“I wasn’t even planning to swim, just to dip my feet.”
Nice is one of several towns in France which have imposed a ban on burkinis and similar Muslim-style clothes on beaches.
The woman is then ordered to remove the blue garment. Most of the other people on the beach on a sweltering summer’s day were wearing trunks or bikinis.
Nice and Cannes are among several French towns to have introduced a 38 euro (£32) fine.
Another young Muslim mother was ordered off the beach at Cannes and fined for simply wearing a headscarf.
Three armed officers pointed a pepper spray canister in the 34-year-old’s face and told her she was in breach of a new rule outlawing swimming costumes that cover the entire body.
She said the ‘racist’ officers simply wanted to humiliate her in front of her children and other family members, even though she was not even wearing a burkini.
It was the latest in a series of incidents in the south of France and comes after video emerged of armed police waiting for Muslim women to come out of the sea at nearby Nice, and then warning them about their choice of headscarves.
And just days ago, four women were fined 38 euros for wearing their burkinis on the beach in Cannes.
Muslims should be ashame and afraid cause world have reject them, let all of them #Muslims# give they life’s to Jesus Christ the miracle working son of the living God, so that heaven will not reject them also. #Peace#
Good for her! How would you go beach with hijab or what is it called! That’s what they use to perpetrate their evil act!!!
you can’t expect them to do nothing after those attacks right?
a smell war coming U0001f440
Who’s that talking about human right?
Amy Cisse come read this
Useless faith and beliefs.. I will rather die none religion than be a mad Muslims.
France is even still petting them.. This cows need iron hand to handle..
Sorry to say this we all knows Nuns has good records to be compared to to Muslims
Por favor respeito a religião cada um tem a felicidade que achar melhor
Armed French police men gang raped a Muslim woman at the beach
Farida Sad why wasting ur time with these fools? U know they aint got no Education thats why we dont go any far in africa. Let them talk rubish dont waste ur energy on them fools
Wish they can also impliment such law here…
Well, I dnt blame the french. They did that for safety reasons….. she might be carrying bomb underneath.
Papa Yaw, which of d religions come to existence 1st? Christians don’t argue but win soul. She should obey or leave dat beach for security reasons.
Very stupid, her body can’t be seen and she was busy and comfortable watching others on underwear
Very stupid, her body can’t be seen and she was busy and comfortable watching others on underwear
if u feel like wearing those things of yours..dear Muslims… wear it where the law allows you to…afterall your Quran doesnt govern France or Europe… does it??
My brother is not bad for a woman to cover her body,but u know ur people has spoiled it, ur men and women cover their bodies with explosive materials this days.
have u seen a Nurse wearing a bikini to the hospital before??… did Mary wearing the Hijab,go to the beach??….stay home if u cant adapt to the life of a foreign land#thats_all
Mulsims woman only stay at home a
@Habeeb…their walking naked because it’s their country not yours…and av neva heard any of those walking naked found wit explosives on their body…right or wrong?
Shad good morning sir yes so that they can cover the body very well
@Habeeb & Shehu…if u find wat the French did to the Muslim..why dont u stay in your Islamic states..afterall your free to practice wateva u want plus ur people are leading in terms of job perspectives… and stop trying to be equals wit someone in His/Her homeland. #tired_of_hearing_your_peoples_grumpiness
Is the beach a temple…or a Holy place??… is like a Nurse wearing a bikini to work…is it.not absurd??
That’s good nonsense
Eu não estou falando com você, estou falando à vontade preto, muçulmano ou cristão é um golpe aos negros porque é apenas religiões pessoas brancas Andreza L. Adegoke
Elnino Ike imagine the properties your father
Sure it’s absurd
Olufemi Ferrari Ajayi u are minding him just finish reading the bible quotation Exodus 20:22 .
Wrong dressing at the wrong place can you wear a bikini to the office and she is a Muslim too so the police had to take extra precaution if you are living with a thief in the same room will you leave your money anywhere carelessly. #BOMBSQUAD
Read this
Then is not Islam to blame you have to blame USA because they formed ISIS in Libya gave them all kinds of arms
y is it that islamist kill unjustly, they will force others to join them during ramadan, are fulani and hausas not muslims, yet they are killing innocent souls. have u forget d redeem pastor that was slautered
Rolly Situation you must be a castrated dog…. why can’t u people say the truth for once, you all know that Muslims are useless yet you don’t wanna admit… say the truth and nobody will jail you Gosh #FoolishMuslims
Don’t mind them muslems they like problems.
Debora Rolly I always ask myself how people can be THAT stupid. How does that happen? Is it a disease?
