Friday , 11 October 2024
Home +OK News +OK Baby born in Ibadan Church holding The holy Qur’an (Photo)

Baby born in Ibadan Church holding The holy Qur’an (Photo)

Firstly imaging if A baby was born in the mosque holding a bible lol WW3. A baby who was born in a church reportedly emerged

clutching a Qur’an. Renowned Islamic preacher based in Ibadan, Oyo State, Dr Dawood Amoo, has described the birth of a baby boy clutching a pocket-size Qur’an as one of the signs of Allah.Amoo said although the development was not strange, the boy named Ismail was unique as the said mini Qur’an contained all the 114 chapters in the holy book.
The preacher testified that he was one of the earliest callers at the Owode/Academy, Ibadan residence of the parents of the baby to witness one of God’s wonders. He said the mother, Jelilah, gave birth in a church at Oniyanrin area of the city, where the baby was seen clutching a strange object in his left hand.He said..

“The woman, who took the delivery, thought it was one of the devilish drugs used by the mother to terminate the pregnancy, hence she threw it in the dustbin,” he explained.

 According to The Nigerian Tribune ,Amoo said that the said object, which later turned out to be a pocket-size Qur’an, was wrapped in a thread.He said that with the forceful removal of the object from its hand, the baby became restless and continued to clutch an empty fist.

“Following his restlessness, a local cleric advised them to go and bring what they took from the baby which later turned out to be a copy of the mini Qur’an.They were all afraid to touch it until I got there and I had to remove the remaining thread on the object and to my surprise, it was a beautifully- designed pocket-size complete noble Qur’an,”

He said although the Qur’an was small, the lettering inside was readable and complete from chapter one to chapter 114 of the holy book.
Expectedly, the news filtered into town and Ibadan people had since turned the residence into a mecca of sort.Jelilah, the elated mother of the baby, said since September, when the baby was born, nobody could take the Qur’an away from him, as he would be restless until he clutched it.
The father of the baby, identified simply as Semiu, said he thanked Allah for the blessings, saying it was an indication that Allah wanted them back in the fold of Islam.
Semiu, a driver, said paucity of funds has caused his wife to put to bed at a nearby church, as they were both not practising any faith.
He said with the signs directly from Allah,

“I have resolved that my wife and I will revert to Islam and be worshipping our Creator till we answer His call.”

A similar baby was born in a Lagos church in 2012 clutching a copy of the Qur’an.




  1. Masha Allah.Indeed you are the most high. Praise be to Alla.

  2. Maa sha Allah. Allahu Akbar….
    Am so excited.
    Somto Monanu. What do u av 2 say 2 dis? Was is implanted in her b4 d boys birth or d xtian lady @ d church planned it?
    Am expecting a reasonable response LIKE NOW

    • i laughed in Spanish ”Jajajajajaja” all I could Smell all over it was….

      Propaganda! Propaganda!! Propaganda!!! Now let me give you ten solid reasons why this news is a complete Scam.

      1. How can a One day Old baby clutch a book?
      2. Wont the book be wet and soaked with blood?? unlike what is on the above picture???


      3. This is Al-Qur’an Istanbul dengan ukuran super mini, lol most Nigerians are ignorant and would have probably been wondering how the Very big Quran was cropped into such a small size i guess it has to be Gods handwork right? lol bro its the work of men like you and i the above Quran is called a mini quran and it is sold all over the world…. lol so i guess Allah came down from heaven took a flight (Fly Emirates or Qatar Airways??? ) to Turkey to buy a Quran authored in Istanbul, also sold in stores and placed it in a babies hand. If your Allah wanted to send a message to the world it won’t be on a paper printed quran least to say one sold in stores all over or even one which has the name of the printing company on it. use your head bro!
      4. So Allah Reads The ”Man Made” Quran written on ”Man Made” ”Paper”… Lol maybe he also has an Iphone 6???

      5. Why didnt your Allah Engrave the Quran Scriptures on the Body of the baby or on an alien Material never known to man before???? why write it on a 21st century material called ”Paper” and then the Book says authored in ”Istanbul” why not authored in Heaven or Paradise or Janna???

      6. many Muslims do not know this but The book ”The Holy Quran” In English which means ”The Holy Recitation” was Neither Written By Allah, nor Angel Gabriel(Jibril), or Prophet Muhammad but rather a man called Zayd ibn Thabit Muhammad’s ex adopted son. Well Allah revealed the Quranic scriptures directly To Prophet Muhammad in bits through Angel Gabriel for over 23years. then it was Zayd ibn Thabit who wrote the Quran in(634AD) 2 years after the death of Prophet muhammad, and it took him between 24years for the Quran to get to its original form…. 2 years after the death of Prophet muhammad many members of his companions who knew the Entire Quran Recitations by heart were killed in the battle by Musaylimah, the first caliph Abu Bakr was the one who first brought the idea of Actually writing the quran to preserve Muhammad’s Revelations and teachings and so he tasked Zayd to do it… Zayd initially refused as he taught it would be a sin doing something Prophet Muhammad never commanded but then Caliph Abu Bakr succeeded in convincing him to do it so Zayd then collected and Gathered the Quranic materials(Verses) together from parchments, palm-leaf stalks, thin stones and from men who knew it by heart… about 20 years later the third Caliph Uthman ibn Affan ( 656AD) began noticing slight differences in pronunciation of the Quran as Islam expanded beyond the Arabian peninsula into Persia, the Levant, and North Africa. In order to preserve the sanctity of the text, he ordered a committee headed by Zayd to use Abu Bakr’s copy and prepare a standard copy of the Quran… so it wasnt Muhammads or Allahs Idea but … Caliph Abu Bakr, Caliph Uthman, and Zayd …. Now this is My Point Since Allah Is All Knowing Why Wasnt this baby born 1400years ago exactly 2 years after the death of Muhammad only then would it have made more sense as It would have been Confirmed as an Everlasting Miracle and it would have then been confirmed that the Quran was really sent down from allah as Guidance to Mankind???? why would allah wait for zayd to first write the quran then over 1400 later Istanbul authors a mini quran then allah then decides to put it inside the hands of a baby … what use is this??? THEN YOU HAVE TO AGREE WITH ME THAT ALLAH IS NOT ”ALL KNOWING”. Lol I Smell Propaganda by Jobless Muslims!!!

