Ghanaian actress, Yvonne Nelson say she is not sure if she can ever forgivie her father for abandoning her.
The actress who had always said her father was never there for her and her mom raised her alone, added that talking to her dad was like talking to a stranger on the street.
Speaking with the Punch, the model and film producer said, “My mother raised me single-handedly and she means the world to me. I am the last child and I have three siblings. She saw me through school and till date, she calls and checks up on me on a regular basis because she is concerned about my welfare. She is like my friend and I even call her Charlie,” she added.
“My dad is like any other person out there because I didn’t have a chance to develop a relationship with him. We have each other’s phone numbers and he calls me when he feels like talking to me. It always feels like talking to a random person because there are absolutely no feelings whatsoever.”
When asked if she would ever forgive her father for not being there for her, Yvonne said, “Sometimes our society makes it hard for us to talk about things like this. But, it’s my story and I don’t have any other way to say it and I don’t want to sugar-coat it. I don’t know, I may never. He was never a part of my life and it is quiet unfortunate.
“We actually have an ‘okay’ relationship and it’s not like I won’t talk to him if I see him today; but it ends there because we do not have a relationship
You ”MAY”. Owk na that’s for your pocket. But by the way what did you do that your Dad abandoned you?
Plzzzzz 4gv him
No gimmicks!!!
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If he had any reason to abandon her, then she would also have a cogent reason to abandon him.
You do not sow cassava and expect to reap cocoyam. Whatever a man sow, that shall he reap.
Your mother may be lying
Gerraha from here
I dont blame u dear, bt i blame ur mother who has been poisoning u abt ur father, bt take heart and reconcile with him, he is part of u.
I think you need prayers dear, do you no how many day’s and months your daddy played his role very well were your mum is to arrange you?….. without ur daddy ur no body… so forgive and forget . one love… A. G. N
Its hard to forgive even when you know why thats doesn’t make her a idiot.
When u were taughT from young age to hate ur fathee. Its hard to trust him. I know this from experience..
You need to forgive because you also need to be forgiven
She should forgive not for him but for her self. But everybody is different I didn’treally forgive mine til he died.
Waiting concern us.mitww
You can not claim to be a Christian when you don’t have a heart to forgive especially a man who brought you to this world. You are here now full grown up forgive and leave the judgement to God he will surely deal with him. He is your biological father and no any other but him.
hear from your father first dear.
I beg you, as the lord taught us, pls forgive him.
You have to hear from your also before you conclude.
its like in court if you have never been there to say your side there will always be one side….
Find out gal.der re two Syd’s of everystory
You just have to forgive him so that God will continue to bless you. I know without being told the pains your mother went through to bring you up.Take care of him
Its very easy for people to say forgive him…..but there is the other shoe…the shoe that was in pain…of raising a child all by her self…..a girl growing up with no dad with the questions where is my dad…..she feels bad when other kids talk about their dads while she does not know anything about it…..Lets face it…..its hard to forgive when you are the one being wrongs…but easy to ask for forgiveness when you are the one on the wrong…….Its her right to carry the hate with her and heal in her own pace…..
with what my wife and her mother did to me if im not alive to talk my own side story no one will believe me.
4give and forget is the best thing in life
well we christians do many things that is Unchristian of us….we have broken all the 10 commandments from the time we got to know about then….and a biological father is never a dad he can be a sperm donor….who does nothing to raise the child.
If he abandoned then he is not a dad…but a sperm donor…
she grew up to be an amazing person even without her dad.
Where u there??how did u kno!??
And this is precisely what’s wrong with the society today with people like you because you think everyone does the same thing. Real Christians or any one from different religious beliefs preach love and forgiveness not hate like what you are doing right now Rosana Philda am sorry but I disagree with you.
nothing change because there must be reason for everything… but your daddy is your daddy….. he cloth your mum and also send You to church for dedication….. respect for him
nothing change because there must be reason for everything… but your daddy is your daddy….. he cloth your mum and also send You to church for dedication….. respect for him
If u cares forgive him if you cares don’t forgive ok.weti concern us
If u cares forgive him if you cares don’t forgive ok.weti concern us
P/s do 4gives him to ell is human to 4give is diverne ur at my best
P/s do 4gives him to ell is human to 4give is diverne ur at my best
Well it’s all gossip
Well it’s all gossip
See mumu wa da talk orgustin oguefon
See mumu wa da talk orgustin oguefon
Don’t forgive him
Don’t forgive him
Remember the Bible states that if you don’t forgive those who forsake you and so you shall not be forgiven in heaven.
I feel your pain sis
You should be so happy that you have a father.if i was you,i would have just gone and look for him now without wasting time
Linda com tua maeU0001f499U0001f382U0001f49c
@jenny, women!!!! Lol
If I want God to bless u then forgive him
This is even the time u need to look for ur dad show him some love and tell him his mistake. U will see that he will go to his knees to beg for forgiveness. Maybe if he has not abandoned u and ur mom u wouldn’t have been who u are today. Something happened for something good to happen. So my dear Yvonne look for ur dad where ever he is and show him some love.
Forgiveness is healing dear He’s still your father.
What did you mother do to your father? Finds out first and stop saying thrash.
