Popular African Pastor Prophet Shepherd Bushiri of Zambia has just broke the internet with his jay dropping purchase, he bought a $2Million Mansion and a fleert of luxury cars checkout photos and some reactions below;
Prophet Bushiri is reported to have bought a house worth K1.2 Billion and cars worth K1 Billion in two weeks.
With the Rolls Royce Black Badge worth R10 million (K500,000,000), Bentley Bentayga Limited Edition of R6 million (K300,000,000), Aston Martin One -77 worth R12 million and MASERAT LAVENTE worth R300,000 (K150,000,000) we can therefore say that Wealth is the ability to fully experience life and the love of family and admiration is much more important.
Human greatness lies in wealth or power; character and goodness.
Prophet Shepherd Bushiri of Zambia is reported to have bought a house worth $2 million and cars worth $1 million in two weeks. With the Rolls Royce Black Badge worth R10 million, Bentley Bentayga Limited Edition of R6 million, Aston Martin One -77 worth R12 million and MASERAT LAVENTE worth R300,000, Bushiri races among the top 10 richest men in Africa. Praise The Church Members, Hallelujah ?
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God come fast before we get spoiled aswell
His also one of the forex members so u all know that they make more money thun the people who are investing under them nd non of those ppl who joined forex ever see their interests meaning only forex top ppl becomes rich for other ppl money
he is from Malawi based in RSA.PLZ edit this.
I love that. that is man of God with contagious anointing for wealth. love you major 1
dats my daddy mojor 1 I love I papa .God iz great
I also love you so much papa iam who iam bcz of u ..may god bless u withmore thingsto come and years of life….
I love you my Father Major 1 where ever you go i will follow thank you for changing my life through your teaching ,prayer and declarations,I connect myself from the favour and grace apon your life .May the lord continue blessing you
Man God how are you?
I love you major l thank you for delivering me and my familly l thank God for giving us a great man of God hey open your eyes and see the grace of God me lm safe with God of major l iyeeee power
I love you major l thank you for delivering me and my familly l thank God for giving us a great man of God l tape the annointing of prosperity from my father major l
thank my Father for being there for us everyday .your my father ,teacher,prophet ,inspiration ,leader and Honorable man of God .i pray for you and your family everyday to be protected,united and promoted.
luv u and my mom Mary Bushiri with all of my heart .
long live my dad and my mom.God bless you with everything you want.