Ghanaian actress, Yvonne Nelson say she is not sure if she can ever forgivie her father for abandoning her.
The actress who had always said her father was never there for her and her mom raised her alone, added that talking to her dad was like talking to a stranger on the street.
Speaking with the Punch, the model and film producer said, “My mother raised me single-handedly and she means the world to me. I am the last child and I have three siblings. She saw me through school and till date, she calls and checks up on me on a regular basis because she is concerned about my welfare. She is like my friend and I even call her Charlie,” she added.
“My dad is like any other person out there because I didn’t have a chance to develop a relationship with him. We have each other’s phone numbers and he calls me when he feels like talking to me. It always feels like talking to a random person because there are absolutely no feelings whatsoever.”
When asked if she would ever forgive her father for not being there for her, Yvonne said, “Sometimes our society makes it hard for us to talk about things like this. But, it’s my story and I don’t have any other way to say it and I don’t want to sugar-coat it. I don’t know, I may never. He was never a part of my life and it is quiet unfortunate.
“We actually have an ‘okay’ relationship and it’s not like I won’t talk to him if I see him today; but it ends there because we do not have a relationship
But God forgave u all ur sins remember!
I find it interesting the way people jump into conclusion on things… especially on social media.
Whether biological father or sperm donor… we haven’t even ask the big question, “what really transpired between the mom and the father that led to their separation”
In times like this, people should really a bit human in their judgments and advice in other not to inflict more damage.
Well my point of view based on what she post sometimes on her Facebook page. Am her big fan and I have been following her for quite some time. And now to read what she had said not forgiving her father just makes my heading John Daniel.
Don’t say that my dear that’s not a good comment do u know what she went through during childhood sometimes things are not the way the seems ok
r u ok?? u need help
wat u have been doing against God surpasses wat ur father has done to u but u pray to God to forgive u. u think God is a lefteeee
For anyone here screaming sperm donor.. do u’re self a favour and ring up the Mum and ask her what transpired between she and the husband, when u’re done ring up the Dad as well and hear his own side of the story. We should all find out the truth before judgment… where ever two people are fighting, there is only one person wrong.
Where ever u are in life, be it country, organization or otherwise, when a crime is committed an investigation is carried out before judgment.
bless you John
Forgive him, and keep him away from u,, very far from u!!
Beatrice Lukiya I appreciate your understanding and sense of reasoning…. bravo!
U just have to forgive I also had the same issue life goes on dearie
Oh dear, I feel sad now but at least he left a letter to hold on to it. Thank God you are healthy now stay blessed dearU0001f60aU0001f60a
Women are very good at talkin bad about their Daddy wen they are no more, evn if the man is takin care of the child
How can you base your judgement on wat ur mom alone told you. You should listen to ur dad’s side too. You mom might have dan somtin unpadonable. look for ur dad and listen to his side of the story bfore making judgement. women we know always consider themselves angels bfore their kids and make men devils bfore their kids
Beatrice Lukiya I understand your point perfectly clear, and I thank u for u’re outstanding contribution.
My point though is that people must find out and hear the truth before judgment….
Is Nelson your Father’s name? If yes, the stop bearing it and start bearing that of your mother’s. Every family have issues, but you can choose to wash your dirty linen outside or inside. Make the right choice
Wow people! Without point fingers here… it’s always good to remember where two people are fighting, one of the parties started it.
Carrying a baby for 9 months does not justify or give anyone the right over another….
It should always be equality, equity and justice for all!
Thanks bless you too Beatrice Lukiya.
And so? Do you know what transpired btw husband and wife. You should not be one sided. Go and look for your father and take a blessing from him so dat your ways will be more opened dan now.
Well did you know if your mother took you away from him ? And he couldn’t have any way of doing his responsibilities? To me you need to forgive your dad and not only that ask him what really happen to between them because not every man want to leave there kids
Hope your mother told you the truth because I know when a woman want to play perfect game in the family, they will always tell the children what their father did them and never tell them what they did their father .
