Thursday , 6 March 2025

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Home +OK News +OK ‘As Long As Christians Continue Insulting Islam, No Body Can Stop Us From Killing Them’ – Nigerian Muslim Brags

‘As Long As Christians Continue Insulting Islam, No Body Can Stop Us From Killing Them’ – Nigerian Muslim Brags


Below are some reaction of some Muslims on Facebook over the killing of some students over blasphemy…

Some Nigerian Muslims namely Murtala Mustapha Gama & Muhammad Awwal Haruna KT and others reacted on Facebook.






  1. Michael Chinonso

    Sagir Yusuf. Peace my foot and you taking life here and there all over the world.

  2. Amin Dan Zaki Mohammed

    Your mom and dad are stupid. Is it what your fake bible made by what slave master tell you to disrespect somebody else religion. Fake Christians go to the hell

  3. A fool always be a fool

  4. So the god of Islam has no power to fight for himself unless someone do it for him.

  5. They are not representing Islamic philosophy and doctrine but their personal ignorance and naivety

  6. Abdullah Kouffa Dow-Ibn Baz

    Yeah you’re absolutely right. I am a Guinean but me too I’ve got a lot of Christian friends. And Islam condemns innocent killings. A Muslim killer according to the teachings of our religion is not a true believer!

  7. R u really in this country? Do you even know ur history? When did Boko Haram start? See what a young man like you is saying.

  8. R u really in this country? Do you even know ur history? When did Boko Haram start? See what a young man like you is saying.

  9. Muslims are indeed in a death zone, but y must Christians insult Muslims, d reason y Christians are called Christains is because they follow d foot steps of our lord #JesusChrist and Jesus is d prince of peace without sin, dis implies dat anybody who doesn’t follow His foot steps is not a Christain… Anybody dat calls him/herself a Christian nd does otherwise is just fooling him/herself. I rest my case

  10. Calebs Nzube Echebiri

    Amin Dan Zaki Mohammed idiot. you fools can only try that in your useless hausa land. just mistakenly cross Onitcha or Aba with that mentality, you will be used as burnt offering to you dead mohmmed.

  11. Titilayo Olubanwo Ehizuelen

    Fools,brainwashed cult members (blood sucking demons). What else do you do best than being world acclaimed terrorists.

  12. @ Abdhakeem, even if we don’t rule this country like you said, we have nothing to lose because we’re far better than you guys. (vampires.)

  13. Thank God my friend who is mulism he nw change to Christian mulism ur various in humans life u mulism ppl u need antivirus to cleans u ppl up , u need Jesus to cleans u up

  14. There is a space for terrorism in Islam

  15. Patience Archibong

    Lol…I can’t fit to laugh

  16. Continue killing dem if your the one who created them rber deres judgement day

  17. How come all the terrorist groups claim only one religion.. Islam.
    Not Christianity
    Nor Hinduism
    Nor Buddhism
    All of the heads in these terrorist groups are imams Alhaji and sheiks
    So what do you want to tell me?
    Islam is peaceful? Or
    Islam should be peaceful.

  18. Ugoo too much i concor… Ur brain is a machine in which people use to analysis things dat hv fallen apart, ride on sir wey sabi

  19. Prince Ozichukwu Emmanuel

    Go n say that in Kenya or Uganda…. That’s what they thought u…. Village fool…

  20. Patience Archibong

    It hurts a lot but I believe its one of those temptation we Christians were warned of already, God will fight the battle, we Dont have to pay evil for evil.

  21. Out cast shut your mouth kill who idiot boy where is your cow go and kill your cow for meat idiot malam

  22. Outcast shut your mouth kill who idiot boy where is your cow go and kill them for meat idiot mallam

  23. Why ar yu guyz isulting ur religoin. We ar all one. Let stop dis plz.

  24. Olusanya Olushola Omodunbi

    Wat will u say

  25. See ur tiny face like dt of a sick Rat.

  26. Gossip mill i don’t know what u guys hope to archieve by spreading out hate message like this. There are billions of muslims in the world if we’re all bad as some of u guys are saying then the world is in deep trouble. Gossip mill beware of what u spread out. Don’t spread hate

  27. We are not and can never be one, there is a big deference between us bro,

  28. Folorunsho Abdulhameed

    U are not a true Muslim, u deserve to be punish

  29. God forgive them becouse they don’t know what they are doing.

  30. Is he okay

  31. Christopher Chuks Okeiyi

    He is an unquantifiable moron and very retarded in civilization and advancement.

  32. Ssebandeke Sulaiman

    That’s the problem of Africa religion is disease which killed US more than aids ..divide and rule ..when they first cut off your head’s to except religions…

  33. So you would go on killing Christians if they insult Islam,what about Muslims that insult Christianity by saying Jesus Christ is not the son of God,but only a prophet which is blasphemy. Do we Christians now decide to revenge as a result of this alleged blasphemy? No because God told us to love our neighbours like ourselves .If we Christians were in the times of the old testament, anybody that says such would have been slaughtered like a chicken. But you should thank God especially you this hausa Muslims, dat we are in the time of Grace and not in the times of an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth.Stop boasting in your stupidity

  34. We are not one Nigeria is high time we start doing unimaginable things kill me i kill you things go change why they are bragging is because the Christians are not retaliating at all. That has given them edge over Christians.

