Wednesday , 5 March 2025

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Home +OK News +OK “Pastor Adeboye Is A Lunatic And Should Be Executed” – Kemi Olunloyo

“Pastor Adeboye Is A Lunatic And Should Be Executed” – Kemi Olunloyo


Aunty Kemi Olunloyo is back again! This time around, the the daughter of former Oyo state governor, Victor Omololu Olunloyo, thinks the general overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God is a lunatic.

She said the highly revered man of God is a lunatic Christian Fundamentalist who has brainwashed his followers.

Recall that on Tuesday, August 2, Pastor Adeboye advised single men not to marry women who cannot cook, that are lazy and cannot pray for at least one hour. The head pastor also advised women not to marry men who do not have jobs.

He said:

“Don’t marry a man who has no job. Before God gave Adam Eve, he gave him a job. He said this is the garden, keep it. So those who come to you and say sister, thus saith the lord, you are going to be the star in my firmament, ask him what is his job. If he tells you he is a contractor, ask him to show you evidence of all the contracts he has done because the contract he is talking about is you. He wants to live off you. Don’t be a fool. If he hasn’t got a steady income, don’t marry him.”

Well, turns out the social media is not taking it likely as various reactions have spurred up from Daddy G.O’s marriage message. Aunty Kemi Olunloyo also thinks Pastor Adeboye’s message is not it.

Telling BBC what she feels about Pastor Adeboye’s advice to youths as regards marriage, Ms Olunloyo said: ”Pastor Adeboye is a lunatic Christian Fundamentalist. I’ve said for years. His followers are super brainwashed.”







  1. Peace Otebele go and ask ur mom what she did to stay make her remain in her father house. Am very sure ur parent can’t give u this advice

  2. Rosand Ros it’s not a matter of man of God it’s just a choice

  3. Lagos Ebikaboere Betty

    What is your business

  4. Adejumoke Oluwole

    Truth used to be bitter, the man understood what he his saying, left to you how you interprete it.If you cannot cook,and pray,then what kind of woman are you? in my own opinion you are not qualify yo marry. Take it or Not.Gbam

  5. @Uju! every matters arising must be treated, in that others will learn or do u want be economic minister?

  6. ArabLucas Zed so if a woman says she can only marry a man that can last one hour in bed, does it mean he must last exactly one hour? you just didn’t understand the message 🙂

  7. Akinbowale Timilehin Peter

    Wait.. Do yhu guys believe this woman actually said these things.. It’s just some lame ass blog doing publicity stunts

  8. Adejumoke Oluwole

    Go and sit down you don’ t understand what we are saying.Na ur type dey overwork housegirl

  9. My prayer is that God have mercy on Kemi for blasphemy against the man of God

  10. @ James! Jesus said to His disciples would no tarry with for an hour

  11. Molly Uwa Izebhijie

    May the wrath of God come upon u. For calling our baba a lunatic

  12. @ James! Jesus said to His disciples would no tarry me with for an hour

  13. Uju Bibi Okonkwo

    Samnok Eva yes I want to be economic minister. U0001f60a

  14. Emmanuel Nigeria

    kemi is just seeking for attention. nothing more.

  15. Adejumoke Oluwole

    This kemi need serious prayer for deliverance

  16. Kemi everybody know your story very well, you are really out of your mind, since you were impregnated by your father why will you have respect for anyone. After your exposure by your cousin we have come to the conclusion that you are mentally deranged.

  17. Uju Bibi Okonkwo

    Ikuyeju Daniel Olami have you seen any Igbo woman that can’t cook? . It’s a well known fact. We cook, fry, grill and bake from Isi ewu to nkwobi, abacha, nsala, ofe owerri , bitter leave, ogbonno, okazi, bitter leave to Ofe akwu with condiments. My mama train me well for that one. Cooking is a life skill for every gender.

  18. The God that loves Pst Adeboye is also the God that loves this same woman
    God will not kill anyone for anyone
    He loves all equally

  19. Elisha Sheko-guilo Walker

    I will be the last person to beg if his head is needed for pepper soup, because of that stupid teaching on marriage.

  20. Miss, God is love
    God does not kill
    If you provoke a supernatural law
    The adverse effect of disobedience is released
    God does not punish
    He is Love and Love only
    Lets not paint a picture of a Murderer as God to unbelievers

  21. Saturday Michael


  22. Patricia Ojelabi

    Nawao for that woman o. I think she needs deliverance.

