Church Members Buy Private Jet For A Pastor As His Birthday Gift In Ghana (Photos)


A Canadian based church gifted a private jet to its Ghanaian pastor for his birthday. The church, Miracle Arena for All Nations in Toronto, Canada founded in 2011 by Dr. Kofi Danso and wife Rev. Joanne Danso. On his birthday in Febuary 2016, the church presented the private jet to Dr. Danso and his wife for their passion and charisma towards the work of God.

Prophet Dr. Danso noted that he had prophesied that God was going to bless him with a jet this year on his birthday and so was not too surprised when the church bought him one.

Prophet Danso said it feels good to have a private jet because it will ease his travels, adding that it will also help reach more souls with the word of God.He also noted it was a necessity not a luxury .


“Every church should do this for their pastors if they can. The more we help pastors to reach one continent or the other we help fulfill the gospel,”

Prophet Danso who has lived in Canada for five years is married with four kids.




140 thoughts on “Church Members Buy Private Jet For A Pastor As His Birthday Gift In Ghana (Photos)”

  1. If is true, then is about helping the poor people example those who can’t afford to go to school for instance.

  2. Instead of them to keep the money for themselves(if needs be) or better still donate the money to those who truly need it their busy funding pastors high life!hmmmm

  3. ???????….. People are wicked then…. You buy private jet or whatever give pastor for birthdays gift abi?….. Yes its bad!…. But please let us be frank, this pastor is already rich before, why not use this money you use to jet and just help the poor and hungry people even that sleep onder the bridge??? Hmmmmmm ¡!!!!!!! ?????. In Africa we have money but the money saculate within only the rich people why other are die for hungry……. Oooh God please bless me to help the poor one that doesn’t have…… ??????????

  4. How about help the poor people with those money instead of buying a private jet for selfish pastor and his family.

  5. The pastor go extra length for them to become billionaire and they too went extra miles to buy him pjet chikena!!! No body can waste legitimate money take note

  6. I guess he fulfill his own prophecy. He doesn’t care about poor but only himself. This is why I don’t to church it all scam

  7. private jet is now a competition within African pastors. in Africa today if you don’t have private jet which means you are not pastor enough.the question is are they really working for God?

  8. That’s just the story line to deceive his congregation. Well planed trick. The pastor bought the jet.

  9. Church is now a hot business oooo hahaha cheeiii there is God ooo…. Jesus walked with foot to many far cities huhuhu… church investments is now everywhere Lord have mercy on your children…… U0001f622U0001f622U0001f622U0001f622U0001f622

  10. In the time pst you called them church rat now there prosperity is giving you a problem, Come to think of it who made you a Judge.the money is not urs,ur not a member of the church .if the story says the pastor died of hunger then you will b glad. But sir n ma if you don’t like good tins u will never have any

  11. Those members should be questioned how they get their money,in Europe pastor or politicians don’t have private jet..

  12. I hope they are living under good condition dam fools use the money to uplift themselves

  13. Private jet for a pastor :::But remember the poor member’s in the church ::::::::::::African people ??✌

  14. This world is turning into another thing……why poor,
    widows, homeless baby are dere suffering…….God bless OPM Pastor,pastor Chineyere for his well doing

  15. Let me give my 2 cents. Why should Africa have the richest pastors in the world when we are regarded as the poorest continent? Its funny when you read the pastors comments. Like say na only pastor suppose reach the world with the gospel. Read your bibles folks before this kind of money hungry preachers twist scriptures to get your money

  16. Beg ur pardon no one wishes pastor to die, but the main facts remains is the jet a food for pastor? Or what are we talking about private jet and pastor to die. A country where churches as turn to u need to come to western world and see Catholic churches around western world helping in terms of sharing foods clothes give adresses to who needs them e.g. homeless people.why our belove africans country pastors children goes to best schools why churhes members attends publics schools even some churches have their own schools why the members children could not afford it beacuse is too expensive.we have alots of orphanages,homeless,jobless peoole.pls we have to be realistically about what we says….

