Tuesday , 4 March 2025

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Home +OK News +OK It Is Dangerous Marrying One Wife As A Muslim, You Need Two & Above – Muslim Scholar

It Is Dangerous Marrying One Wife As A Muslim, You Need Two & Above – Muslim Scholar


Well known for his tough lectures, popular Islamic scholar and preacher, Sheik Muyideen Bello is at it again. Bello has said a Muslim man will be doing himself more harm by marrying just one wife, but instead he will advise such a man to start with two. He made this known in one of his lectures titled Legal Marriage. Enjoy!

“Allah said a man should marry any kind of woman he likes. As a man, if you want to marry a fair-complexioned or dark woman, marry her. Allah said we should start from 2 women. I know women will not like to hear this. If you have to marry, start with 2 women, that is what the Quran says. The Yorubas have a saying that a man with 1 woman isn’t a real man. For instance if you are
married to 1 wife and she over-salts your food, you have just 1 wife. You don’t have a choice than to eat the food or buy food outside.

“I have received so many messages from people that why should I encourage polygamy. I tell them, is it me encouraging polygamy? Allah said you should marry 2, 3, 4. Allah said if as a man you know you can’t take care of them, then marry 1. Then if you are a me&my wife kind of man, the implications are too many. As Muslims, 4 women is the maximum a man can have, have 2 living with you then if you have 2 houses outside, you put the other 2 there. The implications in marrying just 1 wife are too many.




  1. Sarlarmy horllarnraywahju

    As 4 me i have only one wife and she is okay for me, so marrying 2,3 or 4 wifes i can’t.

  2. were did Allah said it in d Qur’an I mean d chapter.pls mention d chapter

    • Dis question dat u jst ask shows dat u ar nt a practicing muslim,ar u sayin d man of God is lyin or wat.

  3. Life is a choice! Produce many children for Boko Haram to used for suicide bomber’s fools!

    • @ james,pls try to post good words that will inspire,not to create trouble bcos the scholar is just a convener,its left 4 us muslim to follow pls@ james stop abusing anyone.

      • @james. Are u not the greatest fool now? Were u invited for the topic that doesnt concern u? Thats how u cause trouble and when we react u call terrorist! God is seeing it as u just open ur smelly mouth to pokenoise into no-concern-u-matter oh!

    • Well, I have just only one wife and I married her legally. Pls go and read your Qurian very well cos it seems U don’t know what you are talking about cos it is there Gadagba ! Allah said so ! And Allah knows all !
      And to almighty Allah be the GLORY and HONOUR ! Cos ALLAH IS THE GREATEST !!!

    • Mr james if you don’t understand the principles of islamic religion why can’t you focus on your religion rather than saying trash with your dirty mouth.

    • Well, I wanted to insult you but them I remembered that you will never understand. Allah permits it and I believe is ours(muslims) to bear. So please my brother stay out of it. Thanks for understanding. ..

  4. “It is dangerous marrying one wife as a muslem,you need two and above”.Definately, whosoever challenge the authenticity of this statement is either “a none muslem who always criticize the qur’anic injuntions or an unknowlegeable muslem or a lost knowlegeable muslem who speaks out of his own mind” It is known that whenever Allah starts or end with something in the Qur’an, there is special message Allah is diseminating to mankind in it. “Only the knowlegeable ones can ponder over it” .Therefore when Allah started by saying “you should marry two two” and end by “you should stick to one”,what is the special message therein? ask the God-fearing Ulamaa.”Allah knows better than you know”. Therefore if Allah says, you must keep shot and obey straitaway. For one to test the viability of this statement, get a sample of those with one wife, you will arrive at about 90% of them having matrimonial problems into the family. Equally, have a sample of those with two and above, you will get about 90% of them having less matrimonial problems caused by the wives except between them.This is becouse two or more wives are always jelous to one another, and envy one another, therefore, they are always in competetion to win the interest of their husband. As such whoever among them try to introduce or inculcate any Satanic behavior or opinion in the family it hardly take a long time before it is revealed. This makes them to be conscious of what they are doing and most God-fearing.

    • Ignorance

    • Thank you very much, we are exactly saying the same thing. Quran is the ultimate miracle , an unchanged cconstitution sent to us by ALMIGHTY ALLAH through prophet Muhammad (SAW). You are not a muslem if you go contrary to QURAN. ….Thanks my brother.

  5. Allah stated it in glorious Quran that you can marry up-to 4wives, so, its never a sin to do so, you will even be getting reward from Allah if your wives are practising sunah of wives of Prophet Muhammad rosulullahi.

  6. At james u must b stupid 4 saying that, idiot and useless human being

  7. Allah ordered Us to Marry 2,3 or 4 and further that if U know U cant be just among them then marry 1 . The subject matter here is JUST who among of us can be just?

  8. James what so ever your name be, have you ever hard of baby factory in muslims society

    • Sir everyone can be Just if he intended to be. JUST in this case mean Justice. And to do justice means to be fair and just. Therefore you should be fair and just among your wives in times of crisis , misunderstanding, welfarism and so on. Even not only couples that Allah command to do Justice but also Justice should be done in families, groups, society, communities ,and nations by their respective directors and leaders.

  9. May Allahu subhanahu wq ta.ala give opportunity to those have one wife to add two or more in order to know ………….,……

  10. Ds ur lecture is somehow for hearing ds @ now where a man can’t even boast of feedind himself talkless of marrying more than 1 wives, most household now finiacially support n build by women were we av nt responsible men n ds men are mostly Muslim, pls ds is new generation preach what is going to good n benefit d young 1.

  11. It is well, the preacher has said what he knows about the legal marriage in Islamic teaching , so its left for you to decide what to do. Nobody can be compelled to marry more than one wife. Its a choice. So pls nobody should say anything negative to the man.

