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Lady Who Experiences Penis Captivus, That Makes Men Get Stuck Inside Her For 8 Minutes After Sex Cries Out

Kenyan Lady On Facebook , Mercy Njoki Chege – Reveals What Happens To Her During Sex , Read Below. When i make love i go in a trance after orgasm..its like kifafa i become stiff, eyes roll backward and my nunu becomes so tight the men get trapped untill after like 8 min when the trance is over…i thought it was a medical issue but was told it wasnt….men fear thinking am about to die, thats why am still single..One Dude someday was crying saying his prayers calling his boys to come remove him, lucky enough the trance was over…ANY LUO MAN READY TO LOVE AND HELP ME my nunu doesnt bite, it just hugs tightly for 8 minutes




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