Sunday , 22 September 2024
Home +OK News +OK Brace Yourself For WWIII: North Korea Issues It’s Strongest War Threats Ever Towards The U.S!

Brace Yourself For WWIII: North Korea Issues It’s Strongest War Threats Ever Towards The U.S!

An African proverb says ‘only the stubborn fly follows the corpse to the grave’, but it seems this proverb hasn’t gotten to the ears of the North Korean government as North Korea’s representative at the United Nations, Kim In Ryong, unleashed torrents of threats towards the United States, claiming it was only a matter of time before a nuclear war occurred between both countries.

At the press event organized by the U.N in New York on Monday, Kim claimed the U.S keeps using gangster-like logic and disturbing global peace and security.
Reading his statement, hours after US Vice President Mike Pence visited South Korea and warned North Korea not to test the resolve of the United States, Kim said;
 “It has created a dangerous situation in which thermonuclear war may break out at any moment on the peninsula and poses a serious threat to world peace and security.”
 “The US is disturbing the global peace and stability and insisting on the gangster-like logic that its invasion of a sovereign state is decisive, and just, and proportionate and contributes to defending the international order in its bid to apply it to the Korean Peninsula as well.”
‘My country is ready to react to any mode of war from the United States. Any missile or nuclear strike by the United States would be responded to in kind. Their maneuvers show the US reckless moves for invading the DPRK (North Korea) have reached a serious phase.”
‘We would hold the United States accountable for the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by its outrageous actions.”
The U.S last week stationed it’s Navy strike team, the U.S Carl Vinson at the Korean peninsula and Donald Trump urged North Korea to ‘behave better’ and that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was ‘making a big mistake’




  1. 2 strange but God pass devil

  2. Any of you that spoils this sweet world will repair it oooh

  3. @Snow da Mambo let the war come right?
    may be you should go back to history and see what it looks like, Nigerian army said it will wipe Biafra in 24hours but the war lasted for thee good years and still they couldn’t wipe them out don’t call for war it not good

  4. You should think of the women and children of the country. Especially the men that are going to fight the war. Would you risk their blood to make yourself contempt in your decision? Would you risk them not being with their families anymore? How will you sympathize with the families? Will your words offer any solace at all? Being a president is a very stressful and tough job to have, but instead of being prideful with power, use it to your advantage, and wait calmly. As a hunter or predator waits for their/it’s prey. Being a president is about “Leadership”, not being a “boss” or “bully”.

  5. When US tested MOAB, everyone stayed, but if Iran tests is aggression. Now it’s N. Korea. N. Korea stand up and fight back. US wants to rule the globe with iron fist,one day USA will regret this. You have all kind of bombs and yet you prohit others to do the same. Bravo N. Korea

  6. Us actions are disturbing yu cant go around killing pipo in the name if human rights.look saudi is bombing innocent yemen using banned bombs kno1 say anything but they cant stand nkorea fr testing its peaceful weapons


  8. Sometime I fill this total destruction is the solution if there is no respect becos you posses the fire power bt there is God.

  9. If a man can kill his brother and family simply because of power or post won’t give a damn to destroyed his country because of his stubbornness, I really pity them cos despite how small the country is just wanna go into extinction.