Dear Tiwa,
I have nothing but love for you, but after I watched all 45 mins or so of your interview, I am a bit disappointed.
Tiwa, I know it hurts when a relationship breaks down, and those accusations T Billz made were extremely hurtful, nonetheless, I believe you could have employed caution when responding, since according to you, he was unstable and suicidal.
In law, if for instance, you walk in on your man in bed with another woman and you shoot him on the spot, you could get a lighter sentence, if your legal counsel argues provocation. On the flip side, if you walk out of the scene to get a gun and then launch an attack, it’s now considered premeditated.
The fact that you granted a ‘pitch perfect’ interview, with a flawless visual background and superb audio quality, in my opinion looks a bit premeditated.
If you had denied all his accusations and asked to swear on ayelala or amadioha or sango as against the lie detector test, since on no instance has a polygraph ever been used in Nigeria, and if afterwards you had requested for privacy, as you deal with such a sensitive issue, this matter would have been laid to rest. How are you going to tell Nigerians not to talk about issues you ‘used your own hand’ to make public? This could only serve to further delay your healing.
Even though my prayer is for your issues to be resolved and for joy to return to your home, the breakdown of a marriage is not the end of the world, I have been through it and my world did not end. However, do you realize that the interview you gave could lead to the end of TJ’s world? Who is now going to hire, work with, or have any business dealings with an unstable, adulterous, fraudulent, cocaine sniffer who cannot manage money and has his priorities misplaced? Whether you like it or not, that is what the interview has delineated him to be. In furtherance to this, if he was suicidal before, this interview is only going to make him even more suicidal!
I know you both love Jamil so in all this drama, lets be very careful to shield him, as the Internet never forgets and his friends and classmates will always have his father’s tweets along with your interview as points of reference.
At first I was at tiwa side but when I saw the video something tells me it was full of lies and acting my own opinion if u are reasonable look at the video again
Be strong dear.
I pity Tiwatope
But the whole issue makes me love her more
That husband TBS or whatever they call him is notba responsible husband. A gold digger
This is a lesson for Parent s that are taking their children to America
The guy has Colo already from us
Pls Tiwa that 45million us a lie He is not owning anybody he is planning to Dupe you.
It is well with you and your son
Tee blizz has taken wot he wanted,he was d first to kill tiwas career,and now tiwa CNT just keep quite but open up because she is having two much pain in her,but wot will tee bliz do wid 45 million naira DAT he did not even use for business or tell his wife about ,because dey are ordained as one and not two.God see dem through.
Am so sorry for those families who brings they family issues here on Facebook. May God help us.
in everything Tiwa savaage said they are some lies in it. i think this problem started when she lost her second child, that was the reason teebillz loss trust on her.
They both went too far period! They should have divorced quietly and not tell the world why .
Guys tak it easy with her jorU0001f620U0001f620U0001f620U0001f620 give her a break
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Who is this seeking for attention? Please go sit down somewhere. Leave Tiwa alone. That man is hopeless reckless jobless useless. He needs to get a job and get a life and stop depending on a woman. He should be ashamed of himself
Dear Tiwa, u made d ryt decision. Move on with ur life nd don’t mind wateva people re saying bcoz they re full of shits…
U should let her be, if he had committed suicide and died, it is u journalist that wl still blame her for not letting it out. A baby husband who cannot take care of himself but rely totally on her wives wealth. Wat a shame
All of this is as a result of the Blackman living the white man’s life…
Good for him , he started it first
why will the husband say she is sleeping around on instagram? what is good for the goose is good for the Ganda my friend. not to talk of calling her mother a witch on social media.
lol… person wey dey sale d concaine giv d guy don blow o
This Guy Na Capital MU MU!
He started it
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Jolli Gud Fellow , Are you sure she is telling the truth. ? don’t jump into conclusion till you hear her husband’s side of the story.
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Oga park well joor where you dey when Tee beans started it
Esther Seun Francis “cocaine sniffing fraudulent person” is it deep like this?
