Heartbreaking footage captured a mass child marriage ceremony where girls as young as five were forced to wed older grooms.
Most of the girls were crying but in one distressing clip a 10-year-old girl weeps uncontrollably as she holds the hand of her teenage partner.
The girl has her head covered with a fuschia-coloured scarf and is span round by her father and another man as she desperately pleads for help.
The footage was recorded over the weekend in Chittorgarh, a city in Rajasthan, northern India, a state in the country that is prevalent for child marriages.
In another clip a faith leader – conducting the Hindu ritual – is also seen scolding the children for crying.
One of the child brides, a five-year-old girl is crying loudly but a man forces her to complete the Hindu wedding ritual, which involves walking around the fire seven times.

The identities of the others in the footage are yet to be confirmed by police, who have already registered a case against the several families that forced their children to marry but all are currently on the run and in hiding.
District Magistrate of Chittorgarh, Ved Prakash, said:

“As soon as we came to know about these incidents we sent teams out to find the culprits.
“Once they are caught the marriages of their children will be void and the court will decide strict action against them.
“We have stopped several child marriages in the past but at times, fearing police, the villagers opt for a secretive venue which may be outside their district or village.
“Many do not report the incident to police even in fear of the social pressures.”
Muslims and islam and evils.
Why are these men marrying small small children with no womanly bodies or mind? What attracted her to you apart from her age?
How quick you get attached to this, doing sentimental blogging, so you blame the religion for this? The religion you have no idea about except what you read on media? You’re just one stupid blogger. Sorry for your inability to make use of a common sense.
Good try, it’s more of a culture and tradition and not Islam. You should learn before drawing conclusion
See what I mean……when older men marry small girls in the Muslim religion it makes the religion evil….but grown christian men rape an 81 year old woman…..and another sleeps with his own daughter…and another one puts his fingers into the privates of an 8yrs old…..but nooo why do we not say how Christianity is evil…….why…..I keep saying if you wan to blame a religion for the evil of some do it on both ends just to be fare…..
and what about the christians who rapes the 81 yr old woman does that make Christianity evil as well
I don’t know if the media just enjoy causing religious crisis or just like giving Islam bad image cos there’s no place it’s written in the Quran that u marry ur daughter off at age 18 šef even the Arabs would kill anyone who come close to there daughters at 19 for marriage. Stop posting what you know nothing about just cos u want some comments and likes. Am a Muslim and if anyone comes for my daughter at 19 years šef I would make sure I make that person handicap…
It surprise me how some of us talk without thinking. Wht has Islam gots to do with dis.
What about ur parents?
Why would a grown man want to marry a 5 year old she is a frighten baby that doesn’t even understand what’s going on is he insane
is nomal for nonth that is dre curture
Tell me the name of the Christian who raped the 81 yes old woman, but 95% Muslims are raping little girl’s in the name religion, after all your terrorist Mohamed married aisha at the age of 6 when he Mohamed is almost 60.which kind of rape is more than that.
Lord deliver these Children from these Grown men with a perverse spirit help these babies Lord let your mighty Angels seek them out of their hiding places and rescue these babies in Jesus name I pray Amen
Thunder fire devil oooo
that one needs castration
This is not religious matter how can someone open his two eyes to even look into the face of an infant for marriage, It will never be well with the father of child abuser Emir Sanusi who ask those his boko haram boys to capture little children for him to marry eg Ese.
is a lie
So many of you attacking Islam are so stupid and blind.. What will it take you fools to read the article? Hindu is a religion practice in some Asia countries… Religion is what is destroying you all..
Evil people with evil heart in evil religion
What does Islam as a religion has to do with this article.. You are just too stupid to read the article.. People like you are the reason why there is no peace in Nigeria…
pure evil and nothing else
Hmmmm, in you i put my trust. GOD
This story has absolutely NOTHING to do with Islam, this is about HINDUISM!
Research before before commenting.
Poor little one
imagine this old man the pain he is putting this small girl through?? mentally and physically painful ,im so grateful i live some where i can get married to whoever i want.
I never see big lies like you peoples
No missionary work here ? Intressting I think I need a half moon on my Picture
Your ancestors are strong in you
This has nothing to with religious this pure stupidity.
Wrong and backward tradition, let those men strip off their clothes and let the biggest watermelon be forced into their anus,, all a girl child need is a pen for good education not penis,
This is absolutely lie ,
This is absolutely lie ,
in america this man would be put in prison and he would be raped many times and then his throat slit from ear to ear. he is a child molester and the worst kind of human.
in america this man would be put in prison and he would be raped many times and then his throat slit from ear to ear. he is a child molester and the worst kind of human.
