Breaking News: Dbanj’s Cute 1-year-old Son Drowns

In a very sad turn of events, singer Dbanj and his wife Lineo Didi Kilgrow, today, lost their son, Daniel.

Daniel Oyebanjo III who turned one last May, is said to have died after drowning at Dbanj’s ikoyi residence this afternoon. His remains has been moved to a morgue at GRA, Ikeja.

We got the information around 6pm today but had to hold on to it till we get confirmation from the dad who is currently in the U.S. He has just reacted to the news. Our thoughts are with him.



28 thoughts on “Breaking News: Dbanj’s Cute 1-year-old Son Drowns”

  1. this is carelessness on d part of who so ever was with the child. baby dat is not even upto 5years. where was d mother?

    1. Same question I asked when I got this shocking news who was looking after the child for Chris sake!

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  3. So painful! A baby’s innocence leading to his death. An American celeb also lost his daughter to this too. Swimming pools!

  4. Having a pool in your house with little kids that are not minded is a tragedy waiting to happen. Pools should be completely netted or shuttered when not in use…Safety before sorry.

  5. Na wow where is d mother of the child, how can she be so careless on her child, I blame d mother becos even her own mother did not leave her to die or have serious injury, some girls if u are not ready to have a child and take care of the baby why u borded caring d child and giving birth. Rest in peace little angel

  6. This is really sad what is a 1year doing in a pool by himself… why was he by himself to begin with…..

  7. Rip little angel it has happened stop blaming any body because that will not make him come back it’s a mistake i hope everyone will learn from this i feel sorry for the parents

  8. na waao, poor infant may be the papa dun gariam dance music.I hear say them de satan church.

  9. So sorry to hear this sad news…..R.I.P.lil one your in God’s arms now ,sleep tight xx

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