According to reports, this young girl by name Jessica from Uganda decided to end her life after finding out that
people she had trusted with her money -betrayed her. The said girl used to work in another country allegedly as a prostitute and send her savings to her people -only for her to discover on her return that the money had been squandered.
She hanged herself due to the heartbreak and also left a note as seen below.. This tragedy happened last month in Uganda……
Her note simple read out the fact that it was her personal decision to hang herself to death and no one is to be blamed…She added the names of all her debtors requesting all the money to be paid before her corpse is taken to their village for burial. She added her mother’s number as well in the note.

Edward Alfred Cole lees dit
It doesn’t matter what she did God forgave that same prostitute they were throwing stones at..May God make peace with her soul.
All family no be the same
This is so painful, it’s easy to put a smile on your face and say you are fine but in reality you are a total wreck inside. Depression is real. The ability to accept life on life’s terms is a struggle we all face in life. For her that struggle was too much for her to bear. How I wish she is still alive to look at the bright side of life. Whoever is reading this, pls, don’t give up on life because there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Wauw erg zeg
Double wahala for dead body
Something say my that was not suicide
Oh my God what a sadly death, why will u end up ur life just like that, I understood every bit of it, because i live in Europe and i am seeing the way you single girls put ur family on our head insist of shoulders, may God have mercy on ur soul and accept you
They think they throw money at u over sees. Its hard to get money especially if ur black talk less of being African. I pray for her soul biko.
Oh my god. So bad. May god punish her family
My community if you hang urself, b4 u r brought down they first give u strokes of canes
Stop posting nonsense, the lady was working as a housemaid in Oman ,she comes bck home wen her husband married another wife and all her money was chopped
Why will u kill urself, I understood everything because i am in Europe and i see do many of you people d way u obeyed the last command from ur family back home, two of my friends are 35 and 38 years old i am the smallest in the list when i say i don’t want to do any bad but i want to get married and have kids, dem were laughing at me and said i need to build house and some other things before getting married even my family back home, so i stop the traditional married and i have my kids before doing the marriage. Now those my friends and now looking for a boy not just a boy but even married man to live spent the rest part of their lives with. All the prostitution dem make all the money their families back home help dem and useless it. I prayed God should open their eyes and see
I think it depends on the kind of brother or sister you have, if you have an untrusted family members why should you be keeping money with them some family members are very heartless not minding wht u are going through . It’s a sad story after all this yrs this’s all she get. To make money in abroad is not a story for the kids because they won’t understand. Who knw go knw go understand you need to come and see for urself. R. I. P
Looking @ ur pix, u are supposed to be an adult but judging from ur comment you are nothing but an overgrown baby. Any act is personal, that is to say, any body irrespective of the state or country can do same.
May God forgive her
This is soo sad, but you have some licky licky, no conscience family, who cant live within dem means, and think that because dem want to live like di jones and browns, dem must rob dem family of their hard earn earnings and lie to them. Dem is fu@@@ging wicked and i am happy they are a live to live wid di shame and disgrace for the rest of their pathetic smell bad lives
My guy if u hv not lived in a foreign land u will never understand, especially when u don’t hv valid documents or when ur earnings is small…. But still hanging herself is never d best option
But why is the man at the back is laughing wat sup with him??
Guy I dey tell you!!! And to Ejiofor Ginika Finnian, they are allllll…. The same! Some are just worse off
Guy’ not as easy as u just said it. Pray that it never come to u… If it come’ u will be confused ..especially when u meet them broke too
@portia if only you know what she went through before she could save that money dey misused, dey killed her and dey will pay for it.
Put urslf in her shoes
What a family
Lol.. I dey ur side nne
May she rest in peace and may the Lord forgive her many sins
Mak u no try call igbo again idiot adamu
u see d consequences of illegal traveling.wen i made my statement,i did it on ground of genuine traveling wit complete documents ok….am nt talking abt hide&seek in a foreign land.
