“Still confident. Your rubbish comments ain’t ruining my happiness. Thanks to all for the compliments and best wishes, am honored”. That is Ghanaian bride-to-be message to trolls for their negative comments about her weight.
Mzznaki Tetteh, who describes herself as a “nurse, a sweet girl who loves fashion, a student, and an achiever”, posted the most beautiful photos to celebrate her upcoming wedding, and it went viral. While most of the comments were sweet and complimentary, others were ugly. But the sweet-faced nurse isn’t letting a few haters ruin her happiness as she continues to post more photos on Instagram.
And neither is her fiance, Prince Kojo Amoah. In a recent interview, he said: “I am so proud of my woman and I don’t care what anybody says out there”
The couple will be tying the knot on June 25. Congrats to them!
Wow people are so cruel and shallow …I assume of she were slim and trim that would make her a good wife to be …..NOT since when does your size determine your character as a person you can be slim trim and fit and the biggest witch on this earth smh congrats to the bride and groom to be your beautiful
My dear just ignore them,you are beautiful just the way you are,congrats dear.
big and beautiful don’t mind people talk
Up tell them girl you looking fabulous all the best
Stupid idiot I know you marry her because of her money
Tell them my dear
My dia l like that the courage in you so perfect gd luck God bless
U are still on size Mata!! I pity u
I love them.
big is beautiful#chubbygurlsrock
You are beautiful and amazing
ur a beautifull thick girl dont let no one take away ur happiness
Fat is awesome… Such a cute couple anyway don’t give a dame to those negative comment as long you don’t own anyone for living unless god right so be happy and stay healthy always with your love one ameen…
If you don’t like her, go and slap God because he is her maker. She is fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. Those people saying bad about her are all fools.
Congrats dear.bt d truth remains dat u are fatttttt,abeg go gym for ur life oooooo
The bigger the better honey
Amen honey…..that’s what we call a fluffy gyal with an attitude…am glad that u have a high self esteem and responded to some of those idiots!!!!
Wat is wrong wit u people? Re u the first to get marrried despite ur size? Plz be cationed.
9ce one.let dem say,iwofa lenu
Congrats SWT,the main and actual truth here is that u are very beautiful and u deserve to be proud of it,I love ur self confidence dear God bless ur Union in the making cheers
In fact my anger is annoyed !what is the meaning of all this nonsense,people can be stupid I swear down ,why are u telling her she is fat ,is the guy blind?did she tell I she don’t AV mirror at home,what’s up with all this correction fluids in net ,my dear u are not just engages but u are now famous people talk about u even when u don’t know dem ,be happy and celebrate it more with love
Love is a strong feeling between two people, it doesn’t matter whether you are black or white, short or tall, fat or thin. Good luck to them, true love conger all.
I agree with you.. Her BMI could be out of place. She needs to watch her weight. It’s never a crime to tell someone to work on his/herself. A sincere advice. #justsaying
@ list she has a man to call her own. A man who loves her, a man who’s proud of her, and a man who loves her stature.
All dis slim girls forming posh where is thou own. Badbelle
Hia !Hateful talkers everywhere.All those bitches calling this lady fat where are your husbands or boyfriends.Perhaps,they are in the bush or brothel having fun.Am sure some of you are 100 percent tasty for her position.Characta and respect keeps a man not looks.Anuifas!!!
You are so beautiful guys,keep it up
Big girls need love too
Kudos! Nice!! Everyone comment regards this couple is so cute a awesome. Read every comment though. Apparently, it’s unfortunate that no one remembered to comment or ask the guy a sincerity question about “if the guy truly love the babe as he claimed and will never and ever cheat on her for a seconds” Not just words of mouth and the one they are showcasing on social media’s. In addition, not when the babe give birth And her body seize is triple, that is not when he (the guy) will realized that she is fat oo. You see these are just realities of life and sincere questions we should be asking ourself when one is tieing the knot or going to the aisle. Those are sensitive questions that need genuine answers to and not just merely words of mouth that we say at that point in time. Think about the long run, many years and decades to come. Marriage is a life term contract and not just a short contract thing. Thank you!
So fat people r not to be loved or married what concern ? Ghana di3 my pe kasa koraa too much haaba………. Go lady God bless ur marriage with a set of twins…… But hold am tight ooo
U rock girl carry go
Your happiness first. Don’t worry about what people say
Well done dear
Shame on them my dear can u imagine
Yelrehsderf Hpesojerreip
Daniel Benny 🙂
Abi oooo… Let us fat people live….!!!There’s nobody that would turn down a slim and sexy body…..since we don’t av dat we can’t kill ourselves… So what if we av a few extra curves and handles? …. We are who we are…… critics let us be. . John Opeyemi
She is fat bold and confident so what wrong with that my dear carry on no body can ruin your happiness
She is beautiful and chubby,but full of cholesterol-if you want to continue enjoying her beauty for a length of time please adevice her to diet!!
My dear u are fearfully and wonderfully made by the almighty. I love ur courage may God bless ur union IJN.
You are beautiful just the way you are,congrats dear.
Never mind about your fatness as long you love each other ……
Never mind about your fatness as long you love each other ……
Am very happy for u I can’t wait
But what is wrong with pple sef after all her husband is not complaining so what is ur problem better face ur lifes and leave them alone
UR beautiful god bless u
So cos of this reasons she shouldn’t marry? Abi fat people shouldn’t get married cos after a child her size will tripple?am a bit confused
And how is that your business?cos she is fat she shouldn’t get married?why the hate?
And how is that your business?cos she is fat she shouldn’t get married?why the hate?
I love this one (Y)
Much luv girl….
Great Union my dear