Find it out upon all this propaganda about Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Please find it or go to Google ?
Farida Sad you are the stupid one here you know your religion is devilish yet you don’t want to agree to that… I repeat your religion(Muslim) is a useless one, what you Muslims do is to shed the blood of innocent souls #Fool
Muslims are hypocri that is Europe so they should abide by their law same way the do to Christians coming their country no big deal.
Now Germany want to start it
You need a brain lmao
Good. I support !!! France has bn terrorised severally .so dey need to take precaution
Then practice ur religion in ur own country. Must u travel to d west if u dnt agree with dia policies???
Every Islamic nation and territory should ban any person whose seems to be naked from entry into there states.because we muslims obey our religious rules on such like others that neither…
Stupid pple …. always claiming right
Maham prince @ God can’t do that because it’s simple law of France for many years now she knows it’just want to create problem@ Abdullahi Abubakar you are right but Freedom you mean is here and been practiced . Read the France law first before you write.. how can you come in a country where by everybody’s face is open and you know who is who and cover your own !!! Is cheating right so France ban it for long time ago not now and France have 20% Muslim but all are not allowed
German want to start Thiers now so go and die
Mhiz Jennifer Ilechukwu The only Truth here is that you are a moron. I dont wanna even wasting my Time talking to u. Bye felicia
Renee Randall yes you can but you have to covered if you are a lady. As long you go by their laws. But he is right.
Yes for that reasons they ll continue to kill to over popurlate
All religion are
What about this?
Really..??! Come to Kenya see them they just go to mosques they follow no religion no hijabs,no buibui’s they fornicate,steal,commit adultery,drink use drugs and also attend clubs
Ilyasu Alhassan so you can receipt the Quran? Cause most of them who do that I kn are the devil in person. When you also read the Quran I guess you practice just what is inside. I read my Bible I don’t read I guess it is how I carried myself and also what I do that count. ??????????

So then they cannot complain how France laws treats them. They can stay in Muslim countries. It is that simple. You cannot come to another country and try to change their laws my dear.
Kenke Kc This is part of their country laws. And the nuns never harmed anyone yet. Keep posting those pic everywhere.
The world think their hatred for Islam and Muslims is just what this is all about, no! It is far beyond that, just imagine those half naked people on the beach is acceptable but not someone who just wrapped a scarf on the head, even traditionalist, Christians and any other persons dress like this, that wasnt just Muslim dress. The world will soon understand what missions of this terrorist and their halite is
Some Kenyans I don’t take them as humans
The issue I see here isn’t even about Islam.
It’s about the right of a Woman..
It’s so unfortunate that even women who are meant to defend constructively their kind are even ignorantly saying something else…
Am not surprise it’s Nigeria.
Now they will start shouting WOMEN are not giving the chance…
Eu estou sim falando com vc e com todos que nao respeita religiao. Brasil pais livre. Ha varias religioes. Cada um na qual destina o coração.
all you need do is travel to one of this muslim country as a woman, may God help you if they see you with jab on your head, they are heartless, i think what they need is for them to rule the world, and that which will never happen. thanks for reading.
Perante Deus somos todos filhos dele e criados por Ele. Todos iguais perante os olhos de Deus. Se o Pai que nos criou nos ama e nao faz acepção de raça pq se preocupar com humanos idiotas e racistas. Olhar para Deus o humano é idiota e baixo. Aqui está minha opinião. Obrigado.
That’s how it should be. When you go to Rome, you behave like Romans.
In Islam it is forbidden for especially to expose any part of her body except her face and her fist likewise in christianity,if it not true why did prophet Isah(Jesus )and Mary wore fullblown garment?where did you get your nudity expositure?your are not true christians as you do claim,you just go to church to sing and dance and even some church members get pregnant to your pastors.
Everybody is sick this religious war is purely barbaric lets get some humanity back n stop this silly wars there are bigger problems that we need to solve not this sick n tired wars.
U can see in ur eyes what has happened… No need google instead….
I dont like Muslim at all
Nice write up bro…wish I cn like ur comment a million times!
All they do is evil, they said if you kill one Christian you will go to heaven idiot
The most thing is that you will always see them around. They don’t like alcohol and prostitution but they always like to hang around the vicinity.
