Tuesday , 4 March 2025

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Home +OK News +OK ‘I Met Whitney Houston, Gaddafi In Hell & They Gave Me Messages’ – Woman Narrates Her 2nd Visit To Hell

‘I Met Whitney Houston, Gaddafi In Hell & They Gave Me Messages’ – Woman Narrates Her 2nd Visit To Hell


A Sierra Leonean woman, Linda Kumba Isatu Ngaujah, claims to have died on Friday, February 15, 2013 and went to hell where she had

encounters with demons and the Devil (Satan). She also visited heaven and had a divine encounter with Jesus Christ.

She came back with specific messages from Gaddafi, Whitney Houston and former President of Guinea, Lansana Conte. She was also sent back with specific warnings from Jesus Christ to popular Ministers of the Gospel in Sierra Leone and Nigeria.

Read Her Testimony below:

Jesus went with me to hell this time. When I was with Jesus, the brightness of Jesus was very glorious. Jesus have light all over His body. When we entered that dark place (Hell), I was seeing. I could see, this time, the people in hell because of  the bright light on Jesus (Jesus is walking with a bright light, a glorious light).

And then, Jesus opened my eyes to see some of  these men and women in hell. Jesus gave me message to Sierra Leone. He said if I should have come in December to January only five people in Sierra Leone would have raptured, five only. That includes the three righteous pastors and five other people in and out of the church. When I said this in Sierra Leone, people said it is lie.

Jesus said Sierra Leone is polluted; that the shepherds he gave the word to preach to His people in Sierra Leone are dying to meet God, but majority are in hell. So Jesus sent me to Sierra Leone.

When we were in hell, Jesus showed me a glass-like aquarium with people inside it, the souls of  human who are still on earth are in that glass inside hell. These are people on earth who are working for demons. We have some people on earth who don’t believe anything, they are on their own, doing all sorts of bad things, even pastors who knows the truth but are bowing down to Satan. They are partakers of  Satan’s communion, their souls are in that place.

Muammar Gaddafi In Hell

And Jesus pulled out a man from the fire and he introduced himself to me. He said, “I am Gaddafi” (because you won’t recognize him because the fire has destroyed him. He said, “I am Gaddafi, former Libyan president.”

Gaddafi said, “Tell my Libyan people to worship Jesus.” He said, “Tell my people to believe in Jesus.” He said, “Ah Jesus, have mercy, I never knew you are the right way, have mercy on me.” He said, even the people who killed him on earth, he doesn’t want them to come to hell. He said, “Tell my people to believe that Jesus is the right way.”

He also gave me another message (why he gave me this message is because, he said, the entire mosques he built on earth should be destroyed and turned into churches so that people will glorify Jesus and maybe the punishment on him in hell will decrease). Because anything here on earth that you build that does not glorify Jesus Christ, that does not glorify God, that does not make people to come to their right Father (hotels, bars, etc.), anything sinful in the world that you build (when you die, you leave these things on earth). People will be there doing all sorts of evil things, as far as people are enjoying these places, or practicing all sorts of evil things, in the place that doesn’t glorify Jesus Christ, the demons will increase the pain on you in hell.

So he said, “Please so that the pain will decrease, I know if people will worship in my mosque, if they will call Jesus there, maybe the pain will decrease.” And Jesus said, “It is too late.”I saw another president (Former president of Guinea). Why Jesus showed me these presidents is because He gave me a message for Sierra Leone president. When I met my Sierra Leone president, he loves God. He obeyed the message. I thank God for his life, because men of God were saying all sorts of things, but the president obeyed the message of God.

President Lansana Conte, former president of Guinea, he said, “Tell my people in Guinea, let them have Jesus over Guinea, and let them turn to Jesus because Jesus is the only way.” He said where he is, he doesn’t want anyone to be there. He said, “tell my people to believe and trust in Jesus.” He said he started a cult that he was sponsoring and he was also in the cult. He said he wants the people to destroy that cult, let them come to Jesus.

One famous Lawyer that died: Usher Williams. He was the deputy speaker of  House of Parliament in Sierra Leone House of  Parliament. He was in one cult, they call the cult in Sierra Leone “Louch” and he was in devil business, ordaining devils. He said I should tell his “Louch” brothers that they are heading to hell, all his cult brothers that died before him, he saw them in hell. He said, “Please destroy Louch, destroy these devils.” He said, “turn to Jesus, He is the only way, hell is real.”

