Saturday , 21 September 2024
Home +OK News +OK A Very Angry Omawumi Storms Off Interview After The Host Asks Her About Weed smoking and Alcohol Drinking Habits

A Very Angry Omawumi Storms Off Interview After The Host Asks Her About Weed smoking and Alcohol Drinking Habits


Delectable Singer, Omawumi granted an interview to an Online TV- HfTV Africa. However, the interview went sideways after the interviewer asked the mother of two to address rumors that she smokes and drink…Which got Omawumi totally pissed and irritated.

Below is what she said before she stormed off the interview on camera

“I won’t honor you with a response, i feel like that is a teeth (sic) to my character“. “Have you seen me smoking before? So why will you say that? Now you see me as an artiste, i am contributing what i can, i make music the way as i should and i came here i honored your invitation, and then you sit there and ask me about me smoking and drinking to people that are listening and you are supposed to mean me well when these people are supposed to be the ones that buy my music. When you say that kind of thing, do you mean me well?”

Omawumi proceeded to question the interviewer if she has ever seen her smoking before. The interviewer says no.

Omawumi asked why she asked her that question? Interviewer says she wanted her to kill off the rumor out there.

Omawumi told her she doesn’t need to ask her to kill of a rumor she isn’t sure about.

Omawumi concluded that if the interviewer decided to ask her such a big question without her being sure of it, then it means she doesn’t mean her well. Omawumi then stood up and walked out from the interview but not before she demanded that the host must publish the interview they just had




  1. Ye Miracle Chibueze

    If you ask me, na who I go ask?

  2. The Rumour available to the interviewer was not factual and proof, also the question was not properly posed in a better style.

  3. Omowunmi, God bless you from walking out of the interview. Freedom of speech is not freedom to destroy people n gain cheap popularity as a journalist. She should be sanctioned from spreading rumors.

  4. So what if she smokes…….let me borrow lindaikeji fans english……”na your smoke”?U0001f602U0001f602U0001f602

  5. She’s actually right and she did the right thing ending the interview. How can you do something so stupid and unprofessional lol that’s sad.

  6. This is senseless…. the host has just diplomatically asked a questions in which omowumi should have clear waves of the controversy…. but she just showed how immature she was in hadling issues

  7. Eguavon Ehigiator Mark

    Omowunmi handled evry bit of it wit maturity… As a matter of fact she controlled her tamper bt Nt luring words at d interviewer…. U dot invite a celeb to expose or embarrass d celeb… Such interviews re firstly made known to d celeb or made known dat u mit read tweet from pple… Not d interviewer asking a stupid question. Even hersef let her that has no dirty habit cast a stone!!

  8. Chioma Okeke Ogbonna

    There are better ways to respond to such things. She started out well by saying she wouldn’t respond and questioned the hosts ineptitude. For her to walk out means she’s not yet ready for stardom. World stars have a lot of rumours even court cases about them but at the end their music sells and they r able to handle it.