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Photos: Indian Boy With His Head Permanently Hanging Upside Down At A 180-degree Angle Undergoes Successful Life Changing Surgery


A 13-year-old Indian boy born with a rare condition which caused his head to hang at an extreme angle has had a major surgery that finally allows him to see the world right-side-up.


Mahendra Ahirwar, from Madhya Pradesh, India, was born with a rare condition that caused his neck muscles to be so weak that his head hung to one side.

Because his neck was crooked, he was unable to stand or walk and could not eat or go to the bathroom without assistance.


Now, at age 13, Mahendra has been given the opportunity of a lifetime, thanks to a mother who lives 4,000 miles away.

Julie Jones from Liverpool, England, read Mahendra’s story online and started a fundraising campaign which raised nearly $15,000 to pay for an operation to fix his neck, says DNA India.

Now, thanks to Jones’ kindness, Mahendra is able to perform normal tasks and can go to school with others his age.




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