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Videos & Photos: Man Brutally Slaughters His Mother For Insulting Him, He Stabbed Her So Much All Her Intestine Came Out

According to facebook user Zevi Gins who posted this Shoking videos and Photos this Man

Has Just Butchered His Mother;

Watch The Shocking Video HERE

End time! End time!! End time!!!
Son killed his Mother or Father is not a news again but I didn’t see it, I taught we are just watched it in a film
A terrible thing and unbelievable,

Why a Son will told his Mother that give me food I want to eat and killed his mother slaughtered her and stabbed her to death
This one is not a story at all, I went there and confirmed it, because the place closed to my place, this is what happened in our area yesterday at ADELEYE APARADIJA ITELE OTA ROAD, OGUN STATE.
Around 3:45pm I got a called that I should come that there’s fire on the mountain in our area, when I got there by 4:10pm I saw the incident saw the woman and Son,
There’s a Yoruba proverb says “TI OMODE BA DE IBI ERU ERU MA BA” and another one says “TI ENIYAN BA JE ORI AHUN TI O BA DE IBE YIO SOKUN”
I don’t want to mention his name
Many people are asked that the man is mad person, or what is wrong with him?
Well… We have hand over him to police?
The son is at custody of police at Itele police post since yesterday and they have taken the copse to mortuary. This is some of pictures and video.”







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