  23. Frank Ewere Blessing

    This kind of a woman oh noooo can beat a man and ask him to wash her undies i pity you in your foolishness, she just fine for nothing your brain don roast.

  24. His advise is wrong lf l dnt knw hw to cook or pray that means l wil learn things lyk these.. this is jst wrong

  25. Na waoo, make una mind ur busis

  26. attention seeker, who managed to loose ur chain, thought u were chained all dis while

  27. Olamilekan Oluwatoyin

    Oh dis generation….. Diz woman lacks the truth n she has made herself available for d devil… it wud av bin beta if she had not bin born bcos dis words has brot upon her generational curse

  28. Mathew 6 vs 7 Answers one of all this and for cooking part’ every one of us here has part to play in it. Those girls that can not needs our help not just preaching but teaching

  29. I respect your intelligence and your analysis….maybe the ignoramus would stop being ignorant!

  30. Apst Emmanuel Anointed Inah

    This woman needs medical attention

  31. Susan Momoh Musa

    Why is she taking it personal anyway?

  32. I think this is the main reason why the man of God made that advice. It’s only for the wise….

  33. when a fool opens mouth, they say nonsense. we all knew kemi olunloyo is a big fool, a very big fool

  34. This lady needs medical attention.
    Someone should help her before she invoke a divine destruction on herself

  35. Mnnn is all I can say and I pray she didn’t say that otherwise we will learn she is in a mental home one day God help her

  36. You guys should not blame Peace Otebele. If dig deeper into her upbringing, she’s most likely to be brought up in a broken home and rather being brainwashed that it’s not necessary for a woman to know how to cook.

  37. Lombe Biblink Alima

    How dare u talk about papa like that ,what gave u that right cos even the devil can’t Papa is Gods general so u will answer to God soon ,

  38. A woman must know how to cook period

  39. Ademola Blessing

    What daddy G.O said was very correct,if you cant prayer cover your husband then you arent qualify to be a wife.she should listen to mummy funke adejumo preaching on women of excellence .

  40. Kemi still alive???? Thought she’s gone!!!!
    She should be executed….

  41. Evelyn Donald Inyang

    Try and see from other people’s perspectives, don’t speak bad of a cleric! There’s always d other side of a coin.

  42. Madam know all,just pray God cleans u from dis ur sin on his son,u are killing ur self with ur loud mouth

  43. Adamolekun Adeyemi SirSunery

    A virtuous woman build her house with those qualities the man of God mention

  44. maybe u need to tell him that first

  45. I won’t boil water for him.

  46. Olikpe Tochukwu Joses

    Die by fire

  47. It’s indeed food for thought @ sanusi tunde

  48. U are correct

  49. Daddy u spoke well. God bless you more sir.

  50. Olajide Jaiye-Williams

    Kemi Olunloyo. You will soon meet with your waterloo. Talking to a reverend man of God like this? I pity you. You need to repent , and beg for God forgiveness.

  51. If it’s true that Kemi Olunloyo said such against the great man of God when the man hasn’t directed his advice to her, I its clear that Kemi herself needs special attention and deliverance. Everyone knew she’s not well in her brain but with its now clear that the fuse in her brain is dead.
    its only God of heaven the true God of same Adeboye that can replace the fuse.

  52. Opeyemi Seeker Adebayo

    All what he preached are backed by Bible verses

  53. You are 100% right

  54. Some of them says what if a man does not have a job ladies can marry him and later things will improve let go back to d book of genesis when God created Adam he did not immediately create Eve. D first thing he did was he gave adam employment when he is now gainfully employed he created eve to be his help meet to cook and pray for him. D problem is if eve has been gainfully involved in regular prayer d devil might not be able to deceived her.when satan came to tempt jesus he met him praying not sleeping

  55. Olajide Jaiye-Williams

    So it’s her opinion that someone should be executed, for saying wife should pray for herself, husband, and the children. You must be out of your mind.

