Tuesday , 24 September 2024
Home +OK News +OK American Doctor, Kent Brantly Infected With Ebola Has Been Cured! Set To Be Released From Hospital Today

American Doctor, Kent Brantly Infected With Ebola Has Been Cured! Set To Be Released From Hospital Today


Dr Kent Brantly, the American doctor who contracted the deadly Ebola virus in Liberia while working as a missionary in the

country will be released from Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital today August 21st after being successfully treated. 

According to the spokesperson of the hospital, Vince Dollard, Dr. Kent’s blood samples came back negative for the virus after undergoing proper screening for two days. Dr. Kent is expected to give a statement regarding his discharge later today at a news conference before leaving the hospital.

Dr. Kent and another US missionary Nancy Writebol contracted the disease while working to fight the outbreak in Liberia. After they contracted the disease they were taken to an isolation unit at Emory University Hospital, where they were treated with the experimental drug, ZMapp.




  1. Thank you God.

  2. Thy Lord is good

  3. Thank ม Jesus!

  4. Thank u God

  5. Glory be to God,we hv been praying here in my church since


  7. Thanks Lord JESUS

  8. Glory b 2 God.

  9. I praise God ever so mush for such a wonderful news about this doctor who left his country to help fight ebola in liberia n was contacted, i appreciation God for his life. N i prayed there will be a cure for this virus in Africa.

  10. May the naMe of God be praise for ever in Jesus. Name. Amen.

  11. Tank u lord

  12. Praise God for giving the to these guy we pray that the zmap work