I saw one prophet: Prophet Mani. He was the owner of  the Burning Bush, that man said he would die but that he would also rise up after three days. And when he died, they took his body to the mortuary, his congregation said that they should not bury him. After three days he did not rise again, he was there for one month until the mortuary people said they should come and take their corpse away.

I saw this man in hell.  He said, “tell the people that I did miracles and signs and wonders with communions. These communions, those anointing oil, I ordained them and dedicate them to the demons.” He said, tell them to go to a church where they can be delivered or else if they die they will go to hell because I ordained them for Satan. Satan was the one giving me all these powers.” “And tell them to destroy my church because the foundation is from Satan, everything up to the roof is from Satan.”

Whitney Houston In Hell

I saw one woman – a musician I liked so much – I always listened to her music when I was in the world – Whitney Houston. She said, “tell my mother to take my only daughter to church, that all the finances I left behind should be used to support God’s work. Let them support Jesus’ ministry, let them support holiness ministries, let them support God’s work. Let them support Christians – the right Christians. She said she wants her child to grow in Christ and know Jesus.“Please tell my mother.” “Jesus, please have mercy! Let me go back to the world and tell people that you are real! Let me tell these musicians!” And Jesus said, “It is too late!”

I saw my biological parents in hell. My mother, my father and even my grandmother that just died this January ( I don’t like talking about them) – sobs – it is very painful.  It is only the grace of God, I don’t like talking about hell, some times when I am asked to come and give testimony, I don’t like to, because I know I will reach this part. And one day, Jesus said, if  I stopped preaching His word, He will destroy me. So I always pray to Jesus, whenever I stand to give this testimony, to give me the boldness and strength, because any time I think of my parents, I loved my mother so much but she didn’t know Jesus. She was crying; she said, “Please I miss you guys, tell your sister to follow Jesus, I don’t want you people to come here.”

Please mothers, don’t leave your children behind, you know the truth right now, take your children along the way of the Lord Jesus Christ. I didn’t recognize my mother anymore. I don’t want to go to hell (I love my mother so much). I used to say anywhere my mother is, I want to go. When Jesus showed me my mother- I don’t want to go to hell, I don’t want to be with her there.

Don’t go to hell, hell is not a place for people like us. And Jesus showed me a young boy, about five or six years old, because of witchcraft, God say I will judge all men. When Pastor Ken Paul said a child can go to hell, I argued in my mind that God would not do something like that, but God showed me this boy, a small boy, because of witchcraft.

Satan is wicked, now if you go to crusades in Sierra Leone and they say witches should come out, you will see small children. When you are coming for a program like this, don’t leave your children behind; come with them so that Jesus will deliver them. If you leave them and they die, they will go to hell, no matter how small they are; as long as they have sense and know what is bad and good.

I saw another woman who was in Thailand when she died. She was a believer in Jesus but married to a Muslim, then backslid. She said I should tell her daughters, “I loved their father so much and trusted him, not knowing that this man was in occultism.” He sacrificed his wife. She said, tell them to go out and stand firm in the church, in Jesus who is the only way. She gave me the man’s name and address.




  1. Please is jesus black or white?

  2. May the Almighty God, Jesus Christ help me to live the rest of my life for Heaven. Jesus have mercy and help me.

  3. This is blasphemous.
    Armed Robber pursuing a thief…

    This woman is a day dreamer..

  4. Hahaha rubbish

  5. Hell is real….bt Jesus is de ansa…..lets turn 2 God b4 it bcams 2 late.

    • But the bible say no one has reach the heaven and come back to earth

      • True, but that was before Jesus died & ressurrected! God has given several people opportunities of such experiences afterward as a means of warning the rest of us. Read Paul’s account 2Corinthians 12vs 1-3

  6. God i live for u alone am.me n ma kids belong to u amen n amen.

  7. May God give me grace to follow his path, may he open my eyes and ears to see and hear his words may he give me strength to follow his path may u 4give me all my sins Lord Amen

  8. I will serve you oh lord not of lies but the truth of the most high God….hell will not be my portion in Jesus name, cos i know i serve the living God!

  9. The bottom line is that Jesus Christ is the Truth,the Way and Life,heaven is real,hell is real.Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart make a choice to let Him in and be saved from eternal damnation.

  10. what rubbish am i reading pls someone need to wake that woman from her dream

    • Please stop that ok. we have to listen to her. there’s a lot of testımonıes out there carrıng the same ınformatıng. Remember God have dıfferent ways to save hıs chıldren. HE’S THE MASTER OF ALL THINGS.