Anybody can hang her up and forge that letter. Africans lack good crime forensic detectives
From prostitution to eternal damnation! Is unfortunate. Her family members should repent for their sin of insincerity b4 it is too late
We shall give an account before God.i think she shouldn’t have made the choice of taking her own life
U be her lawyer?
Yea from what i read i understand the pain she went through. But taking her own life wasn’t the best solution tbh. Some people have been through worse. She could have seek help instead of killing herself.
I agree with you Lindsay Mungai. No one’s gonna be held responsible for her death.
Nobody is trusted when it comes on side of money, if money betrayed jesus, who is a human being not to,,,,!
Na wa o.after sufferin.
May God rest her soul,,, but She died a coward
Some family’s are ungrateful, this is how my mother spent thousands of Euro’s to bring his brother and her junior sister, to Europe, as they came it’s my mother which still help them to get work permit, after all these instead of them to thank my mother, now they turn back to my mother, they don’t even like to hear where my mom name is mentioned, my mother had turned to their biggest enemy, I and my brother keep on encouraging our mother,else we shouldint now what should happens to our mother, so for me,people should lean from this, because for me,I don’t trust non of my family,some familys are very wicked.
Nooooo,this lady from Arusha Tanzania ,three months ago died, family matters
very bad RIP
Blame Buhari too for her death
she was not counselled
it is painful especially the trusted ones it is not new it takes the grace of God for that soul to digest it
chai! but that was not enough reason for her to hang herself. once there’s life there’s hope. hope God forgives her
Portia I agree with you
Moureen Shikanda you’re so right
ooh God is very very painful poor girl may ur soul rest in perfect peace but may ur so not sleep oooooh on till u finish those people that cause u ur precious life including ur mother first deal with her first so next time if any of ur siblings give her money for a particular project she will do it without eating any cash.
Mmmmm my God
What a bad mom..they will surely paid for this
My Mother will never do that. I trust her with my blood.
Anyway not all Mothers are mothers. If your Mother goes to beer parlor everyday to drink alcohol and enjoy meat then never trust her with your Money. She will be the most dangerous mother.
And tomorrow one of her selfrightwous family members will have guts and say god forbid
To me she doesn’t look old not to talk of retired. Plz refrain d headline again so that peo will continue to comment. Each time lie is paddled we will start commenting wtout knowing d truth
Very bad family.
I can actually feel her pain. It’s a pity she took her life because she couldn’t beer the pain of losing hard earned money in the cold just like that.
I knoe the feeling i was onece in that suitions where i send my money home to my sister to bank for me i was evening giving her fifty dallors to do it after five yeasr of sending all my income tax i went home on a suprise vist only to find everyone were acting funny with me i ask my sister for the bank book so i can go to the bank and it was always an excuse where she couldnt find it so i took my self to the bank only to find out i only had five thousand dallors which is twenty five U.S In american i almost had an heart attack but i have my kids to live for so i cut my sister and mom off and until today i would never try it again i would help my mom every month but she dont know all the help is coming from me because she is my mom i love her but it still pain me to know how i suffer in american with my ex and no where to live but god is great i am doing better and for the family that are in europe try oping a bank acountt and pay to tranfer your money in you bank trust me life lesson learn it works better trust no one but god
Thank you Peter
diz story iz a ‘food for thought’ for most of us.
This has nothing to bring an end to the situation, after all it’s your sweat and there are other ways of recovery your assets…Any way R.I.P
She’s a fool for killing herself instead of killing those betrayal
But not everybody gets out of the tunnel alive
God forgive her may her soul rest in peace.
Seton or whatever your name is called, you don’t just open your mouth and insult people on social media anyhow because you are lucky enough to have God give you one..
Mind your speeches and next time before you comment on someone’s post, you learn how to breed your tongue.. If you are wise, you’ll take this friendly advice..
