Former aviation minister, Fani Kayode has alleged 100 Igbos were slaughtered Yesterday by Fulani herdsmen .
Earlier, it was reported about 20 were killed in Ukpabi Nimbo,Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area of Enugu State, after armed cattle herdsmen, reportedly numbering more than three hundred, swooped on the sleepy community in the early hours of Monday.
It was learnt that the herdsmen had previously fallen out with the villagers over their grazing activities in the community.
The villagers alleged that most of the herdsmen that were involved in Monday’s attack were ‘imported’ from Nasarawa State by other Fulani herdsmen who were already operating in Enugu.
the people of Nigeria need to joins forces together to get rid of this problem . as usual the government is only there to fill their pocket not for the people.
You don’t know these herdsmen, those people can sell you in your village. They know even some places that you yourself does not know that exist. Before they started attacking, they have surveyed the community well. please chase them away if you see them in your village, even though it is too late to drive them away. But the best thing now is to have a strong vigilantes in our village. Their main purpose is to Islamise this country
Send Hausa packing
Your are just brainless get some sense
Boko Harram has changed its strategy,Igbo has to be fast to defend it territories.
Is time to fight back we are not one in this country.
Hmmm your hates amongs muslims have conquered you to do injustice within your moral view…. its insane to generalise words whenever you plan a plot of agony amongs someone’s tribe…. the hausa have been the truthfull and most been killed in this nation 90% of the boko haram victims were hausa muslims and yet you claims that hausa was the muderer of all time… your concience should judge you in your words….i dont know why we are still living with rascals who called themselves human being how can you generalise word on tribe abeg grow more you type are in labadi beach…i even wish nigeria could be split into 3 nation
Who are the cultist in Nigeria isnt it yoruba…
Who are the Vandals isnt it igbos…
Just for the invasion of some people who politically called themselve fulani killed people in the sauth you are here talking rubbish… you should as well come over to north and applaud us cos we were the best tribe that lives happy with every tribe in nigeria…
Have you ever asked yourself why hausas dont live in igbo land but lives with yorubas have you asked yourself why many ignos who lives in the north dnt usually think of going back of home…who were those fighting boko haram in the first place.. the people that attacked a church in dass local government of bauchi state with arms and bomdlb which one of them commited suicide is an igbo man… so pleaee correct yourself never generalise 5hing based on the id3a you got from media… everyone has his own life weekness…. God knows best
No good government in this country Nigeria is not one
The truth is always bitter
Dis pic is nt New oo.people with story’s hmmm
Ijeoma ,you have spoken well.
Adeniran Jephter Adesuyi Very soon other tribes will know that Nigeria is only for Furani
This nonsense is getting out of hand.
Supported!!! Well spoken sir
Okija Ewe Obele Okijaeweobele as for I don’t support the killings igbo land must b protected despite the differences
Komolafe Omolaja , if you don’t know how to talk why can’t you keep quite.
Igbos don’t easily forgets neither do they forgives
Ure an idiot Bashir Saliu u shud cover ur ugly face in shame rather Dan using ur amputated hand typing rubbish. Enof of the calamity u pest has cused this nation. Abi u want make thunder fire you?
This picture is the same as that of Ethiopia attack by south Sudanese
Igbo and yoruba pls do something ooooo this is 2much, this is another way from bokoharam
Bokoharams parading themselves as herdsmen.
Fight back on Facebook, stupid igbo
Bokoharams in disguise,ls that not Ak 47?
so after killing all these people federal govt will still give them grazing land same communities they murdered people?
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U ppl get too much mout. Dis your matter no pass facebook. Go an sit down
What are our so called leaders doing about this menace!!!… The same issue happens here in Ghana!!!.. Y should we b kind enough to allow foreigners into our countries and have this as a payback!!! But I dnt blame anybody but our governments who have paid a blind eye to dis!
They aren’t Fulani herdsmen but boko haram members who have been given free passage from the north-east, and to enable them slaught more Nigerians in their own States.
Let them try it in Aba and you will see results… Aba ma ndi aba… our leaders are evil
they finished you guys in lagos some months ago right?
Rubbish. after killing over 100 igbos, u are talking about. u people, don’t they know about peace before killing 100 Igbos. They will get the disaster they called for. Double upon double, they will get. Not only will they be killed but also their herds of cattle, everything will be slaughtered FOOLS
This is so cruel #Sad
This is what nnamdi kanu is fighting 4
U re half brain,did they talk abt religion here?they said they kill people on their land u re talking they want to change people to Muslim,sorry for u if u don’t know how to contribute to a discussion u beta shut up
People are being killed daily in the East, west and middlebelt like rats. It is happening already IN HUNDREDS. That is called war, not a joke. STAY THERE AND FOLD YOUR HANDS #WATCH CHURCHES AND YOUR PEOPLE DIE LIKE SLAVES. What is keeping this evil forest together is the crude oil. There is no love and unity from beginning. Remove oil from old eastern region and everyone will go their separate ways. #ISLAMISATION IS REAL#RUBBISH!
Shahid BabaYami Stricto-Ali Mackie thanks my brother. U know them well
I hope they can do it again
Where is DSS
U that no have brain.what is your views, U re among them let no now.becos
Wot is our stupid government doin abt dis?
it is the rigth time to let this fulani people no that what they are doing is so bad if they do not go to school at all they should no good thing from bad things ha baaaa
Very sad…prayers got out to family and friends..
They should try it Kogi Na let them see
Buhari is hitting drum of civil war, if he did not control his cattle’s soonest this will attract total civil war worse than 1967, Igbo’s are civilised people and if this civil war hit up Somalia will be like London to Nigeria.
