Tuesday , 4 March 2025

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Home +OK News +OK Photos: Meet Nigerian Bishop Who Is A Proud Member Of Dreadly Cult Group NBM Popularly Known As Black Axe

Photos: Meet Nigerian Bishop Who Is A Proud Member Of Dreadly Cult Group NBM Popularly Known As Black Axe

Someone shared these photos of a Bishop named Emeka Andrew claiming he’s a member of a something called Neo Black Movement of Africa worldwide… is that a cult?




  1. Google is our friend .NBM nah cult aka as black axe,ayes,egede men,clear road e.t.c is a shame.

  2. People wen no fit cough for real life go come online dey shout, find any NBM member for ur area tell am say him dey cult na.. Abeggi mk una clear road oo, did train d move ooo… Ayeaxemen!!!

    • Aye my broda, u too bambela

    • Aye my brother

    • That is what we are talking about. See the kind word wey dey commit for your mouth now like say u go kill person. O boy una know say NBM na serious cult group.

      • Hahaha, vinekings…which one come be vine and kings for here? E b like say na bar/palace matter dey shele for here so

    • Fools.what is cough? fighting someone based on crowd. 100 people will fight one person and you call that ruggedity,Axemen are known for robbery,rapist,political thugs and all sort of rubbish,baming fools who are not educated and dropouts… looking dirty and having marks all over your body doesn’t make you rugged..

    • Egede you bam yakat. May krf be with you as you keeping up with the 0147 years ahead.

  3. una bam oooo

  4. Mumu cult join vinekings also knw as norsemen club all d way frm germany,datz y they call us german

    • May God have mercy on you.You can’t even spell the name of what you belong to correctly.You were sent to school by your parent to acquire knowledge but you chose frivolity.Turn to Jesus Christ before you cry had I know.

      • Don’t insult MA. It a choice. Pray ur children don’t join.

      • Hehehe…Mrs Judith, am sure that there are many prominent and successful NBM members in our society today that you will like ur children to emulate..#Oya enter the kitchen and not online…#proudly NEO

      • Hahaha, vinekings…which one come be vine and kings for here. E b like say na bar/palace matter dey shele for here so

    • Omo u dull shall?? Which school you go self, u even branch primary school?? Scoundrel!!!!!!!

    • Mumu, repent or you perish.

    • It’s a pity you don’t even know the origin of the CULT group you even belong to. I’m sure you are one of those road side Baggar roaming the streets and constituting nuisance in your neighbourhood.

    • Aro norseman rugged you all the way from niger caterlina beast you from alpha

      • Obi ojoo retired

        Idiot soul shut your goofy ass up we bout to tackle something up ….you out here coming up wit ur dumb ass vickingship ….pls keep mopping AXEMEN are passing …..AYEAXEMEN????

        • Aye mi axemen. dodorima to all fellow lordy here…Chief butcher,futa jallion temple. Egede,ahahahahahahahaha fools axe men

    • U no get yarn

    • ? wit dt una bad orientation loot ye and merit 4 island abeggi anything cult is wrong..

    • Bastard bagger wetin u dey do here ur Mets the here

    • Isoko

    • When Jesus said it is finished I never knew he was reffering to you!

  5. ur God die before?? Nbm is real

  6. Point of correction he is not a Catholic priest

  7. Even if it’s a fraternity I don’t care but here’s my thing…the earlier people wake up in Nigeria especially Ibos will be better. Not having a strong unity has drained us our rites and privilege. If these movement turn to be an avenue for us to have one-voice in agitation, so be it..like I said, cult or no cult…let’s begin to claim our land hoha!!!!

    • Insanity has eaten the better side of ur brain,ur land your father get land,ur parents are bloody tenants and u are talking about claiming ur land……ur mumu is growing bigger than ur dream

    • Who stole your land, you just need to wise up

    • U hv said well my brother

    • Good bless, whatever dat will take to get back our rights from government let’s starting do it, one nation one people one Africa

  8. Thief’s and set of useless entities . people are embracing Christ jesus, u guys are talking of things known to few and of no economic important to the nation . nonsense.

  9. Long live Nbm

  10. Omimi 1 of Afriika!

    Egede 4 life…..bam lords & sexy ayes…..KF on guard….dodorima!

  11. There is nothing wrong for him being a member of NBM, there is a huge difference between the normal school cultism and after school gathering, those touts who played in school can’t make it through to that stage, all this organisations are fighting to ensure peace unity and Co operation world wide not the normal Kush you know, I’m proudly an NPC member :26 rugged….. Selfless service to mankind… Sons of Thomas Sankara…

  12. You all fear what you don’t understand . Inside the church there are frats too . Don’t condemn . I stand with NBM

  13. U knw man spirit would die of ignorance

  14. Aye aze men dodorima

  15. You peole are all foolish cultist , some of you wear one boxer and no food to eat and you are proud over nothing. The cult you belong to doesn’t give you food to eat. Continue killing ur selves while we watch how you guys were buried .