  56. You are right marites palayon.

  57. Dear kemi…u r on d road to hell…dnt speak to d daddy G.o like dat..am an head usher of d redeemed christian church of God…so b careful

  58. This kemi olunoye or whatever you are called,hmm mm mm mm you have really gone too far by calling a MAN OF GOD a lunatic…….you have just invited the wrath of God upon yourself.you talk as if ure an illiterate……you had better watch it I see you fall in the category of women who cannot cook or pray for even an hour or less that’s why you are this ‘lackadaisical in speaking.

  59. Greatapeh Sunday

    Kemi Olunloyo, Remember the word and the interpretation for a fool.
    A fool is someone who is unwise, lacks sense, and lacks judgement. Fools don’t want to learn the truth. They laugh at the truth and turn their eyes away from the truth. Fools are wise in their own eyes failing to take in wisdom and advice, which will be their downfall. They suppress the truth by their unrighteousness.
    They have wickedness in their hearts, they are lazy, proud, they slander others, and live in repeat foolishness. Living in sin is fun for a fool.
    It’s not wise to desire their company because they will lead you down a dark path. Fools rush into danger without wise preparation and thinking about the consequences.
    Scripture keeps people from being foolish, but sadly fools despise the Word of God.
    Proverbs 18:2-3 says, Fools have no interest in understanding; they only want to air their own opinions. Doing wrong leads to disgrace, and scandalous behavior brings contempt.
    Proverbs 1:5-7 says, Let the wise listen to these proverbs and become even wiser. Let those with understanding receive guidance by exploring the meaning in these proverbs and parables, the words of the wise and their riddles. Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
    What Daddy Adeboye said,is a word of wisdom but foolish ones will quote him wrong because they lack understanding. So,Kemi…or whoever that may quote him wrong pls,don’t be a fool!

  60. Jamari Kaycee Jamari, it is not a force ,u can either take it or leave it.a lot listening to advice n yield to it while others doesn’t .the choice is urs .

  61. Bello George Eveshoyan

    First calling adeboye as lunatics is just share lunacy not because his adeboye but because ..his comment has not warranted such an indecent use of words..common @kemi you are suppose to be a Yoruba person (saying this sarcastically).
    Adeboye gave an advice for me good advice that came out wrongly…cus a lot of guys are without jobs not in their making the country has denied them great opportunity; as for not marrying a girl that can not cook;if my dad gives this sort of advice I will certainly see notin wrong but coming from the GO redeem who has got so much influence on the lives of many that may sound to hash…he could have taken a tone of inspiration eg…women train ur self to cook so dat u can feed ur family in the future …sometin that can help inspire the heart….but @kemi saying his a lunatic that disrespectful and stupid….and for all of u spitting insult and invoking fire to kill kemi sorry it does not work that way..except you turn yourself to fundamentalist Christian

  62. Elueche Orun Nyanga

    When you insult someone God has ordained, his wrath falls heavily on you. I pity people who would do anything to seek attention. E get where I no dey play reach o.

  63. Odudu Samuel Damilola

    Who is dey idiot dat is calling daddy adeboye a lunatic i don blame her is becos she is one of the gals who can cook and is paining becos baba is saying the truth

  64. Olayinka Isaiah Ayodeji

    Kemi olunloyo female mad dog again ?…. We are all waiting to see your end, I believed normal people will not come around to bury you when u died. Na govt go bury you. Cus u are never a friend with anyone on earth. Your end will be miserable. Mad dog.

  65. Olusegun Armstrong Ojewande

    Olunloyo should be tested for drugs and mental fitness.

  66. Olayinka Isaiah Ayodeji

    Freedom of Speech ? And she said Pst Adeboye should be executed. I’m sure her end will be miserable cus no normal human being will come around to bury her. All her families rejected her because of her madness.

  67. Uzuazo Ekwedi Emebu

    Will someone take did lunatic woman to psychiatric hospital

  68. Uju Bibi Okonkwo

    Olajide Jaiye-Williams Aww someone’s feelings is hurt. Typical Nigerian man, always resort to insult even when it’s not necessary. Take a chill pill. It’s not that serious.

  69. I no fit laff o. Asif one hour is even enough to pray sef. They are all there running their mouth like their crazy mom KOO

  70. Friday Lewa Goya

    @Akeem Fadun please find out the rate of divorce in Europe and compare with Africa. Then simply conclude what is the cost? While do you think their girls & ladies desire & glued to our men & would kill anyone who dare interrupt the relationship? Is simply because they knew we stick to the value of marriage.