  11. Hi ppl, do not be carried away by this falacious fable. If ur faith is not strong enough do not even read. Jesus had already been to hell where He defeated satan. So why would He go again?
    In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16 will explain how false this imposters are. Let us remain guided by God’s word in the Holy Bible.

  12. Please all those sayıng bad thıngs about thıs woman should stop cos she not the fırst gıvıng testımony about HEAVEN AND HELL. THEY ARE REAL. PLEASE LET REPENT AND BE SAVED.

  13. gibberish

  14. Oh lord! Give me d grace to follow ur grace is enough for me.

  15. i will always serve you in spirit and in truth lord
    have Marcy on lord and my family

  16. O’Lord Im a sinner I knowI have done what is not right on your face, in the name of Jesus I reguest you to forgive all my sins cos I don’t know what I was doing, be praised I pray in the name of Jesus Christ Amen!

  17. Our Lord Jesus Christ is back on earth in human form……physically here in Nigeria to reconstruct and lead mankind to the knowledge of truth, establish the Kingdom of God on earth (just like we have been pray in our Lords prayer that let thy kingdom come and the will be done on earth ) and finally judge man………….. Personified in His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu (King of Kings and Lord and Lords)

  18. God hv mercy on me, any were i hv wrong yhu oh lord plz frgv me, cos yhus i wnt to be for ever

  19. Pple of God this is the time we have to hold on our faith.Mama continue your evangelism that you are doing.sme pple have qualification to hell and no Matter how you preach to them u can put de Bible in their head they will still go to hell we don’t waste time on such pple.Am graced

  20. Your problem is neurological…… you went into a comma for days and your brain processed images of you and things you are saying now…
    Its not your fault
    I think you should get an MRI , &, BRAIN BIOPSY….. of your brain to prevent futher damages,,,, that might result to AUTOPSY…

  21. wat the fuck did this lady ate b4 having this dream or dying. Foolishness, never think u fooling the world buh urself. am praying to meet u on the day of judgement to tell God this.

  22. Dear JESUS help me my kids and my family follow ur way of truth and life amen

  23. God have mercy on me .show me d way of Chris, have sing against you lord have mercy on me

  24. I believe there’s Heaven and Hell. I also believe in Jesus Christ the son of God. Help us God to live a life that pleases you and forgive us our trespasses.

  25. Mother fucker ;that means Jesus is in hell too ;oh shit Jesus visited hell ;God help him n that stupid woman a bloody liar

  26. Hell is real and heaven is real. Jesus is the only true way to heaven I pray God help us to make heaven by forgiven all our sins in jesus name . amen

  27. Have mercy on me Lord, I know that am a great sinner. Forgive me all my sins, and at the end of the world heavenly Father, let me be able to make heaven.

  28. Indeed Jesus is Lord. No one shall see God without passing through Him. He is a way and the truth. In Jesus I believe Him and I feel so encouraged by this testimony and I wish one day I shall inherit God’s kingdom. Lord have mercy on me to see your kingdom in the days to come after this life on earth. I do believe and have encouraged heart that I worship for the rest of my life on earth. Your Holy name should be glorified.

  29. @frank dnt confuse yr self ok. The fact dat jesus defeated satan on hell dosnt mean he dnt go again. I hv read and listen to so many related testimonies like this. Jesus usualy take them to hell to see for them self ppl in hell so dat they can see them self and fear God d more.

    • Amen Jesus is the lord an he hold the keys cs he worn the battle…hell is real turn frm ur wicked ways pple….

  30. When the truth is told certainly group of people will reject it. In days of Noah, they said God never spoke until the flood came. Also in the days of Elijah and true prophets, same. Jesus came fulfilled all that was said yet we killed Him. Listen, God will only use a witness to judge you. It is absolutely your decision to accept Jesus as the Lord and Saviour. You may be offended about the personalities she mensioned, the truth remains that God is not the source of confusion or multiple religion or ways. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Stop the arguments and reason now that you can still breath. God bless you.

  31. God Pls,help me 2 liv in ur ways

  32. He’ll is real. lord pls help me not to qualify or b a candidate of it.Amen

  33. Don’ t reply rubbish to god, whether its true or not god is there.

  34. D madness of the highest order.

  35. Lord give me, my family and all the children of God the grace to reach heaven in Jesus name

  36. Real or not, Father help me to live a life that pleases you… Amen.

  37. repent repent repent…..
    dont judge evrything u hear….