Who is freeze biko
The same freez came out and told the world is ex-wife beats him. Who knows if she caught him sleeping with different women. .fine boy for nothing. They always want to milk from where they did not sow. Liability.
Tiwa needs a cool headed guy like me to shore up her aspirations in all ramification.
U guys shud soft pedal. What OAP Freeze is saying isdat what if they make up, aw would he or can he help the guy back to his integrity? The guy too misbehaved by saying Tuface Don J, nd Dr Sid slept with her. It’s dirty.
@Christopher Cynthia please take ur sermon to the Church,till u walk in her shoes then u ill feel her pains,ur type gets killed by a man all in the name of trying to be called a good wife,RUBBISH
That is it! U must help him out since u verbally destroyed him
Mr freeze who cares abut his career,,,he started d mess he shuld clean it up!
TIWA SAVAGE, a woman with respect and dignity, a woman that’s a man on her own, a woman that want the best for her hubby but she ended up being betrayed and disrespected by the said man TEEBLISS. this guy will never find a woman like Tiwa Savage, as for Tiwa, good things await you in life, there is saying that says a woman that has unacceptable character will soon get married but will not stay long, its not only applicable to women alone but these days men do behave funny. OAP Freeze leave Tiwa Savage alone to leave her life to the fullest, cheers.
Leave TIWA alone. Only God knows what she has endured all these while. TJ is there living large even after he lost his job
Who is this unscrupulous Freeze? If you don’t have anything sensible in your brain why not keep quiet. Rubbish.
Y is her problem become ur own personal tin u all will die cos of hrt break an u will leave dem alive.
Tbliis receive your sense now I say receive your sense ooh omo dis cocaine get power pass igboo
TJ is not yet a man still a boy no responsible man will act dt way.
Most men also portion blames and faults at their women. I really don’t know why is like that. Mr OAP FREEZE supposed she is ur sister what will you advice her.
When I watched this interview I was really disappointed in Tiwa. There was no need for her to do that long interview and bring down her man like that. No matter what the man said about her she should have kept calm and dealt with it behind the cameras by gathering a family meetings with hers and his family . There’s women out there who went through far more worst than Tiwa and these women dealt with their problems in their own way. Her husband is very foolish for coming on social media and disrespect her the way that he did, but at the end of the day none of us lived with them for us to really know what happened in their house which none of know about. When a man has the audacity to embarrasse his wife publicly like this knowing fully well that this could ruin his wife’s reputation, it can only mean that he also seees or go through a lot in their house. Right about now even though I’m a woman but I look at Tiwa as a victim because every story has a reason and there must be a reason why her husband did what he did, a reason we don’t know about because we don’t live in the same roof as them for us to know who’s the victim or the criminal.
Na look I dey look una ….after all if banana no rope monkey no go chop
Freeze go and tell yiur friend T that his ATM has stopped working. No network! Stupid gold digger. Lazy twerp
OAP FREEZE. what about what T Balogun said about her wife. its that not killing?
When t billz was saying tiwa slept with 3 don jazzy,dr sid,2face….he was dumb then….Aunty tiwa go on with the divorce…or else this man will end up spoiling your career…
he is tired of paying his bills…where in the world will u find such a nice gal such as Tiwa!…Teebills messed up!
he is tired of paying his bills…where in the world will u find such a nice gal such as Tiwa!…Teebills messed up!
Kemi tnx but pple are not seein it wrong rather they blame d guy that he started it first. 2 wrongs can neva make a right ooo.
@OAP FREEZE: I bet you’re the greatest ENEMY of TeeBillz as you’ve just killed him for the second time with your sniper shot…..Some times, you just don’t make a second reference to issues!!!
Freeze, i think if you are not in the balogun’s family or in savage’s family, you should just shut your stinking buccal cavity because your own instagram case never end. Arrant nonsense.
Women like Tiwa will frustrate and useless a man then come to public to cry innocent.
Its not about her alone oh… Things are happening all around us oh.
