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Home +OK News +OK Christians Are Not Terrorists, But Commit More Wicked Crimes – Sultan

Christians Are Not Terrorists, But Commit More Wicked Crimes – Sultan


Sultan of Sokoto, Sa’ad Abubakar III has stated that putting on hijab is a right and not a privilege for Muslims across the nation.
The Sultan spoke in Benin City at the General Assembly and Executive National Council Meeting of the Nigeria Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA).

Abubakar said though Christians were not believed to be terrorists but they committed wicked crimes against humanity.
He, however, hailed the Pope for making a very strong statement defending Islam as a religion of peace.

On the hijab controversy, the Sultan said: “Hijab is our right not a privilege. It is not a favour to us. It is our right.

“And we hold on to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria that guarantees freedom of worship.

“That is why we don’t disturb anybody who wants to go and worship the way he wants.”
He added: “Nigeria is a multi religious state, not a singular state. And being a multi-religious state, we must allow the various religions to go on but we must not trample on each other’s right, which means I must be allowed to practice my religion the way I believe as ordered me by the Holy Quran and nothing else.

“So when we get this done, the issue of hijab and so many other things affecting Islam, I believe is our right, not a privilege, unless the Constitution is changed.”

On bad elements in Islam, he said: “Those bad people among us, like in other religions, we should pick them out and teach them the tenets of Islam.

“If they refuse to change, that is their own problem. We will meet with the creator on the judgement day.

“In any society, there are many terribly bad people. So many, who are not Muslims but carry out criminal activities with some Muslim organisations in America, France and even in Nigeria.

“Those people doing negative things should be called criminals or terrorists but not Muslims.

“I’ve never heard of Christian terrorists but we have heard of so many Christians or followers of other religions who committed heinous crimes against humanity.

“But they didn’t claim to do it for their religions and we did not hold them against their religions.”




  1. We are not terrorists, then what wicked crimes do we commit than terrorists, beheading saints and destroying the house of God it’s worse than terror

  2. Islam comes from the word SALAM and it means peace not submission

  3. Islam comes from the word SALAM and it means peace not submission

  4. This man should just shut up and advice those of his people putting his religion to disrepute, the earlier the better..

  5. I would have answered u if u reali want to know d truth!!!…. but frm ur statement u lookin for an avenue to argue..arnt got time for dat

  6. Have you read about the Crusade before?

  7. Please Muslims are not tourists but rather terrorists if you want to put it that way

  8. Islam is derived from the arabic root “SALEMA” peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the religious sense, islam means submission to the will of God and obedience to his law

  9. People listen to this ANTY MAN .

  10. I just have 2 b calm rather Dan being rude 2 dis man

  11. Stevejim Osayi I hope you speak Arabic very well? . Suppose we meet and I greet you Asalam alaikum . Am I saying peace be on to you or am I submitting to you . It’s about logic not googling .

  12. In Islam, the peace they always talk about do exist among themselves only but not others. According to their story book (if u haven’t call de Holy Bible a story book, put de sea into a bottle) , anyone who fails to admit to their beliefs must be threaten. No wonder some of them preach peace but bombs to kill innocent people who are mostly Christians.
    God is not Sick to defend Himself if Christianity and Christians are Evil.
    Let leave everything to God Almighty (Yahweh).

  13. Oh I see in which century are we now again ? So an eye for an eye as payback?

  14. @ Amb Yusuf Hassan Sani, who told u all Americans are Christians? I think u are going the wrong direction.

  15. Mention the type of crime if you’re so sure

  16. Oooooh Arnold Oyedotun Johnson, take it cool.

  17. Nnamdi Elvis Nnamdi

    Johnson I made it clear. .this guy is an ass hole…he should go and fucos on cow that’s what they. Do better

  18. Nnamdi Elvis Nnamdi

    Big fool season 2

  19. Solomon Ojonile Eyah

    The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.
    Quran (2:191-193) – “And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing…
    but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)” (Translation is from the Noble Quran)
    historical context of this passage is not defensive warfare, however, since Muhammad and his Muslims had just relocated to Medina and were not under attack by their Meccan adversaries. In fact, the verses urge offensive warfare, in that Muslims are to drive Meccans out of their own city (which they later did ).
    Verse 190 thus means to fight those who offer resistance to Allah’s rule (ie. Muslim conquest).
    Quran (2:244) – “Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things.”
    Quran (2:216) – ” Fighting is prescribed for you , and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.”
    This was used when they Muhammad From the Hadith, we know that this verse was narrated at a time that Muhammad was actually trying to motivate his people into raiding merchant caravans for loot.
    Quran (3:56) – “As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.”
    Quran (3:151

  20. check’ no peace in any country mulisms and christans are in, ndi ugwu n’agba ajo war! muslim na war be. dia hubby

  21. He is the son of GOD. THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO.

  22. Nnamdi Elvis Nnamdi

    All Muslim women are the one’s suffering inigaulity…how many honor killing have you ever heard a Christian family do in last five years. ..in Pakistan alone more than one thousand girls are killed By family members for either marrying for love or dressing differently …a father drove over his daughter just because he claimed she has become westernized. ..