  38. God…please help me to live a righteous and Holy life…..I pity those people that didn’t believe in this….JESUS is the WAY, The TRUTH and the LIFE…..Please accept Jesus…..& live Holy….Heaven is REAL…….

  39. The second jesus has died and resurected. I guess you saw your entire generation in that hell of yours.

  40. Some Idiots may believe in this Nonsense..Rubbish Blasphemy of d highest order..is a pity that the. Woman is hungry .we’ve heard many stories like this.

  41. Pls Lord jesus for your mercy and grace save us from hell fire amen.

  42. Pls Lord jesus for your mercy and grace save us from hell fire amen.


    People should go back to God, those that are denying these testimonies are same people like in the days of noah the preacher of righteousness, people were enjoying themselves, marrying and giving to marriage, carried away by divers lusts, their ears were itching them, they were mocking the prophet of God until the flood came, remember God said, He’ll not longer destroy the earth flood but with fire, those mocking these prophecies should get prepared and accept the Lord Jesus as their Lord and personal Savior, HELL IS INDEED REAL!!!

  44. You are very stupid too say they should stop that woman@sholly pizle and @frank am sorry for you if you know the bible very much well. Like this that means you have a task ahead of you,go in too the world and preach the gospel

  45. indeed these are the last days and The Messiah Is Coming for His Holly and Righteous Church..The voice of the Lord through His Mighty Prophet Dr Edward David Awour is telling the nations of the earth to repent and turn away from seem coz the rapture is near. Lets call sin sin and turn away.

  46. This things are real and they will come to pass, thank you for such courage For telling us what you saw in hell. May God help us on this earth not to die and end our life in hell. Have mercy upon us Oh God

  47. For God so love the world ,he gave is only begotten son and whoever believe in Jesus will not perish but he/she will gain the kingdom of God forever. God have mercy on me and lead out of the temptation of evil . be my light, my strength and my savour (Amen)

  48. you should read Luke 16 no one is allowed to comeback from hell if someone wants to believe the Bible is enough we don’t need any other witnesses we already had Jesus’s.

  49. It is only by the power of God that such can be revealed. so my fellow humans, don’t take a decision you will regret tomorrow. it is only a stubborn fly that follows the corpse to the grave. the power of God can never be underestimated. it is only for his love for us that made him go extra miles to prove the existence of heaven land hell. for the people doubting the word word of God, be careful what u say so that people will not castigate the gospel of the lord because of your sake, that will be a very serious punishment from God himself.
    Believes in Christ Jesus, let us learn from this and turn form our sinful way and follow Christ. let’s preach the word of God everywhere we find ourselves, remember, there is joy in heaven over a sinner that repents. cause joy in heaven today by preaching this gospel and you will find your reward in heaven.
    May the grace of God abide by us all, amen

  50. May the almighty God give us the grace to make it.

  51. Oh my heavenly father pls have mercy upon me n protect me my kids n my familly so dat we shud not be perished. Amen

  52. Am sure the woman never died,this is one of the many Christian propaganda we moslems have been hearing. If really she died Issa( R.A) would have told her to worship Allah n believe in the Holy Quran! The book that does not have so many errors,unfilfilled prophecies,2,000 n more different copies ,abundant miracles etc. Pls change ur ways n only Islam can save u!

  53. Love you thanks for that message I believe you.

  54. U r right

  55. Not true enough…. Whitney’s properties should be left to them…. Lols!!!

  56. Oh Lord pls give me d grace to follow you, serve you and live right so that I wont miss heaven. Help me Lord to make heaven. Hell is not my portion in Jesus name.

  57. Its better to be safe than sorry, whether she is saying the truth or not, there is sense in what she is saying. I will rather suffer on earth and be with Jesus later. Than Ignore her and continue in sin. I ask for your grace LORD JESUS.

  58. This is a rebellion, simulated2b from Almighty. Pls members, listen2d word of God from the bible&follow the teachings of the bible you will gain heaven, not this “scary movies” Christians are not made2b scared but2triumph over these principalities of Satan. Let’s just be watchful and be prayerful to avoid been deceived. Maybe they want Whitney’s wealth to be their sponsor…. Lols!!!!

  59. OoH lord Jehovah I’m A sinner have mercy on me and show me the way open my eyes spiritually so i will see in the dark . may yo name be praised thank you Jesus for life in Abundance.