Women of now adays are very stubborn,even when you are correcting dem dey feel dey know all,she as to be a wife,go and settle with you husband and stop being rude
Plz here is Nigeria.not overseas where everything ad anything goes.4 de man to have said those things.trying to drown.crying simply means.he loves de wife ad
Pls stop blamin tiwa
the guy deserve that because he’s not mature about family issues
I am a woman ad in marriage one person is enduring 4 it to work out.no marriage is a bed of rosese.2 wrongs don’t make right.in igbo land,wat eva wat a man does is perfect.he made mistake of writing those things.tiwa would ve just respected dis man ad walk out silently.but since it’s like this.i pray they leave everything to our God.
I am a woman ad in marriage one person is enduring 4 it to work out.no marriage is a bed of rosese.2 wrongs don’t make right.in igbo land,wat eva wat a man does is perfect.he made mistake of writing those things.tiwa would ve just respected dis man ad walk out silently.but since it’s like this.i pray they leave everything to our God.
Looking for cheap publicity…..expired abino
Seriously, sometimes i don’t understand people. How can y’all be so quick to judge!!! Y’all don’t even know what she has been going through and what she is going through right now!!! Don’t judge a book by it cover. Gossip Mill Nigeria indeed!!!!
So OAP Freeze ,how do you feel about the husband who went public first. Or in your book the first to point a finger is always right ?
I blame both of them…..bringing the issue to public does not mean the public would settle it,instead people would laugh ….even their enemies too …….people that want both of them to leave each other.marriage is all about resolving issues inside but we human being if we don’t report to people outside the marriage we are not ok at all……for example do you think omotola and her husband don’t fight,they will surely do that, might be worse self but look at it now,omotola has the best marital life,tiwa was even old enough before her marital life soooo I don’t see any reason why she would grant these interview,crying on social media,tieing scarf. ….and the husband too writing that kind of stuff on Instagram, I blame both of them and they are too cute to divorce
u flow so retarded..how is her confessions the solution to her problems?she would ve just say a word and go on with her actions.he takes cocaine,he has no money,u pay his debt,he cuts his hair twice a week omg! this same dude picked her wen shes nobody and today cuz u making the money hes now an outsider?the God that created women should do something about it gush!
Freeze I dey ur back bro, bcose I knw is not easy but for mama tiwa to destroy her husbands career forever is not the best if you slept with three men don’t prevent u from getting ur slf another man or husband should in case you divorce but what about him???what u said can kill him faster than u cheating..!
tbliz was the one that paid for tiwas first music video when she had zero. No dey open nyash 4 public , the matter is complicated.
that wat happen wen a woman becomes the bread winner of the family.a farmer once trained a young lady in the university after their marriage.the lady graduated and got a well paid job and left with another man leaving the poor farmer to die in pain.isnt this a common story in our society today?TJ put in much effort and resources to see her through and wen success achieved ve becomes an enemy wat a wicked world.
Wat rubbish Freeze!……So the Husband is Allowed to Destroy his wife career Abi? Ope
The hubby would have committed the suicide quietly without any obstacle, if he had done it the way. of the white. Just take poison, or hang himself on the fan etc. The truth is that he never wanted to die. He is just a mistake to Ty
This OAP Freeze is just one of the useless men around. In fact i was disappointed when her husband hurriedly came to online to accused his wife of infidelity. He even went further to name some celebrities that slept with his wife. He even accused the mother inlaw of witch craft. I was like, this man must be a sniffer and irresponsible husband. So i am not surprise reading from her wife that her husband is a sniffer and irresponsible. Whoever that is supporting the husband must be a wicked person with dark heart.
He killed him self
Oap freeze bcos u re sniffing too dats y u re saying rubbish ur cup go soon full
Tiwa! let it go! don’t allow any man put u interested depression.He should try other alternatives .