  35. Christopher Chuks Okeiyi

    He is a psychotic psycho.

  36. God know they hart of a man. That of evil and Good

  37. To God be the glory

  38. Well said man,this muslim,them pass ma power but God they

  39. No one cares what this mongrel says. Clearly the has missed the “on-ramp” to life’s speedway. U0001f602

  40. Idiot,ants n maggots will feed on u. Uncircumcised Philistine

  41. They killed many in the East a few days ago, in Enugu and nothing happened. They have been killing people there since, if the grazing sites are allowed in the East, in the next 200 years there will be no Christian in Igbo land.

  42. Amin Dan Zaki Mohammed

    See your religion

  43. Muslims are totally ruthless, brutal without feeling and kill without remoarse! Lol they’re proud being killers…

  44. Leo Noni dear,God will not forgive them o. The enemies of Jesus didn’t no what they were doing but these ones do. The prayer is not for them

  45. Look at this fool. Yes Allah, God will stop all of you fools killing innocent people

  46. Some northern Muslims are miniatures of the Devil himself!

  47. If the grazing reserves are allowed in the SouthernNigeria, there will not be a Christian there in 150 years to come. What happened to Christianity in Turkey will be replicated in the Southern Nigeria.

  48. That’s not our religion, that’s their way of life. Jesus is our lives.

  49. Jamilu Ibrahim Abu Ja'afar

    It’s not proper to harm someone just because he insults Islam or prophet. This is because our prophet has never ask someone to kill any of the pegans in mekkah apart from when in the warfront!! But why the insult in the first place?

  50. Nigerian Christians are hypocrites . They kill themselves at the slightest provocation but can not touch Fulani when Fulani kill them .

  51. They say what we know is just what they tell us, and we are so ignorant, cause everytime they cant reach us thru political strategy, pals islam is perfect, muslims are nt the biggest enemy of islam is d ignorant muslim, whose ignorance lead him to intolerance and terrorism

  52. I’m not suprised too. Killing is what they know better than anything lol.

  53. Islam is devilish worst than any cult group u can think of and as far d zoo has an aboki as his president u will continue to experience worst thing

  54. Oluwakoya Anthony Adeniyi

    Why don’t you insult christianity in return. Ye are of your father the devil and his will you will always do. Repent and accept Christ today so you can inherit eternal life.

  55. Shut up ugly Jesus is a man not God fools we love Jesus more than you but not as god as prophet

  56. Islam never ask anybody to kill anybody that insult ur religion forget about dis full that is making this statement is a blatant lie pls ignore it we are made to whorship God alone

  57. Jesus Christ is d son of God, Jesus is d way, d truth and d life no one comes through d father except by me(Jesus) understand hypocrite?

  58. Ahmad Mamman Muye

    Na Igbo man wey Fulani butcher for Igbo land.

  59. You are animal mis plz dont talk with animals he is like a U0001f415 dog i respect you mis Alimat Sadiya

  60. Because they don’t know Islam!

  61. Al-Ameen Na Godwin

    Where Did prophet Muhammad (SAW) tells us to be killing Christian or our Qur’an? Or is that what Islam teach us?

  62. Al-Ameen Na Godwin

    We were also told: …And We have not made thee a keeper over them, nor art thou over them a guardian. (Ch. 6, V.108)

  63. Al-Ameen Na Godwin

    There is no compulsion in religion’. (Ch. 2 V.257) and ‘And say: It is the truth from your Lord, where fore let him who will believe and let him who will disbelieve.’ (Ch.18: V.30)

  64. Al-Ameen Na Godwin

    Allah clearly instructs on the behavior of Muslims towards all kinds of worshipers:
    [109:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
    [109:2] Say, ‘O ye disbelievers!
    [109:3] ‘I worship not as you worship;
    [109:4] ‘Nor do you worship as I worship,
    [109:5] ‘And I am not going to worship those that you worship;
    [109:6] ‘Nor will you worship whom I worship.
    [109:7] ‘For you your religion, and for me my religion.’
    At other place Allah says:
    And if Allah had enforced His will, they would not have set up gods with him.

  65. Appiah Tinted Jeorge

    This is good n matured keep it on U0001f44dU0001f3fb no insult just opinions

  66. God will stop u

  67. Emmanuel Good Luck

    U ar just a big fool

  68. Azeez olabode hw many muslims have christains killed, hw r we one? A christain will neva b proud of killing bcos Jesus christ was insulted. Therefore we r not one.

  69. Same as Lie Balogu.

  70. Fact is, huge percentage of Muslims, can’t tolerate other religions in the world.
    They want to be in control, they are just sadists!

  71. This one has no sense, brain okuko

  72. Fact is, huge percentage of Muslims, can’t tolerate other religions in the world.
    They want to be in control, they are just sadists!

