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Juliet Ibrahim Thinks Ghanaian Men Are Not On Her Level, She’ll Rather Marry White Men


Actress Juliet Ibrahim says she is no longer interested in marrying a Ghanaian man after her marriage with her ex husband, Kwadwo Safo crashed a few years ago.

The award winning actress says that she struggles with African men because of their African mentality.

The mentality according to her, holds them back from dating a public figure.

“Friends of these men even jump into the equation—hastily labeling all actresses as wh*res based on what they’ve read online. And some of the men I have met actually get cold feet because of such unfounded speculations,” the actress said.

According to her, she is not over dating a black man as long as she can find one who understands her career and lifestyle.

“For me it’s not about the colour of a man’s skin but his mind. The reason why I think a white man will work for me is because their mentality fits my lifestyle and my career but if I meet a black (African) man who sits well with my wants and expectations, I will jump for it.”

– OMGGhana




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