Joe Fortemose Chinakwe, a trader, who was arrested by Nigerian Policemen in Ogun state for naming his dog
“Buhari”, has disclosed why he gave his dog the name.
Chinakwe, 31, who trades on second hand clothing, lamented that he was made to suffer for no just cause.
He disclosed that he named his dog “Buhari” because of his admiration of Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari.
He said “I did not commit any offence. I named my beloved pet dog Buhari, who is my hero. My admiration for Buhari started far back when he was a military Head of State. It continued till date that he is a civilian President.
“After reading his dogged fight against corruption, which is like a canker worm eating into the very existence of this country, I solely decided to rename my beloved dog which I called Buhari, after him.
“I did not know that I was committing an offence for admiring Buhari.”
How they forget so soon…. mtcheww
Nwachukwu Chukwunyere Cyril it’s people like u that gives Nigeria a bad name – when did Buhari defy his wife @ 9 years? When they say Biafrans are fools now you pick up annoyance. Learn how to talk like a human bring and stop spreading false trash here. Smh
Lady if dog better pass your president do you know you are indirectly insulting yourself? You are saying your ruler is no better than a dog and you are a follower of such. What does that make you? Think before you type.
My dear the young man no what he means by the name
you name your dog Buhari because he’s your hero. why not name the dog after your father or his your father not your hero?. Learn to respect your elders and your leaders!!
My ant name is buhari
Hhahahahaha president dog
Forgive him please.
Seriously? What happened to human rights? When economy dey fall, this na wetin una dey focus on? may God deliver Nigeria from all these happenings
My people her name is bukola,simple mean bokoha,she is agent of boko haram
Tire me oh!! U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602
Hahahaha you kill it Bro
Yes ofcuz hero to skyrocket evey thing in nija. Ezigbo Onye Igbo
The police should do their work. If calling a dog by man’s name could cause problem between the man and his neighbour, then they should act fast before it degenerate to religious enmity between neighbours.
The police should do their work. If calling a dog by man’s name could cause problem between the man and his neighbour, then they should act fast before it degenerate to religious enmity between neighbours.
The eye service in our police force is just too much, pls we are now in a democratic dispensation