Ur cup of tea
pray for him
My advice for you is that go and ask your mother the true what happen between your amdnypur dad.
Exactly you re on point..
I do all the time.
I do all the time.
Eeeeh all the time Na only papa dey abandone. Wetin mama do before papa abandone her female pikin will never talk about that. Na today……?
Eeeeh all the time Na only papa dey abandone. Wetin mama do before papa abandone her female pikin will never talk about that. Na today……?
Here in Germany many mothers claims child alone just because of child support money.. many refused to give the babies fathers right and when the woman refuse his right he can not close to the kids a lot is happening here
Here in Germany many mothers claims child alone just because of child support money.. many refused to give the babies fathers right and when the woman refuse his right he can not close to the kids a lot is happening here
Thats horrible fathers really have to fight for their rights in the states its even worse if the mother leaves the country even though that againest the law here.
Thats horrible fathers really have to fight for their rights in the states its even worse if the mother leaves the country even though that againest the law here.
Better forgive oo u from Ghana not the USA.Dont copy the western culture n forget your African heritage
Better forgive oo u from Ghana not the USA.Dont copy the western culture n forget your African heritage
O God, bless this bro for me.
O God, bless this bro for me.
Read the book of Mathew chapter 5: 3 to down
Read the book of Mathew chapter 5: 3 to down
She will go to hell for nt forgiving her father
She will go to hell for nt forgiving her father
Unforgiveness causes sickness
She has no respect n discipline she utter some stupid abuse last two month that all Nigeria men r very stupid I don’t blame her bcos the reason her father left her mum may be bcos of her lifestyle or flirting the same way her daughter is messing up now.
its her choice to forgive or not its upon her to decide.she know wat she went thru so its her choice
Without a sperm donor world won’t knw you. So a father is father no matter what.
Good luck to u dear,and is ur own problems.As u known ,it will never be posible for me to be ur father.Doesnt make scence to neglect ur father at this level that u are in position.
You too wiseU0001f44dU0001f3fe
What if her mum also abandoned her and she becomes useless in life. Would he had looked for her? Please lets stop using religion to condone madness in the name of forgiveness. Even the Bible said that a man that failed to take up his responsibility is worse than an infidel. Also, if a man failed work, he should also not eat. In addition, the portion that said you reap what sowed. Does pertain to tithe and offering. Its about what you give to the society, you are entitled to get back.
Hahaha I hope she read this she is thick upstairs that’s her dad sum wish to know their dads an this fool she won’t forgive her dad lol fool.
Hahaha I hope she read this she is thick upstairs that’s her dad sum wish to know their dads an this fool she won’t forgive her dad lol fool.
Na your problem.who ask you??
Na your problem.who ask you??
You don’t have a choice on dis matter u just have to forgive. Jesus said you must forgive up to 70 ×7 times! Has your father offended you up to 490times in a day? Secondly you must forgive so that God will also forgive your sins. May God give you understanding.
You don’t have a choice on dis matter u just have to forgive. Jesus said you must forgive up to 70 ×7 times! Has your father offended you up to 490times in a day? Secondly you must forgive so that God will also forgive your sins. May God give you understanding.
she has to forgive her father,bcs her father behaviour made her what she be today, at times when God was doing good we thought HE is doig bad, forgive your father so dat u can still moved forward, just free ur mind bcs ,what past is past,
im Happy dat u make move,may ut father soul rest in peace,very painful but that’s life and u can’t change it
Exactly Oyo Tunde
My best advise, get over it and move on, life is too short to dwell on negetivism!
U say all
That’s so good for u, at least when u reach heaven u can explain that to God.
Thank God that you said you may not, not you will never forgive him no matter the negative experiences you gone through. Since you’re alive, Remember Jesus forgave those who crucified him while he was dieing
May be it was your mother that caused it. Ask your mum the real story.
Look at WHO is talking, asked ur mummy and try to forgive ur Dad so dat God will forgive u too
Up to you. You really maybe not understand the real circumstances.