    • does that church or mosque u attend feed u? stinging jew

    • prince bashorun adeyinka bashorun

      If thats ur prayer for them, One day one day the gun they use to killed themself will touch u and kill u, many innocent like u have been killed too. Foolish man, u wish ur fellow man dealth

  16. Abeg make Peace Rain.. Service to Humanity is the way. Say no to Violence ..


  18. First and foremost, the idiot is not a Rev. Frs. Catholic priest don’t use such cassock or wear bishop’s cap.. He is an idiot indeed for shamelessly doing this. No man on the alter of the Christian God Jehovah will openly acknowledge his worship of a pseudo and irrelevant god called korofo /metal god of iron, a god that justifies unjust killings, a stupid korofo whose worshippers (the dirty ayes) believe and practice a Creed which says “forgiveness is a sin”. What sort of pastor does such?, a stupid one!!, mind u if he were a Catholic priest as u r been cajoled to believe, he would have been excommunicated….

    • No need to get worked up over nothing. That’s just picture. Pictures don’t talk. U can’t say if the bishop was admonishing them, preaching to them or supporting them. The mix up in the name title tells u d mentality of author. I think they’re just trying to authenticate their group at all cost.

  19. bishop elboughy

    Una well done oh, Nbm of Africa. KRF says dodorima to all glorious axe men. Una bami

  20. Dodorima to all Sm s …….Clear road

  21. Neo Black movement of Africa (NBM) is a social cultural group. Is group of Africa Men who came together ans formed an organisation which joined hands and fight against injustice, kidnapping, rapping and oppression by the whites and other people who hates black people. It’s not a cult group and it’s a world wide organisation and it’s even been recognised by the law guiding the federation at large . And it’s only meant for men who has vision as it does not accept touts. Any African man who is proud to be a black man can also join the movement coz it’s a moving train and can never stop until the end of the world. Long live NBM and long live all proud African men …

  22. Blessed is the man that walk according to the ways of God and his son Jesus Christ and WOE (cursed) is the man that walk according to the ways of men.

  23. Stupid sets of ppl whr cults dey lead una to? If u know say u be strong cultist den com to public n start bragging weda SARS no go gun down dat useless brain of urs. Any body who is in cults lives a life of fear.

  24. Make u guys repent cos the kingdom of heaven is at hand

  25. Vision Political Banks

    OR GO TO THE WEBSITE: http://www.nbmworldwide.org for better clarifications and be properly informed.

    • Shot up your smelling mouth

    • Thank you for that clarification..

    • 10fingers Boss

      Nicolas Idemudia done reason… Bam Reasoni fellow… Dodorima

    • shut up your mouth!…. ……you are giving me a headache!………. what kind of talk is this!………na all of us grow for the street……..abi u tink say na only you be street nigga wen go skl?……….what d fuck!…………even my grand mom know abt nbm

  26. If som1 is in an organisation of people helping themselves for a greater good what makes that bad. It is cos of all this street urchins that go around parading themselves as Aye, Viking, Eye and so on that make things look like being a member of a confraternity is bad. I am a proud member of the Supreme Ogboni Confraternity and am happy. You can criticise as mush as yu like it is your problem.

  27. Dodorima for una. Baruda!!!

  28. Everybody with wetin dem Sabi…Cultist na cultist coz it started in higher institutions and dy kill each other.. Anything you join na ur pocket..

  29. Nothing do you all men

  30. Any body wey talk against NBM here go collect hot boris.. make you nor forget say your phone get GPRS and other tracking devices to track you down ,and roast you alive for your calumny ,critics and castigations, yes I mean you wey dey talk so.. take your time… BE WARNED !

    Long live NBM,Long live the black Race Emacipation fighters (freedom fighters) .
    Aye Axe men. …….

  31. Any body wey talk against NBM here go collect hot boris.. na jealousy go kill una wey don miss road ..make una nor forget say your phone get GPRS and other tracking devices to track you down ,and roast you alive for your calumny ,critics and castigations, yes I mean you wey dey talk so.. take your time… BE WARNED !

    Long live NBM,Long live the black Race Emacipation fighters (freedom fighters) .
    Aye Axe men. …….