  12. My own view is that there is no sin if a man marry 4,3,2 wife.but it is a sin if u marry 4,3,2 wife wen u knw that u can manage oly 1.that is wat is writen in the quran. It is a mata of choice, and most pple knw wat they worth.u have 2 satisfy dos wife equally

  13. I m a Muslim I prefer 1 wife,but the man is ryt

  14. This issue of polygammy has nothing to do with religion anymore. I know a few christian practicing it. Even in the ‘developed world’, the system recognises mistresses. A jilted Australian mistress won a court case against ex-lover (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worl…-MISTRESS.html), French women don’t just tolerate their husbands affairs, they expect them (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1195624/French-women-dont-just-tolerate-husbands-affairs–expect-them.html), Wife and mistress of A UK milionaire accountant reach legal settlement ( http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/7659192/Accountant-wife-and-stable-girl-mistress-reach-legal-settlement.html), etc.
    This is reality. I know the idealists would quote the scriptures (especially the New Testament, deliberately ignoring the old testament) and the law but these things are happening at times with the wife’s knowledge and/or consent. I am neither God nor a prophet and none of us pretend, as they say, to be holier than the pope. I am not saying if it is right or wrong as these depends on individual stance

  15. Obviously this so-called popular sheik is shallow and ignorant. I don’t mean this in an insulting manner. In this world of ours today, even an avearge ALMAJIRI knows that there’s nothing more dangerous regarding the family like polygamy. This is ofcourse for obvious reasons. Well, nevertheless, opinion is like an “ass-hole”, everybody is entitiled to one!!! But pls MR PREACHER, whr is it in the QURAN, mention d chapter pls!!!

  16. Getting marry to 1,2,3,4 wives is a choice. The thing is how will you be able to train the products you will be bless from the marriage. It will be too much for you to bear: 1. over stress and HBP will set in if such is practice by you. Good luck.


    Is not alhaji muyideen decection but GOD

  18. No need for u to react if James is opposing God. That is d mistake u do make if some have contrary opinion to ur religion leave him or her God can fight for himself, u pple do fight for God.

  19. Can a man love 2 women equally. Even children from d same mother u cant love them equally. Ur Allah knows u cant love 2 women equally in short ur Allah is telling u to marry only one. Is becos of ur covetousness, lust, love of woman made u misunderstood ur Allah.

  20. Allah He did not say to love two women equally. He say every man he must do inceptive for his wife (feeding,clothing,)

  21. equally

  22. Allah knows better before He(Allah) instruct us to marrying 2,3,4 woman.

  23. An injunction is an injunction. If Allah says, we simply have to comply without twisting or attaching self-fashioned meanings. The said Quranic writing on marriage is explanatory enough….”marry two, three……” Allah must have strong reasons behind this command. H/ever, humanly speaking, have u ever wondered why we have so many “free for all” girls and women, widows-for-life, single female parents, women of easy virtue, etc? Do u prefer to have just a child because u can’t love 2 children equally? Does God love us equally? Is it not in d bible dt Israelites are d chosen race? Did d biblical God not prefer Jacob to Isau? Allah, in d verse under scrutiny, is talking abt EQUITY and not EQUALITY among wives. A man is expected to relate with each of his wives according to her capacity and reasonable demands. Or do u give 5 morsels of food to a wife who can only swallow two, just because the other woman with greater capacity swallowed five? Do u go 6 rounds of sex with a wife with less bed-appetite just because her co-wife can cope with six? Follow Allah’s command and deal with ur wives equitably with d fear of God. IS HAVING 4 WIVES FAITHFULLY NOT BETTER THAN HAVING 1 WIFE AND THREE MISTRESSES/ CONCUBINES? Ponder on this with d fear of Allah. Salam/Shalom/Peace to you all.

  24. Asalamu alkm, when Allah instruct don’t question it, issue of marriage is sacrosanct and Allah knows best. There are three things that Allah didn’t reveal its secret, they are perfection, justice and the source of our breathing. So question of justice between women or wives we can’t meet up, but Allah knew this when He says try. My Muslim brothers and sisters don’t be deceived into disobeying your creator, be guided by the Holy Quraan. Many women are out there not hopeful of a husband, many have taken to prostitution and producing way ward children, many now bacame baby-factory machines in Nigeria and somewhere else in the world. Whoever pay lip services to the command of Allah will surely pay for it. Polygamy is the best way of Allah when we talk about marriage. The Sheik is just a messenger, not the author or the commander, he should be respected. May Allah touch our hearts for good ameen.

  25. Quran (4:3) – “Marry of the women, who seem good to you, two or three or four; and if ye fear that ye cannot do justice (to so many) then one (only) or (the captives) that your right hands possess.”

    • This verse clearly allows a man to have up to four wives (Allah conveniently granted Muhammad an exception… according to what Muhammad told his followers). According to the Hadith, the “justice” spoken of merely refers to the dowry provided the bride, not the treatment accorded following the wedding.

  26. Tosin Ibrahim Longe

    There is no where in the Koran where God says “It is dangerous marrying one wife as a Muslim” Koran only gives options of going 2,3 and 4 with conditions, and if we can’t meet up with the requirements, we keep 1.
    And reasons behind that are many, and I geused the man of God is misinterpreted, one of the major reasons for that, is for we men to avoid a fornication, like in a situation where husband is around 65 and wife is 60 if the woman can no longer s#x, or for some other challenges that can’t be takled with with the assistance of the woman, like maybe seeking for a male or a female child or whatever, God leave us with an option of marrying another as long as we can meet up with the conditions instead of us committing a fornication. it is not a must for Muslims

    • @Tosin Ibrahim, thanks for our comment. It just what is in my mind.
      I feel it is the truth you’ve said.


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