  73. Mansur Saidu Gwaggo

    U r right Nsoona Powell Sherriff

  74. You are a blood tasty animal

  75. If they continue not to let us (Christians) go, d ten plague of egypt will fall on them because dis is just too mch, I cnt continue to live with blood sucking demons. NO

  76. Success Irene-Oshias you deh stupid for real, these ones are black Muslims so it has nothing to do with ismael so don’t be stupid

  77. Meerahmu Fahdeephor

    The man listened to his wife na.

  78. Success Irene-Oshias

    You must be an idiot Sulayman Jalo – is Ishmael not d father of Islam?
    When uneducated fools like you cone to Facebook you tend to speak like the donkey brains that you are. Useless goat

  79. Your white masters enslaved you for centuries, colonize you and killed millions of you in the name of Jesus so just shut up there ain’t no bad religion just bad people in every religion, Nigerians burn thieves alive in the name of Jesus too so you can see what Am talking about, no bad religion just wicked people and nationalities

  80. Mazi Nnadozie Uzochuqu

    99.9% of Hausa Fulani are known for butcher, blood shading, invading and massacre. Scumbags

  81. Success Irene-Oshias

    Meerahmu Fahdeephor Sarah no try o. Why e be say na women dey lead them into temptation? See Adam the same thing.

  82. Jafar Jamal Yakubu Bandao

    And is unislamic doing dat.Allah says we should love to every one irrespective of religious backgrounds.Remember wen the prophet Mohammed was to judge between Ali ibn talib n e jewish man.He didn’t look at e religion bh he was justice.So charley if they don’t go wt u dnt maltreat them.Treat dem as one of us they can convert to join us like e jewish man.

  83. Mazi Nnadozie Uzochuqu

    Tribal war is what happens in Nigeria. Fulani’s gain land through hausa people.

  84. Jafar Jamal Yakubu Bandao

    You fool paaaa

  85. Esther Muthoni Muteti

    Son’s of devil kill innocent people! Why can’t you deal with individual?

  86. Esther Muthoni Muteti

    They are sons of devil! Our God is a merciful God full of LOVE

  87. The purpose of creation is a topic that puzzle every human being at some point in his or her lifetime. Everybody at some time or another asks themselves the guestion “why do I exist?” ” for what purpose am I here on earth ?

  88. Esther Muthoni Muteti

    Jesus Christ is the WAY N ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER GOD

  89. Indeed, the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of mankind do not realize it”

  90. Nigeria can Neva b 1 in as much as dey speak different languages nd dey practice different religion….. dey can Neva live in peace…division is d Ansa 2 all dis

  91. Latoya Edith Wilson

    Also a demonic cult

  92. Latoya Edith Wilson

    Like father like children

  93. U r Part of them.
    You Guys are one team, apparently, u r the defender.

  94. …then stop insulting their religion! Simple, Christians are pagans and satanic. Even their bible preach what this boy says:
    ” Maim and crucify Unbelievers if they criticize God of Israel. (Leviticus 24:10-16 NLT)
    What I do expect daft Christians to do is to avoid insulting Islam since this boy has come out to answer why. But instead, see what the caption read “Nigeria” “Muslim” “brag”.
    Why the use of Nigeria ? Simply to use Christians brain as if this boy is speaking on behalf of ALL Muslims in the country.
    Why the use of “Muslim” ?simply to deceive Christians acute brain into believing this boy’s statement is an Islamic view point.
    Why the word brags ? Is to provoke Christians into “doing” what seem to be warning from the boy.
    The boy is wrong in his statement because Islam is guided by law not people view, position or control. Islam control people not people controlling Islam. He is not Islam, he is simple claiming to be Muslim. So his statement is not a statement of fact. NO ONE IN ISLAM HAS THE MANDATE TO TAKE LAW INTO HIS STAND, even if clearly someone commits wrong. In Islam only law take its cause and position on crime not people.
    While the ignorant boy is honest enough to tell Nigerians why people like him take law into their hands, it is now left for ignorant Christians to insult ignorant Muslims for another round of deaths.
    Finally, The picture on this story was sourced from FB not really the boy that made the statement. I urged the boy in the picture to sue this satanic Christians media, for endangering his life and deformation of character. Again see the outrage by Christians daft. Possibly fake story with fake picture and real people are agitating !

  95. Zaynul Mouhamed Kone

    Always complain abut Muslim …
    Ya people should know that there is no fire without smoke . u better start to understand each other and fix this. Cuz no one is perfect

  96. This guy God will judge u

  97. This guy God will judge u

  98. Zaynul Mouhamed Kone

    I have ever seen any post of Muslim containing insult abut christian.. Stop looking for useless sin ….we Muslim should start to ignore their bad mouth

  99. Zaynul Mouhamed Kone

    I have ever seen any post of Muslim containing insult abut christian.. Stop looking for useless sin ….we Muslim should start to ignore their bad mouth

  100. Amaechi Maxwell C

    The blood suckers that called themselves Muslim pls listing to ths ex Muslim man who letter find out that jesus is the only way, the truth and the life…. ….


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