  23. Solomon Ojonile Eyah

    Quran (4:74) – “Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.”
    Quran (4:76) – “Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah…”
    Quran (4:89) – “They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.”
    Quran (4:95) – “Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled (by injury or are blind or lame, etc.), and those who strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred in grades those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above those who sit (at home).Unto each, Allah has promised good (Paradise), but Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight, above those who sit (at home) by a huge reward ” This passage criticizes “peaceful” Muslims who do not join in the violence, letting them know that they are less worthy in Allah’s eyes. It also demolishes the modern myth that “Jihad”
    I can go on nd on nd fill dis place with Quran verses dat encourage war nd violence
    Even the anabi him slf is a violent being that is why the Muslims pray for him for Allah to give him peace before you start any prayer.
    Let me tell you something the Muslim brothers
    That old testaments u quote their re for the early Christian and it happens dat way because of dy cruel nd strong heart so everything was tooth for tart but after the coming of #JESUSCHRIST he came nd abolished some laws nd refine some things,Christianity was know longer under a law but by grace and free will but up till now the Muslims re still guided by laws let be wise nd embrace peace @Amb Yusuf.

  24. Haba hich side this.man dey. Today I say this tomorrow I di change.

  25. His comments are shameful.

  26. Nnamdi Elvis Nnamdi

    Even the old testament is more peaceful than the kuran…

  27. Nnamdi Elvis Nnamdi

    My village tradition is even better than kuran…

  28. Folake James Edu

    See ur mouth lies

  29. Toyin Titcombe Ogabidu

    Shut up your mouth

  30. Ajayi Shade Adebisi

    Do you have any proof? You shameless old fool and if truly you utter this from your mouth U0001f444 the wrath of God will surely come upon you

  31. Toyin Titcombe Ogabidu

    Pls my people check all the comments people made, I didn’t see any Muslim commentd

  32. Nnamdi Elvis Nnamdi

    Christians advice their children not kill them or cut off their hands for having sex. .or lash them hundred strokes. ..now tell me fool are you fighting God’s fight did He call you and said He is tired. ..animals. ..

  33. Patience Opara in the 12th century the Crusades also beheaded Muslims all in the name of Christianity… U need to do more research than catch feelings on Social media… Even the Catholic Church in the 12th n 13th Centurion committed various atrocities all in the name of Christianity. During the world War 1 n 2.. Supposed clergymen prayed for soldiers to go and kill and war with other Nations..
    I never say that all these are right or wrong but this Sultan knows wat he is saying.. And to Nnamdi Elvis Nnamdi its better to keep mute than to look down on someone’s religion. We can make our world a better place ourselves If we grace our words with salt as ur Bible says. Don’t use derogatory words on someone’s religion..
    Thanks. I welcome a rebuttal.

  34. Patience Opara in the 12th century the Crusades also beheaded Muslims all in the name of Christianity… U need to do more research than catch feelings on Social media… Even the Catholic Church in the 12th n 13th Centurion committed various atrocities all in the name of Christianity. During the world War 1 n 2.. Supposed clergymen prayed for soldiers to go and kill and war with other Nations..
    I never say that all these are right or wrong but this Sultan knows wat he is saying.. And to Nnamdi Elvis Nnamdi its better to keep mute than to look down on someone’s religion. We can make our world a better place ourselves If we grace our words with salt as ur Bible says. Don’t use derogatory words on someone’s religion..
    Thanks. I welcome a rebuttal.

  35. In the 12th Century… Crusades beheaded Muslims.. All in the name of Christianity.. What about that my dear Sister.. U0001f602U0001f602

  36. In the 12th Century… Crusades beheaded Muslims.. All in the name of Christianity.. What about that my dear Sister.. U0001f602U0001f602

  37. James Boateng Bommes

    I have received a number of messages in my In-box telling me i will see but I just want to tell them that I am for God and God is my true Father. I dont fear anyone who will destroy or kill me but God a only do i fear. Those warning me privately come and say it openingly for the world to see and know who you are. In God I trust.

