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Question Of The Day: Is President Buhari Really Working?


Raise your hands if you’re part of the law-abiding Nigerians, who have for the past few months now, been enjoying quite a considerable amount of power supply compared to years back, when you could go half a year without power… Really, are you one of them?! (and I’m not talking about the kinda power supply PHCN gives for days when they know they’re about to cut your light!)

I’ve come across so many Social media reactions where people are seeing the state of the country more salvaged than wrecked considering so many factors, one of which is POWER SUPPLY.

While most Nigerians are on eagle’s eye on the President and his family’s expenditures and condemning the leader and his family like the children of Isreal did to Moses, others still believe in the Change that was once promised about a year and a half ago.

Corruption, terrorist attacks – two major things that crippled the country has been over the year, virtually the least of most Nigerians’ worries – though the fact of the so-called “Herdsmens killings” is still in play, there have been diverse speculations as to whether or not some meek hearted Fulanis who have known only cattle breeding since their birth would know how to operate sophisticated ammunitions – this to say that the terrorist who have been tackled with direly, have stooped low to disguise as “herdsmen” and carry out their terror attacks.

A handful of past Nigerian dignitaries have been linked with so many fraudulent scandals over the past few months and continue to remain in the news as their looted funds are being discovered and tackled judicially by the EFCC (a truth our ex-first lady can testify to currently) – something not so rampant during the past Presidential administrations.

Among other things than corruption and terror attacks, are the agricultural sector, health, road and transport, foreign exchange market, education, labour and more than can be mentioned – but optimism among a very few Nigerians lets them hope that if the two major heartaches could be brought to a slush, why can’t the rest ?. Although, the current Economic recession won’t let an average working Nigerian have an ounce of optimism as his mind is burdened with how to survive through these hard times…

For what it’s worth, in the educational sector, the 2016 MAY/JUNE WASSCE made quite an improvement compared to the past five years – praises of many a student who came out with parallel distinctions was sung all over social media – this of course, in the civil regime of PMB.

Considering the very few National issues PMB has been able to tackle in his over 334working days or plus his 151 non-working days, can we believe that his “CHANGE” should be seen as a case of drops of water making a thousand feet deep mighty ocean? And hope that maybe just maybe, as it took time for Moses to take the Isrealites to the land flowing with milk and honey, that’s the present case with Nigerians now, suffice to say that it’s quite slow because of the murmurings of some citizens just like the Isrealites?

OR… are we just in a sham?!

What are your thoughts?! Please don’t hesitate to share!! And leave your comments…

– Michael B Yabaleftonline




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