lengthy but intresting piece that Femi’s Dad once caught him grinding his mom on bed and placed curse on him.
Read full Details Below :The Truth About FFK: Yemisi Wada’s Camp Rips Femi Fani-Kayode Apart
Enough is Enough!!!
Femi Fani-Kayode, may God continue to punish you for the way you have treated not only these innocent girls, but 99.9percent of people who have come your way.
Anybody who knows you for who you TRULY are will attest to the fact that YOU wrote this dubious article to exonerate yourself from being the congenital assh*le that you are.
This is your modus operandi.
You hurt, harm, destroy others and then rely on your usual ways of first to report, so you can secure an advantage with the gullible public.
You run to the world and start making up stories about the people you have either messed up or attempted to mess up.
Oloriburuku ni e.
I have your f##k up and i will treat you today. I will trace all you are for the public to judge. You bloody son of a Dam. YES you are a son of a B#TCH.
Everybody from back in the days know that your mother Adia Adunni’s ….. was free for all.
Femi Fani-Kayode please tell the world, did you or did you not sleep with your own ……?
Did your father, that cursed man, who would feed other people’s children weed and cocaine not catch you in bed with your …..?
When he caught you what did he do again?
Did you not raise your hands to beat your own mother years ago?
So why should the world be shocked that you go about like a cursed fool!
The devil shat on your head a long time ago.
What hurts you is that Yemisi Wada is one of the FEW women who encountered you and who was strong enough to do so much better after you.
You honestly think it is by being a former public nuisance in the disguise of a minister that makes you a man?
You cannot stand next to Dahiru Wada in any way.
You are not even a hundredth of his pinky finger nail!
A man who took up your own responsibilities from day 1? You must be a bastard!
Obviously ten men f….d Adia before she birthed you!
Now unto this matter.
Let us start with Saratu.Your first wife “Bia”, did you or did you not beat Saratu to the point that when she left you, it was without notice. This woman, went to pick your first child Folake up from school and she disappeared to Ghana for years as she feared for her life.
Please tell the public all the vile rumors you spread about Saratu?
How she is of the marine kingdom, how she employed her powers to kill her father, etc.
Saratu i am sorry but is a bloody weakling who has no business still being in contact with you. If she knew the damage you had attempted to do to her reputation till date, she would give you a very wide berth.
Now unto Yemisi
Femi how many times did you beat Yemisi to a pulp, stripping her Unclad for the viewing pleasure of your domestic staff back then?
How many times in your drug induced madness did you brandish knives and cutlasses at her?
You ask a foolish question in your self written hallucinatory article that if you were all she claims why did she go on to have more children?
How many severely abused woman, get up and walk as soon as.
It was a violent abusive cycle, the day it broke was the day she packed up and left your wretched soul.
And no, the only business you had in Ghana then was your drug rehab, which you coupled with bible classes.
Who are you fooling?
How would you remember whether Tumi is your child or not when for a long while prior to her birth, all you knew was drugs.
That part of your brain has of course been fried mercilessly!
Rather than be a good husband to Yemisi you were spending your time in all the drug dens from Isale Eko to Empire.
Have you forgotten how your parents would cringe when they were told back then that they have found you again, begging for money in traffic?
Did you not strip the house you were living in with Yemisi bare and then went ahead to trade the furnishing etc for drugs?
Did you not ever trade your suits in Isale Eko for drugs and were found wandering around in your pant?
Shall we go into your exploits with domestic staff (both male and female)??
Or shall we save that for another day?
Yemisi Wada left you as you are a loser!
She was not moved and still is not moved by your so called expired family name!
You have nothing to offer yourself let alone anybody else!
What sort of person are you?
What did Tumi ever do to you for you to have gone around saying that Yemisi was impregnated by a domestic staff.
Can someone please find a picture of Femi’s mother and put it side by side with Temi,Tobi and Tumi?
Then come back and tell us you disown them!
Right down to the gap tooth!
He comes online and releases silly articles of made up fantasies in his head, because he does not want the world to know how much of a dead beat animal of a father he is.