  71. @Happy he is saying the same tin, listen to the advise and see if it makes sense or not.

  72. Azeson Good Omen

    Marites Palayon
    Well said
    Am a Nigerian. Ur culture is same with that of my people.
    What we have now is not culture. I dont know where it come from.
    Those who can take care of their home…cool
    And those who cant… Fine
    The end shall tell.

  73. Azeson Good Omen

    Am still smiling ….
    The advice below kept me smiling.
    A friend shared it with me, am thinking and digesting it.
    Before I forget, let me share it with you as well.
    Love in sharing they say..,
    1. My son, if you keep spending on
    a woman and she never asked you
    if you’re saving or investing, and
    she keeps enjoying the attention,
    don’t marry her.
    2. My son, a woman could be a
    good wife to you, some could be a
    good mother to your children but if
    you’ve found a woman like a
    mother to you, your children and
    your family, please don’t let her go.
    3. My son, don’t confine the
    position of your wife to the kitchen,
    where did you get that from? Even
    in our days, we had farm-lands
    where they worked every morning
    . . . that was our office.
    4. My son, if I tell you that you’re
    the head of the house, don’t look at
    your pocket; look if you will see a
    smile on your wife’s face.
    5. My son, if you want to have a
    long life, let your wife be in-charge
    of your salary, it will be difficult for
    her to spend it when she’s aware of
    the home needs and bills to pay
    but if it’s in your care, she will keep
    you asking even when all has been
    6. My son, don’t ever beat your
    woman, the pain in her body is
    nothing to be compared to the
    wound on her heart and that
    means you may be in trouble living
    with a wounded woman.
    7. My son, now that you’re married,
    if you live a bachelor kind of life
    with your wife, you will soon be
    single again.
    8. My son, in our days, we had
    many wives and many children
    because of our large farm-lands
    and many harvests, there are
    hardly any land for farming
    anymore, so embrace your woman
    9. My son, under the cocoa tree that
    I did meet your mother could be
    your eateries and restaurants of
    nowadays, but remember, the
    closest thing we did there was to
    embrace each other.
    10. My son, don’t be carried away
    when you start making more
    money, instead of spending on
    those tiny legs that never knew
    how hard you worked to get it,
    spend it on that woman that stood
    by you all along.
    11. My son, when I threw little
    stones or whistled at the window
    of your mother father’s house, to
    call her out, it was not for sex, it
    was because I missed her so much.
    12. My son, remember, when you
    say your wife has changed, there
    could be something you’ve stopped
    doing too.
    13. My son, your mother, Asake
    rode the bicycle with me before I
    bought that tortoise car outside
    there, any woman that won’t
    endure with you in your little
    beginning should not enjoy your
    14. My son, don’t compare your
    wife to any woman, there are ways
    she’s enduring you too and has she
    ever compared you to any man?
    15. My son, there is this thing you
    people call feminism, well, if a
    woman claim to have equal right
    with you in the house, divide all
    the bills into two equal parts, take
    one part and ask her to start
    paying the other part.
    16. My son, I met your mother a
    virgin and I took more yams to her
    father, if you don’t meet your wife
    a virgin, don’t blame her, what I
    didn’t tell you is that our women
    had prestige.
    17. My son, I didn’t send your
    sisters to school because I was
    foolish like many to think a female
    child won’t extend my family
    name, please don’t make that
    mistake, the kind of female
    achievers I see nowadays has made
    the male-gender an ordinary tag.
    18. My son, your mother have once
    locked up the cloth I was wearing
    and almost tore it because she was
    angry, I did not raise my hand to
    beat her because of a day like this,
    so that I can be proud to tell you
    that I never for once beat your
    19. My son, in our days, our women
    had more of natural beauty,
    though I wouldn’t lie to you, some
    had minor painting of their
    appellation mostly on their arms,
    the ones you people now call
    tattoo, but don’t forget that they
    didn’t expose any part of their
    body like your women of
    20. My son, your mother and I are
    not interested in what happens in
    your marriage, try to handle issues
    without always coming to us.
    21. My son, remember I bought
    your mother’s first sewing machine
    for her, help your wife achieve her
    dreams just as you’re pursuing
    22. My son, don’t stop taking care
    of me and your mother, it’s a secret
    of growing old and having children
    to take care of you too.
    23. My son, pray with your family,
    there is a tomorrow you don’t
    know, talk to God that knows
    everything, everyday.
    All i will add is:
    1: If she is concerned about the now only without a feasible plan for the future, dont marry her.
    2: if she cares more on her wardrobe and not the family, dont marry her.
    3: Religious….no
    Spiritual…. Yes
    If she doesnt have the fear of God, dont marry her.
    Remember, she doesnt have to be perfect.
    Good morning.
    Peace i decree upon u in Jesus Mighty name