Akiva Solomon, may the Lord Jesus Christ forgive you for speaking like a foolish person. ……honestly, I pity you!
This family Is evil .. … as if she was to live in that supposed house alone
So said the paedophile Akiva Solomon Israel suicide bomber &your paedophile mahomed
It happened in my place, a man traveled to Germany, back in 90s, tho married with kids but was sending money and cars tru his senior Bros, the bros sold and ate all d goodies alone, to the extent that d brothers wife had to resort to prostitution to feed her kids, after spending about 10yrs, the young man was deported,, he returned home gallantly, believing he’v saved enough only to meet an empty account with a dying family, Infact d wife was already HIV positive. Ppl are wicked
Thats a lié no marks On her neck
How very dad
How very sad
Ole gbe, ole gba. That’s too bad.
If ones family can betray like this. Who are u to trust?
Chi, don’t mind so called seton abi setback with stinky mouth and insult people anyhow, God will help us oh.
Life goes on smh so sad RIP.
Akuko… Same same
Wow she shouldn’t have killed herself
Shame on u gossip mill…..fake stories everday…. U stole that pic from Tanzania blogs and make fakestories what for…. Acheni ujinga nyie wanaigeria
Two words. Bank Account
but she didnt hang herself lol
Never trust family with your money
stop fooling people this is false this event took place in my country tanzania in moshi region. the girl hanghimself due to unknownreason he leave a message in paper wrote that my death must not link to anybody but there somepeople who i had my properties such as memorycard n money and she put number of her mother and told people to send the death report to heractual she was logde attendant
Andrew Ugbah @ you don’t know how hard it is in Europe alot of we Africans went thru a lot to make it here.but God will alwAys judge each and everyone
Rip dear u nor die for Europe God c u tru finish na ur family come distrol and kill you wonders shall never end
She is not Ugandan. Wrong information
Gossipmill real fits the name “gossip” False information only. 1. That lady wasn’t not Ugandan. She was Tanzanian. 2. She wasn’t a prostitute. She was a maid. Stop messing with people.
Stop foolng pple u gossip mill Nigeria
People still do it because no matter how there’s always someone you trust at home and the fact is that you can’t be shuttling abroad and home to raise a building. Some friends are more trusted than family members that’s one thing we refuse to understand and again it can be vice versa.
That family will never have peace, they will ripe what they sow,R I P
I feel u Bro, it’s important to spy on the said project through a non family member if u can’t travel home urself to inspect it..so many people make the mistake of making their life savings in someone else bank account back home. Everyone ve there own problems and as u know human beings re selfish by nature.
That’s just it U0001f44dU0001f44dU0001f44dU0001f44dU0001f44dU0001f44d
That’s just it U0001f44dU0001f44dU0001f44dU0001f44dU0001f44dU0001f44d
May Ur SouL ResT iN PeAce …..And aS For ThOse PeOpLe Who BeTrAyEd Her RemeMbEr…….God iS WaTcHinG You….
May Ur SouL ResT iN PeAce …..And aS For ThOse PeOpLe Who BeTrAyEd Her RemeMbEr…….God iS WaTcHinG You….
The most heaviest message in this story is “” TRUST NO ONE””
The most heaviest message in this story is “” TRUST NO ONE””
What a bad family. But taking her life is not the best for her.
What a bad family. But taking her life is not the best for her.
Chai, so wicked!
Chai, so wicked!
Is painful that her people squandered her fortune, but she could nt have taken up her life, because in the Bible is offence some one to take off his or her life. She could have started a new life, God is not asleep he could replace all lost. And make her happy again. In this world there many that lost their fortune and still have it back by trusting God.
Is painful that her people squandered her fortune, but she could nt have taken up her life, because in the Bible is offence some one to take off his or her life. She could have started a new life, God is not asleep he could replace all lost. And make her happy again. In this world there many that lost their fortune and still have it back by trusting God.