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Home +OK News +OK Stop Looking For A Job In 2017! Start Selling Your Skills And Talents On www.icando.ng Let People Hire You , Registration Is FREE!

Stop Looking For A Job In 2017! Start Selling Your Skills And Talents On www.icando.ng Let People Hire You , Registration Is FREE!

Do you own a services business or do you have a talent or skills you can sell to make money? If yes, then you should read this! GO to: www.icando.ng


Promoting your skills and talents has never been easier, more rewarding and more accessible. ICANDO.NG provides a FREE platform for you to market and sell your authentic and unique skill sets such as after-school tutoring, home decorating, make up artistry, event planning, catering, copy editing, laundry, horticulturist, and etc.



In Nigeria, locating high quality, honest and trust worthy service providers has remained a blatant concern until now. ICANDO.NG’s system ensures that paying customers are treated with utmost professionalism at every level of service delivery. The platform is making lives easier all over Nigeria and making hard-to-get services more accessible. It is making customers and service providers more accountable.


This is your opportunity to successfully indulge your entrepreneurial side. On ICANDO.NG the focus is on getting your business (registered or unregistered) to the fore of a paying customer. With the on-going promo on ICANDO.NG, when you register as a service provider or as a buyer, you also get a chance to win 100k worth of recharge cards or four brand new Windows tablets.




You do not have to be stuck with that “devil you know” because if services procured on the platform are not delivered to your satisfaction, payment will not be released. In the same way, service providers are assured of not being owed once services are completed.


It is only a question of:


What can you do? What type of Services can you deliver?


Register now on www.icando.ng




About GossipMillNigeria

Young Media Entrepreneur, Christianity Extremist, Blogger, Founder Gossip Mill Nigeria! Latest Car owner in town, Bill Gates Number One fan... That's All!

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