  38. James Boateng Bommes

    I have received a number of messages in my In-box telling me i will see but I just want to tell them that I am for God and God is my true Father. I dont fear anyone who will destroy or kill me but God a only do i fear. Those warning me privately come and say it openingly for the world to see and know who you are. In God I trust.

  39. I don’t no how and why God created Muslims

  40. Cynthia Chiamaka Oriyomi Anochiri

    What is more wicked that killing your fellow man….lol confused man. Instead of you to preach against terrorism you are there justifying the act.

  41. Christians and Muslims been and have committed the same horrible crimes for decades.
    The Muslims have just more vocal about it.

  42. Amb Yusuf Hassan Sani

    The very point here is muslim and christains are involve in terrorism all over the world.they work and in hand.Godwin Okoh a boko haram member from owerri who recruited him as boko haram,can he reas d quran?promise ovuche the guy that mastermind nyanyan bomb blast is it islam that sent him.the catholic church madalla it was a church member that masterminded it,did u hear of the case again,what is wrong with us it is hard to differentiate between humans and religion people are involve in terror u say is religion.oct 1 2010 bomblast in Abj henry okah said former pres jonathan told him to blame d north.is jonathan a muslim nor henry okah.All this is terrorism.we are now wise christains and muslims work and in and for d monetary value involve.not d religion.someone is paying somewhere.American the big brother is a christain nation the make guns and amunitions,they arm isis.what dey did is business and made their money and same time give relief materials to d dislplace.so terrorism is patnership between muslims extremist and christain extremist u can qoute d scripture it does not change the heart of d wicked.Goodluck jonathan that gave directives to dasuki to share 15b usd mearnt to buy arms to fight against boko haram are u telling what he did is not a terror act ,being part of d system,leading to d death of so many nigerians..both christains and muslims extremist work hand in hand in terrorism.we have scores of christains caught in d north that are not muslims.u don’t talk bout all this.

  43. Cynthia Chiamaka Oriyomi Anochiri

    So that makes terrorism right?….. At least according to your story Christians stopped bcos they know its inhuman to kill. But Muslims take killing as part of their religion. My dear open your eyes.

  44. Esther E Usiomoifo

    Can you name one wicked crime Christians has ever committed that is more than that of Muslims?

  45. Aboki shut up if u don’t know what to say, u dey crazy abi, where have u ever hear that Christains behead Muslim, infact ur mumu king, foolish he-gaot King

  46. Hollyuwohle Livingstone Victor

    What do u expect from a life that has deeply baptized in the wicked ocean of Islamic demon to say? May God save ur soul so that I’ll understand what the word CHRISTIANITY means in its actual fact.

  47. Is this man truly a retired general? he doesn’t speak as a fine officer. He might have been brainwashed too.

  48. Commot for road make we dey hear better fin

  49. Olukunle Adebayo

    Sultan have you had your medication

  50. Thanks for enlighten me God bless you

  51. Nnamdi Elvis Nnamdi

    Your name suites you. ..! Fulani.!…u are moving backward while the world is moving forward just like buhary…before today ends go to cnn and see how many that died in the name of Islam. .

  52. Don’t worry, God Judgment await everyone of us. The choice is yours. Go ahead say anything and be doing whatever u like. End shall tell.

  53. Hope Uzoma Chris

    Like what pls?

  54. Guriha Jennifer Seibes

    Says the owners of boko haram

  55. Christians are the ones committing lone wolf attacks on innocent lives all over the world.
    Christians are the one who hates western education and have committed gruesome murders on innocent lives.
    Christians are the ones who have threatened others with their religion if it is not implemented and forced on other people’s faith and belief.
    Please this man or whatever he’s called should go back and look in the mirror.

  56. Hear the terrorist talking

  57. I don’t think all Muslims are killers and not all Christians are righteous as dey claim dats just it so please leave jumoke alone she is feeling hurt as u guys are abusing her religion something she was brought up with many christians don’t behave like Christ and it’s bad what’s now the difference between u guys and the unbelievers

  58. Nwakacha Celestine

    They is no deeper crimes…like terrorism

  59. onyebuchi u are above this stop it is not meant to be so u can behave matured for ones life is meant to be simple not with cahoes

  60. Olayinka Isaiah Ayodeji

    Muslim commit more crime than Christian. I.e, Muslims are terrorist no doubt about that.

  61. Terrorist is a term used by the americans and the eauropeans inorder to invade and kill muslim and arab countries for oil

  62. Agadawinners Onyebuchi

    Marvin in your area how many christains has ever come out with cutlass or any arms to chase away muslim that they are disturbning them. Is only Islam that does it, go to Pakistan Muslim go house to house to kill Christains that they dont want to see them. Bro see a Muslim friend is more dangerouse than your enemy. Open your eyes abeg. Don’t pet them condem any blood sucker christains are not animals

  63. sertain individuals not Christian

  64. Abiola Olamide Lanre

    You must be mad.

