my Facebook page be removed. I quickly locked down the security on my Facebook which had been relatively open so that I could use it for advertising and sales. I never heard back from her.

At 7:00 a.m. I got a call from my twin brother, who is my best friend:
J: “Eric, which blog are you talking about?”
Me: “There should only be one”
J: “It’s already on at least a dozen blogs.”

I had to tell David at this point that there was little I could do. At the same time, his phone and my phone started to heat up with Facebook messages from strangers condemning us for being gay. His phone started to ring continuously from unknown Nigerian phone numbers.

I felt lost. I still get a terrible feeling in my stomach just a week and a half later. I hate being helpless. How could our tiny, personal wedding in Rochester mean so much to hateful people on the other side of the planet that they would find us on the internet so they could harass us?

I worked as fast as I could asking bloggers to remove our photos and mention of us, but only one complied. By the end of the day, more than 150 sites had blogged about us. They were not saying anything overtly mean for the most part. The comments, on the other hand, mostly mentioned the “end of times,” beheading us if we came to Nigeria, asking God to rain down evil upon us, suggesting that we get anal cancer and die, calling us devils, and threatening us in various other vulgar ways. Some people commented positively, but they were in the minority.

David’s groomsmen were also accused of being gay. One of them felt compelled to come out via social media after the pressure.

David’s family was harassed by neighbors and local hooligans. He hadn’t told his family we were getting married. They were not even aware he was gay. David’s sister called to make sure we knew that she knew and she supported us. She relayed that his mom was not admitting anything and continued to defend David to anyone who bothered her. His other siblings also messaged us to say that they were being harassed via telephone, in person, and social media.

You might ask yourself why I would share this story.

You see, I fell in love with an amazing Nigerian man. I knew it was illegal for him to be gay in his country. I knew it was illegal for his family to know he was gay and not report him. I never thought that my tiny little wedding in

Rochester, New York to this man would go any further than between our close friends who were invited and maybe some of their friends.

David was afraid to come out of the closet to his family for so many reasons, some of which I recognize in my own coming out story. Telling my parents was very frightening, painful and tough, but they support me now. I grew up here, where letting someone know you are gay was tough, not illegal. Some of David’s reasoning can only be understood by someone who grew up in Nigeria or a similar country where it is illegal to be gay.

Why would this be such big news in Nigeria? I believe it is because the press still wants to vilify gay men and women. They want to show that the USA is a place that corrupts the morals of children and is a den of sin an iniquity. The current political election probably isn’t helping change that impression much. The mere thought of two men getting married is enough to incite vitriol from all corners of Nigeria, and other parts of the world still today.

We queer folk still have a lot of fighting to do. We may have thankfully won marriage equality here on American soil, but until it is legally safe for our gay, queer, trans, and gender non-conforming brothers, sisters, and family to live their lives as they wish to be in all corners of the world, the fight must go on.

Photo Credit: Luke Reynolds Photography / Huffington Post




  1. Isma'il Umar Fati

    tofin ALLAH tSine…!

  2. Wonder what Nigerians are waiting to shoot down that devil

  3. Ukre Na you be the wife abi? Wawa !

  4. James D'Aviator Durojay

    Chekwube Angel you miss the point. Read my post properly. I said you people condemning gay people should mind your own business and attend to your sinful and perverse lives. Not saying homosexuality is not a sin. The point of this post is to mind your own business and attend to your sinful and perverse life. What’s the difference between a gay man and an adulterer? You guys are just hypocrites. Sin is sin whether unnatural or not. It’s none of your business if two men decide to do an unnatural act. As long as they are not disturbing you

  5. may God hv mercy on u guys for hell is real marriage in God’s original plan is between a man and a woman not male and male or female and female and no man can change the original plan of God so whoever challenges and changes it will surely face the wrath of God at the end let us repent from all kinds of sins and serve the Lord in truth and in spirit for our souls to rejoice with the Lord one day in Heaven.REPENT NOW!!! for Jesus loves you

  6. may God hv mercy on u guys for hell is real marriage in God’s original plan is between a man and a woman not male and male or female and female and no man can change the original plan of God so whoever challenges and changes it will surely face the wrath of God at the end let us repent from all kinds of sins and serve the Lord in truth and in spirit for our souls to rejoice with the Lord one day in Heaven.REPENT NOW!!! for Jesus loves you

  7. i hate you i dont like this

  8. Robert Williams Nyachoti

    Hanna is gay

  9. Say no tô evil

  10. They reason only way , if even if you talk from now till eternity, u cannot change their mentality . Though I not in support of gay but we shouldn’t see that as the worst sin. Pray for them than judging them or rather as God to forgive your sins that you at committing and you feel no one sees you .

  11. God made Adam a man,then created Eve a woman.The Warri man knows wats up,hence the need for secrecy.Thank God we r seeing transgenders going back to dia original nature wat does it tell u?btw we all sleep in a glass house.