Death is a debt that even you will pay sooner or latter
Muhammad Abdullah first of all am a muslim and am sorry for generalizing all hausas together that was so wrong of me that said you would believe that 95 percent hausas doesnt have conscience when it comes to committing murder and thats the truth unless u dont wanna say it, am not igbo and am not supporting them am just speaking based of whats been happening in this country for over 9years, have u asked yourself when was the last time you heard igbos and yoruba fighting?its cos when it comes to starting any unrest in the country we dont have the mind to do such. ladipo ,alaba and katangowa are dominated by igbos in yoruba land yet u can never hear them fighting they do have misunderstanding which is normal but fighting to the extent of committing murder,boko haram has been killing mostly hausas cos it started in the north, We stopped selling our fuel to US because they werent adding any value to our economy and we were planning on taking our business to China and US knows once the country with the largest economy in Africa combines with China that has the fastest growing economy in the world US would be useless and the only way to distract Nigeria is to inject terrorism into the country and which tribe was vulnerable to such it was simply hausas because they are the least educated in this country, they have the highest poverty rape and child abuse in the country and once u have this things its easy to sell terrorism to u. i have to many things to say but all i can say is God save us from impending civil war.
Why ppl try to forge somethings to change ppl mind thi,s not true
Des funali pple b something oo
Damn…I don’t know my igbo people to be lazy I know they will sweep off these fulani slaves….and these fulanis una knw say una easy to damage I trust igbos and these people are boko harams disguising as herdsmen
I’m American, and it sickens me hearing stuff like this going on around the world
Where do they get this sophisticated weapons.
Impossible doz happened in another country not in nigeria long tym ago its almost 1mnth sice doz pipo being killed
All southerners defend turf. It is very necessary. What is the reason why you voted your senators and representatives. Oh I forgot they are killing and dividing the loots.
Omg Lord Jesus this is to bad
Why are these Fulanis sooo heartless?
With the power invested on me as the National President NYAPC National Youth Ambassador of Peace and Change we have come to the agreement due to the accident that happened again in Enugu state in South East region we have come to agreement that the DPA will process the sue documents and NYAPC youths South East region will proceed with option B which is to defend there territory by all means as it stands now the youths need to build there own security network in there communities to protect there lives and properties since that is the position of things now and there is nothing more we can do other than to pray that this killing stopped by every means. Chief Amb Vincent A Ubani National President NYAPC.
FFK is a pathological lie, he is just trying to bring unrest in this nation, by the special grace of God only FFK his Family and his so called supporter’s if at all he has will see unrest agony and hardship. Wonder how he became a federal minister. #nigeriamistake.
U first @Chukwuma
@nkobi. Its ur turn now. Enjoy
Igbo people in their own state again
Igbo people in their own state again
I thnk they are happy whn bokoharam are killing us here in d north,now is their turn cause 1 gud turn deserved another.
I thnk they are happy whn bokoharam are killing us here in d north,now is their turn cause 1 gud turn deserved another.
I feel so pity when someone die , African when do we understand killed one person killed nation.
I feel so pity when someone die , African when do we understand killed one person killed nation.
in Enugu? east land, what a supper story from Gossip Mill always. thanks for the entertainment.
in Enugu? east land, what a supper story from Gossip Mill always. thanks for the entertainment.
Life is meaningess in this country called Nigeria,what à senseless waste of innocent life,the federal government should do something urgently to curb the activities of the Fulani Herdsmen,pitiable sight really disgusting.
Life is meaningess in this country called Nigeria,what à senseless waste of innocent life,the federal government should do something urgently to curb the activities of the Fulani Herdsmen,pitiable sight really disgusting.
Thanks for your sincerity
Thanks for your sincerity
Sorry for those inocent lives U0001f62d. Your country has a very weak leadership.
Sorry for those inocent lives U0001f62d. Your country has a very weak leadership.
Ya is funny cus many people did not believe in the prophesy…
Ya is funny cus many people did not believe in the prophesy…
Dat is why am laughing, it is indeed very terrible
Dat is why am laughing, it is indeed very terrible
Honestly I see civil war inside Nigeria, why would the government allowed stupid animals like the so called fulanis killing people inside their own villages inthe Name of one Nigeria, is unacceptable
I said it these are the escape book harams but people won’t belief.We should allow continents that agatu are coward ,Yoruba will be killed finish.Who know the next place.The issue is let come together and drive these people away from our region.Thank u
Let me tell u guy’s if u don’t know ,boko haram are stylishly penetrating in anoda dimension….
Ba dis people paa watsup. Ever
God save us in Nigeria
Femi Fani-Kayode is a brave man that speaks when all the Igbos can not talk. It is a shame to say such thing about him.
And what are the igbos doing about it? Just sit back and watch them commit another harvok? Rubbish!! U guyz should keep waiting 4 that COW called buhari 2 come and chase them away frm your lands.
The should clear this idolts away,whts all this rubbish
My fellow Igbo’s pls must we fold our hands and watch this cattle rearers finish us; noo this is time for revenge
U speaks well,buhari support dem in a secret
What’s the president saying about this is own brothers killing other people
What’s the president saying about this is own brothers killing other people
there is nothing fani-kayode has ever said that has not come to pass in this nation, he is a political prophet
there is nothing fani-kayode has ever said that has not come to pass in this nation, he is a political prophet
we don’t even no wat is going on in dis country,
we don’t even no wat is going on in dis country,
I wonder wot Enugu state governor is dng abt dis.. God is watching
You just spoke my mind, they really have to do something drastic about it
My Opinion the igbos and yorubas should attack them back hausas and islamic people are pure evil Buhari has notting to offer Nigerians take it or live it
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Fool read your news it happened near my village even Enugu state governor went there and start crying