  60. Have mercy on me o lord

  61. Jesus is the only way,he is the holder of the key to heaven.Everything which the testimony is saying,is true.

  62. Jesus is the way the truth and the light no one can enter the kingdom of God except through him. So brethen let be careful and holdfirm on the things of God. God is God he can do things in misterious way beyond human imagination, so let believe our sister that have encounters with the Lord and change our unrighteous ways and try to be holy and righteous so that we can go to heaven.

  63. what has she got to gain or loose if she is lying. let him who have ears l hear what the spirit is saying.for only the pure in heart will see Jesus. lord I pray you forgive me all of my sins. And to be with you in eternity. amen.REPENT for God is faithful and just to forgive you of your sins.

  64. God i tank u for d msg, hlp oh God 2 enta ur kingdom in d last day . AMEN

    • hmm brother do you know that the message of the kingdom is here on earth? the lord is preparing his own for the rapture.. are you ready? the only thing Jesus asked is for us to seek his Kingdom and its righteousness and others will be added? do you think seeking the Kingdom is after you die? then other things will be added? Brother You cannot enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and of the spirit of God John 3 vs 5.. if you wish to here more of this donot fail to reach me on Dsoundconceptz thats my facebook account.. God bless..

  65. God! , please blasphemy is not Good, I don’t know if you went into coma or not I wasn’t there but one thing is for sure jesus isn’t going to hell to show anybody anything any more he went there to defeat. Satan and throw all principality beside him get the key of life , see is God or jesus was showing people hell don’t you think it would have been recorded that people went to have glimpse of hell and come back to the world and tell if you want to preach God’s word please do but do not ever blasphemy his name that’s a big sin, when you this no matter how many souls you save, you can’t run from consequences of blasphemy his holy name

  66. God! , please blasphemy is not Good, I don’t know if you went into coma or not I wasn’t there but one thing is for sure jesus isn’t going to hell to show anybody anything any more he went there to defeat. Satan and threw all principality beside him to get the key of life , see if God or jesus was showing people hell don’t you think it would have been recorded that in the holy bible, people would have glimpse of hell and come back to the world and tell it you all keep saying it’s dark, come explain further, was the. floor concrete or tiles, was there roof there what about. doors, where were the demonic angels guarding there, tell us more about how hell was when jesus showed you, did the fire there touch you??? you saw people who were. begging you to come and tell others that hell is real how did. you communicate with them, face to face indirect or what, did you see grate multitude of people or just your parents and those others u said, there must be more to hell than you said and where was. lucifer did you see him too, you said you saw jesus but you later said was a bright light that followed him, how did you know it was jesus did he also speak to you couldn’t it have been angel. gabriel or Michel or others, these post of your can. cause chaos and division in Christianity, we all are doing his work preaching the world you want to preach God’s word please do but do not ever blasphemy his name that’s a big sin, when you this no matter how many souls you save, you can’t run from consequences of blasphemy his holy name

  67. Of course heaven & hell are real people. The word of God is the whole truth & nothing but the truth. With Jesus walking upon this earth in a physical manner has we are today, he showed us how to live a Godly life through every trials & tribulation. And he lived it by faith through God the Father. He lived in no proper home but he had the care &love of a King to heal, raise the dead, feed the hungry, blessed those who recieved him into their home kind heartedly & do what the kingdom of God has sent him to do…preach the good news to everyone about the everlasting life. To have that life he summed it up as; Love your God with all your heart, mind & soul; and love others as you love yourself. How simple but so hard for us to follow. He lived it, he showed it & now sitting at the right hand of the almighty God in heaven. Make no room for hate, selfishness, idolatry, envy, lying, etc if we are to go to heaven. Forgive & have compassion for all. And till we die our souls are at rest till he comes with a mighty calling from heaven. Dead & alive will see His glory… then judgement begins for every soul that ever lived since creation including the devil himself… when judgement is over then those bound for hell will be cast into the everlasting lake of fire. For those who have abide by his word will be crowned with eternal life… We have a helper at present & that is Gods’ Holy spirit. None can go to God but through faith in Jesus…. Amen.

  68. can someone please send this testimony on watsup to this number 00268 76339727

  69. Hmmmm…it hurts me wen i still see people playing with eternity..blvd,heaven and hell are real oo..me av recvd msg abt rapture sef..turn to Jesus today if u have not and ask him to cleanse ur sinful hrt…see u there..MARANATHA.Godbles u

  70. Hmmmm….as for me and ma entire families,we will serve the lord forever. The bible says,at d last day,strange things will be happening ofcourse,this testimony is one of d significance of his second coming. The bible says and i see both d adult and young b4 d throne of judgement. Therefore,it beta now to seek for the grace of our Lord Jesus christ while than pleading for it when it is already late. I pray we will not miss heaven 2ru christ our lord!!!