  12. Ehm ok ? If you say soo. ☺
    Does this make you feel better?

  13. Saman Muhammad Saleh

    thank u my broda dats exactlly wat Qur’an said

  14. Calvin Klein, giorgo armani, Michael kors U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602

  15. David, I knew u some years back as a natural person. Remember the last time we hard a Seminer in Kano u were not like dis, are u doing dis 4 money or what? Common David dat is not a good life u are living. Not even the law, the punishment of this act is wast!!!

  16. Shall i go on?? How many of you are wearing calvin klein underwear? A gay man touched that !U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602

  17. Your father should’ve become gay and will Unplug you from a Mango tree.

  18. Bfor e run in nyash go don catch fire

  19. And with his liking Ass!

  20. Hanna Hof rofl you got me choking on my coffee with that one U0001f44cU0001f3fe

  21. Are u gay …..i got news for u

  22. They are wearing gayy undeess and they dont even knowww U0001f60dU0001f60dU0001f60dU0001f602U0001f602

  23. Pcina God forgive you. Bennia you not sexy enough to seduce them.

  24. Rhoda Bridget Lewis

    This is madness U0001f62cU0001f62cU0001f62c

  25. The way you put emphasis on hot sperm is a little suspect, seems like you been there before

  26. For this discussion i will gladly tell you im gay, even if im not. You can decide. Because i have nothing to proove about my sexuality to anyone here. U0001f601

  27. So u know him…? That is just to tell u how pple change.

  28. Thnx u Emanuele Copertari & Saman Muhammad SalehU0001f917U0001f917 at Purity Kendi & who ever write this let God be the jugde & stop acting like God on social media cuz pushing someone to take his or her life is the same as killingU0001f44cU0001f4af

  29. Why are all these people sending me friend requests?? U0001f605

  30. @ Adamu, honestly I didn’t connect that, the David in Kano seminar is this same guy. We met sometimes back in Abj. Wow!

  31. Thunder fire u both

  32. Gabriel Jason Akomaye

    Hanna Hof ….. I blessed God am a Nigerian!!

  33. How do you know what’s in my heart my friend? Go tell that to the people that have sex with animals as a matter of fact to everyone that have sex with someone other than a woman some men even sex their woman/wives in their anus.. So please with that therapy.. If that was the case you should start giving them therapy.. Do some research on that about being gay my friend.. Some pastors wants to chase out the evil spirit out of being gay.. How well did that work or is working?FOHWTS..and love ?people for who they are and not what they are.. the world would be a better place…✌?️

  34. James D'Aviator Durojay

    Hanna Hof you have entered the den of the wailers lol U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602

  35. James D'Aviator Durojay

    Sean Blex oya keep wailing.

  36. Homophobics always behave as if they are with no SIN… having sex before marriage is an Abomination just as homosexuality…. why is gay different? At least it’s not in the 10 commandments… so we are all sinners go get a life and stop judging people… judge yourself first… hypocrites smh

  37. Devil is sure he will leave with these once in hell.hell is happy over two souls won

  38. James D’Aviator Durojay i love it!!U0001f3b6

  39. James D'Aviator Durojay

    Nelson you have spoken well. They sound like emergency pastors and Imams as if they don’t sin too. Hypocrites everywhere. What’s the difference between a gay man and a career fornicator? Nonsense and ingredients

  40. Nsiah-Asare Akwasi Jnr

    He who the cup fit……

  41. You see them?, and they keep complaining about Buhari’s missions, I prefer boko haram than this negative altitude.

  42. I came here to read comments and laugh my ass out U0001f603U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602U0001f648U0001f648

  43. Gay na gay … him don receive prick for anus already ,so Warri no d carry last is not applicable in this case! The guy is a national disgrace n especially to d Warri people!

  44. They can condemn and act holy…. look at their leaders misleading them but shame on them they can’t even protest but have guts to condemn 2 couples who love themselves and never hurt anyone by any means…. being gay is not by choice people are born that way.. stop being nasty and stfu….

  45. T’es sérieuse de m’identifier dessus ???

  46. Maybe after so many stitches in his anus, he is a gay wether he runs away with the guys money.

  47. They are all in the same category. They are all sick people, they need therapy… Not license to practice their misnomer

  48. Ameeeeeeeennnnn James D’Aviator Durojay U0001f64c

  49. Pcina Olkereke Are u Haitian?

  50. Allison Okorafor U0001f44d na so

  51. Animals even respect nature more than those things..I see support from honna hof, and Irene marce because they do the same thing…that Nigerian is a national digrace

  52. Cortee Habert Ballah

    This is absolutely a abomination

  53. Did he tell you about his sexuality? So how do you know “he was not like this?”

  54. No sin is big or small …if dx gal tin cn take dem to hell den ur small lie as u may cal it cn as well tk u to hell…. #live right n let God decide our fate

  55. Hanna hof you are so sick.you americans never see anything wronge with evil.we have culture and traditions now that something you guys know nothing about.you already know hell is your place thats why you are looking for follower,Sorry,wrong number, nigerians are not going!!…

  56. Chukwu Ifeoma Dorris

    I see a gay crying here

  57. I just kidding man Pete Lekunze


  59. Pls guys take things easy don’t let this topic bring out what is not in you

  60. Wether some people’s like it or not practising gay is not good.gay is the most dangerous sin that God hate.God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah bcos of that so if your part of them.pls repent and give your life to Jesus christ before it will be too late for you

  61. Allison Okorafor

    Chekwube Angel to put everyone in the same category is a bit much..I will not getting this with you I can see that you are the one that needs the therapy.. See how this feels when I say you need therapy.. Have a great day my friend.. Much love!!!