Sorry dear. Is your mum tell you the true why ur father left here when u was a baby. So what ever your mum may be feeding you about your dadd you just have to fined a place in your heart to forgive your father. It may be difficulty to do but try to forgive and embrace your father. May the God Almighty Allah forgive us all Amen
It’s up to u.
my dear when dey is no sin I tell you dey will no be forgiveness. ……forgive him no matter what and go on with your life
my dear when dey is no sin I tell you dey will no be forgiveness. ……forgive him no matter what and go on with your life
I agree but as a child I didnt undstand that for awhile I even blamed myself. So I understand how this person feels I do forgive him for everything now that I know more than I did when I was younger.
Wrong! If u don’t forgive your father in heaven may not forgive you,and there wouldn’t be place for you in heaven.
Tnk u for dat bro… Ghana gals all dy lik is divorce n after d divorce d lady own d child n d man will b chased away… Com Ghana almost all d children dnt know who dia father is…… Dats dia culture…
Lesson to all dad’s in d house, love yur kids and share yur life Wt dem always, childhood memories wl nva depart from children, if yu Like father 18 children,no crime in dt,my word still remain share an equal love and live in dre heart for ever
U be capital mumu who pregnant ur mother
no advice we are the same
It was a pity. But you will need him when you are going to marry on your wedding day. Leave that problem alone with your daddy and mummy. No matter what, she is your daddy if he is still alive. Forgive him and move forward your life and God will help you through in Jesus name.
A real man does nt break off his reltnshp with his kids no matter the circumstances btwn him n the mother, he does everything in his power 2 b thr 4 the kids, BT
Nooo, wat he does is take care of ada man’s children n play a fatherly role 2 thm, bt wen seeing dat his kids r now grown n successful dats wen he cums bk with ur mother didn’t allow me 2 c u n she brainwashed u cos now he wants 2 reap wr he did nt sew
Who r u to say u won’t forgive someone of his mistakes or wrongs against u, then I guess u PERFECT? cos God wouldn’t also bother forgiving u each time u err against someone…. Hmm SMH
He knew you are heartless that’s why he left without regret #selfesteem #unforgivingspirit #anychildraisedbysingleparentmusthavecomma #brainwashed
You needs his forgiveness while you can save yours for the future
Bro u re right.Some Women do make a lot of mistakes
Hey# Beatrice Lukiya , you just talking of the Bible because you didn’t go through the pains of being neglected by your own father otherwise ,you would be the first to criticise those wicked men, I am talking out of experience.
beatrice gv us a brk. we are humams .n i supot yvonne. she must not fogv him. he cnt eat his cake n av it.its as simple as dat
And one day you’ll answer to God for living that life of unforgiving.
christian gv us a brk. she wuny fogv him.its not by force
Simpro Bushbon you don’t know me do you? I think if you wanted to know a bit about me you should have asked first may be my views lies on my personal experience too. Not every is a coward but we get taught to be cowards with those we are surrounded with.
blessing of father is very important…. but let the mother work towards it because she can’t do anything without the father…. I guess she still Miss him… to pregnant a woman is not a day job ooo
Who care ?
U dey try
Beatrice my dear do you know what it means to grow up without the love of a father?
That’s unwarranted #unhumane
There must be a reason why you felt the way you did when you were younger Victoria Oko but as for now since you’ve forgiven him don’t feel guilty no more it wasn’t your fault. Sometimes when parents split up the one in full custody of children teaches them how to hate the other parent or keeps talking ill of them in front of children, so the blame goes to both parents. Normally parents split up they supposed to remain friends for the sake of their children, but in our case things don’t turn out that way.
If you like send assassin to kill him! Useless girl. Shame on you to voice this out in the media. Maybe ur mum was caught f…cking another man and your dad left.
Shoo very rude
I have forgiven mine but I don’t have any fatherly love for him … and I don’t even think I will shed tears when he’s dead except I will have to pretend lol
But u still ve to forgive him. I know is nt easy BT u jt have to try.
Well in my case they didn’t split my father just went back to Nigeria when I after I was born for family reasons and never came back. My mom never spoke ill of him. I live in the u.s.a. Never told my mom about my feelings.
Some single mothers actually raise powerful young women and men who contribute immensely back to their respective communities, nations and so on.
If he never returned that’s equivalent to split and because you didn’t open up to your mum about your feelings, you almost made your self live in denial. May be if you did open up she could have made an effort to take you visit your Dad to have some father moments n perhaps talk about things.
Have you questioned your mother why your father abandoned you and your mother?.Do not rush into conclusion which you will then regret.Get on the phone today and you may be shocked.
For your information your father walk away to be alive today! Stop taking side and do your duty
Matthew 18:21-22 KJV
Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? [22] Jesus said unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
Forgive and forget,do not judge
Dear I know it’s not easy forgive him so that ur sins too can be forgiven
I always wanted to but because I have a disability and was in and out of the hospital alot so I couldn’t and by the time I was healthy enough to go he died. He did write letters but thats not the same as being there in my opinion.
Works the other way round aswell
Did u ask ur mother wat she did dat make ur father to abandon her???
U can say that again
So many hypocrite in d house… If she didn’t become somebody today wld that man show his ugly face?
Pls forgive him some time the don’t know what d are doing, and those women over there are used them
Yvonne nelson..Do u know If ur daddy had not abandoned u. . Do u know if u wld have had made it in life today?? So in every situation alwas give thanks to God..cs he has reason s for eveything.. but incase you dont buy my words.. you just forgive so u can also be forgiven..
You are right dear I will do d same
You’re very correct
Chai….ppl cn be vry funny atimes. Divorce des..split dat..poisoning of her mind ni..choi. Really is so easy to advice,blame and criticize whn u are d third party.. #datslifeshaa