      7. So Allah is now a mere shoe Maker who uses rope to tie the Qu’ran well to keep it intact (Him for also use Evostic Gum..Lol ) what happened to all his Super powers he used to create the Sun, Moon, Earth, Man Woman and all the Galaxies??? Lol Bro isnt This Hilarious???

      8. because Islam is a religion which is known for violence this is all propaganda by Jobless Muslims to turn our attentions away from the Unjust Killings (Beheadings of Christians and other Minority Religions) currently been carried out by Isis(Islamic State) in Iraq and Syria And Conclude islam is the only true Religion.

      9. because Islam is a religion which has Inferiority Complex! What was the Use Of specifying that the child was born in a Church? Let me guess allah does one single miracle inside a church so the whole of Christianity should convert to Islam??? This Is So Ridiculous but not shocking to me well i am not surprised after all Islam was built on top the Falsification of Christianity Muhammad Came claiming to be the last prophet AKA Messiah so to solidify his claim he had to Lie on Jesus’s head he says Jesus never said he was the son of God neither did he say he was the messiah or the last prophet but rather it was Jesus’s apostles, Paul, Matthew etc who said all that and added it to the bible to mislead people, all Christians Born or Unborn are already misguided and are condemned to hell irrespective of their deeds that is a true Muslim believes that Pastor Oyedepo, EA Adeboye, Prophet TB Joshua etc are all condemned to hell for committing the sin of been a Christian.

      10. After Reading All my above point it could also be narrowed down to one single one: it was all a propaganda by the Poor Muslim parents of that baby Islam/Allah at its best propagating false stories since 610AD to Have you gullible Muslim fanatics worship the baby and give him gifts. This baby will never suffer again in his entire live, once a hand full of you ignorant fanatics(especially the wealthy once) believe it was Allah who sent that baby and the Quran. Who knows the baby might even be from Prophet Muhammad and Ismails Lineage why let Allahs Messenger suffer?? …lol

      Now Imaging this Headline: Baby Born In Mosque Holding The Holy Bible in Saudi Arabia… Lol 20years after you will hear that, that single headline was the cause of World War 3 which lasted for 20 long years killing 2.16billion Christians.

      Well Thank you Nigerian Tribune and Saharatv for always defending and help spreading the lies, deception and hypocrisy of this religion called Islam. May Almighty Allah continue to guide you on this path of your hypocrisy deception and lies. la ilaha illallah may these your lies make you not to rot in hell. and when you die and judgment day comes may you walk straight into paradise and collect your 72houris(Virgins with beautiful big blue eyes) and may Allah grant you the verlasting strength to Bang them for all eternity why he seats on his throne and Watches on. Lol Funny how Muslims believe the Biggest Orgy of all time is going to happening in paradise now picture this 1billion nak*ked male muslims banging 72 nak*ked virgins, 73billion nak*ked people banging at once in one large big expense of land (Lol Hope Allah also has the Guiness book of record so he can record this as ”the Biggest S*ex Orgy Ever Recorded”)… Jesus have Mercy on Us…. dosent this make the american po*orn industry look like childs play???

  3. Allahu Akbar

  4. do not be deceived God can not be mock what so ever you sow you will reap…
    if I may ask wat was Qur’an said about JESUS? the of GOD alimatuli, the spirit of GOD halimatuli, and The word of GOD isa masi. and it is boldly written in the quran not to forbid reading the bible the scripture , were it said if the Qur’an I gave to you is not clear you should read the Bible scripture
    so assuming that it’s directly brought by God will the Quran not say you should meet the alfa? so I am sure dat there is error in Qur’an if there is not error why will the Qur’an say if you didn’t understand u should read the scripture? that mean there is somtin precious in the Bible the scripture. and for the child oga Jesus christ is the word of GOD, so we dont nid and word again apart.
    so Jesus love you.

  5. this is a prophetic message
    1. born in Church, mean he is cuming from lord.
    2. the boy, mean a massager who has come to tell the world that the Qur’an is not clear enough but read the scripture bible to be save.
    bcoz if u may remember it’s written in the Qur’an dat if u don’t understand this Qur’an I have given you to day, go and read the bible scripture or meet does who read it.
    3. holding the Qur’an mean if I grow up I will tell you the reason why I was send to this world.