All this people commentn did u read d story.shex nt a muslim.dey re hindus frm india.dis has nothng to do wit islam.jst ystrdy i saw this news”father impregnate his daughter .hex a christain but no bdy curse christainity so why cursn islam aftr all they re nt even muslim.some ppl need small sense.when did hindu’s turn to muslim????when did hindusm turn to islam????is dat how to do wedding in islam??with fire???omg u guys shud grow pls learn to read bfr commentn
All this people commentn did u read d story.shex nt a muslim.dey re hindus frm india.dis has nothng to do wit islam.jst ystrdy i saw this news”father impregnate his daughter .hex a christain but no bdy curse christainity so why cursn islam aftr all they re nt even muslim.some ppl need small sense.when did hindu’s turn to muslim????when did hindusm turn to islam????is dat how to do wedding in islam??with fire???omg u guys shud grow pls learn to read bfr commentn
Nawa oo when did hindu turn to islam
Nawa oo when did hindu turn to islam
Hindu he said
Hindu he said
It’s allso in your country
It’s allso in your country
Bros tell them o!
E happen 4 Indian b4 una go come de say #Hausa religious bigot
U’re just a fool and u obviously lack knowledge.
Okija Ewe Obele Okijaeweobele And on that very day, you shall stand before thy Lord to defend your comments.
Which the Lord? mohamed who told Muslims to kill none Muslims?
What robish you talking about religion?
Plz stop putting children pic on your page ! And write discuss articles U0001f621U0001f621U0001f621U0001f621U0001f621
Journalist of nija please stop causing confusion by all this tribal thing u call news.
Aruna Aloaye D-zent kiss ma ass modasucka!
Instead of posting the pictures of the poor little children, the pictures and names and addresses of the adult pedophiles should be put on facebook to shame the pedophiles and warn other people about their presence and intent. They sound like child murderers. A young child should never be raped by an adult male. Adult males should be looking for adult brides. Or do they have such lousey social skills that they cannot attract a grown woman?
You are the purest example of what they call gullibility, lazy to read, dumb to make research and again you talk as though you have any knowledge about Islam which in fact you are just a media puppet and band Wagonist who follows what was told without asking questions of your and then make personal findings. Clearly, talking to you is tantamount to beating a dead horse. Get yourself fixed
Islam do it too – what r u talking about?
Whether Hindu, Islam or otherwise this practice is equivalent to rape!
One thing I understand about Islam is that.. Once a girl becomes a woman” started seeing her period” she is fit to get married.. According to Islamic teaching.. But this post clearly stated Hindu and not Islam.. So why attack Islamic religion which have nothing to do with the above article
5 what?
Pickin wen neva commot 4rm yansh finish.
So parents sha
Don’t be so dense. That nonsense has nothing to do with Christian religion. Christianity condemns such acts. But Islam permits child marriage – Christianity does not. That’s d reality of the situation.
Some people are inexcusably stupid.
Success Irene-Oshias see how passionate you become when Christianity becomes involved in anything……if you think Islam permits child marriage then you must accept Christianity permits rape…and ritual sacrifices……Most of those who give their small girls for marriage are money hungry…it has nothing to do with islam show me one place in the Quran that say marry small children……pliz I beg you….so that I can see where your reality is actually based on???
the same way Christian are also bad…..
Ur opinion and choice though….dnt generalize cos it happens….I saw that when I was serving in Niger state, where girls below age 13 were married off to older men. most of them were my students. Even the learned teachers there saw nothing wrong with it….infact, one of them told me that its a sin for a girl to see her second menstrual cycle in her father’s house. That the father will be punished for that when he gets to heaven. So Oga, what most of you need is a bit enlightment cos the post is a reality of what is obtainable in most Islamic societies.
Infact , Laws are not generally the same all over the world, and that is among the reasons there is never going to be peace on the face of the earth. That is why there is no peace all over the world. If you talk about marrying a five year old girl in the United State, you will be branded a PEdDOPHILE and this for certain will earn you ticket to life jail. The Eastern part of Nigeria do not have this custom of marrying five year old. You may be interested in a girl you see or know but your interested is not disclosed until the girl grows up. The Hausas, Fulanis, Yorubas and some other ethnic groups in Nigeria, marry their girls at any age. One may assume that this is part of Moslem cultures. The Hindus and some other ethnic groups in India, all Middle East, Iraqis, Iran etc. belong to the same culture group. These areas are the pressure groups of the world. Most of the world’s problems today, are created in these areas or regions. They have opposite culture which interferes with world’s progress.
Ogochukwu Lisa Ebenebe Where u shown were its written in the Quran that she must be married off at early stage? see dont say what u didnt verify just cos some set of ignorant people said it.
Oh no this shouldnt be true.
waooo very painful,she must hv experience virgina tear and anus discomfort,this too bad