What was she looking for there ,am a Muslim n am OK with the police its haram to stare at naked pple in such places
Muslims are idiot
Muslims are hypocrites nd violent in nature, so all muslims like it the way islamic terrorists are killing hundreds of innocent people in France…….so those souls are not valuable to you pple but this woman abi? Is it possible for someone to go to Saudi, Afghanistan, Pakistan not to obey d law of d land by covering their bodies?so also for France now, muslims should obey d law of France or they should go back to their countries. Before Muslims were free to wear anything in France but they ve miss used d opportunity by killing nd bombing many innocents souls. I think muslims should stop gnashing their teeths!
Never I handed not seen anything good about islam all all see is pretence and then violence
The truth is dat 98% of d so called Muslims in d south( yoruba’s) av nt really bn baptised into d spirit of Islam. d r busy modernizing d religion. I ws born a Muslim, attended islamic skul. Little wonder an Hausa muslim wil tel u dat d yorubas r nt muslim because dey r nt practing more than 50% of d Islamic tenets of Islam. Study d life style of Prophet muhammed; its ws all about JIHAD,LOOTING, KILLING PEOPLE AND MARRYING THEIR WIVES, MAJORITY OF HIS WIVES WERE WIDOWS AND DIVORCEES. is all in the quoran u cn check it out, If u study d quoran very well, it started wit peace as u progress towards d end u see dat it ended wit violence. Reason because while Muhammed came amongst d Jews he ws tellin dem dat d r 1 n he came in peace but wen he gained entrance, he started fighting n killin dem. Now check today if dat is not d systems d real muslims r using. check history dat ws how islam got to Ilorin. Islam got to d North by violence. go n make research. u can never hear of a place where people r killed to accept Jesus. isnt dat enough reason 4 any one to no dat islam is evil? may God open d eyes of people to see TRUTH!
The police are doing their job security measures is been taken they (Muslims) can’t be trusted.
This is a win for the islamist militia.now they got angood propaganda .and this will be used to recruit .let France expect the consequences.
Stop been a fool, it is their land……they can wear it. Moreover, ve u heard any terrorists incident from Nun? Advise ur fellow muslims to go back to their countries nd wear that kind bikini where it ts accepted. Can Nun sister or sisters go to any muslim country nd dress like that?be Saudi, Iraq or Iran?…….definitely they will her or them……..so please stop to been biased, just tell ur fellow muslims to obey d law of d land that they are!
If you see them coming your way, please run for your life.
Oya let hear from you Ilyasu Alhassan, don’t vanish…….please defend it.
Obedient is better dan sacrifice, d Muslims shuld simply obey d rules or face d consequence. If it’s in Pakistan or Afghanistan they will say is harram or blasphemy!
God forbid. I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ, son of the most high and living God.
Tolerance?while they are killing, bombing them. Giving them d citizens of France an untimely death. Lmao!
Person go cover body baf na wa
It’s OK for a Christian to give a child to a Muslim for marriage, but it’s a taboo for a Muslim son or daughter to get married to a Christian. Come on guys be realistic. I beg if you see a Muslim coming your way run for your life and don’t even look back. Or else your life will be cut like lightening.
I wonder if person de baf were clothes
Keep ur dirty ass off, hypocrites!
To my understanding, people do not issues as related to religion. When what a fellow Muslim is doing, we supposed to assess is that things permitted islamically,before getting in to comments. This beaching is an unislamic affairs, when a Muslim is embarrass in this cause what does it mean to Islam? Obey your dos and don’ts for peace please
U re a big lier@IamAda Darbz, u also know what ur religion has caused to d world. Look at all muslim countries they ve no peace, all the time is war……..it means that ur so called islam is not a peaceful religion.
What is she doing there if she knows she can’t dress like them.when u are in Rome behave like Roma’s different occasions have their own outfits. I don’t know why Muslim woman will go to the beach and see other peoples body but they will cover themselves what nonsense.the police man served her right
U really get it!
Buhari ke, he’s a muslim nd always happy if a christian is killed!
But bombing nd killing of so many innocent souls are right……..throwing many families into everlasting mourning is not violate d human right abi? Lmao!
Two wrongs can’t make a right.
That’s their job.
Why does she have to take it off?u asking @Farda Sad,why the islamic religion extremists are bombing nd attacking nd killing the innocents souls in France?…….so islamic religion extremists are reason she should remove it completely even naked self. Muslims seen nothing wrong with the attacking nd killing in France because that’s what their prophet asked them to do, killing of infidels in quran but there’s something wrong when d woman is asked to remove her terrorist bikini#fagabastedblindfoldedpeople#
Your thinking capacity is like that of a fish, foul, arrogant, nacallatullahi caleyk
Phenomenal vs diplomatic question!
They were ask not to wear that to the beach bcos of what the country is going through.
Continue hatrad, let us see the resultU0001f600U0001f44d