  71. May God help us all nd open our eyes 2 c d truth nd our ears 2 hear d truth…… Pls brethren let’s repent frm our sinful ways 4 D COMING OF LORD JESUS IS NEARER DAN WE THOUGHT, Jesus Is Lord!!!

  72. Give me d grace to withstand d temptations as u did during ya own so as to make heaven 2geda with ma entire families 2ru christ our lord!!!

  73. Lord Jesus Christ, i beliv in ur word kus ur word is Truth. I achnolage mi sins and i ask 4 ur Forgiveness. Forgive me my sins and open mi eyes 2 see wat d douters wil never see. If possible dear lord pls take mi on a trip 2 heaven so dat i can proclaim ur Word. Amen.

  74. 1st of all i really blv that heaven and hell are real but pls relgn is not a joke n pls find out the truth in Islam i swear to god ur gonna thank me ……try if u don’t like it u can throw it……or it will be too late

  75. Well own is dat we should be very careful about what we hear so that we will not be carried away but we should bear it in mind that Christ is the only way to heaven

  76. Jesus is the only way to heaven. Sister I thank God that use to deliver his message to ours.

  77. The biggest lie of the century

  78. I believe in you on lord Jesus Christ. hold my hand and show me the right way and forgive me my sins. may your word be my daily meal and those who believe in you.

  79. May his grace open 4me & my family the strength 2 hear his words,shw us the way 2 jesus christ,lord horner ur mercy on me & my family.guide us 2 the only way i pray amen.

  80. Lord Jesus , please give me the grace to do your will , live for you and be with you in heaven when my life ends here on earth . Amen .

  81. Hmmmmmhn…. Its normal … I don’t Knw why we blacks are always believing something we only imagine. Sincerely there is God , Jesus , Satan , paradise and hell. But all that woman’s write up to me are fallacy , not real …. Just do good things and stay away from bad acts …

  82. Heavenly father, help me to know u more for ur words has really touch us. madam, tank u for giving out this wouderful msg to us i pray may God strengh u more.

  83. repent and be saved

  84. pls God give me de heart of flesh.. so I can save you oh lord!

  85. God, open my inner hearth, to see thee clearly, love thee more dearly and follow thee more closely, may God help me IJN

  86. right fellow

  87. If u tarry your salvation dealth can come at anytime Jesus is real without him there is no life Jesus is calling u today hearken to His voice

  88. believable and unbelievable,

    I believe God and believe Jesus and of course believe heaven , but this woman massages sounds a little believable and unbelievable, Whitney Houston only child is already dead , so how could Whitney still sending such message when her only daughter is already there ? secondly if only 5 people could make heaven in Sierra Leone, then Americans and Nigerians have know chance whosoever …. I m afraid already lol

  89. Hell is real and heaven is there so stop rubbishing this woman whatever she witnessed in the company of Jesus should be a real lesson to learn to follow God’s righteous ways and desist all from of evil.

  90. May God help me to live a pleasing life unto him for the rest of my life…Amen

  91. She is simply fraudulent and none of her claims is biblical …shes out for fame and money but I am sorry for her because only people at the level of her knowledge will remain with her ,which is either they are not built up on the word or they are illiterate like her …imagine in one of her videos where she said it is written in the bible that heaven helps those who help themselves, I guess she reads her own bible from hell fire where all liars like her comes from and belongs

  92. At end of times,there shall arise false prophets

  93. Heavenly father forgive us our sin, has we forgive those who tresspass against us, for we all know we are sinner. Amen

  94. que Dieu me pardonne tout mes peches et m’aide à suivre le bon chemin. Amen

  95. Lord Jesus av mercy ova me plzzzzzzz

  96. Sierra Leonean should read this and repent….if not……. God will destroy all of you..including Linda Kumba Isatu Ngaujah, the dreamer

  97. Father, i am not worthy 2 call ur name but u said if our sin is as white as snow, red as scarlet u will forgive us. Lord Jesus give me the zeal 2 serve u so i and my family will not be found wanting on d last day. Jesus i plead for mercy forgive us our trespasses

  98. Lord be merciful unto me.i am a sinner,wash and make me to wither than snow.and at the end of my pilgrim journey on earth,let me make heaven and to see God.


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