  62. Siphamandla Ngcambelo

    Guys what do u speak I love ur language

  63. Pweety Oge Love? Well ok.. yeh.. uhuhm
    Yeh ok!!
    Soo tell me? How sick are you??
    Because sweety.. im not American. You just look at me and pass judge ment.. interesting U0001f603

  64. And i am not looking for followers. I have nothing to sell. U0001f602U0001f602

  65. He never did, but true the Seminer d way he behaves and how he talks he look innocent

  66. Hanna hof trust me Nigeria is one of the best country to be

  67. Sean Blex ofcourse there has to be that one african who can’t make his case without throwing curses (which don’t affect anyone by the way). I’m reffering to you btw.

  68. Maybe because you dont know any better?

  69. Don’t judge people from their appearance my dear

  70. Chidi Markk Pls ignore these ‘hateful people here’ don’t go down to their level by exchanging insults with them. At the end of the day it is them the thing dey pain abi. The issue no dey pain us.

  71. Chidi Markk Pls ignore these ‘hateful people here’ don’t go down to their level by exchanging insults with them. At the end of the day it is them the thing dey pain abi. The issue no dey pain us.

  72. yeah warri nor they carry last for anything including poverty, illiteracy, crime, corruption etc which are issues plaguing warri and all of Nigeria. You definitely no dey carry last.

  73. Pweety Oge Love Dear, we are already in hell given this hell hole of a planet we live in. Next

  74. That’s serious oooo may God forgive us all

  75. Chioma Massah Nwobodo

    Oh my God ooooo

  76. He did that because of hunger.

  77. God bless them! Mr NaNa AkUm PrAko AfRifa I beg I dont think God bless such

  78. Nelson D Angel bros, u sef Dey blow yarnsh??

  79. Osas Marv Ikhihibhojere

    That’s Nigeria pigin english

  80. Siphamandla Ngcambelo that’s pidgin English. Spoken by mostly Nigerians n Ghanaians

  81. Hmm dis one pass my power oo

  82. U are u rite!!!

  83. Edmund Ehimare Ogah

    Shut up bitch

  84. Oloruntola Ibidapo


  85. Hot hot sperm damn

  86. James D'Aviator Durojay

    Pweety Oge Love that’s part of what we are saying. Do you have the keys to hell fire?
    Go and attend to your sinful life and stop judging others over their own sins. By judging a gay man you are not in any way different from Him. Hypocrites

  87. am also kidding woman Bennia. But this discussion raises the big question about what some men find so seductive in other men or same sex in general

  88. Omeje Ikechukwu Raphael

    I hope all of u condemning these two are sinless. Coz if I are not, then u are not better of than them.

  89. Omeje Ikechukwu Raphael

    I hope all of u condemning these two are sinless. Coz if I are not, then u are not better of than them.

  90. Warri don already carry last…nonsense

  91. Warri don already carry last…nonsense

  92. They owe no one apology abi, but they owe God Almighty…James D’Aviator Durojay hmm

  93. Sean Blex I know my sexuality and I’ve sinned against God for having sex before marriage so let’s forget all this preaching and face the truth…. the same bible tells us that “all have sin and fall short the glory of God…. check my first comment cos I’m still waiting for an answer to that pic….
    Africa claim to be holy but yet we are poor those countries we think doing evil things are better than us and at the end of the day we start struggling to find our self in those countries we discriminate… it’s a shame……….. take a look at what’s happening in Nigeria. How many youth or whatever have stand for it….. how many protest has been carried out? I bet none… $1=397 and you think it’s not an abomination why don’t you condemn that?
    Gay people love themslves and live happily without harming or hurting anyone so let them be and God will judge them as he will judge you and I also….thanks I’m done

  94. Akua Okyerebea Danso

    God have mercy

  95. Chukwu Ifeoma Dorris STFU….

  96. Make me sick

  97. Germs oh sorry james,i assume you are thinking that after this she’s gonna give you her ass to lick,sorry dude, that ass is highly infected!!

  98. James D'Aviator Durojay

    The problem with most Nigerians is that they don’t know how to respect the decisions of others. To make it worse, they are even bunch hypocrites.If a man chooses to have sex with his fellow man, how does that affect them? The same thing goes for that Muslim girl who chooses to wear hijab to school, you see the Christian peeps attacking the Muslims and accusing the of Islamization as if the girl’s hijab is disturbing them at the first place.

  99. King Courage Folarin

    Village people plz don’t be raccist

  100. @irene marce you alone live in hell so enjoy your stay while you still can cause the real hell oh girl ,you don’t wanna imagin


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