  17. He deserved more than a jet his God is richer than that praise be to God that people who started with papyrus churches can now afford to buy jets

  18. that jet is a 2002 falcon L model OF THE FALCON jet that cost 700,000 to 1m usd that is about 224,000,000 to 320,000,000 naira you can only hype people who dont know about jet that it cost billions of naira

  19. A which pastor so special!!! Is he the one giving the ladies his semen to drink

  20. Feed the poor many children are in Africa right now hungry! feed the poor! may the Lord have mercy

  21. Nonsense when a lot of church members there, are swallowing in poverty. Misplaced priority

  22. There will always be the poor in the land. That’s what the Bible says. Have you bothered to check the pastor’s record in philanthropy? Why is it that we celebrate musicians, footballers, celebs etc. when they acquire a private jet but lambaste pastor’s? Whenever anybody is operating in their place of purpose in life, blessings naturally comes with it in different levels i.e the ‘modest car’ you think you are driving is like a private jet to somebody. Let’s learn to celebrate people for what God has done in their lives and let’s stop hating. Life is in stages and men are in sizes. Don’t be small in your thinking. Operate in your place of purpose and you won’t even have the time to pay attention to other people’s progress. Stay blessed.

  23. nothing is too big for a gift to a man of God , congratulation ,,,,,,,,

  24. Asare Emmanuel and the same Jesus said you should always help the needy and the poor. Please don’t twist the word of God. That jet is a liability.

  25. Jesus Christ didn’t even get a bicycle to go around to preach the sermon yet this so called pastor is cruising in jet plane nd expect to go to heaven, pastor! Keep rejoicing cos in hell there is no enjoyment cos u already know your way out already!

  26. Have you asked yourself how many prophets and priest in the bible that owns a mansion or lived a luxurious lifestyle. Go back to your bible and have a rethink before you comment


  28. Really? Do you know that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job, David, Solomon etc. Were also priests unto God in their own rights? And even you. 1 Peter 2:9? Since when did poverty become a criteria to being a servant of God? In which Bible is that written? Do you know that if the Pharisees had probably seen Jesus driven in a 4×4 vehicle instead of a donkey, camel or a chariot they might have drawn a similar conclusion that he is flamboyant?
    Times are different, levels are different.
    “Brethren, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper (physical) and be in health even as Thy soul prospereth (Spiritual).
    ” I (Jesus) became poor so you might be rich”
    You will see from the above scriptures that God’s mind is that we MAY be rich. It all boils down to choice. #principlesofprosperity #mindset

  29. Abraham was great(in riches,glory,favor and in his walk with God), Isaac was greater and Jacob was exceedingly great!
    God is clothed in glory, beauty and splendor. The streets of heaven are paved with gold. He is our father through redemption of the blood of Christ and we are his Children.
    If the Child of a very rich man chooses to be poor, then so be it. #choice but don’t you dare blame or insult a child who chooses to operate in the inheritance he has in his father.

  30. Religion has been making people stupid from the beginning of time. Nothing new here.

  31. Good samaritans, please i know you are out there. Any gift i will accept in the name of Jesus Christ.

  32. Small time. Private jet will turn to a thing a yahoo boy will be buying for their girl friend.

  33. funny enough. they are homeless people in that church that donated at least 5 dollars .

  34. Sell it and use the to help de needy cz wen u die rytnow it becomes useless or use it to create job for de youth u will be bless with long life.

  35. Gossip mills and your news sha…. How I wish you can stay away from just talking about men of God… #verydangeroustotalkabout

  36. That dey didn’t post widows does not mean he doesn’t do it. I blive dis is d first time u are even hearing his name.

  37. This is why Africa will always go backwards….. we don’t think at all..

  38. Finally someone who doesnt see anything wrong with a pastor been rich and living a good life. Problem with most of us Christians is that we think been broke is rightous and rich a sin. It is God’s will that we are rich and prosper in all things. We gotta flaunt what God has blessed us with but not forgetting to bless those who don’t have.

  39. Bro Michael I like the way you answered this post correctly and good, finally someone see good in pastors having money,,,,,,, don’t know if people really read their bibles well these days…..thanks

  40. This is why Africa have problem before they use the money too help poor ppl what kind of pastor! Is this please just steal money from the poor to better them self but God is watching!!!!!

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