  74. Azeson Good Omen

    Am still smiling ….
    The advice below kept me smiling.
    A friend shared it with me, am thinking and digesting it.
    Before I forget, let me share it with you as well.
    Love in sharing they say..,
    1. My son, if you keep spending on
    a woman and she never asked you
    if you’re saving or investing, and
    she keeps enjoying the attention,
    don’t marry her.
    2. My son, a woman could be a
    good wife to you, some could be a
    good mother to your children but if
    you’ve found a woman like a
    mother to you, your children and
    your family, please don’t let her go.
    3. My son, don’t confine the
    position of your wife to the kitchen,
    where did you get that from? Even
    in our days, we had farm-lands
    where they worked every morning
    . . . that was our office.
    4. My son, if I tell you that you’re
    the head of the house, don’t look at
    your pocket; look if you will see a
    smile on your wife’s face.
    5. My son, if you want to have a
    long life, let your wife be in-charge
    of your salary, it will be difficult for
    her to spend it when she’s aware of
    the home needs and bills to pay
    but if it’s in your care, she will keep
    you asking even when all has been
    6. My son, don’t ever beat your
    woman, the pain in her body is
    nothing to be compared to the
    wound on her heart and that
    means you may be in trouble living
    with a wounded woman.
    7. My son, now that you’re married,
    if you live a bachelor kind of life
    with your wife, you will soon be
    single again.
    8. My son, in our days, we had
    many wives and many children
    because of our large farm-lands
    and many harvests, there are
    hardly any land for farming
    anymore, so embrace your woman
    9. My son, under the cocoa tree that
    I did meet your mother could be
    your eateries and restaurants of
    nowadays, but remember, the
    closest thing we did there was to
    embrace each other.
    10. My son, don’t be carried away
    when you start making more
    money, instead of spending on
    those tiny legs that never knew
    how hard you worked to get it,
    spend it on that woman that stood
    by you all along.
    11. My son, when I threw little
    stones or whistled at the window
    of your mother father’s house, to
    call her out, it was not for sex, it
    was because I missed her so much.
    12. My son, remember, when you
    say your wife has changed, there
    could be something you’ve stopped
    doing too.
    13. My son, your mother, Asake
    rode the bicycle with me before I
    bought that tortoise car outside
    there, any woman that won’t
    endure with you in your little
    beginning should not enjoy your
    14. My son, don’t compare your
    wife to any woman, there are ways
    she’s enduring you too and has she
    ever compared you to any man?
    15. My son, there is this thing you
    people call feminism, well, if a
    woman claim to have equal right
    with you in the house, divide all
    the bills into two equal parts, take
    one part and ask her to start
    paying the other part.
    16. My son, I met your mother a
    virgin and I took more yams to her
    father, if you don’t meet your wife
    a virgin, don’t blame her, what I
    didn’t tell you is that our women
    had prestige.
    17. My son, I didn’t send your
    sisters to school because I was
    foolish like many to think a female
    child won’t extend my family
    name, please don’t make that
    mistake, the kind of female
    achievers I see nowadays has made
    the male-gender an ordinary tag.
    18. My son, your mother have once
    locked up the cloth I was wearing
    and almost tore it because she was
    angry, I did not raise my hand to
    beat her because of a day like this,
    so that I can be proud to tell you
    that I never for once beat your
    19. My son, in our days, our women
    had more of natural beauty,
    though I wouldn’t lie to you, some
    had minor painting of their
    appellation mostly on their arms,
    the ones you people now call
    tattoo, but don’t forget that they
    didn’t expose any part of their
    body like your women of
    20. My son, your mother and I are
    not interested in what happens in
    your marriage, try to handle issues
    without always coming to us.
    21. My son, remember I bought
    your mother’s first sewing machine
    for her, help your wife achieve her
    dreams just as you’re pursuing
    22. My son, don’t stop taking care
    of me and your mother, it’s a secret
    of growing old and having children
    to take care of you too.
    23. My son, pray with your family,
    there is a tomorrow you don’t
    know, talk to God that knows
    everything, everyday.
    All i will add is:
    1: If she is concerned about the now only without a feasible plan for the future, dont marry her.
    2: if she cares more on her wardrobe and not the family, dont marry her.
    3: Religious….no
    Spiritual…. Yes
    If she doesnt have the fear of God, dont marry her.
    Remember, she doesnt have to be perfect.
    Good morning.
    Peace i decree upon u in Jesus Mighty name