Freeze you want them to divorce so you can marry her, I pity this girl
People just like to run their mouth without knowing the facts where were you people when tunji balogun went on instagram and started saying rubbish about tiwa…..Now that she opened up cos she could no longer take the insults you idiots are calling her names…. If tiwa happened to be your sister will you encourage her to stay in a marriage where the husband does not live up to his responsibilities? Instead the only thing he knows how to do is steal from his wife and spend lavishly on other women
Tiwa all this plenty men will do you no good, they will destroy you, go and apologize to your husband, any new man that you get yourself involve with, will always use it as a reference against you and out of pity which is not healthy for you
Kenneth Williams u have the characteristics of teeblizz. If not u suppose to make comment not insult me
were you there with her when she suffered`? did you help her in any way? in African context were are supposed to praise our husband all the time — now when it is too much, the suffering, the pains — should the evildoer go fre? noooo
See people yanning balls… Dem no see demselves before them marry each other? Tiwa no fit say she no know say the dude dey use drugs before them marry… What do u expect from a druggy
Pls who is this foolish attention seeker called OAP freezer ???????
tiwa n teebliz still love each other but they lack understanding
Wen he knows he sniffs cocaine, y den did he start d whole nonsense, he started it first, he tried to kill tiwa’s career but d table turned against him
plss n plss for crying out loud…wat re u guys beating around d bush? go tru tiwa video she says everytin all even from square 1 to d end. some of our women today will not stand n protect her family despite anytin. a woman who cannot protects her home s a failed woman. my dear tiwa God will surely be with u c u tru despite anytn u pass tru in ur home both d allegations. u re a strong n woman is not easy i so much feel ur pain. my scripture says HE THAT KEEP ETH ISRAEL NEITHER SLEEP NOR SLUMBER; he shall keep u n turn ur tears with laughter Amen. IS WELL HNM
Soroniyen? Where were u wen d husband said she sleeps around? Pls always say d truth n don’t b biased
It is easy to make comment but pray that you will not experience such in life and for them i pray that they reconcile
Freeze u mumu eh mk dem do ur sisters n dotas like dat amen
Tiwa keep your family secrets cos he his still the father of your son. Wise women go on their knees and pray.
this guy fool paa. if she was ur sister
That idiot open a can of worms ,n tiwa gave the dossier deserves….so haters go ve several seats
Tiwa , you’re just a victim of wrong man and I think you married him out of pity which you shouldn’t have done at first, I think u married him for one help or the other he has done for you.
I’m sure the guy is regretting all he has done and said now.
I pray that God will take charge of the whole situation and grant you happiness.
Just move closer to God, HE will guide your ways.
Where u people there? Y she go say the hubby dey take coc. She washed her dirty cloth 4 road. Dat wat people were waitin for can of worms. She for no talk.I hate d word divorce . Tiwa may Jehovah God speak peace to ur spirit. I hate wen a woman regrate holy matrimony especialy wen children ar involved.
DAP FREEZE or whatever you call yourself, you are not fair in your judgement. You expected Tiwa to keep quiet and accept she committed adultery with people whose names were mentioned wen she is innocent? What about the wives of the innocent men he mentioned? Shame on you DAP Freeze.You did well Tiwa. Keep praying for him.
U only see the one she said and U won’t see the one the guy did to her. Bombobloodclaat
Its so unfortunate, non of you have been disappointed in her husband who started all this by washing their dirty linen outside,calling out his mother in law and trying to destroy his wife’s image. You guys can go ahead but people like us will continue to support her
God will surely fight for u Tiwa
fool ppl is she the only one?? pls leave her alone
Tiwa and her husband are acting and reacting on each other, the law as been there bfor they were born, TO EVERY ACTION THERE’S AN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION
Rubbish,freez,or what ever,who will marry,or invite a free woman,who sleeps around.pls you can be curious,not judgmental.
i hate men that sleeps around with women outside their marriage ,thesame thing with women.infidelity brings broken marriage/home.tiwa if ur innocent never u panic God will vindicate u.
So of you can’t even take half of wat she endured, u guys kept quiet wen he was accusing her
And u know dat could ruin her career, i think you guys should put urself in dat position den u would know she tried. If you are disappointed in her den help her fix wat she’s going through or u mind ur business
When they did not invite God in their home that is how it always end.
OK freeze u r a nonsense man, when her husband was accusing her of cheating was he nt spoiling her career, mad man