  65. Muslims believe that if kill people u will be saved

  66. Muslims believe that if u kill people u will be saved, what can be worse than killing another people?

  67. Olubukola Hannah Kuda

    I tank God dat he even accpt d fact dat muslim are terrorist nt Christian

  68. Mallam Yakubu Adamu

    its true my Sultan, but dont mind them they know the truth.

  69. look at this he goat talking nonsense

  70. this one is high on weed….wat crime can be as high as been a TERRORIST…bring dat man for me to slap..

  71. Does sultan listen to news at all? These terrorists call themselves Muslims, Islamic state, jihadist & other names associated with Islam, so why the blame game. If you have anything to say at all it should be to condemn their actions which put other Muslims in bad light.

  72. An idiot, that is what u re

  73. Jonatino Saanelson Boakai Jonathan

    That’s a diabolical lie.You speaking out of sentiment. Muslim most especially those involve in terrorism are mere sadist, fiendish and barbaric people ever on earth.

  74. Tell me some stupid stories..


  76. The Brotherhood of man : A major problem which modern man faces is that of recism the materially advanced nation can send man to the moon but they cannot stop man from hating and fighting his fellow man. Islam over the last 1400 years, has shown in practice how racism can be ended. Every year, during Hajj, the Islamic miracle of real brotherhood of all races and nations can be seen in action

  77. Oyebiyi Tunde Michael

    Our religion is peace because Christ has given us the peace from existence. Any religions that have no peace let then adopt Christian once.

  78. Afande Ali Chweya Dadzulfa. You said the Western countries forced you Muslims to fight/Kill right? If your own religion encourage peace. They wouldn’t have been taken any fatal action. Or have you heard about any retaliation act from we the Christians? Besides am not concerning your own religion but its so obvious to understand

  79. He said it and he admitted that there wicked

  80. Wiafe Starlet. Right from time there was no Muslim among all the Americans. Muslim joined them through slave Trade

  81. Solomon Ojonile Eyah. Even if you fill this place with quran nobody will have the time to read it.. its so glaring that Muslim are so fatal in action. Take it or you leave it…

  82. Nnamdi Elvis Nnamdi..you funny die. Really, he need to focus on cow

  83. Like adultery right, because you cover that by permitting having 4 wives

  84. Itz Fulani Gh. I salute your last comment. But for the Christian atrocities committed. I will carry out a research on that. Before I can reply your reaction. Because, I have never heard about anything like that in history. But am not saying we are righteous.

  85. islamic is the worst tin to happen to dis world,the tradition is far from human,imaging a girl of 20 years been divorce bcus the husband wants to marry a fourth wife,imaging a man marring 4 wives imaging that their tradition dose not favour their women,their culture is not what one should consider,which pastor will allow you to marry two wives in christian dom

  86. crime is crime nomatter how small it is

  87. Abdallah Abeddi. Here are the reasons; Al-Aqaeda group led late Osama bin Laden. Bomb the twin tower in New York, bokoharam killing Christians in the north. Many like that..

  88. Abdallah Abeddi. Killing of Christian leaders e.g pastors, evangelists and catholic fathers.

  89. Amzico Ballack Drammeh. James never commented anything bad about Muslim. Okay? We all know what I’d going on in this world.

  90. Must of the crime committed that is recorded is just because of religion you are just Wright what you did not no.

  91. may God forgive u bcus u dont knw wat u are doing

  92. Barbara Marie Ita

    Really! Are you sure of that? Or are you in denial? I must say that I am greatly disappointed in you. I thought you were more intelligent, but I am wrong.

  93. Barbara Marie Ita

    Really! Are you sure of that? Or are you in denial? I must say that I am greatly disappointed in you. I thought you were more intelligent, but I am wrong.

  94. Johnson Blessing

    Sultan ure big fool maybe u should go back and read the news properly. U don’t just come out and said trash..

  95. Okorie Nedd Chinedu

    Hahahah funniest comment comment the year

  96. Okorie Nedd Chinedu

    Hahahah funniest comment comment the year

  97. Ikpegbu Fortune Ikechukwu

    Lol!!! Who is committing the biggest crime in Nigeria now. Has he forgotten our president is a Muslim? Change… I can’t shout….

  98. Ikpegbu Fortune Ikechukwu

    Lol!!! Who is committing the biggest crime in Nigeria now. Has he forgotten our president is a Muslim? Change… I can’t shout….

  99. If u d’nt kown what to say, then d’nt talk.


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