  75. Josephine Luseno

    Please pst do pray for this lady that she may not face the wrath of God andbplse God forgive for we all know pst Adeboye is not alunatic!

  76. God punish sinners, that is what will happen on the last day by sending evil doers to hell, Sodom and Gomorrah is an example. If God kills it doesn’t make Him a murderer because He gives life and takes it at His will.

  77. She lacks home training plus she is a lunatic

  78. Sunday James Coolspirit

    A lunatic like her is already talking….

  79. Offiaeli Chinonso Ruth

    If you like marry a woman who cannot pray , who cannot cook , whatever works for you, but don’t insult a man of God because he said something you don’t believe in. Am so sorry for my generation , coming on social media to bash a man of God is not the right thing to do. You don’t want his God proving to you that’s he’s truly called. And yes am not a redeemed member ,I belong to the body of Christ and I respect my pastors / elders. Even if I disagree ,I find a way to get across not to insult. Learn wisdom and apply it. Balance is needed.

  80. See guilty conscience at work

  81. Sylvanus Jhoy Chinenye

    Since I have been reading this Adeboyes news , I didn’t see where they wrote that he was talking to all Nigerians. He was simply addressing the youths in his church. He didn’t come to your house to preach did he? He didn’t disturb your sleep with mega phone did he?
    If a woman can do make up on her face for 2hours , if a woman can stay uninterrupted on social networks especially Instagram and Snapchat, if a woman can go to the club and dance for hours then how can you not invest at least 1hour to the God who makes you breathe?. How can she not also cook? Even if you can’t cook at least visit a catering school. All the eateries you visit is it not a human being that cooked?
    Kemi has never been married but has kids and she talks anyhow without reasoning. Our youths these days are getting damaged by negative lifestyles. What that Pastor said was right. After all most of us born in the 80s our parents didn’t take us to eatery to eat. Our mothers cooked in the house and fed us. May God help this generation.

  82. Zendi Paul Gunat

    All those insulting kemi, pls try pray for an hour non stop and see of its possible. That his a pastor doesn’t mean his perfect. If u need a woman go straight to God he alone knows what’s best for u. God alone has the ultimate say. U can marry a woman who can not pray or cook and teach her that’s how we all learn, she would wanted to learn but there was no one to teach her. We are all humans and its typical of us to have such flaws. Whatever pastors reason is for saying that I don’t know ur I don’t personally support him. U don’t expect someone to know what he or she isn’t taught. That my own opinion since everyone is entitled to his oe her opinion.

  83. @kemi,what d man of God said is right,as a mother if your son marry a lady dat cannot cook or pray,will u accept her cos anytime u visit their am sure she will be servn u snack and drink

  84. Vinepath Melariri

    God bless you God bless my dear jezz I rili can’t believe da some of us still reason am astonished

  85. Emma-cyprian Uche

    For goodness sake, the man was right. (And not because he is mentioning the scriptures) but he is Absolutely correct on this.

  86. I don’t care abt that.
    He is not God.
    And got no reason what so ever to speak like that.
    Maybe he should direct it to all his villagers, family members and church members and stop trying to confuse more souls on things that should be as he States.
    People like him r too small to confuse ma mind. I pity all those who will agree to this rubbish .

  87. Joy-joe Jy Okebe

    Is this woman still alive?