What pains you Femi Fani-Kayode is that Yemisi and her girls do not give a hoot about you.
They clued on very early as to who you are.
You are nothing but a sperm donor in their lives.
Where were you when Yemisi had to move back into a room inside her parents home with 3 kids?
You expected Yemisi to latch unto you and depend on you for her livelihood.
But the God she serves has always shamed you in that aspect!
The typical abuser that you are just needs for her to be down on the ground forever.
To you, it is alien that there are women who will encounter you and who will rise above you and do so much better.
Huhhhn this is serious. No wonder!
this is seriou matter.
No wonder he aalways act, talk and behave like a mad man. He is simply under a course for real bcos my dad told me everything about his father too. Like father like son. Shame on you.
Nice one
Stupid man
This is a mere corroboration of all diverse perceptions about this guy called FFK. Certainly, he is under spell.
I am shocked
Only God knws d truth jare
Na wa for dis man o he is under spell indeed
FFK finally the truth is here, i see…
The man is a complete fool: first for washing his dirty linen in the public domain; secondly for thinking that he could outspeak a woman! She is not finished with him yet. By the time she is, he will become persona non grata in polite society. Yeye noisemaker!
please u people should come with more facts. if actually that was what he did then he should be a leaving corpes. No wonder during that election time he was talking like somebody that doesn’t have bearing. he engineered all d PDP hate speeches that made them lost out. he later blamed d NWC of d party for losing and he congratulated buhari first before d party. God forgive sha. God bless Nigeria.
This is an outburst of a former wife, whose waywardness and irresponsible past lifestyles have made to lose a home paradise. For any woman to vomit this kind of trash, I think she should be examined
When useless pple are around u, u become a mess dt s d pple around GEJ administr. Drug & cocaine addicts. How can a man be wth 3 diff woman still no peace, my pple sth s wrong wth him. D woman hv said it all he s a drug addict. Useless man dt can’t manage his home, when he marries d dy ll later Run away 4 3 diff times. Ds are d pple in govt, how can dy govn well, fuck FFK, fuck PDP.
I dnt like it whn some ladies go as far as exposing wht is meant to be family secret to the public, whether thy are together or nt, dis shouldn’t come out, but why now, is she just knowing that ffk was course by his father, though if wht she accused him of is anything to go by, it simply portray kayode as a beast, but lets think of it, a course man, formal minister of aviation, formal special advicer to Obasanjo, and immediate past spoks man on gej elections. Again, a drug man, a course man= an intellectual, philosopher and a man whom eveeverybody want to listen to his speech, madam, this cours no work at all, An advice to ladies, whn ever a man broke ur hrt, dnt be in a hast to attack, whn we dnt knw ur mind, we source for it and if possible beg for our mistake, u hv told us wht transpired b/w kayode and his familg, now we want to knw wht transpired b/w U and Ffk
I believe her…
Bless u nd leave d rest to b talking out of sense
Hmmm, I can see why d idiot changed his name maybe d curse will go away, Beast in human flesh disgracing men, u hv been with 3 diff women, 2 ran away nd u came online with ur jobless lawyer dat dey will do so to his daughter nd start painting d poor woman nd her daughters bad u think pple don’t knw ur story u can’t fool everybody d truth will prevail, u where among d idiot dat ruin GEJ bt he didn’t knw all u nd Kashmu wamts is money nd power, u think u re free after d court’s case no nemesis will soon caught up with u idiot, u re suppose to be stone to death
God is d greatest knower. he knows wot no man does… FFK,if indeed dis is true,mahn,it is very un4tunate. and woman if dis is blackmailing,I need to tel u DT there is God ooo!
Why cook stories like this? Find something better to do with your time, fake stories to Make your site active mumu
Nonsense post…… some stupid paid useless people without a job will just cook up a story to tarnish one image…. Let their be more fact before u xomment…
Abanije eniyan ni e. U no all ths about him yet u got married to him. Dd u hav any child for him? If ur answer is yes, u hav spoit d future of ur child/children.