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“I’m Convinced Nigeria Will Be Great Again Under My Husband” – Aisha Buhari Says In NY


Wife of President of the federal republic of Nigeria, Aisha Muhammadu Buhari, who is currently in the United State of America with the President for the 71st United Nations, UN General Assembly on Wednesday, insisted that Nigeria will be great under the current administration.aisha-1-640x234

Aisha Buhari said after listening to her husband’s speech at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, she was more convinced of his intentions. Taking to her official twitter handle @aishambuhari, she wrote;

“Yesterday, I listened to my husband @MBuhari address Nigeria’s key issues at the 71 session of the UNGA,” she wrote.

“I am more convinced of his intention and I am certain that Nigeria will be great under this administration.

Mrs Buhari had on Monday met with the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, during the wife of the United States’ Broadway event to help create awareness for girl child education.




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