  88. Even Satan himself was ones an angel,and as we speak,Satan himself knows all the verses in bible and can as well use it to twist and confuse peoples mind just like this so man is doing

  89. Nwachukwu Dontega Ochinanwata

    d woman is vry stupid

  90. So nah m b man go cook for u abi

  91. Oluwaseunara Ibrahim Olude

    @ jamari i think this is just an advice and not by force do ur own life anyhow you want

  92. Oluwaseunara Ibrahim Olude

    @ aunty kemi epele o olorun a fun yin ni alafia o e ma fara le

  93. Dat bitch , how dare she insult a man of God! Saul was after David but David found him first but dared not to hurt or kill him. because Saul was anointed by God . even David dared not to you a man of God and there she is calling a man of God a lunatic. God have mercy.

  94. madam mind your speech on Man of God

  95. Y’all gotta quit worshipping white relegions Jesus is not for us we been praying to him for 400 yrs and whites got it better so quit worshipping the Devils gods

  96. You are not Christians let it go Africans wake up don’t follow the white mans faith I’m sure your shocked wondering well what God do I worship and I say go find out what your ppl was before the Devils came and get back to it

  97. Ayodeji Bisiriyu Sampam

    Dis woman (Kemi) is a strong demon

  98. Samuel Abiodun Alara

    Pastor Adeboye Message on Marriage
    During a RCCG Youth Convention 4 years ago (2012) with the Theme: Unstoppable Generation, Daddy G.O. spoke to his children on the issue of marriage as a father, life coach, mentor, shepherd and one who has been in the business of marriage for over 4 decades. It is expected of him to direct these young leaders in the way of the Lord in order for them not to depart from the truth (which is Jesus Christ).
    It is also important to note that this charge was given to those who see him as a spiritual father and head.
    Daddy G.O./RCCG believes that if anyone misses it in the place of marriage, it will be difficult for such fellow to make it to heaven (that is against our vision). And, with the alarming rate of divorce (which God hates – Malachi 2:16) in our society today, it is imperative to address the issues leading to divorce.
    Pastor Adeboye, as a Father indeed and with the heart of a loving Father advised the youth on few things that leads to broken home or a hell on earth home. Like a saying, it is better to learn from the mistakes of others than to use our lives as an experiment due to our foolishness.
    In lieu of this, Pastor E.A. Adeboye gave the following advice to the youth which also have scriptural backings.
    1. Don’t marry someone who does not believe in holiness…
    Holiness is the foundation of every successful marriage. If a man and woman believes in God and obey all His commandments they will overcome every marital challenges that might come their way and come out victorious.
    2. Don’t marry a man without a job…
    The first man that was created had a job before He was given a wife. Genesis 2:15.
    A man should be able to take care of the basic needs in the family in order to have a blissful home. No woman deserves to suffer from the inception of her marriage and a man that loves his wife would never want her to suffer.
    The same woman that claims to love you will start to redefine the meaning of her love for you when she and her children are not being catered for.
    You might not have the best job in the world but you need a steady source of income to keep the family running.
    Please read Proverbs 31 before continuing
    3. Don’t marry a girl that cannot pray…
    The bible says, ‘He who findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favour from the Lord.’ (Proverbs 18:22).
    Favour doesn’t come by playing; you have to pray it into fulfillment.
    Without prayers, a family would sink in the storm of life.
    Men are also expected to be spiritual heads of their homes. A prayerless home is a powerless home. Jeremiah 29:12, Romans 12:12, Colossians 4:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
    4. Don’t marry a girl who is lazy…
    A virtuous woman is expected to keep her home. Proverbs 14:1, Proverbs 31.
    Spending the rest of your life with a woman that is not willing to work and indifferent about idleness is not the best. As a lady, you have to be industrious. Proverbs 10:4, Proverbs 31:27-28.
    5. Don’t marry a girl who cannot cook…
    A virtuous woman is expected to prepare meals for the family. Proverbs 31:14-15.
    Cooking is not a difficult skill to learn, even if you don’t have it, learn it.
    It has been said that, one of the fastest way to a man’s heart is through his belly.
    It is not healthy, economical or wise for a family to live on junks, fast foods, etc.
    These few tips can go a long way in making a marriage blissful.
    And as children of God, we are expected to have glorious homes worthy of emulation.
    Marriage can either make or mar a destiny.
    Be Wise!

  99. Oga u just spoke my mind

  100. 1 John 4:5 Those false prophets speak about matters of the world and the people of the world listen to them because they belong to the world.


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