  32. So, why did gossip mill address him as a “Reverend Father” when he didn’t even address himself as such?

  33. I wonder y a lot of people are myopic n find it absolutely difficult to reason like normal human beings.NBM is not a cult group n NBM is not synonymous with violence but with peace n love.Some people claim to be holy n profess Christianity but they can’t forgive a man who inadvertently step on their toes.Leave out judgement to God alone because even in d Church evils exist.Let NBM be..let God judge not u mere mortals that sin everyday. In NBM we believe in God Almighty not in deities or idols as some allege.our membership cut across different religions. I advise people who don’t know anything about NBM to keep sealed lips or rather go to bed.I warn nbm is not a cult group.long live NBM! Long live the black race!

  34. Neo-Blackism is a complex mix of Pan-Africanism, Black nationalism, intellectual radicalism, Negritude, research into African traditional religion, culture and medicine, fraternal relations, secret rights of passage and informed positive action, it is the ideology of the Neo-Black movement of Africa.

    At inceptiin, We preached peace, we practiced peace, we even influenced dreaded cults on campuses to go
    and donate to motherless babies homes! But we wrote very powerful articles about society,
    government, and Africans.
    NBM believed that if the colonialists had left Africa to evolve on its own without bringing
    strange and extremely corrupt values to us FORCEFULLY, SUCH VICES LIKE STEALING
    The ridiculous claims by certain religious outfits would not be taken as gospel truth eg. No
    African man was a party to the betrayal, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, yet Africans are
    used in films produced , even by Africans, to symbolize Judas Iscariot, Satan etc. This example is
    simple but weighty!
    Hoodlums and impostors constitute nuisance under it’s umbrella, true Axemen are not threats to the society, rather they are defenders and advocates of justice. Any individual with questionable character who claims membership of the Nbm should be reported to the organisation as we also support whistle blowing policy. Let’s not forget that, there is no organization that does not have members with questionable character, from government organisations to civil groups, even the military and police force have bad eggs. But, it would be a logical fallacy to generalize. The likes of the bishop are dedicated in redirecting all minds back to our initial ideologies as stated in my first paragraph. NBM isn’t a cult and will never be, for it is only a vehicle in our journey to Uhuru.
    I’m my brothers keeper.

  35. Jahjah nwankwo

    Seems some people need small education. Blackaxe was a southafrican movement used to fight back the white.

    An Anglican Priest brought it into Nigeria. So now una know. Unfortunately, it followed its original foundation; Violence against fellow brethren. Mean while it was a movement against whilst oppression. So you all know now.

  36. ma grand fada used to say dah wah yuh dunno cant hurt or kih yuh… everybody has got dia reasons for being ina fraternity or doing wah they want wih dia lives, left to me, no man shld judge another man based on his choices; so long as d NBM carry out dia activities quietly n peacefully wih no violence then ah see no reason for all these conflicts besides, there r human beings out there who don’t belong to any frat buh r 10 times worse than the cultists…… no be everything yuh see yuh must talk, no go price wetin yuh no go fit pay……..

  37. This one no be news na……even Jesus Christ was an axeman…..dodos to all glorious axemen. Fj2

  38. Demons are trying to be Angels, wolfs says they are sheep’s it will never be show me your friendvi will tell you who you are, the egret ( ugbana) donot fly with vultures , if you want to serve GOD do so I am not judging here but you judge your self bishop or Rev of the black axe confraternity one of the secret cult that has claimed somany life’s and still claiming , as for me you can overtake satan if you want to our KING is on the THRONE forever and ever his kingship will reign .

  39. Mind u,NBM of Africa world wide is not a cut or what ever you take it to be,try and know things about the moment not u writing about what u don’t know weather u like it or not NBM is ONTOP and we taken over already,I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF NBM

  40. Cultism is a matter of choice n every1 has a reason of joining , so mind ur business all you Jew men. Proudly klanz man

  41. cult or no cult ,who e help ? Instead of thinking how to liberate ourselves from the shakles of poverty ,we are here making a whole lot of noise.

    • Think how to liberate urself from poverty… Nbm members are not poor, abi you dae feed anyone if dey break! Idiot

  42. Egede for life…
    7 is the number…
    Bam is the road…

  43. Vikings is sailing this way!! Make way for all the aro baggers onboard

  44. All the Jew men wey dey tok rubbish Una no get since…. Haba if Na cult abeg leave us like that, cos we know what we are….Aye aye men!!!!!

  45. who know you people Aro? comot fr here joor

  46. Ogbuagu Emmanuel Isimba

    hmm, you’re answerable to GOD for your involvement in the killing of innocent souls!

  47. When men were men whr were you guy!

  48. All you stinky Jews please kindly mind your mouth, this mouth saves and also kill, so many like you guys has also done what you’re doing now but today they proud members of the nbm….. Egede na tomtom. Glorious Axe Men

  49. who no go no go know,withnbmistand Jew fenn!!!!!!!!!!!.

  50. Seems you know much about this group. Are you also a member of a rival group?




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