Video & Photos: Woman Lands In Hospital After 18inch Cassava She Was Using To Masturbate Gets Stuck Inside Her Vagina

A woman from Jakarta (South East Asia) has had herself to blame after an improvised dildo made from a huge tuber of cassava got stuck in her vagina, and caused a lot of bleeding. She had to be operated on by doctors before the cassava could be removed. Doctors had to perform an immediate operation to remove it from her genital.

She got interviewed after the medical operations and explained that she masturbated with a cassava because because her husband’s penis is too small it can’t satisfy her. On this particular day, she was horny and decided to use the 18 inches Cassava root as a dildo. She designed it herself, but it accidentally got stuck inside her gentals. She started to bleed and had to call an ambulance right away. The story and video were posted on Facebook by Anthony Enriquez. 

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30 thoughts on “Video & Photos: Woman Lands In Hospital After 18inch Cassava She Was Using To Masturbate Gets Stuck Inside Her Vagina”

  1. Why get married if he dont satisfy you.why damage yourself just for pleasure ffs

  2. Very stupid ppl you are what part of the world do you live in 18inches a lot of woman can handle sonplease shut up just coz the woman used cassava so fucking what and you who said she has husband shurrup all of you stupid idiots asnif you are perfect Kmt

  3. Believe me this lady must have had sexual relationship with an African or Europe because this are people that have such seize as she want.

  4. She suppose to die I swear becos God create man and white ppl create dere own machine u don’t use and u r using cassava God go punish u

  5. Sorry dear,that’s the only thing that is sweet in this world,but why cassava?suppose to use rod or hot iron

  6. Sacrifice is directly or indirectly.
    You can’t got all your needs.

  7. What about those women have sex with Animal like horse with HIV biggest penis.compares to cassava which one is the best.

  8. Kai may God have mercy on her life what kind of think is DAT so irritating

  9. How come you put cassava into your part ,women now want to turn this world into unclearn World

  10. How old is her marriage, is this her first time of doing it? Who thought her the best is cassava, why can’t she divorce and go for another man?

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