A Lady named Sharrah Miree who has been struggling with extreme fornication, just bought herself a “purity ring”so that she won’t sleep around anymore
See the photos and caption of what she posted below:
I’ve struggled with fornication, sleeping with boyfriends and just living an unclean life for far to long. With this ring despite how silly it may be to others I’ve decided to make a commitment. That no other man will touch me unless he marries me. Recent events have really changed my perspective. I’ve messed up A LOT behind closed doors yet God keeps his hand over my life and keeps me protected while others around me get incurable diseases, pregnant, or worst. A lot of people may say “Why buy a ring” but for me I needed to spend some money to really add value to what I plan to do with my life. I honestly could care less to what the haters will say- in Christ we are NEW & I plan to post really soon about how God blesses those willing to honor him- no matter what their past is. The devil will send rumors, or use people to remind you “who you used to be” to get you off track but do not be wavered! The scripture says “Do not be weary in well doing for in due season you shall reap if you don’t give up” (Galatians 6:9) My prayer is that this helps someone or encourages someone to join me on this journey, it’s never to late to CHOOSE GOD! && S/O to my future husband, I know he will be able to replace this! ?