Forgive and move on why keep grudges ?.
Please forgive him vengeance is of the Almighty JESUS, remember there is judgment for all of us, thanks.
Besides what you are saying, you and your mother, very very beautiful
Are we God
And the kids of this generation see u as a role model naah. To err is human to forgive is divine.
And u can pay him for bringing u on earth
Make tell you if like forgive or not you no de your father mind at all ……….your father is chilling ….
Fake blog may God punish you for trying to insult the girl for nothing
Fathers are also good at talking bad about the mother of their children so it goes both way.
Pls you just have to forgive him so you can forge ahead in life.
Yeah it really hurts that u don’t experience a fatherly love.. But u have to 4give…. i thank God for giving me the best Dad in the world ..I wish my kids could have that too.
i cant judge you i guess you have your own reasons to say that. people do not know the feeling of growing up without a father esp in cases where you were abandoned when you were a baby and grown up without a father, only a few of us that have gone through that can understand your statement, and the anger you have felt all these years.
Forgive for sure
Do u know how many children that dont even know their father @ all?better count urself lucky
Even your lifestyles show how your mother could be and not every man can accept the bombobloodclaat!
Forget him and forgive All including yvonne.
That is not good decision nobody is righteous we all do mistakes so we have to forgive each other no matter how your heart has been broken apart.God doesn’t have a limite to forgive us so reject evil prains againt your faither. Love u girl!
I too hope my child never forgive her father for abandoning her,shes 1year now neva met him,neva heard of his voice but he sees her photos and like them in social networks everyday but hes neva done anything since pregnancy and til she was born,they come back aftrr seeing uv achieved something in life..men like that should never be forgiven..dont forgive him
Forgiveness isn’t for the other person
He does need your forgiveness wai. Just keep it. Western culture just dey fool u Africans
You have to.is your Father
Victoria Oko, I thank you for your contribution. She needs to forgive him just so she can set herself free. Not because someone says so.
Steve Jobs was raised by his mother but his Arab dad was a millionaire. His dad did not reach out to him even when he was on his death bed. Why? Because he was rich and did need his rich son. His son became rich even though he was a dropout. The question I want to ask is, would the dad have reached out to her had she been out there as a prosttute, begger or destitute?
Mary Onisemo ?????HUH so who’s mother is a prostitute…..Do you mean to say the dad reached out because the son became rich??? Do not mind me I did not understand.
Listen to his side of the story too. Mostly mummy dnt tell you all.
Thank you. God bless you. May you/your loved ones never go through what she went through
Beatrice Lukiya why pretend to be who we are not….we are all sinners no matter how much we try to hid it…..Even Jesus was never perfect and yet he was the son of God..so me saying we are all sinner I bet am right…..That man is not her father that man is a sperm donor…..he had no impact in her life whatsoever…in the past and should not have any impact in her life in the future…..Sperm donors are not fathers…..
You can’t speak bad about someone who is caring to a child. Believe me, children know who really cares about them. Anyway, I don’t think this lady is too young to know what she went through.
John Daniel there is a reason they are not together…and so what if they are apart……you walk away from your child since her childhood…nobody is asking you to go back and be with the woman be in the child’s life even if its only on the weekends or even just school holidays….It was easy for him to walk away after the sperm deposit….If we can call a mother who just gave birth and throws the child in the toilet because she is undergoing hardships…then we are also allowed to Judge the man…..
Christian Sunday She has grown up..without the father….gone to school…without the father……beat sickness..without the father….gotten a career in acting without the father….so yes in this case his ‘blessings’ are not needed.
so the dad knew she would be angry towards men because he was never in her life when she was a child so he left????/That makes no sense.
Well well Rosana Philda am pretty sure if I ask you to define the word sperm donor you won’t give me the correct answer. Some of you are just talking any how using some stupid phrases used by ignorant people. If you can describe me the word sperm doner and how it is used ,then I will come back to you.
Please forgive him, even if you cannot forget
God said FORGIVE
live na no 4gv him, no b ur papa na my papa?